Văn bản khác 243/KH-UBND

Plan No. 243/KH-UBND dated October 29, 2021 on implementation of provisional regulations on "safe, flexible adaptation to and effective control of covid-19"

Nội dung toàn văn Plan 243/KH-UBND 2021 safe flexible adaptation to covid19 Hanoi


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 243/KH-UBND

Hanoi, October 29, 2021




Pursuant to the Government’s Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP dated 11/10/2021 promulgating Provisional Regulations on "Safe, flexible adaptation to and effective control of Covid-19" (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP"); Decision No. 4800/QĐ-BYT dated 13/10/2021 of the Ministry of Health promulgating Provisional Guidelines for Healthcare for implementation of Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP; Directive No. 08-CT/TU dated 14/10/2021 Standing Committee of Hanoi on strengthening leadership and guidelines for " Safe, flexible adaptation to and effective control of Covid-19" in Hanoi, the People’s Committee of Hanoi has formulated the Plan for Implementation of Provisional regulations on "Safe, flexible adaptation to and effective control of Covid-19". To be specific:


Maximize protection of the people's health and life; minimize the number of Covid-19 cases, severe cases and deaths; achieve restoration and socio-economic development, ensure social safety and order; achieve the dual goals and bring the City to the new normal state as soon as possible.


1. Classification of epidemic levels

- Level 1: Low risk (new normal) – Green.

- Level 2: Average risk – Yellow.

- Level 3: High risk – Orange.

- Level 4: Very high risk – Red.

2. Scope of epidemic level assessment

Epidemic level assessment shall be carried out from commune level. It is recommended to assess at the smallest scale as possible (below commune level) to ensure flexibility and efficiency.

3. Criteria for epidemic level assessment

3.1. Criterion 1: Ratio of new community cases/population/time.

Requirements of Criterion 1: New community cases/100.000 people/week.

There are 04 levels of new community cases/100.000 people/week (new cases): Level 1: 0 – 19; Level 2: 20 – 49; Level 3: 50 – 149; Level 4: ≥150. Districts and district-level towns (hereinafter referred to as "districts") shall propose decreases or increases in new cases in each level.

Calculation: New community cases/100.000 people/week = [(New cases in the week + new cases of the previous week)/(2 x population in the area)] x 100.000. New cases do not include imported cases and new cases in centralized quarantine facilities.

3.2. Criterion 2: Vaccine coverage.

Requirements of Criterion 2: Ratio of people aged 18 or over who receive at least 01 dose of Covid-19 vaccine.

a) There are 02 levels of ratio of people aged 18 or over who receive at least 01 dose of Covid-19 vaccine: ≥ 70% and < 70%.

b) In October 2021, at least 80% of people aged 65 or over shall be fully vaccinated against Covid-19. From November 2021, at least 80% of people aged 50 or over shall be fully vaccinated against Covid-19.

3.3. Criterion 3: Admission capacity of health facilities

Requirements of criterion 3: Adequate admission capacity of treatment facilities

a) Hanoi shall have a plan for establishment of treatment facilities, assurance of adequate number of ICU beds in treatment facilities affiliated to Hanoi (including private facilities), prepared for respond to Level 4 epidemic: This criterion is applied city-wide regardless of epidemic level.

The People’s Committee of Hanoi shall approve the plan for establishment of Covid-19 treatment facilities, assurance of adequate number of ICU beds in treatment facilities affiliated to Hanoi  (including private facilities) according to Decision No. 4111/QĐ-BYT dated 26/8/2021 of the Ministry of Health providing instructional documents on establishment of 3-level Covid-19 treatment facilities and Decision No. 2626/QĐ-BYT dated 28/5/2021 of the Ministry of Health promulgating the list of necessary equipment, supplies and medicines for treatment of Covid-19 patients (the plans shall specify the current admission capacity and additional capacity).

b) Each district shall have a plan for establishment of mobile medical stations/teams and provision of medical oxygen for medical stations of communes, wards and commune-level towns (hereinafter referred to as "communes") in case of an outbreak:

The People’s Committee of each district shall approve the plan for provision of medical oxygen for medical stations of communes in case of an outbreak and the plan for establishment of mobile medical stations in accordance with Decision No. 4042/QĐ-BYT dated 21/8/2021 on provisional guidance on establishment of mobile medical stations amid Covid-19 and teams for taking care of Covid-19 patients in community in accordance with Decision No. 4349/QĐ-BYT dated 10/9/2021 of the Ministry of Health; prepare a plan for establishment of mobile medical stations in industrial zones and industrial complexes (which work in cooperation with internal medical units of businesses); organize drills to be prepared for response.

4. The table below is classification of epidemic levels according to Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP:

Criterion 1*

Criterion 2*


20 - <50



≥70% of people aged 18 or over receive at least 1 dose of Covid-19 vaccine

Level 1

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

<70% of people aged 18 or over receive at least 1 dose of Covid-19 vaccine

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Adjustment of epidemic levels:

- If criterion 3 is not satisfied, epidemic level must not be decreased.

- Epidemic level will be increased by 1 level if:

+ Less than 80% of people aged 65 or over are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 in October 2021.

+ Less than 80% of people aged 50 or over are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 in November  2021.

 (except for Level 4 epidemic or there are no cases in the area).

- Assessment frequency: once per week (epidemic level shall be announced every Friday).

- If epidemic level is increase, there shall be a prior notice published at least 48 hours before epidemic level is increase in order for the people, organizations and enterprises to be prepared.

- Departments and authorities of the City, the districts shall report the difficulties encountered during implementation to the People’s Committee of Hanoi, which will submit a consolidated report to the Ministry of Health and the Government.


Medical measures including quarantine, testing, admission, treatment, vaccination shall be implemented in accordance with instructions of the Ministry of Health at all levels.

1. Epidemic level-based administrative measures

Assessment of epidemic level of the City by 29/10/2021 (according to the Criteria in Decision No. 4800/QĐ-BYT dated 13/10/2021 of the Ministry of Health):

+ New community cases in the previous week (October 15 to October 21): 0.

+ New community cases in this (October 22 to October 28): 63.

New community cases/100.000 people/week.

 [63/(2x8.300.000)] x 100.000 people = 0,38 cases.

+ Currently, over 92% of people aged 18 or over in the City have received at least 1 dose of Covid-19 vaccine.

+ Ratio of people aged over 65 who have received the second dose: 47,12%: Less than 80%

Therefore, according to the criteria and instructions on epidemic level adjustment, the epidemic level of Hanoi is Level 2.

Level 2 administrative measures to be implemented in the whole City are specified in the Appendix hereof (some communes shall apply level 3 and level 4 measures.

2. Medical measures

2.1. Preparedness to respond to Covid-19

In order to achieve safe, flexible adaptation to and effective control of Covid-19, the following tasks must be done:

a) Prepare scenarios and plans for Covid-19 control at various epidemic levels; implement them in case of outbreak.

b) Increase training to improve capacity for contract tracing, testing, quarantine and treatment.

c) Improve capacity for admission and treatment of Covid-19 patients:

- Prepare a plan for admission and treatment of Covid-19 patients (F0 cases), especially adequate quantity of ICU beds. Update data and manage reporting software of Covid-19 treatment facilities.

- Prepare a plan for response to outbreak: health facilities at district-level and above shall have a system for supply of liquefied oxygen, compressed air; medical stations of communes shall be able to supply adequate medical oxygen; prepare a plan for organization of mobile medical stations.

- Organize health facilities so that they can treat both common patients and Covid-19 patients. Organize channeling and screening of suspected cases in order to prevent cross-contamination in health facilities.

2.2. Testing

- Test the cases that have any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, loss of taste and smell, difficulty breathing, etc.

- Test randomly and periodically at high-risk crowded areas such as: health facilities, wholesale markets, bus stations, super markets; people with high risk of infection (travel frequently, have contact with many people, etc.) such as drivers, shippers, etc.

- At factories, business establishments, shopping malls, supermarkets, offices: carry out random self-testing of people posing high risk of Covid-19 infection.

- Carry out testing according to instructions of the Ministry of Health in areas with very high risk and high risk.

- Do not test when people commute; only test people who travel from an area with epidemic level 4 or a quarantine area, suspected cases or there are orders for epidemiological investigation in areas with epidemic level 3.

- Do not test when people commute; only test people who travel from an area with epidemic level 4 or a quarantine area, suspected cases or there are orders for epidemiological investigation in areas with epidemic level 3.

- Carry out testing to handle clusters: depending on risk factors, epidemic situation and seriousness of the cluster, local authorities shall decide testing areas and subjects accordingly.

- Carry out group testing in case of survey tests, screening tests and periodic tests. 

2.3. Quarantine

a) People from affected areas (epidemic level 4 or quarantine area), close contacts (F1 cases): follow applicable instructions of the Ministry of Health.

b) Elderly people, people with underlying medical conditions, pregnant women, people aged under 18 (hereinafter referred to as "children"): quarantine at home with caretakers.

2.4. Covid-19 vaccination

Boost the Covid-19 vaccination speed; prioritize vaccination of people aged 50 or older, people with underlying medical conditions, pregnant women, workers in industrial zones and industrial complexes, etc.

Prepare a plan for vaccination of children aged under 18 according to instructions of the Ministry of Health.

2.5. F0 treatment

At Covid-19 treatment facilities of the City (according to applicable instructions of the Ministry of Health).

2.6. Regarding Covid-19 prevention and control at factories, business establishments, shopping malls, supermarkets, markets, restaurants, educational institutions, vehicle operators: follow applicable instructions of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

IV. Organization of implementation

1. Department of Health shall:

a) Provide guidance on classification, assessment of epidemic levels and medical measures; specific instructions on travel, quarantine, work, participation in activities by people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 or recovered from Covid-19.

b) Continue to improve the capacity of the healthcare system, especially preventive healthcare, treatment, intramural healthcare; carry out safe, scientific and effective Covid-19 vaccination; formulate a roadmap for vaccination of children and administration of booster shots.

c) Update and publish affected areas, epidemic levels of areas and quarantine areas in the City of the website of Hanoi and the Ministry of Health as the basis for management of people from affected areas and other administrative divisions.

d) Take charge and cooperate with Hanoi Capital Command and Hanoi Police Department in preparation for supporting the districts where epidemic situation is out of control.

e) Take charge and cooperate with Hanoi Capital Command and the Department of Construction in reviewing facilities for treatment of asymptomatic F0 cases in the City.

2. Hanoi Capital Command

- Take charge and cooperate with Department of Health, Department of Construction and district authorities in reviewing facilities for quarantine of F1 cases in the city after schools are re-opened.

- Continue to mobilize military forces, especially military medicine and militia forces to cooperate with health authorities and local authorities in Covid-19 prevention and control; participate in production and provide aid for people in quarantine areas.

3. Hanoi Police Department

a) Organize forces ensuring social order and safety, network security, especially in quarantine areas; prevent and fight criminals, especially crimes against Covid-19 control forces; Take serious actions against people who take advantage of Covid-19 control policies.

b) Continue to closely cooperate with Department of Health and district authorities in organizing and mobilizing forces to Covid-19 prevention and control.

c) Request commune and beat police officers to cooperate with the militia, neighborhood protection forces, youth union members, volunteers, veterans, etc. in monitoring movement of people, especially those who enter the City from other provinces.

Impose severe penalties for violations against regulations on Covid-19 prevention and control.

d) Connect the population database with database of vaccination, testing, management of recovered Covid-19 patients in order to uniformly apply QR codes on citizen identity cards (or an appropriate manners for people without citizen identity cards) serving the people's commute and Covid-19 control.

4. Department of Information and Communications shall:

a) Take charge and cooperate with relevant unit in strengthening application of information technology, including 3 mandatory nationwide technology platforms for Covid-19 control. Utilize the 1022 Hotline to receive and process Covid-related information.

b) Take charge and cooperate Hanoi Propaganda Department in requesting press agencies of Hanoi and central press agencies in cooperating with the City; requesting internal communication systems to promptly and frequently provide information about Covid-19 prevention and control; cooperate with communications enterprises and units in disseminating positive information to achieve social consensus, improve the people's self-awareness in safe, flexible adaptation to and effective control of Covid-19; strictly handle distorted information and incitements; debunk false information about Covid-19 prevention and control in the city.

5. Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall:

a) Preside over the provision of benefits for Covid-19 control forces and people affected by Covid-19.

b) Take charge and cooperate with relevant agencies in proposing solutions for assurance of social security, assisting children, workers, employers; propose solutions for restoration of the labor market.

6. Department of Foreign Affairs shall:

Continue to cooperate with other Departments and authorities in performance of diplomatic tasks. Maintain contact with embassies, international organizations, diplomatic organizations and foreigners that are living and working in the City; gather experience of other countries of safe adaptation to Covid-19 to provide information for the City; instruct foreigners to implement anti-covid measures in accordance with regulations of Hanoi.

7. Department of Industry and Trade shall:

a) Ensure supply of goods, raw materials and energy for restoration of production and business operation, socio-economic development. Ensure smooth circulation of goods; avoid supply chain bottlenecks.

b) Take charge and cooperate with other authorities in requesting competent authorities to resolve difficulties to business operation; assist enterprises to maintain and restore production to maintain purchase orders and the supply chain.

c) Ensure adequate and timely supply of food and essential goods for units and local areas, especially those in quarantine.

8. Department of Agriculture and Rural development shall:

a) Reasonably revise agricultural production plans to avoid supply shortage in the near future. Find domestic sources of supply for production of animal feeds to reduce dependence on imports.

b) Actively find buyers of agricultural products, especially in key husbandry and farming areas; closely cooperate with the Department of Transport, Department of Industry and Trade and local authorities in facilitating transport and sale of agricultural products.

9. Department of Transport shall:

Frequently update directives and instructions of the Ministry of Transport, which are the basis for:

a) Provide guidance on execution of traffic works and projects in order to ensure "safe, flexible adaptation to and effective control of COVID-19”.

b) Review plans for interprovincial traffic and transport of goods to ensure continuity of the supply chain for production.

10. Department of Construction shall:

a) Provide guidance on execution of construction works and projects in order to ensure "safe, flexible adaptation to and effective control of COVID-19”.

b) Update requirements for prevention of Covid-19 infection in construction planning, especially planning of housing for workers in industrial zones and industrial complexes, etc.

c) Cooperate with Hanoi Capital Command, Department of Health, the People’s Committees of districts in reviewing facilities for quarantine of F1 cases in the city after schools are re-opened, and maintenance of facilities for admission and treatment of asymptomatic F0 cases.

11. Department of Natural Resources and Environment shall:

a) Review the guidance on treatment and transport of wastes produced during Covid-19 control efforts.

b) Preside over the improvement of waste treatment capacity serving Covid-19 control.

12. Provincial Department of Finance shall:

Propose mechanisms and solutions for assurance of resources serving Covid-19 control; propose and introduce policies on encouragement of private investment and combination of public—private investment in Covid-19 control.

13. Department of Planning and Investment shall:

a) Preside over the development and completion of strategies and plans for socio-economic restoration and development.

b) Take charge and cooperate with relevant authorities in proposing solutions for difficulties and assisting enterprises; policies on attraction of foreign investors.

14. Department of Education and Training shall:

a) Take charge and cooperate with the Department of Health in reviewing instructions of Covid-19 control in education and training..

b) Continue implementation of the solutions for completion of the school year 2021 – 2022 in a manner that is safe, effective and appropriate for local epidemic situation; develop scenarios when schools are reopened.

c) Cooperate with the Department of Health in vaccinating students in vaccination age.

15. Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall provide guidance on "Safe, flexible adaptation to and effective control of COVID-19 in culture, sports and tourism activities on the basis of guidance provided by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

16. Department of Science and Technology shall:

Encourage scientists and experts to study and propose solutions for Covid-19 control; boost research and execution of research programs and scientific objectives pertaining to vaccines, biological, equipment, etc. serving Covid-19 control.

17. Department of Justice shall:

a) Take charge and cooperate with relevant authorities in revising regulations of law on production and business operation amid Covid-19.

b) Take charge and cooperate with relevant authorities in proposing application of regulations on imposition of administrative penalties for covid-related offences.

18. Department of Internal Affairs shall:

a) Review instructions for organization of crowded religious activities of religious organizations ensuring safety against Covid-19.

b) Advise the People’s Committee of Hanoi shall organize competition in Covid-19 control, socio-economic restoration and development. Cooperate with Department of Health, other Departments and local authorities in promptly commending collectives and individuals that have remarkable contributions to Covid-19 control and economic recovery.

19. Ethnicity Committee

a) Cooperate with Department of Health, Provincial Department of Information and Communications and local authorities in encouraging people in ethnic minority areas to participate in Covid-19 control.

b) Cooperate with Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs in proposing policies on assurance of social welfare for ethnic minority people who area affected by Covid-19.

20. Hanoi Inspectorate

Preside over periodic and irregular inspection of performance of Covid-19 control tasks to prevent negativity, corruption, wastefulness and complacency.

21. HanoiTV, Ha Noi Moi newspaper and Kinh Te & Do Thi newspaper shall:

Intensify dissemination of information to gain social support for pad participation in the new strategy for Covid-19 under the Government’s Resolution and Hanoi's Plan. Provide and analyze information about achievements in Covid-19 control, socio-economic recovery and development; promote good traditions of the country in Covid-19 control. Encourage and commend role models (individuals and collectives), effective models for Covid-19 control and achievement of the dual goals.

Debunk false information about Covid-19 control in the City. Provide more information and forecast about Covid-19 situation in the world, technological advances in Covid-19 control.

22. Vietnamese Fatherland Front Committee of Hanoi, other political organizations and associations shall:

a) Cooperate with authorities at various levels in raising the people's awareness and compliance to regulations on Covid-19 control; encourage organizations and enterprises to participate in Covid-19 control and overcome the consequences caused by Covid-19 while still maintaining business operation; encourage creativity of the people in Covid-19 control and achievement of the dual goals. Continue to coordinate provision of assistance for local Covid-19 control activities.

b) Cooperate with authorities at various levels in solving pressing social issues at grass-root levels; encourage and supervise implementation of anti-covid measures in local areas.

23. The People’s Committees of districts shall:

a) Develop and organize implementation of plans for safe, flexible adaptation to and effective control of Covid-19 with specific and plausible roadmap in order to effectively control Covid-19. Organize effective implementation of anti-Covid-19 according to local epidemic situation.

b) Follow instructions of the Ministry of Health and Department of Health on testing, quarantine, monitoring of people from affected areas; inbound passengers (including children who are not vaccinated or not fully vaccinated); people who have spent their quarantine period.

c) Update information and data serving determination of epidemic levels according to instructions of the Ministry of Health and Department of Health.

According to local epidemic situation and instructions of the Ministry of Health on determination of epidemic levels, commune authorities shall send results to Department of Health (via Hanoi CDC), which will send a consolidated report to the People’s Committee of Hanoi for epidemic level announcement.

Commune authorities shall implement appropriate measures according to epidemic levels of their communes.

d) Preside over the implementation of anti-covid measures, economic recovery and development proactively, creatively and practically; avoid complacency when the outbreak subsides; adhere to "four on-spot" principles; make purchases serving Covid-19 control as per regulations; ensure transparency; prevent and combat corruption and wastefulness.

e) Emphasize the roles of community anti-Covid-19 teams; militia, neighborhood protection forces, youth union members, volunteers, veterans, etc. in monitoring movement of people, especially those who enter the City from other provinces. Promote new and effective models such as the autonomy model of Son Tay town.

dd) Intensify inspection and supervision; promote autonomy, flexibility, creativity and accountability of agencies, units and facilities; be prepared for responding to changes in epidemic situation.

The People’s Committee of Hanoi requests that Vietnamese Fatherland Front Committee of Hanoi and affiliated associations; heads of Departments, authorities, associations, the People’s Committees of districts to organize implementation of this Plan and submit reports to the People’s Committee of Hanoi (via Department of Health)./.

 (This Plan may be revised according to actual Covid-19 situation in Hanoi and directives of central authorities)




Chu Ngoc Anh



(Promulgated together with Plan No 243/KH-UBND dated October 29, 2021 of Hanoi)

I. Organizations, agencies, enterprises


Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP

Applied measures

1. Crowded indoor and outdoor activities shall ensure Covid-19 safety

- The Ministry of Health shall specify medical conditions such as vaccination and testing

- Local authorities shall specify maximum number of participants according to reality

Allowed with restrictions and conditions

- Any activity that involves more than 30 people:

It is recommended to organize these activities online. In case the activity is organized on-site, there must be a plan for Covid-19 prevention and control and permission of local authorities must be obtained, and:

+ Follow instructions in Decision No. 3888/QĐ-BYT dated 08/9/2021 of the Ministry of Health.

+ 100% of the participants must be fully vaccinated 1 or have recovered from COVID-19 2.

+ All participants have tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 within 72 hours.

+ All participants must sign the declaration to comply with regulations and be supervised by local authorities.

+ Other regulations on Covid-19 prevention and control of Hanoi are complied with.

- Any activity that involves fewer than 30 people:

It is recommended to organize these activities online. In case the activity is organized on-site:

+ Follow instructions in Decision No. 3888/QĐ-BYT dated 08/9/2021 of the Ministry of Health.

+ 100% of the participants must be fully vaccinated or have recovered from COVID-19.

+ All participants have tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 within 72 hours.

+ Other regulations on Covid-19 prevention and control of Hanoi are complied with.

- Wedding:

1. Not more than 30 participants at a time.

2. Requirements:

- People who have to be quarantined, who have to self-monitor health or have suspected Covid-19 symptoms (cough, fever, difficulty breathing, sore throat, reduction or loss of taste or smell, etc.) must not participate.

- People that are not in the family and have not been vaccinated or fully vaccinated should not participate.

- The organizers, the attendants and  100% of the participants must be fully vaccinated or have recovered from COVID-19.

- 5K Rules must be complied with throughout the event; always maintain a safety distance between the tables to avoid close contacts; the bride's and groom's family must not go from table to table.

- All participants must sign the declaration to comply with regulations and be supervised by local authorities.

3. Minimize the duration of the wedding.

4. The location of the wedding must be airy and ventilated; use of air conditioners should be avoided.

5. Other instructions of the Ministry of Health and Hanoi must be followed

- Funeral of people whose without confirmed or suspected Covid-19 infection:

According to Document No. 2232/QĐ-BCĐQG dated 29/5/2021 of National Steering Committee for Covid-19 Control:

1. Quantity of participants:

- Not more than 30 participants at a time.

- Each group of guests must not have more than 5 people.

2. Requirements:

- People who have to be quarantined, who have to self-monitor health or have suspected COVID-19 symptoms (cough, fever, difficulty breathing, sore throat, reduction or loss of taste or smell, etc.) must not participate.

- People who have not been vaccinated or fully vaccinated should not participate.

- The organizers and attendants must be fully vaccinated or have recovered from Covid-19.

- 5K Rules must be complied with throughout the funeral.

- Do not serve food and beverage at the funeral.

- All participants must sign the declaration to comply with regulations and be supervised by local authorities.

3. Minimize the duration of the funeral.

4. The location of the funeral must be airy and ventilated; use of air conditioners should be avoided.

5. Other instructions of the Ministry of Health and Hanoi must be followed.

- Funeral of people with confirmed or suspected Covid-19 infection (in community): Comply with Document No. 2233/QĐ-BCĐQG dated 29/5/2021 of the National Steering Committee for Covid-19 Control.

- Indoor sport and exercise:

1. Reduce the scale of the facility (up to 50% capacity and not more than 30 people at a time); equipment in the facility must be sanitized everyday.

2. Instructors and participants must be fully vaccinated or have recovered from COVID-19.

3. Every indoor sport facility shall prepare a plan for Covid-19 prevention and control and handling of Covid-19 infections as per regulations; organizing scanning of QR codes, collect information from participants and service users (using QC codes, physical or online health declaration); ensure adequate sanitizer in practice and competition areas. The gym must be ventilated. Natural ventilation is recommended. There must be rules and regulations on Covid-19 prevention and control according to directives of the Prime Minister, National Steering Committee, the Ministry of Health and Hanoi.

2. Covid-safe public passenger transport by road, inland waterway and sea
(separate regulations shall apply to air transport and railway transport)

The Ministry of Transport shall provide guidance on Covid-safe public road transport, inland waterway transport, maritime transport

Allowed/Allowed with conditions

- Comply with regulations of the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Health on covid-safe public passenger transport.

- Individuals shall comply with paragraph II.3 of this Appendix.

- Vehicle operators, attendants, passengers shall comply with 5K Rules; make health declarations and scan QR codes as per regulations; strictly implement anti-covid measures specified by the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Health.

- Sanitizer frequently touches surfaces on the vehicle everyday and after every trip such as the steering wheel, door knobs, seats, windows, floor, etc.; provide hand sanitizers and medical masks for passengers.

- Airports, bus stations, ferry terminals, train stations, rest stops shall prepare and implement their own plans for picking up and dropping passengers that are safe, conformable with regulations of law on fire safety, environmental safety, covid-safety; prepare areas for making health declarations and scanning QR codes.

- Railway transport shall comply with Decision No. 1839/QĐ-BGTVT dated 20/10/2021 of the Ministry of Transport on organization of railway transport ensuring safe, flexible adaptation to and effective control of Covid-19.

- Air transport shall comply with Decision No. 1840/QĐ-BGTVT dated 20/10/2021 of the Ministry of Transport on organization of domestic flights transport ensuring safe, flexible adaptation to and effective control of COVID-19.

3. Intra-provincial or inter-provincial transport of goods

The Ministry of Transport shall provide guidance on Covid-safe transport of goods.


- Vehicle operators shall implement anti-covid measures according to applicable instructions of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

- Prepare transport plans; grasp information about the routes, loading and unloading locations, and epidemic levels announced by local authorities; make the plan known among people on the vehicle in order for them to participate in Covid-19 control activities when requested.

- Request drivers to adhere to the routes, loading and unloading locations specified in the transport permit or goods transport contract; provide hand sanitizer and medical masks on the vehicles; comply with 5K Rules; make health declarations and scan QR cods as per regulations.

- Railway transport shall comply with Decision No. 1839/QĐ-BGTVT dated 20/10/2021 of the Ministry of Transport on organization of railway transport ensuring safe, flexible adaptation to and effective control of Covid-19.

- Air transport shall comply with Decision No. 1840/QĐ-BGTVT dated 20/10/2021 of the Ministry of Transport on organization of domestic flights transport ensuring safe, flexible adaptation to and effective control of COVID-19.

4. Production and services



4.1. Production facilities, units executing construction projects, traffic works

* Have a plan and implement anti-Covid measures.


- Have a plan for implementation of anti-covid measures that is approved by competent authorities and implement such plan.

- Production facilities shall carry out periodic testing in accordance with Document No. 8228/BYT-MT dated 30/9/2021 of the Ministry of Health.

4.2. Service establishments include shopping malls, supermarkets, convenience stores, wholesale markets, except the facilities specified in 4.3 and 4.4

* Have a plan and implement anti-Covid measures.


- The management units and owners of these establishments shall prepare their own Covid-19 control plan; make a declaration to take responsibility for Covid-19 infections in their establishments.

- The owner and employees must be fully vaccinated or have recovered from Covid-19.

- Comply with 5K Rules.

- Scan QR codes upon arrival at these establishments.

4.3. Restaurants/traditional markets

* Comply with regulations on Covid-19 control of the Ministry of Health.


- Restaurants and F&B establishments (except establishments selling alcohol and/or beer) may serve eat-in guests, up to 50% of capacity; ensure distancing; the owner and employees must be fully vaccinated or have recovered from Covid-19; the restaurant/F&B establishment must be closed before 21:00.

- Comply with regulations on COVID-19 control of central authorities and Hanoi.

4.4. Establishments providing services with high risk of infection such as dance clubs, karaoke parlors, massage parlors, bars, internet cafes, gaming centers, hairdressing salons(including barbershops), beauty salons and other establishments decided by local authorities.

* The People’s Committees of provinces shall specify conditions for covid-safe operation

Suspended/Allowed with restrictions *

- Suspended: dance clubs, karaoke parlors, massage parlors, bars, gaming centers

- Hairdressing and beauty salons shall strictly comply with regulations on Covid-19 control; the owner and employees must be fully vaccinated or have recovered from Covid-19.

4.5. Street vendors, lottery ticket peddlers, etc.

* The People’s Committees of provinces shall specify conditions for covid-safe operation

Allowed/Allowed with conditions *

Not allowed.

5. Face-to face teaching

 (*) Ensure COVID-19 safety as instructed by the Ministry of Education and Training and the Ministry of Health.


Subject to specific regulations.

6. Operation of offices

Have a plan and implement anti-Covid measures.


- Have a plan and implement anti-Covid measures.

- Increase online works.

- Comply with 5K Rules

- Avoid having visitors.

- Suspected cases must not work and shall be informed to health authorities.

- Comply with regulations on Official Dispatch No. 6666/BYT-MT dated 16/8/2021 of the Ministry of Health and regulations of Hanoi.

7. Religious establishments

* Have a plan and implement anti-Covid measures as instructed by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

** The People’s Committees of provinces shall specify maximum number of participants

Allowed*/Allowed with restrictions *

It is recommended to organize these activities online. In case the activity is organized on-site:

+ Have a plan and implement anti-Covid measures as instructed by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ 100% of the participants must be fully vaccinated or have recovered from COVID-19.

+ Strictly implement 5K Rules; scan QR codes.

+ Not more than 20 participants at a time.

+ People who have to be quarantined, who have to self-monitor health or have suspected COVID-19 symptoms must not participate in on-site activities.

+ All participants have tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 within 72 hours.

8. Resorts, hotels, hostels, tourism, art performances, sports



8.1. Tourist accommodations (resorts, hotels, hostels), tourist attractions

+ Have a plan and implement anti-Covid measures as instructed by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

* Reduce capacity and limit the number of participants.


- Accommodations shall comply with regulations on Covid-19 regulations; not exceeding 50% of capacity; the owner and employees must be fully vaccinated or have recovered from Covid-19.

- Tourist attractions:

+ Comply with regulations on Covid-19 control; strictly implement 5K Rules; scan QR codes.

+ Each group of tourists must not have more than 10 people.

+ All employees and attendants must be fully vaccinated or have recovered from COVID-19.

8.2. Museums, exhibitions, libraries, cinemas, art performance sites, sports, etc.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall provide guidance on Covid-safe operation of these places.

** Reduce capacity and limit the number of participants.

Allowed with restrictions

- Museums, exhibitions, libraries:

+ Comply with regulations on Covid-19 control; strictly implement 5K Rules; scan QR codes.

+ Each group of visitors must not have more than 10 people.

+ All employees and attendants must be fully vaccinated or have recovered from COVID-19.

- Other establishments: suspended.

9. Application of information technology



9.1. Update of information about vaccination, Covid-19 test results, Covid-19 treatment results


Comply with Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP

9.2. Management of information about people entering/leaving public places, using public transportation, factories,  business establishments, crowded events using QR codes.


Comply with Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP

II. Individuals


Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP

Applied measures

1. Comply with 5K Rules


Comply with Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP

2. Application of information technology

Application information technology to make health declarations; register vaccination, medical examination and treatment (with smart phones). Use QR codes as per regulations of the government and health authorities.


Comply with Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP

3. People's travel between areas with different epidemic levels

No restrictions

From other provinces to Hanoi:

1. People entering Hanoi are not required to present SARS-CoV-2 test results.

Do not test when people commute; only test people who travel from an area with epidemic level 4 or a quarantine area, suspected cases or there are orders for epidemiological investigation in areas with epidemic level 3.

2. Supervision/quarantine of people entering Hanoi from other provinces:

2.1. Regarding people from provinces with epidemic level 4 (red) or quarantine areas:

a) People who have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 (having a "green card" on SSKDT app or full vaccination certificate issued by a competent authority for at least 14 days) or have recovered from Covid-19 within the last 06 months before the date of arrival at Hanoi (according to hospital discharge note or certificate of recovery from Covid-19): self-monitor health at home or lodging establishment for 07 days, take 01 RT-PCR test within the first date of arrival at Hanoi.

b) People who have not been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 (having a "yellow card" on SSKDT app or full vaccination certificate issued by a competent authority): self-quarantine at home or lodging establishment for 07 days, self-monitor health at home for the next 07 days and always implement 5K Rules; take 02 RT-PCR tests on the first date and seventh date since arrival at Hanoi.

c) People who have not been received any dose of Covid-19:  self-quarantine at home or lodging establishment for 14 days since arrival at Hanoi, self-monitor health at home for the next 14 days; take 03 RT-PCR tests on the first, seventh and fourteenth date since arrival at Hanoi.

All of the aforementioned people shall, upon arrival at Hanoi, make health declaration, inform local authorities; self-monitor health throughout the quarantine period; inform the local health authority of any suspected Covid-19 symptom such as cough, fever, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, etc. in order to be tested and implement Covid-19 prevention measures.

2.2. Regarding people from provinces with epidemic level 3 (orange):

a) People who have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 (having a "green card" on SSKDT app or full vaccination certificate issued by a competent authority for at least 14 days) or have recovered from Covid-19 within the last 06 months before the date of arrival at Hanoi (according to hospital discharge note or certificate of recovery from Covid-19): self-monitor health at home or lodging establishment for 07 days since arrival at Hanoi.

c) People who have not been vaccinated or fully vaccinated against Covid-19): self-monitor health for 14 days.

All of the aforementioned people shall, upon arrival at Hanoi, make health declaration, inform local authorities; self-monitor health throughout the quarantine period; inform the local health authority of any suspected Covid-19 symptom such as cough, fever, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, etc. in order to be tested and implement Covid-19 prevention measures.

Test people from areas with epidemic level 3 that are suspected cases or when testing is prescribed.

2.3. Regarding people from provinces with epidemic level 2 (yellow):

a) People who have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 (having a "green card" on SSKDT app or full vaccination certificate issued by a competent authority for at least 14 days) or have recovered from Covid-19 within the last 06 months before the date of arrival at Hanoi (according to hospital discharge note or certificate of recovery from Covid-19): quarantine and testing are not required.

b) People who have not been vaccinated or fully vaccinated against Covid-19 (having a "yellow card" on SSKDT app or full vaccination certificate issued by a competent authority): self-quarantine for 14 days.

All of the aforementioned people shall, upon arrival at Hanoi, make health declaration, inform local authorities; self-monitor health throughout the quarantine period; inform the local health authority of any suspected Covid-19 symptom such as cough, fever, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, etc. in order to be tested and implement Covid-19 prevention measures.

2.4. Regarding people from provinces with epidemic level 1 (green):

a) People who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (having a "green card" on SSKDT app or full vaccination certificate issued by a competent authority for at least 14 days) or have recovered from COVID-19 within the last 06 months before the date of arrival at Hanoi (according to hospital discharge note or certificate of recovery from COVID-19): quarantine and testing are not required.

b) People who have not been vaccinated or fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (having a "yellow card" on SSKDT app or full vaccination certificate issued by a competent authority): self-quarantine for 07 days.

All of the aforementioned people shall, upon arrival at Hanoi, make health declaration, inform local authorities; self-monitor health throughout the quarantine period; inform the local health authority of any suspected Covid-19 symptom such as cough, fever, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, etc. in order to be tested and implement Covid-19 prevention measures.

3. Regarding people who travel through Hanoi:

Quarantine and testing are not required; comply with regulations on Covid-19 control of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Transport during the travel; do not stop and rest in the City except in force majeure events.

Regarding people going from Hanoi to other provinces: It is recommended to avoid going to other provinces unless necessary; comply with regulations of central authorities and local authorities.

4. Home treatment of Covid-19 patients

* Follow instructions of the Ministry of Health and decisions of local authorities according to admission and treatment capacity of local facilities, the patients' needs and conditions.


- Home treatment of COVID-19 patients is not permitted;

- All Covid-19 cases must be isolated and treated at health facilities according to regulations of Hanoi.



1 A fully vaccinated person means a person who has receive adequate doses of Covid-19 vaccine according to instructions of the Ministry of Health or the manufacturer and the last dose is administered between 14 days - 12 months.

2 A person who has recovered from Covid-19 means a person who is recovered from Covid-19 within the last 6 months.


This translation is made by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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                Plan 243/KH-UBND 2021 safe flexible adaptation to covid19 Hanoi
                Loại văn bảnVăn bản khác
                Số hiệu243/KH-UBND
                Cơ quan ban hànhThành phố Hà Nội
                Người kýChu Ngọc Anh
                Ngày ban hành29/10/2021
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                            Lịch sử hiệu lực Plan 243/KH-UBND 2021 safe flexible adaptation to covid19 Hanoi

                            • 29/10/2021

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