Nghị quyết 178/NQ-CP

Resolution No. 178/NQ-CP dated December 12, 2020 on Government’s regular meeting of November 2020

Nội dung toàn văn Resolution 178/NQ-CP 2020 Government’s regular meeting of November


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 178/NQ-CP

Hanoi, December 12, 2020





Pursuant to the Law on Government Organization dated June 19, 2015 and Law on Amendments to Law on Government Organization and Law on Local Government Organization dated November 22, 2019;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 138/2016/ND-CP dated October 01, 2016 on working regulation of the Government;

Based on discussions of governmental members and conclusion of the Prime Minister in the Government’s regular meeting of November 2020 on December 02, 2020,


1. Regarding implementation of Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP ; socio - economic situation of November and the past 11 months; and COVID-19 prevention and control

The Government agreed on the following evaluation: while the COVID-19 pandemic continues to progress unpredictably, the socio - economic situation in November maintains its recovery speed with many positive signs. Macroeconomy is stable; CPI continues to fall while increasing by 3,51% on average for the past 11 months; the money market is stable, credit is on the rise, lending interest rate is low; the stock market experiences positive growth, and investors’ trust is strengthened. Import-export turnover of November reaches USD 489,7 billion, increasing by 3,59% compared to last year, with a 5,5% increase in export and 1,6% increase in import for the past 11 months, and mostly involving import of means of production, which showcases the reconnection of the international supply chain; trade surplus achieves a record USD 20,1 billion. Disbursement of public investment capital continues to improve greatly, reaching 71,4% planned amount; FDI is estimated to reach USD 17,2 billion. Industrial manufacturing makes a remarkable recovery; index of industrial production (IIP) of November increases by 9,2% compared to last year, in which, manufacturing advances by 11,9%. Despite the impact of natural disasters and the pandemic, agricultural production maintains a steady growth and is gradually recovering in impacted areas. Trade and the services sector begin to experience positive change due to the rise of domestic demand; total retail sales and revenue from consumption services increase by 8,5% in November and 2% for the past 11 months compared to last year. Number of enterprises established in November rises by 7,3%, registered capital reaches 72% compared to October. The labor market is slowly recovering, especially for sectors greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many activities have taken place to honor and appreciate teachers. Social welfare and healthcare for the people receive much attention. People's life is secure, number of poor and hungry households fall by 15,9%. National defense and security are preserved. Foreign affairs and international integration have made many important accomplishments, including the successful 37th ASEAN Summit and the signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), which promotes economic development and access to new markets, helping to elevate Vietnam's position and reputation around the world.

Besides the abovementioned achievements, our country is facing many risks and challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to progress unpredictably around the world and exerts serious impact on our economy; and community transmission has taken place in Vietnam. Industrial manufacturing is growing slowly. Lodging, food and beverage and tourism services make a sluggish recovery. Number of enterprises suspending their operation is high. Natural disasters, landslides and the pandemic continue to affect economic activities and people’s life.

For the remaining weeks of 2020, in order to facilitate socio - economic recovery and development and accomplish the targets and missions of 2020 as much as possible, the Government requested governments at all levels and central authorities to continue to work towards the “dual targets" in a serious and vigorous manner while prioritizing protecting people’s health and keeping vigilant; and adopt solutions in a robust and synchronizing manner to form a solid foundation for the plans for socio - economic development and state budget estimate of 2021, with a focus on the following matters:

- Governmental members and heads of regulatory bodies and units shall adopt specific solutions for timely resolution of issues in areas under their management, especially issues raised by electors and the National Assembly in the 10th session of the 14th legislature of the National Assembly.

- Ministries, central authorities and local governments shall continue to monitor the global and regional situations closely to produce timely and suitable plans, solutions and responses for pandemic prevention and control as well as socio - economic development and recovery at the end of the year. Continue to implement the Government’s Resolution No. 84/NQ-CP dated May 20, 2020 on tasks and solutions for dealing with difficulties in business operations, promoting disbursement of public investment and ensuring social order and safety during COVID-19 epidemic effectively. Proactively devise orientations, tasks and solutions and actively prepare necessary conditions to ensure synchronized and effective launch of the 2021 plans from the beginning of the year as the pandemic progresses unpredictably. Seriously follow the Prime Minister’s Official Dispatch No. 1699/CD-TTg dated December 02, 2020 on enhancement of COVID-19 prevention and control, including strict control of imported cases, identification and complete elimination of hotspots, effective domestic treatment, swifter and more vigorous tracing, detection and handling of confirmed cases, assurance of normal socio - economic activities, and showing neither panic nor underestimation. Increase price management, price stabilization, assurance of supply - demand balance, especially essential goods consumed greatly at the end of the year; and prevention and control of smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeits.

- The National Steering Committee for Combating Smuggling, Commercial Fraud and Counterfeit Goods, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industry and Trade and local governments shall direct regulatory bodies to take measures for strict prevention, control and handling of origin fraud and exploitation of the Vietnamese origin for export to a third country to protect trade and our country's reputation.

- Working groups shall promote international cooperation, foreign investment and FDI project attraction, especially large projects with high technology content; direct ministries, central authorities and local governments to further attract foreign investment and prepare to receive investments coming to Vietnam.

- The State Bank of Vietnam shall control monetary and credit policies in a proactive and flexible manner to meet demand for capital for business operation, especially for sectors heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Urgently finish amending Circular No. 01/2020/TT-NHNN dated March 13, 2020 by the State Bank of Vietnam to provide timely support for borrowers facing difficulties in the pandemic.

- The Ministry of Finance shall formulate a Decree providing guidance on adding contributions for COVID-19 prevention and control to deductible costs of enterprises and organizations upon determination of income liable to enterprise income tax applicable to 2020 and 2021 in accordance with regulations in Clause 8 Article 3 of the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 128/2020/QH14 dated November 12, 2020 on 2021 state budget estimates following simplified procedures; and propose this Decree to the Government in January 2021.

- The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall take charge and cooperate with ministries, central authorities and local governments in boosting trade promotion, export market diversification; proper penetration into potential markets and markets with which we have signed FTAs, especially CPTPP and EVFTA. Proactively disseminate information on RCEP to enterprises, especially small and medium enterprises and enterprises engaging in manufacturing of exported products having an advantage or suffering from impact. Proactively produce scenarios and solutions concerning trade policies in response to policy change of major partners. Continue to stimulate domestic demand for consumption by suitable measures. Take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and relevant local governments in promoting and renovating programs and schemes for domestic market development, including boosting the sale of goods from rural areas in urban areas to enhance business operation, create jobs and improve living standards in rural areas.

- The Ministry of Transport shall focus on accelerating key transport projects and infrastructures and ensuring quality thereof. Produce solutions to road landslides and for vehicle safety during storms and floods. Cooperate with the Ministry of Public Security in formulating plans for traffic safety at year end, especially during new year holidays.

- The Ministry of Construction shall adopt synchronized solutions to facilitate steady and healthy growth of the real estate market.

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall continue to closely monitor the weather, direct agricultural production and adopt solutions for response to risk of floods, adverse cold weather, drought and saltwater intrusion; plant and protect forests, and direct forest fire prevention and control. Continue to robustly take measures against plant, domestic animal, livestock and poultry epidemics; cooperate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and relevant regulatory bodies in enhancing trade promotion and agro product export while serving the domestic market properly. Proactively take measures suitable for international commitments to protect export of Vietnamese wood products. Take charge and cooperate with ministries, central authorities and local governments in formulating programs and schemes for planting 1 billion trees in the next 5 years.

- The Ministry of Health shall continue to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation; promptly formulate plans for vaccine production and procurement and report to standing Governmental members for consideration and decision. Take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs and relevant ministries and central authorities in promptly researching and developing health insurance policies and benefit rates for children under 16 years of age according to the Law on Children, especially for children suffering from terminal diseases, as appropriate to the socio - economic development of each period.

- The Ministry of Education and Training shall take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of Information and Communications and local governments in providing guidelines for use of mobile phones and technological equipment for learning purpose by students to ensure that the equipment is employed for the right purpose and in an effective and practical manner.

- The Ministry of Science and Technology shall take charge and cooperate with other ministries, central authorities and local governments in producing effective solutions for promoting development of innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems and innovative startups, utilizing the opportunities created by the fourth industrial revolution; encouraging innovative startups to apply technological and scientific achievements in daily life to contribute to socio - economic development.

- The Ministry of Information and Communications shall take charge and cooperate with ministries, central authorities and local governments in accelerating e-Government development and aiming for the digital government and digital economy. Cooperate with the State Bank of Vietnam and relevant regulatory bodies in promoting cashless payment; cooperate with relevant ministries and central authorities in completing legal parameters for some new platform business models.

- The Government Inspectorate shall provide guidelines for implementation of Decree No. 130/2020/ND-CP dated October 30, 2020 on controlling asset and income of persons holding titles and powers in agencies, organizations and entities and expediting such implementation promptly. The Government Inspectorate, ministries, central authorities and local governments shall further meet with citizens; and resolve complaints, denunciations, propositions and reports from citizens and enterprises promptly and locally to avoid conflicts.

- The Ministry of Home Affairs shall take charge and cooperate with other ministries and central authorities in proposing solutions to overlapping functions and duties of ministries and ministerial-level agencies to complete the scheme for Governmental structure for the 2021 - 2026 tenure; cooperate with regulatory bodies and local governments in preparing for the forthcoming National Assembly and People's Council elections and strengthening of local governments.

- The Ministry of National Defense shall grasp situations and developments, and make proactive and timely responses to protect Vietnam’s sovereignty. Successfully perform military and national defense duties in connection with COVID-19 prevention and control, natural disaster prevention and control, and search and rescue.

- The Ministry of Public Security shall proactively fight against and foil plots of hostile forces and reactionaries; and ensure absolute safety of major events of the country. Proactively adopt solutions to crimes and strictly handle violations, especially acts facilitating the spread of epidemics of dangerous infectious diseases, aid appropriation, usury, illegal entry and exit, etc. Enhance fire and explosion prevention and control and traffic safety preservation.

- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall take charge and cooperate with ministries and central authorities in summarizing and evaluating Vietnam’s 2020 ASEAN chairmanship. Continue to promote foreign affairs and citizen protection, especially in countries where the pandemic remains difficult to predict.

- Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology and Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences shall proactively study questions arising for Vietnam in the new development period; cooperate with the Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education and Training and other ministries and central authorities in proposing policies for scientific research development and workforce quality enhancement, especially for sectors facing difficulty in attracting learners and researchers.

2. Regarding response to and recovery from storms and floods in the Central

In the past 2 months, continuous storms, floods and landslides in the Central have caused heavy damage and greatly affected the lives, property, life and production of people; many infrastructures have been ruined.

With the vigorous participation of the whole political system, the enterprise community as well as all citizens, response to and rescue/recovery from natural disasters have been carried out in a timely and robust manner, helping to lessen the loss of life and property. Specifically, ministries, central authorities, regulatory bodies and local governments have actively aided recovery from storms and floods according to the Government’s direction in Resolution No. 169/NQ-CP dated November 11, 2020 and Official Dispatches by the Prime Minister to enable people in affected areas to recuperate and soon return to normal life. Initial support has been effectively given to people to help them resume their daily and production activities.

The Government commended central authorities, governments at all levels and mass organizations, especially the armed forces and many organizations and individuals, the enterprise community and all citizens, for joining hands in supporting Central people in recovering from natural disasters.

However, storms and floods in the Central have left catastrophic consequences that require a great amount of time and resources to recover from. The Government requested ministries, central authorities and local governments to continue performing the tasks and adopting the solutions for storm and flood recovery provided for in the Government’s Resolution No. 169/NQ-CP dated November 11, 2020 and, concurrently, produce long-term solutions to the impact of natural disasters. To be specific:

- The Central Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control shall take charge and cooperate with relevant ministries, central authorities and local governments in urgently making a comprehensive assessment of response to and recovery from recent storms and floods in the Central; thoroughly analyzing and assessing the causes and lessons learned to improve natural disaster prevention and control and rescue as well as minimizing the damage inflicted by natural disasters.

- Within their competence, ministries and central authorities, especially the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs, Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Finance and State Bank of Vietnam shall proactively produce solutions to difficulties; cooperate with local governments in assisting people with repairing damaged houses and rebuilding houses having collapsed or washed away before the Lunar New Year and accelerate production recovery to ensure people’s quality of life and livelihoods, leaving no one hungry or unable to celebrate the new year; and, concurrently, formulate plans for recovery and reconstruction of essential infrastructures, especially those for education, healthcare, transport, irrigation and natural disaster prevention and control, with improvement and sustainability.

- The Ministry of Finance shall take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and relevant regulatory bodies in urgently reporting to the Prime Minister on the plan for restocking of national reserve commodities released, ensuring that agricultural production in localities affected by storms and floods recovers before planting seasons.

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall cooperate with the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning and Investment and relevant regulatory bodies in urgently proposing the decision on release of varieties of rice, corn and other crops for timely provision of support for local production to the Prime Minister. In case the available national reserve could not meet local demand for plant varieties, local governments shall proactively balance local government budget and promptly procure the needed varieties.

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall formulate a sponsorship attraction plan and cooperate with ministries, central authorities and local governments in preparing proposals for some programs and projects concerning emergency natural disaster recovery funded by the ODA loans and foreign concessional loans that could be negotiated and disbursed quickly.

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Finance and ministries, central authorities and local governments shall prioritize state funding, including budget reserves at all levels, mid-term public investment capital, ODA loans and foreign concessional loans of the following period, for natural disaster recovery in the Central.

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and Ministry of National Defense shall proactively review and identify issues concerning natural disaster response, recovery and rescue in existing legislative documents, and cooperate with relevant ministries and central authorities in promptly proposing amendment thereto, ensuring consistency and providing sufficient, practical and feasible legal parameters for natural disaster response, recovery and rescue.

- The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and relevant ministries, central authorities and local governments in promptly reviewing, evaluating and formulating landslide and flash flood risk maps with suitable scale and of practical use to help reduce damage caused by natural disasters.

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Construction and ministries managing specialized construction works shall review and amend production planning and planning for building sites of residential areas, metro areas and construction works in areas frequently hit by natural disasters, especially in the Central and the northern highlands, in construction regulations and standards intra vires for proactive mitigation of damage caused by natural disasters.

3. Regarding allocation and disbursement of public investment capital and solutions for accelerating disbursement of 2020 public investment capital and allocation of 2021 state budget-sourced capital

The Government agreed with the following propositions from the Ministry of Planning and Investment:

- Ministries, central authorities and local governments having disbursed less than 60% of capital assigned by the Prime Minister for 2020 at the beginning of the year by September 30, 2020 may continue to disburse the remaining amount.

- The Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of Information and Communications may continue to allocate the remaining capital to eligible projects and tasks according to regulations.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall continue to expedite other ministries, central authorities and local governments to accelerate disbursement; urgently review and transfer internal funding between projects of ministries, central authorities and local governments to ensure complete disbursement of assigned capital as per the law. Take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of Finance and relevant regulatory bodies in urgently preparing and submitting to the Prime Minister before December 15, 2020 a consolidated report on amendment to 2020 plans for investment of central government budget-sourced capital of ministries, central authorities and local governments that submitted a written proposal to return capital included in 2020 plans and not allocated by September 30, 2020, and have not requested retention of such amount for further allocation in writing.

With the authorization from the Prime Minister, the Minister of Planning and Investment shall, on behalf of the Government, report the 2021 state budget-sourced capital plan to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly.

4. Regarding situation of 2020 state budget collection and solutions for completion of this task

The Government and the Prime Minister commended the Ministry of Finance, ministries, central authorities and local governments for their effort in collecting 2020 state budget during this difficult time and requested ministries, central authorities and local governments to complete this task to the best of their abilities with a focus on the following tasks:

- Continue to implement stimulus and social security policies promulgated recently in an effective manner and promptly resolve difficulties concerning administrative procedures for people and enterprises to help resolve some business problems and increase state budget revenue.

- Focus on reviewing revenues; producing effective solutions for revenue loss prevention, collection of remaining tax debts and tight control over tax refund to ensure that sufficient state budget revenues are collected from the right entities, in accordance with the law and in a timely manner, including taxes and land rents the deferral period of which, which is provided for by the Government’s Decree No. 41/2020/ND-CP dated April 08, 2020 and Decree No. 109/2020/ND-CP dated September 15, 2020, has expired; revenues from land, natural resources and minerals, revenues from e-commerce, online business and telecommunications and internet services, revenues from projects the tax incentive period of which has expired, arising projects, etc.

- Urgently promulgate conclusions of completed and ongoing inspections; focus on expediting collection of amounts payable to state budget according to conclusions from audit and inspection authorities.

5. Regarding draft of the Government’s Resolution on main tasks and solutions for plan for socio-economic development and state budget estimate of 2021 

2021 is an extremely special year as it is the start of the 10-year socio - economic development strategy  for 2021-2030 and 5-year socio - economic development plan for 2021-2025. The draft of the Government’s Resolution on main tasks and solutions for plan for socio-economic development and state budget estimate of 2021 is closely based on Conclusion No. 91-KL/TW dated October 22, 2020 by the 13th session of the 12th Central Committee of the Communist Party and Resolutions of the National Assembly on plan for socio - economic development and state budget estimate of 2021; the Government had the following requests:

- Ministries, Ministerial-level agencies and Governmental agencies shall urgently send their written comments on the draft Resolution proposed by the Ministry of Planning and Investment in the Government’s Regular Meeting of November 2020 to the Ministry of Planning and Investment and Office of the Government before December 15, 2020 for consolidation.

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall take charge and cooperate with relevant ministries and regulatory bodies in receiving the Prime Minister’s direction in Document No. 10076/VPCP-KTTH dated December 01, 2020 by the Office of the Government; opinions of Governmental members and conclusions of the Prime Minister in the meeting; and written opinions of other ministries, ministerial-level agencies and Governmental agencies to urgently complete the draft Resolution so as to ensure tasks and solutions of 2021 are connected with the orientations of the whole 5-year period; determine fundamental, breakthrough and feasible solutions in all sectors, address difficulties, face challenges and utilize opportunities and advantages for progress as well as fast and sustainable development of the country. Submit the draft Resolution to standing Governmental members for feedback before December 15, 2020 and to ministries, central authorities and local governments for comments before proposing it to the conference between the Government and local governments while ensuring quality and schedule.

6. Regarding proposal for amendment to Law on Domestic Violence Prevention and Control

The Government approved the proposal for amendment to the Law on Domestic Violence Prevention and Control and requested the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of Justice and relevant regulatory bodies in receiving opinions of Governmental members and Office of the Government to complete the proposed amendments; and the Ministry of Justice to add the proposed amendments to the 2022 law formulation program, which will be proposed to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly according to regulations of the Law on Promulgation of Legislative Documents.

7. Regarding reimbursement for payment for public utility service and product orders in Hanoi from January 01, 2020 to the time at which the results of bidding according to the Government’s Decree No. 32/2019/ND-CP are available

The Government accepted the proposal from the People’s Committee of Hanoi for placement of  state-funded public service and product orders for the volume delivered by state-funded public service and product providers from January 01, 2020 to the time at which the bidding results are available at a price not higher than the price stated in the 2019 purchase order agreement and the 2020 winning bid to provide the basis for reimbursement for payment for these orders.

8. Regarding handling of tax on goods imported for production of exported products

The Government accepted the Ministry of Finance’s proposal to exempt goods imported for production of exported products  by an enterprise which hires another enterprise to process a part of the imported ingredients, materials or parts or hires another enterprise to process one or more than one production stage and has received semi-finished goods, which are used as inputs for production of exported products, or finished goods, which are all exported, from import duty according to regulations in Clause 7 Article 16 of the Law on Export and Import Duties No. 107/2016/QH13.

The Ministry of Finance shall direct customs authorities to refund imposed tax paid by enterprises according to regulations and not collect tax arrears; take proper management measures to prevent misusing or profiting off benefits; urgently review and add this content to the draft of the Decree amending Decree No. 134/2016/ND-CP and report on these tasks to the Government. Take charge and cooperate with ministries, central authorities and local governments in facilitating business operation as well as taking measures for proper management and post-clearance inspection of goods imported for production of exported goods as prescribed by law.

9. Regarding task fulfillment and performance of working groups in November 2020

a) In terms of guidelines and operational programs of the Prime Minister:

- Heads of ministries and ministerial-level agencies shall vigorously give directions for formulation and proposal of documents and schemes under operational programs that are behind schedule for promulgation before December 15, 2020; and focus resources on and accelerate development and proposal of guidelines taking effect from January 01, 2021 and schemes under operational programs of December 2020.

- The Ministry of Justice shall continue to renovate and complete procedures and modernize techniques for law formulation, which must assign responsibilities of regulatory bodies during the law formulation process in detail to ensure coherence of the law; and cooperate with relevant ministries and central authorities in promptly promulgating guidelines.

b) In terms of e-Government development:

Ministries, regulatory bodies and local governments shall focus on performing the following tasks:

- The Office of the Government shall cooperate with the Ministry of Information and Communications in formulating and proposing a Decree on electronic identification and authentication to the Prime Minister for consideration and promulgation in December 2020.

- The Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall continue to accelerate development of the national population database and national land database.

- Ministries, central authorities and local governments shall continue to strive for accomplishment of the targets and tasks set in the Government’s Resolution No. 17/NQ-CP dated March 07, 2019 and Notification No. 339/TB-VPCP dated September 22, 2020 by the Office of the Government, including the target of provision of at least 30% of level 4 online public services in 2020.

- Properly receive and send electronic documents and reform working methods via processing documents by electronic means and employing personal digital signatures; review, enumerate and update administrative procedures on the national administrative procedure database, focus on completing integration and facilitation of online payment on the national public service portal; begin certifying electronic copies based on their authentic copies, and recording validity of electronic documents intra vires to accelerate sharing of electronic data on administrative procedures and digitalization of administration procedure results according to Decree No. 45/2020/ND-CP .

- The Office of the Government shall take charge and cooperate with ministries, central authorities and local governments in formulating and proposing regulations on management and operation of Vietnam Data Exchange Platform to the Prime Minister in the first quarter of 2021.

c) In terms of results of inspection by working groups:

The Ministry of Health shall: (1) review issues concerning allocation of funding for estimated expenditure on medical services covered by health insurance; complete and report on the autonomy schemes of Cho Ray Hospital and Viet Duc Hospital and to the Prime Minister before December 15, 2020; complete and report on the scheme for development of domestic pharmaceuticals and herbal ingredients industry by 2030 to the Prime Minister in December 2020; (2) complete and propose the draft Decree on capital loan, capital mobilization, joint venture formation, association formation, asset loan and service provider employment for providers of public health and population services to the Government in December 2020; (3) complete and put into use the second branches of Bach Mai Hospital and Viet Duc Hospital in Ha Nam; and (4) accelerate pilot online payment of hospital fees on the national public service portal./.





Nguyen Xuan Phuc


This translation is made by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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                Resolution 178/NQ-CP 2020 Government’s regular meeting of November
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