Nghị quyết 28/NQ-CP

Resolution No. 28/NQ-CP dated March 10, 2020 on Government’s regular meeting - February, 2020

Nội dung toàn văn Resolution 28/NQ-CP 2020 Government’s regular meeting February


Independence – Freedom - Happiness

No. 28/NQ-CP

Hanoi, March 10, 2020





Pursuant to Law on Governmental Organization dated June 19, 2015;

Pursuant to Decree No. 138/2016/ND-CP dated October 1, 2016 of Government on Working Regulations of the Government;

On the basis of discussion of Members of the Government and conclusions of the Prime Minister at Government’s regular meeting - February, 2020 dated March 3, 2020,


1. Regarding socio-economic conditions in February and the first 2 months of 2020; imperative solutions for socio-economic development in recent situations

The Government consolidates the assessment: Thanks to engagement of the entire political system and readiness and aggressiveness in declaring “war” against the pandemic, we have gained a firm step in controlling the Covid-19 pandemic, isolating and preventing spread and received appreciation by the people and international community. The Government acknowledges and highly appreciates effort put forward by ministries, military forces, police forces, enterprises, the people, especially the health sector, doctors and medical staff and operation of the National Steering Committee and local steering committees in epidemic management.

Despite impact of the epidemic on many sectors, Vietnamese socio-economic conditions remain stable. Consumer Price Index (CPI) in February drops by 0.17% compared to the previous month. Export increases and import is under control. State budget income increases by 9.3% on a year-on-year basis; expenditure on epidemic management is guaranteed. Disbursement of public investment capital is higher on a year-on-year basis. Industry and agriculture maintains development. The African swine fever is under control. Newly-established enterprises increases by 9.1% and registered capital increases by 47.1%. Affairs related to persons with meritorious services, social security, people’s healthcare, occupation, employment and poverty reduction continue to be focused and implemented. People’s lives are improved, number of penury households reduces. Education sectors aggressively adopt epidemic management measures and ensure safety for students coming back to schools. National defense and security, social safety and order is maintained. Traffic order and safety observe positive development with reduction in all 3 categories. Foreign affairs continue to be the focal point.

Due to impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, drought and salt-water intrusion in the Mekong Delta, typhoon and hail in the northern region, many sectors have suffered and had their limitation and difficulties exposed. Growth rate is lower on a year-on-year basis, especially aviation, tourism, services, processing and manufacturing; many enterprises face risks of material shortage, etc. Foreign-invested registered capital and FDI disbursement observe reductions. Certain ministries and agencies are slow in allocating public investment capital; disbursement rate of public investment capital remains low. Certain agriculture products face difficulties or price reduction upon export which affect livelihood and productivity of the people.

The Covid-19 epidemic is estimated to remain complicated and unpredictable and capable of severely affecting the economy of the world, the region and major partner states, thereby affecting many sectors of Vietnam and must be paid close attention to respond accordingly. The Government guides the war against the epidemic on a cautious basis and in a manner that is neither subjective nor pessimistic; requests ministries to monitor and accurately assess the situation to actively, appropriately and promptly devise measures for each sector; mobilizes involvement of the entire political system, ministries, enterprises and the people to handle the “double purposes”: both preventing, fighting and suppressing the epidemic and dealing with difficulties, promoting manufacture, business, ensuring social security and people’s livelihood and implementing set-forth socio-economic development tasks and objectives.

- Ministries, local governments, medical establishments, relevant organizations and individuals continue to stringently implement directives of Central Secretariat of the Communist Party in Official Dispatch No. 79-CV/TW dated January 30, 2020; Directives No. 05/CT-TTg dated January 28, 2020, No. 06/CT-TTg dated January 31, 2020 and No. 10/CT-TTg dated February 25, 2020 of Prime Minister, conclusions of the Prime Minister at Government’s regular meetings on epidemic management; which highlights stringent compliance with isolating passengers coming from or across infected areas into Vietnam. Ministry of Health, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Public Security and local governments shall actively and promptly and effectively implement assigned tasks and cooperate in examining and proposing epidemic management measures satisfactory to practical situations and requirements.

- Ministry of Planning and Investment shall take charge and cooperate with the Government’s Office in actively consulting members of the Government and meeting attendees, develop and propose the Prime Minister to sign and promulgate Directives on emergency tasks and measures to deal with difficulties in manufacturing and business, ensuring social security in response to the Covid-19 epidemic by specifically assign tasks and solutions; promptly assist victims of the Covid-19 epidemic, do not tolerate weakness, eliminate all bias, ensuring openness and transparency in supporting policies.

- Ministry of Planning and Investment shall take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Finance, Government’s Office and local governments in preparing for online nationwide meetings regarding promoting public investment capital disbursement at the end of March, 2020. Ministry of Planning and Investment shall take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Science and Technology and local governments in developing preferential policies and measures to attract foreign investment; effectively adopt policies on assisting medium and small enterprises.

- Ministries that manage and operate macroeconomics include: Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Industry and Trade and State Bank of Vietnam shall examine and update scenarios of development, measures and policies on responding with development of the Covid-19 epidemic and international and regional economy, prevent from staying in a passive or exposed manner; pay close attention to development of prices and market, ensure strict control on inflation and stability of macroeconomic.

- Ministries and local governments shall stringently pay attention to national and international situations, enhance prediction capacity, develop appropriate measures and policies to promote sector and local development; pay attention to dealing with difficulties and complaints, cut down on unnecessary expenditure for enterprises and the people, promptly assess and compensate for damage done by the Covid-19 epidemic to recover and promote manufacture and business. Major cities and primary economic zones must utilize all efforts to contribute towards national economic development. Actively deal with complaints and difficulties and promote equitization and disinvestment of state capital in enterprises. Actively develop investment procedures, complete and assign state budget investment capital in 2020; promote implementation and disbursement of public investment capital, ODA capital and promote private investment to propel socio-economic development.

- The State Bank of Vietnam continue to actively and flexibly regulate monetary policies; stable interest, gold market, foreign currency, reinforce state foreign exchange; direct credit institutions to balance capital sources to satisfy loans serving business operation, reduce operation costs, reduce loan interest; instruct credit institutions to reform repayment period, exempt or reduce loan interest, retain debt category, etc. for victims of the Covid-19 victims. Request Prime Minister to issue Decisions on pilot application of telecommunication subscription for payment of small services (Mobile-Money).

- Ministry of Finance shall take charge and cooperate with ministries in examining and proposing measures to extend or delay deadline of tax payment or land rent for enterprises and victims of the Covid-19 epidemic. Assign Ministry of Finance to develop and request Government to issue Decrees following a shortened process to promptly assist the enterprises and victims. Adopt legal measures to restore and develop stock market effectively and sustainably.

- Ministries shall examine and request Ministry of Finance to exempt or reduce fees and charges to enable victims of Covid-19 to deal with difficulties. Ministry of Finance shall promptly issue legislative documents within their competence or report to Government and Prime Minister.

- Ministry of Industry and Trade and Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises shall promote investment rate, implement and bring into operations of pivotal projects and construction of the sectors, especially power-related constructions namely: Thai Binh 2 Thermoelectricity, Long Phu I Thermoelectricity, Quynh Lap 1 Thermoelectricity, etc.

- Ministry of Transport shall direct, handle complaints, promote investment and disbursement for focal traffic projects and constructions, especially the eastern North-South expressway, Long Thanh International Airport; cooperate with People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City and relevant ministries in progressing passenger terminal T3 project – Tan Son Nhat International Airport. Stringently reform aviation sector; cooperate with Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises and relevant ministries in finalizing procedures to upgrade and renovate runways of Tan Son Nhat and Noi Bai airports. Examine, develop specific measures to assist and reduce costs for enterprises operating in sectors affected by the Covid-19 epidemic. Continue to effectively implement Decree No. 100/2019/ND-CP of Government on administrative penalties in road and railway traffic and Directive No. 03/CT-TTg of Prime Minister on promoting implementation of Law on prevention and control of harmful effects of alcoholic beverages.

- Ministry of Construction shall propose urgent solutions to be adopted to promote social housing development and report to the Government in regular meeting at March, 2020.

- Ministry of Industry and Trade shall cooperate with Ministry of Finance in considering and adjusting petroleum prices to suit development of world’s market and assisting domestic manufacture and consumption in response to the Covid-19 epidemic.

- Ministry of Industry and Trade shall urgently consider and report to the Prime Minister the revised schedule of electricity retailing prices. Focus on developing domestic market, organizing distribution channels and promoting consumption demands; closely monitor market development, adequately prepare goods supple to prevent shortage, especially those of necessities at retailers. Focus on maintaining important export market while reaching to new market. Finalize procedures and request National Assembly to approve the EVFTA at the 9th session of the 14th National Assembly; present the Prime Minister with action program implementing the Agreement; promote publicizing and guiding enterprises to utilize advantages and opportunities from the Agreement; develop plans for infiltrating European agriculture products and fishery. Cooperate with Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in boosting openness of white market with export agriculture products, ensure epidemic management.

- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall focus on directing joint implementation of imperative measures to prevent and fight drought, salt-water intrusion and forest fire. Promptly present the Government with overall measures to promote agricultural product export, reduce agriculture production costs, promote agriculture product production and processing. Control diseases of livestock and poultry; organizing repopulation with reasonable rate, adopt measures to ensure food supply for consumption, particularly pork; take charge and cooperate with relevant ministries in adopting effective measures to reduce port prices. Jointly and effectively implement recommendations of EC to remove the “yellow cards”.

- Ministry of Labor – War Invalids and Social Affairs shall examine, assess the situation and employment demands of enterprises and propose measures to assist, provide workers and rectify temporary employment shortage due to the Covid-19 epidemic. Instruct enterprises to handle interests of laborers in case of employment shortage, suspension or dismissal due to the Covid-19 epidemic according to regulations and law on labor, social insurance and relevant law provisions. Suspend issuance of new work permit for foreign laborers coming from countries and territories infected by the Covid-19 epidemic. Monitor and develop specific measures to promptly assist Vietnamese laborers working overseas and prevent the Covid-19 epidemic.

- Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall promote advertising and boosting tourism by presenting Vietnam as a safe destination that has effectively controlled the Covid-19 epidemic. Examine, develop specific measures or present competent authorities with measures to reduce damage done to enterprises operating in sectors affected by the Covid-19 epidemic, generate maximum revenue to attract tourists from traditional markets and search for new markets once the epidemic subsides.

- Ministry of Education and Training shall actively instruct the education and training sectors and facilities to adopt measures to control, sanitize and sterilize classes to ensure safety for students.

- Ministry of Justice shall take charge and cooperate with relevant agencies in examining and consolidating all complaints and difficulties of regulations and law and proposing competent authorities.

- Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises shall cooperate with relevant ministries in handling complaints and promptly dealing with propositions of groups, state corporations as per the law; promote business operations and striving for defined tasks and objectives; produce intermediate assessment after 1 year of operation thereof.

- Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of Public Security shall monitor and acknowledge the situation to prepare to respond with all scenarios, ensure national defense and security, social safety and order; actively cooperate in controlling entry and exit at border checkpoints, facilitating approval of personnel and entry procedures for tourists coming from infection-free areas; cooperate with Ministry of Health and local governments in implementing epidemic management tasks.

- Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall cooperate with relevant ministries in organizing the 36th ASEAN Summit; protect citizens, especially Vietnamese citizens living in infected areas.

- Ministry of Information and Communications shall propose and report to the Prime Minister of revising Decrees on management and use of licensed radio frequency via bidding with shortened procedures; develop and present the Prime Minister with drafts of Decrees; electronic identification codes of agencies and organizations; preferential treatments and specific financial policies for technicians and cyber information response forces of Ministry of Information and Communications. Direct communication agencies to publicize models of goods people and good deeds in study, manufacture and epidemic management to create social consent and belief among people; stringently take actions against cases of false information. Expedite ministries, ministerial agencies, governmental agencies and local governments in implementing newspaper planning and development until 2025 in June, 2020.

2. On implementation of Resolution No. 468/NQ-UBTVQH14 of Standing Committee of the National Assembly and proposition regarding use of remaining Government bonds during 2014-2016 which has been transferred to the 2016-2020 period according to Resolution No. 26/2016/QH14 for implementation of additional work items of certain projects.

The Government agrees with proposition of Ministry of Planning and Industry set forth under Report No. 1292/BC-BKHDT dated March 2, 2020.

Assign Minister of Planning and Investment to act Prime Minister, on behalf of the Government, to report to Standing Committee of the National Assembly as per the law. Ministry of Planning and Investment is responsible for report information and figures.

3. On handling complaints in payment for Projects of split level junction at Hue and Da Nang City Y-junction.

The Government agrees with proposition of Ministry of Planning and Investment set forth under Report No. 1288/BC-BKHDT dated February 28, 2020.

Assign Minister of Planning and Investment to act Prime Minister, on behalf of the Government, to report to Standing Committee of the National Assembly as per the law. Ministry of Planning and Investment is responsible for report information and figures.

4. On implementation of assigned tasks and results of February examination

a) Implementation of assigned tasks:

Ministers and heads of ministerial agencies shall actively direct and present outstanding debt projects before March 10, 2020; actively develop projects as assigned in the working program of March, 2020 (63 projects), not allow outstanding debt to accumulate.

b) On documents on elaborating:

- Ministers, heads of ministerial agencies shall stringently comply with direction of the Prime Minister under document No. 228/TTg-PL dated February 13, 2020 and be directly responsible for leading construction progress, preparing and issuing documents on elaborating; be responsible for accountability to the National Assembly, Government and Prime Minister in case of slow progress, consider this as one of the criteria for assessing task completion and consideration for titles and emulation in 2020 for heads of ministries and relevant agencies and individuals.

- With respect to documents on elaborating to outstanding debt: Assigned ministries and agencies shall take charge and prepare government program immediately after the meeting for consideration and issuance before April 15, 2020.

- With respect to documents on elaborating to laws and orders coming into effect from July 1, 2020: Assigned ministries and agencies shall take charge and prepare drafts of Decrees to present to the Government before April 15, 2020; issue circulars within their competence before May 15, 2020.

- Ministry of Justice shall increase monitoring, examining and expediting drafting and presenting documents on elaborating of ministries and agencies. Promptly examine and request the Prime Minister to assign ministries and agencies to take charge and prepare documents on elaboration immediately after laws and orders are approved; integrate with necessary contents in 1 document to minimize amount of documents to be issued to elaborate a single law or order.

c) On development of electronic Government:

- Ministry of Information and Communications – standing authority in developing electronic Government (e-Government) and relevant ministries shall finalize and request the Government to issue legislative documents related to e-Government before April 30, 2020.

- Heads of ministries and local governments shall be resourceful in using personal digital signatures, handling documents in cyber environment; closely cooperate in linking documents management and operation software to ensure that 100% of electronic documents are sent and received at all 4 levels of administrative levels and 80% of ministerial entities, 60% of entities affiliated to provincial People’s Committees and 30% of entities affiliated to district-level People’s Committees can process documents and affair-related documents (other than secret files) on cyber environment.

- Complete development and operation of information systems for reporting of ministries and local governments to link with Governmental information system for reporting to create national information system for reporting during the 2nd quarter of 2020, ensure that at the end of 2020, at least 30% of the reports within their competence are made via the information systems for reporting of ministries and local governments.

- Ministries and agencies chosen for pilot application shall boost progress, ensure connection with the Governmental information system for reporting within March, 2020.

d) On working results at Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises:

- The Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises shall cooperate with enterprises, handle each complaint and difficulty within their competence; actively propose competent authorities with solutions.

- Ministries and agencies shall cooperate with Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises in handling all remaining tasks of the enterprises before transferring ownership representative to the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises.

- Ministry of Planning and Investment shall request the Government to issue Resolution on handling difficulties in investment of state-owned enterprises affiliated to the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises in March, 2020.

- Ministry of Home Affairs shall report and present the Prime Minister with particular method of employing procurators in state-owned enterprises with respect to Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises.

- Working groups of the Prime Minister shall examine all difficulties and complaints relating to business operation of groups and corporations to propose the Government and Prime Minister with solutions; expedite and examine arrangement, equitization and disinvestment of state-owned enterprises that have not transferred ownership representative to the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises.

5. On expenditure on management and maintenance of national railway infrastructure

Ministry of Justice shall take charge and agree with Ministry of Transport, the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises, Ministry of Finance and relevant ministries to consider 2 methods reported to the Government in document No. 1805/BC-BGTVT dated March 3, 2020 by Ministry of Transport on methods of handling expenditure on management and maintenance of national railway infrastructure and regular report to the Government.

6. On adjustment of tasks assigned in Resolution No. 137/NQ-CP dated December 30, 2017

The Government agrees as follows:

- Ministries and local governments shall closely cooperate with ministry of Health in complying with Resolution No. 137/NQ-CP dated December 31, 2017 of Government on Action program of the Government in implementation of Resolution No. 21-NQ/TW dated October 25, 2017 on population affairs in modern time; periodically report to the Government and Prime Minister on implementation results.

- Transfer 3 tasks including: “develop model and organize specialized organizations for implementation of population affairs at all levels”, “develop Scheme for procedures of interdisciplinary cooperation regarding population and development”, “develop pilot scheme for network of associates executing population, family and children affairs in community” from Ministry of Home Affairs to Ministry of Health to integrate with the project “Research on organization of state management models regarding population and development during 2021 – 2030” into a single project called “Research and construction of interdisciplinary cooperation model, network and method for implementation of population affairs and development at all levels”, and propose the Prime Minister within 2020.

7. On determination of wage fund in 2018 and 2019 of 6 groups and corporations

The Government allows Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises to not approve wage fund plans for 2018 and 2019 but instead examining wage fund plans for 2018 and 2019 prepared by groups and corporations according to applicable regulations and law to determine wage figures in 2018 and 2019; on such basis, direct development and approve wage fund plans for 2020 and following years as per the law.

8. On Project of classifying regions of ethnic minorities and mountain regions based on development levels during 2021-2025

The Government agrees with proposition of the Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs in Declaration No. 236/TTr-UBDT dated February 29, 2020 on Project of classifying regions of ethnic minorities and mountain regions based on development levels during 2021-2025, in which:

a) Determine regions of ethnic minorities and mountain regions where 15% of the population or more are ethnic minorities reside.

b) Classify regions of ethnic minorities and mountain regions based on developments into 3 areas and hamlets with particular hardships for implementation of policies and tasks as specified in Resolution No. 88/2019/QH14 of National Assembly and National program targeting socio-economic development in regions of ethnic minorities and mountain regions during 2021-2025, to be specific:

- Regions with particular hardships (Communes in region III and hamlets with particular hardships): Are communes and hamlets with high rate of poor households; underdeveloped socio-economic conditions; low personnel quality; poor infrastructure, especially traffic; poor medical examination and treatment conditions and education, etc. The communes and hamlets above shall be prioritized for infrastructure investment by the government; personnel and social security policy development to enable the locals to access to basic services and narrow the gap between developed areas step by step.

- Regions with hardships (Communes in region II): Are communes where ethnic minorities live as communities that lack one or many basic conditions regarding infrastructure and access to basic social services. With respect to communes in region II, the government shall assist creation of livelihood, investment for infrastructure and primarily implementation of humanitarian policies.

- Partially developed regions (Communes in region I): are communes achieving new rural area titles; communes with less than 10% of poor households. With respect to communes in region I, humanitarian policies for poor and near-poor households shall be prioritized.

c) Assign the Prime Minister to determine criteria to classify ethnic minority regions and mountain regions. Assign the Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs to finish the dossiers and present the Prime Minister as specified in Law on issuance of legislative documents.

d) Based on decisions of the Prime Minister on issuing criteria for classification, Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs shall be assigned to take charge and cooperate with ministries in guiding provincial People’s Committees in determining communes in regions III, II, I and hamlets with particular hardships and submit to the Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs for appraisal. The Prime Minister shall consider and accept list of communes in regions III, II and I; Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs shall accept list of hamlets with particular hardships.

9. On proposal for development of Law on civil legal assistance

The government agrees with policies of proposal for development of Law on civil legal assistance.

The Ministry of Justice shall consult members of the Government and the Government’s Office during development and completion of Law on civil legal assistance; integrate this Law into the Program for development of Laws and Orders in 2021 and present the 15th National Assembly for consideration, remarks at the 2nd session and approval at the 3rd session.

10. On proposition for development of Decrees on amendments to Decree No. 83/2014/ND-CP on petroleum business

The government agrees to approve the proposition for development of Decrees on amendments to Decree No. 83/2014/ND-CP on petroleum business.

Assign Ministry of Industry and Trade to take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Finance and relevant ministries in developing and finalizing Decree drafts to present the Government for consideration and issuance as specified in Law on issuance of legislative documents.

11. On project of Law on international agreements

Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Justice, Government’s Office and relevant agencies in acknowledging remarks of Ministry of Justice, Government’s Office and Government members to complete project of Law on international agreements and report to Prime Minister before March 15, 2020 before presentation to the National Assembly.

12. On project of Law on amendments to Law on environmental protection

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Justice, Government’s Office and relevant agencies in acknowledging remarks of Ministry of Justice and Government’s Office to complete project of Law and report to Prime Minister before March 15, 2020 before presentation to the National Assembly.

13. On project of Law on Vietnamese working abroad under contracts (amendments)

Ministry of Labor – War Invalids and Social Affairs shall take charge and cooperate with Government’s Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice and relevant ministries in conducting study and acknowledging remarks of Ministry of Justice, ministries, local governments, relevant agencies and organizations and Government members in completing project of Law on Vietnamese working abroad under contracts (amendments), and reporting to the Prime Minister before March 15, 2020 before presentation to the National Assembly.

14. On development of Resolution draft of National Assembly on dealing with difficulties during implementation of Land Law

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall take charge and cooperate with Government’s Office, Ministry of Justice and relevant ministries to acknowledge remarks of Government members, Ministry of Justice and Government's Office in completing the drafts and reporting to the Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung before March 15, 2020.

Assign Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung to directly command completion of Resolution drafts of the National Assembly regarding dealing with difficulties in implementation of Land Law and report to the Prime Minister before presentation to National Assembly./.




Nguyen Xuan Phuc


This translation is made by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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