Nghị quyết 23/2016/QH14

Resolution No. 23/2016/QH14 dated November 07, 2016 socio-economic development plan (2017) National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Nội dung toàn văn Resolution 23/2016/QH14 socio-economic development plan 2017


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

Resolution No. 23/2016/QH14

Hanoi, November 07, 2016





Pursuant to the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;

Inconsideration of reports by the Government, Supreme People’s Court, Supreme People’s Procuracy, affiliates of the National Assembly, relevant agencies and opinions of congressmen and congresswomen;



In 2016, despite the global economic stagnation, Vietnam has gained considerable achievements in socio-economic aspect as follows:

- The domestic macroeconomy has been stabilized ; inflation has been kept under control;

- Progress and improvements in social aspects, social security and order, material and spiritual life have been made;

- A favorable environment climate has been created and enhanced; resource management and environmental protection have been focused;

- Administrative procedures, disciplines have been gradually reformed and completed; actions against corruption and wastes of resources have been effectively taken..

- National defense and security and national sovereignty have been heavily defended

- A considerable success in foreign affairs and international integrity has been achieved.

However, some limitations still remain as follows:

- The growth rate and export turnover fails to meet the planned targets; economic restructuring is not effectively conducted;

- Saltwater intrusion has occurred in the Mekong Delta; drought, flooding and environmental pollution have occurred in the Central Coast negatively affecting residents’ living, production and business;

- There are lots of limitations in healthcare , education, social order, traffic safety, urban management, environment, debauchery and administrative violations which are delayed to be remedied and serious corruption still exists. There are various factors affecting implementation of the socio-economic development plan; however subjective factors are supposed to play a key role in failure to successfully implement the plan. In spite of detail instructions and directions on implementation of the socio-economic development plan by the Prime Minister and the Government, some enforcement officers and agencies do not effectively apply such instructions and directions to official duties. Various shortcomings in management and operation activities exist and should be remedied.


1. Objectives

Stabilize macroeconomic climate, effectively implement 03 strategic breakthroughs; carry out economic restructuring; renovate economic growth models, boost productivity, quality, effectiveness, competitiveness and sustainable development; promote start-ups and enterprises. Increase economic autonomy. Ensure social security and take care of fellow citizens. Foster cultural and educational development, exercise democracy and social justice. Proactively respond to climate change and Acts of God; focus on resource management and environmental protection. Complete and enforce the compliance with laws, focus on personnel downsizing, speed up administrative reform, impose and enforce disciplines, carry out actions against corruption, bureaucracy and wastes of resources. Strengthen national defense and security, maintain social order and political climate, resolutely struggle for national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Enhance effectiveness of foreign affairs, international integration, create stable and favorable environment for national development.

2. Key targets

GDP is expected to increase by 6.7%.

The total export turnover is expected to increase by 6 – 7%.

The ratio of trade deficit to total export turnover is projected to reach approximately 3.5%.

The average consumer price is expected to increase by approximately 4%.

The total social development investment is projected to account for 31.5% of GDP.

The ratio of energy use to unit of GDP is expected to reduce by 1.5%.

The percentage of poor households and poor districts according to multidimensional poverty guidelines is expected to reduce by 1 – 1.5% and by 4%, respectively.

The urban unemployment rate is expected to go down under 4%.

The percentage of trained workers is expected to hit 55 – 57%, including 22.5% certified workers who completed 03-month training courses or longer.

The number of sickbeds per ten thousand people is expected to reach 25.5 (excluding sickbeds in healthcare stations in communes).

It is expected that 82.2 % of population buy medical insurance.

It is expected that 87% of industrial zones, export processing zones have centralized wastewater treatment systems.

Forests are expected to cover 41.45% of land area.


The National Assembly generally agrees with solutions and duties proposed in verification reports and professional supervision reports by the Government, Supreme People’s Court, Supreme People’s Procuracy and agencies of the National Assembly; and requests the Government, Supreme People’s Court, Supreme People’s Procuracy and State auditors to fulfill assigned functions, duties and carry out the following solutions and duties:

1. Implement proactive and flexible monetary policies, continue to restructure credit institutions; develop bond markets, strictly control and tackle bad debts and ineffective credit institutions; ensure financial security and interests of clients. Effectively manage foreign currency and gold markets, increase foreign-exchange reserves. Tighten financial disciplines – state budget; tighten the State budget belt and keep the expenditures within estimation ratified by the National Assembly. Strictly control government debts and State budget deficits. Continue to give autonomy of finance, organizational structure, payroll and other activities to public service providers; accurately estimate reasonable costs, make adjustments to public service prices according to market prices but still stabilize the macroeconomy; prepare itinerary for service market prices in respect of education, healthcare… in combination with policies for assistance for beneficiaries of preferential policies and poor households. Encourage enterprises of all economic sectors to participate in developing and providing public services and public service markets under administration of the State. Rearrange and restructure public service providers and privatize eligible public service providers under regulations of laws.

2. Continue to review, revise and supplement measures for improving business and investment environment, lift unreasonable barriers. Simplify administrative procedures; apply information technology to facilitate administrative affairs for expansion of markets by citizens and enterprises. Narrow competitiveness gap with 04 most developed ASEAN countries; promote science and technology-based enterprises, attract investments in domestic enterprises and supporting industries from multinational corporations. Boost the establishment and development of powerful private groups having state-of-the-art technology and global competitiveness. Develop domestic markets and retail chains for sales of domestic products; boost commercial promotion; expand export markets in combination with building Vietnamese product identity brands; join global production networks and global value chains. Implement preferential policies; prioritize implementation of preferential policies on taxation, credit, land and human resources for applying high technology, developing supporting industries, agricultural extension, agricultural production and processing.

3. Effectively implement financial plans and mid-term public investment plans to make breakthroughs in infrastructure construction and make contribution to achievements in 5-year socio-economic targets 2016-2020.Arrange public investment capital for relief of poverty and famines , creation of employment, development of agricultural sector in rural, mountainous areas, Act of God affected areas, and localities affected by marine accidents ,key infrastructure projects , health and educational facilities. Implement Long Thanh Airport projects under the Resolution of the National Assembly and start some key construction phases in construction of coastal roads; submit policies on investment in North - South express way and other national key projects to the National Assembly; operate border patrol routes and Truong Son Dong route in combination with socio-economic development and ensure the compliance with regulations and order of priority in allocation of mid-term public investments for the period of 2016 – 2020 according to the reality and upon request of local government. Complete the technical-economic norms and standards in respect of capital construction investment; apply proper measures to save public investment capital. Introduce policies on improvement of effectiveness of management, operation and management of infrastructures. The Government and State auditors shall intensify auditing, supervision and inspection of investment capital allocation by State-invested corporations and enterprises, and investments in infrastructures development. Supervise the compliance with regulations of the law on public investment and other legislative documents. Focus on giving directives and measures for early use of foreign-funded projects that are not effectively operate, clarify and take actions against relevant entities. Intensify transparency and enhance effectiveness of BOT traffic infrastructure projects.

4. Speed up economic structure, focus on 03 key sectors, prioritized duties and action plans prescribed in the National Assembly’s Resolution of economic restructuring 2016 – 2020; restructure economic sectors and renovate growth models towards increasing productivity, quality and competitiveness; promote the increase in economy in both quality and quantity but quality is prioritized; mobilize, allocate and utilize resources according to the market mechanism. Develop the ability to cooperate to organize inter-provincial activities; uphold local economy and regional connection strengths; do planning and prepare master plans for socio-economic development in combination with environmental protection and climate change responses. Focus on restructuring agricultural sectors in combination with new rural development and attraction of investments in agriculture and rural development; expand effective production models, apply high technologies, cooperate to produce according to value chains and ensure food safety. Promote processing, manufacturing and electronics industries, information technology, and environmental, biological and supporting industries. Focus on services having advantages, high added-values and applied high technologies; promote exports of services and develop tourism into a spearhead economic sector.

5. Effectively implement policies on poverty relief according to the multidimensional poverty thresholds stipulated in the Resolution No.76/2013/QH13 and social security target programs for new rural development; give priority to disadvantaged areas and ethnic minority areas; concentrate on mobilizing resources for construction of housings for households making contribution to the Revolution and workers for industrial zones or export processing zones. Intensify management of land including land derived from national farm and forestry land as stipulated in the Resolution No.112/2015/QH13 and comply with supervision conclusions on management and use of farm and forestry land of the Standing committee of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Develop labor markets; concentrate on improving vocational education quality and classifying vocational education. Fundamentally and entirely reform education and training, focus on developing student ability, lifestyles, physical fitness and behaviors. Step up the involvement of private sectors and develop high quality schools. Continue to complete social insurance, health insurance and social welfare systems, and implement solutions and policies on assistance for policyholders of social insurance and health insurance. Focus on developing medical facilities of communes, reduce hospital overcrowding, enhance quality of medical examination and treatment, preventive healthcare, involvement of private sectors, non-public medical facilities and Public-Private Collaboration on medical examination and healthcare; introduce measures for preventing and dealing with abuse an profiteering of health insurance budgets. Intensify food safety management. Strengthen protection of intellectual property rights, develop science and technology markets. Intensify application of science and technology advances and professional skills to boost the productivity in specific sectors. Accelerate transfer of labors to economic sectors having high added value and boost intra-industry productivity. Develop and foster Vietnam culture and human development. Effectively implement preferential policies for persons having contributions to the Revolution and ethnic minorities; take care of the elderly, persons with disabilities, children and adolescents; focus on sports and physical activities. Complete policies and laws on religion and belief.

6. Effectively achieve targets and fulfill international commitment on response to climate change and overall solutions on prevention and actions against drought and saltwater intrusion; and give priority to severely-affected areas. Appropriately provide production and life supports and compensation after marine accidents. Increase the capacity to forecast, warn, proactively prevent, take actions against and mitigate Act of Goad consequences. Enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of resources management, forest protection and development; strictly implement forest preservation. Improve environmental quality; focus on decontamination, especially in municipal areas, residential areas, trade villages, industrial clusters, river basins, coastal areas and manufacturers that may cause severe pollution. Resolutely refuse to accept investment in, grant permit and execute projects which fail to meet environmental standards and may cause environmental pollution or severely affect ecological environment. The Government shall inspect and introduce measures for overcoming issues and difficulties arising from implementation of plans for construction and operation of coal-fired thermal power plants, hydroelectric plants and report to the National Assembly at the meeting by the end of 2017.

7. Be in charge of developing an effective, transparent and disciplined administration Increase the capacity, behaviors, attitude to enforcement of laws and compliance with disciplines by the heads of entities and officials’ responsibilities for official duties; intensify inspection and supervision; strictly tackle acts of harassments and dismiss officials who abuse their power to profiteer and cause difficulties for enterprises and fellow citizens. Carry out personnel downsizing and restructuring in combination with restructuring of the State administrative systems; implement reforms in operations of public service providers and salaries/wages; review appointment of deputies and persons having titles and report to the National Assembly at the meeting by the end of 2017.
Effectively take action against corruption, implement thrift practices and enhance the effectiveness of reception of fellow citizens and settlement of complaints.

8. Overcome limitations and improve the effectiveness of investigation, prosecution, adjudication, execution and procuration of judicial activities. Effectively address urgent and controversial social issues, ensure social security and social order and take actions against violations and criminals, especially high-technology criminals and murders. Intensify inspection of fire and explosives safety and traffic safety, and strictly deal with violations.

9. Develop in-depth, effective and practical diplomatic relations. Foster diplomatic relations with State authorities and fellow citizens. Effectively implement policies of the Communist Party and State on international integration, international commitment and signed free trade agreements. Effectively take advantage of opportunities of ASEAN community. Effectively settle issues arising in connection with implementation of the new generation free trade agreements. Focus on executing Action Plan on the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development according to new guidelines to achieve targets set for the next period.

10. Update domestic and overseas situations, combine national defense and security with foreign affairs to proactively cope with circumstances, protect the national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, and keep the peace for country development. Effectively implement national defense strategies under new circumstances. Strengthen potentials for and development of national defense and security. Reinforce national defense, people’s security and win people’s trust. Resolutely settle marine disputes by peaceful means on the basis of international laws, United Conventions on the Law of the Sea and regional agreements. Boost economic development in combination with national defense and security, especially marine sector, support salt workers and fishermen going offshore fishing and residents on islands in combination with sovereignty protection. Ensure national defense and security in combination with development of economy in strategic regions, especially in the Northwest of Vietnam, central highlands and Mekong delta.

11. Intensify State management of the press and communications. Proactively provide punctual and appropriate information on socio-economic status, Communist Party’s policies and State’s regulations of laws, controversial issues attracting people's attention and create social consensus. Strictly handle violations against press laws. Frequently hold dialogues about mechanism and policies related to citizen’s life and business. Apply electronic government, effectively utilize regulatory authorities' websites for providing information and collecting feedbacks from citizens and enterprises as the basis for study and completion of policy and operation of regulatory authorities at all ranks.

IV. Implementation

The Government, Supreme People’s Procuracy, Supreme People’s Court and the State Auditors shall responsible for effectively implement this Resolution according to their assigned tasks and functions.

The Standing committee of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Nationalities Council, Committees of the National Assembly and congressman/congresswomen shall supervise the implementation of this Resolution.

The Central Committee of the Vietnamese Fatherland Front, affiliates of the Vietnamese Fatherland Front and social organizations lawfully incorporated shall supervise and encourage people of all class to implement this Resolution.

The National Assembly shall encourage all citizens in Vietnam and overseas to heighten sense of patriotism and solidarity, to take advantage of opportunities, overcome challenges and successfully implement the socio-economic development plan 2017.

This Resolution is ratified on January 07, 2016 by the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam XIV.




Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan


This translation is made by LawSoft and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by LawSoft and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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              Resolution 23/2016/QH14 socio-economic development plan 2017
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              Người kýNguyễn Thị Kim Ngân
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