Nghị quyết 19/NQ-CP

Nội dung toàn văn Resolution 19/NQ-CP 2022 National program for occupational safety and health


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No.: 19/NQ-CP

Hanoi, February 16, 2022





Pursuant to the Law on Government Organization dated June 19, 2015; the Law on Amendments to the Law on Government Organization and the Law on Local Government Organization dated November 22, 2019;

Pursuant to the Labour Code dated November 20, 2019;

Pursuant to the Law on occupational safety and health dated June 25, 2015;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 138/2016/ND-CP dated October 01, 2016 promulgating Working Regulation of the Government;

At the request of the Minister of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs and unanimous consent of the Government’s Members,


Article 1. The national program for occupational safety and health in 2021 - 2025 period is enclosed with this Resolution.

Article 2. This Resolution comes into force from the date on which it is signed.

Article 3. Ministers, heads of ministerial agencies, heads of Governmental agencies, Chairpersons of provincial People’s Committees and relevant authorities, organizations and individuals are responsible for the implementation of this Resolution.




Vu Duc Dam



(Enclosed with the Government’s Resolution No. 19/NQ-CP dated February 16, 2022)

On the basis of inheriting and promoting efficiency of the National program for occupational safety and health in 2016 - 2020 period, and for the purposes of implementing directions given by the Communist Party and the Government to achieve the objectives of occupational health assurance, prevention of occupational diseases, and contributing to the achievement of sustainable development objectives by 2030, the Government promulgates this Resolution on the National program for occupational safety and health in the 2021 - 2025 period (hereinafter referred to as the “Program”) with the following primary contents:


1. General objectives

Improve working conditions; prevent occupational accidents and diseases, tend to workers’ health; safeguard workers’ life, Government’s properties and organizations’ assets towards sustainable development of the country.

2. Specific objectives by 2025

a) Objective 1: Reduce the frequency of fatal occupational accidents by 4% averagely on annual basis.

b) Objective 2: Increase the number of workers to be examined for occupational diseases by 5% averagely on annual basis; increase the number of enterprises undergoing workplace environmental monitoring by 5% averagely on annual basis.

c) Objective 3: Provide training in occupational safety and health to over 90% of managerial individuals in charge of occupational safety and health tasks working in district-level authorities and in management boards of economic zones, industrial parks, export processing zones and hi-tech parks.

d) Objective 4: Provide training in occupational safety and health to over 80% of workers performing tasks or jobs bound by strict requirements for occupational safety and health, and to 80% of individuals in charge occupational safety and health tasks.

dd) Objective 5: Provide training in occupational safety and health to over 80% of individuals in charge of grassroots healthcare tasks.

e) Objective 6: Provide proper information on occupational safety and health to over 80% of craft villages and cooperatives at high risk of occupational accidents and diseases.

g) Objective 7: Pay compensations and benefits to over 80% of victims of occupational accidents or diseases in accordance with regulations of law.

h) Objective 8: Report, investigate and settle 100% of fatal occupational accidents in accordance with regulations of law.


The Program shall be initiated nationwide, and apply to all industries and sectors, individuals performing state management of occupational safety and health tasks, employers and workers; industries, jobs or tasks at high risk of occupational accidents and diseases, small and medium-sized enterprises, cooperatives and craft villages shall be given priority.


1. Improve the system of regulations and policies, and enhance capabilities of inspection, monitoring and provision of occupational safety and health-related public services

a) Review and propose amendments to the Law on occupational safety and health, national technical regulations on occupational safety and health, standards for diagnosis and assessment of occupational diseases, and clinical guidelines for treatment of occupational diseases.

b) Do research and propose policies on participants in social insurance against occupational accidents and diseases; compile the additional list of occupational diseases in the new context (diagnosis and assessment standards); regulations on occupational safety for use of lifts.

c) Formulate and revise methods for determination of arduous, hazardous and dangerous occupations which should be combined with criteria for assessment of working conditions in the context of international integration.

d) Invest in and upgrade equipment, facilities and human resources for the system of inspection of occupational safety and health activities; inspection of quality of goods and products subject to specific occupational safety requirements; workplace environmental monitoring; diagnosis, assessment, treatment and functional rehabilitation for victims of occupational accidents and diseases.

dd) Continue completing the database on occupational safety and health (apply information technologies to management, investigation and collection of statistical data), especially data on working conditions of workers doing arduous, hazardous and dangerous occupations, occupational accidents, occupational diseases and workplace.

e) Initiate computerization of management activities, synchronize and connect information systems for reporting on occupational accidents, implement policies on social insurance against occupational accidents and diseases, and provide occupational safety and health-related public services.

2. Intensify communication, information dissemination and training activities to raise people’s awareness about occupational safety and health

a) Innovate contents and diversify methods of communication and information dissemination activities to heighten the efficiency of "Occupational safety and health action month” programs.

b) Continue intensifying communication and information dissemination activities, and other activities to increase the efficiency of public movements for occupational safety and health during industrialization and modernization.

c) Continue complementing training programs and materials; strengthen application of information technology to training in occupational safety and health;

d) Assist in providing training in occupational safety and health for employers and workers, especially non-contract workers who perform jobs or tasks bound by strict requirements for occupational safety and health.

dd) Assist in providing training in occupational safety and health for farmers through action-based education; mobilize farmers to make commitments to ensure occupational safety and health.

e) Intensify communication, information dissemination and training activities to ensure safe use of gases by users, especially family households, and ensure safe use of electricity in rural areas, residential areas and schools.

3. Promote research, counseling and support for improving working conditions and prevention of occupational accidents and diseases

a) Promote research and application of science and technology in occupational safety and health; assist in developing the models of technical solutions for preventing hazardous and dangerous elements in sectors and industries at high risk of occupational accidents and diseases (e.g. mineral extraction and processing, metallurgy, chemicals, constructions and some other sectors and industries).

b) Gradually do research and make proposal for construction of testing labouratories for personal protective equipment, and occupational safety machinery, equipment, tools and devices meeting national standards.

c) Intensify provision of advice about measures and models for improving working conditions for small and medium-sized enterprises, craft villages, cooperatives and farmer households engaged in occupations or jobs at high risk of occupational accidents and diseases.

d) Assist in inspection and implementation of measures to prevent occupational accidents when using machinery and equipment bound by strict requirements for occupational safety in small enterprises and individual businesses.

dd) Apply occupational safety and health management systems in enterprises, business and manufacturing establishments and craft villages at high risk of occupational accidents and diseases, gradually establish a culture of occupational safety, and meet international standards for occupational safety and health management systems (ISO 45001 - 2018).

4. Promote international cooperation activities

a) Strengthen international cooperation to mobilize resources for occupational safety and health activities.

b) Extend the exchange of information and experience in occupational safety and health with countries in the world, particularly with ASEAN countries.

c) Continue adopting the International Labour Organization’s standards for occupational safety and health which Vietnam has ratified and acceded to.

5. Manage, supervise and assess the Program’s implementation

a) Strength the leadership, direction and cooperation of authorities of all levels from central to local-level governments, between relevant authorities, political and social organizations, professional associations, enterprises and non-governmental organizations in the realization of the Program's objectives.

b) Encourage and facilitate domestic and foreign enterprises, organizations and individuals, and other countries’ participation in and contribution of resources and experience to the implementation of the Program; proactively implement measures for improving working conditions, management and assessment of risks of occupational safety and health.

c) Formulate and implement action programs for implementation of the national program for occupational safety and health; combine activities of the Program with other projects and programs in the field of labour.

d) Effectively use resources for implementing the Program; cooperate and combine the Program’s resources with existing resources (Health Insurance Fund, Insurance Fund for Occupational Accidents and Diseases, etc.) and private sector involvement sources.


1. Funding for the Program includes:

a) Funding from state budget allocated in annual budget estimates of ministries, central authorities, and local governments, and relevant programs and schemes in accordance with regulations of the Law on state budget;

b) Sponsorships and aid from international organizations, contributions by communities, and other lawful funding sources;

2. Ministries, regulatory authorities and local governments shall prepare their annual budget estimates for implementing the Program, and manage and use allocated funding in accordance with regulations of the Law on state budget.


1. The Ministry of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall:

a) Take charge and cooperate with relevant authorities in organizing the implementation of the Program;

b) Review and revise, within its competence, policies and laws on occupational safety and health; apply information technology to management and development of the national database on occupational safety and health;

c) Make model application of occupational safety and health management systems to 150 enterprises at high risk of occupational accidents and occupational diseases, including at least 50 enterprises possessing certificate of compliance with international standards for occupational safety and health management systems (ISO 45001 -2018);

d) Provide model training classes in occupational safety and health; provide advice about model measures and models to improve working conditions;

dd) Develop the models of technical solutions for preventing hazardous and dangerous elements in at least 10 small and medium-sized enterprises; assist in piloting measures for inspection and prevention of occupational accidents when using machinery and equipment bound by strict requirements for occupational safety to at least 200 small enterprises and individual businesses;

e) Instruct, inspect and submit consolidated reports on implementation results of the Program to the Government and the Prime Minister;

g) Assume responsibility to organize implementation, monitoring and reporting on the realization of the objectives 1, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8.

2. The Ministry of Health shall:

a) Review and revise, within its competence, policies and laws on occupational safety and health;

b) Make model application of measures for diagnosis, assessment, treatment and functional rehabilitation for workers suffering from the occupational diseases in the following groups of diseases, including: pneumoconiosis, occupational poisoning, diseases caused by physical agents, occupational dermatoses, and occupational infections;

c) Assist in applying model solutions for improving capacity of workplace environmental monitoring regarding dust and chemical factors for at least 1.000 health workers;

d) Assume responsibility to organize implementation, monitoring and reporting on the realization of the objectives 2 and 5.

3. The Ministry of Finance shall:

a) Allocate funding for implementing the Program included in annual budget estimates of central authorities and local governments in accordance with regulations of the Law on state budget;

b) Provide additional guidelines for management and use of funding for specific activities of the Program; cooperate with the Ministry of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs in inspecting the Program’s implementation.

4. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall mobilize foreign sponsorships for implementing the Program.

5. The Ministry of National Defence shall perform activities to improve working conditions, and prevent occupational diseases, especially TNT or agent orange poisoning, in the field of national defense.

6. Within the ambit of their assigned tasks and powers, ministries and ministerial agencies shall:

a) Based on the Program, proactively develop plans, make budget estimates, develop and organize the performance of activities of the Program together with their specialized activities.

b) Cooperate with relevant ministries, regulatory authorities and local governments in performing activities of the Program.

c) Inspect, assess and submit annual and ad hoc reports on the implementation of the Program to the Ministry of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs.

7.  Vietnam General Confederation of Labour is requested to, within the ambit of its assigned tasks and functions, participate and cooperate with relevant ministries and regulatory authorities in organizing information dissemination, training and counseling activities to increase awareness of enterprises, trade-unionists, workers and occupational safety and health officers; perform activities to increase the efficiency of public movements for occupational safety and health; apply science and technologies in the field of occupational safety and health to improve working conditions and minimize occupational accidents and diseases in enterprises.

8. Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Vietnam Cooperative Alliance are requested to, within the ambit of their assigned functions and tasks, cooperate with the Ministry of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Health and relevant ministries and regulatory authorities in organizing information dissemination, training and counseling activities to improve performance quality of occupational safety and health tasks in enterprises, cooperatives and their other members.

9. Vietnam Farmer’s Union is requested to, within the ambit of its assigned tasks and functions, cooperate with the Ministry of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and relevant ministries and regulatory authorities in organizing information dissemination and training in occupational safety and health for farmers through action-based education; deploy models to improve working conditions in the field of agriculture and rural development, and farmers’ movements for production and trading in line with occupational safety and health; provide training and drilling to improve knowledge and skills in occupational safety and health for the Union’s personnel.

10. Vietnam National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, and Vietnam Association of Small and Medium Enterprises are requested to take part in and cooperate in implementing the Program.

11. Provincial people’s committees shall:

a) Formulate and implement their local programs for occupational safety and health in 2021 - 2025 period according to the following rules: they are conformable and associated with local socio-economic development objectives; they have specific objectives, tasks and solutions associated with those of the National Program; funding from local government budget shall be allocated for implementing their programs.

b) Proactively cooperate with relevant ministries and regulatory authorities in performing activities of the National Program.

c) Manage the Program’s implementation in their provinces or cities; submit annual or ad hoc reports on the Program’s implementation to the Ministry of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs.

This translation is made by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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                Resolution 19/NQ-CP 2022 National program for occupational safety and health
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