Nghị quyết 84/NQ-CP

Resolution No. 84/NQ-CP dated May 29, 2020 on tasks and solutions for dealing with difficulties in business operations, promoting disbursement in public investment and ensuring public order and safety during Covid-19 epidemic

Nội dung toàn văn Resolution 84/NQ-CP 2020 dealing with difficulties in business operations during Covid 19 epidemic


Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No. 84/NQ-CP

Hanoi, May 29, 2020





Pursuant to Law on Government Organization dated June 19, 2015;

Pursuant to Decree No. 138/2016/ND-CP dated October 1, 2016 of Government on operating regulations of Government;

On the basis of consensus at the Government’s Regular Meeting in April, 2020 on tasks and solutions for dealing with difficulties in business operations, promoting disbursement in public investment and ensuring public order and safety during Covid-19 epidemic; at request of Minister of Planning and Investment under 3218/TTr-BKHDT dated May 18, 2020,


Continue to deal with difficulties in business operations, promote disbursement in public investment and ensure public order and safety to maintain economic development and strive to achieve socio-economic development objectives and tasks specified by the National Assembly via following tasks and solutions:


1. Stringently implement epidemic management measures according to policies and orientations of the Communist Party, the Government, Prime Minister and National Steering Committee for Covid-19 management and control.

2. Encourage engagement, unification, consensus and cooperation of political systems, enterprises and the general public in overcoming difficulties caused by the epidemic, stringently implement and complete the highest of socio-economic development objectives and tasks in 2020 according to conclusions and resolutions of the National Assembly and the Government.

3. Promptly motivate and commend organizations and individuals coming up with ideas and implementing business operation efficiency boost during the epidemic. Take serious and timely actions against organizations, individuals, officials and public employees who lack capacity and training, deteriorate in terms of professional ethics, corrupt and manipulate when implement public affairs and violate regulations and law. Stringently rectify stagnation and lack of responsibilities in certain ministries, central and local government authorities in the past time, especially at the lowest level.

4. Expeditiously complete review and amendment of legislative documents to rectify overlaps, deal with difficulties and stagnation, promote reforms and innovation, improve the environment and business investment and attract investment sources to develop the country. Immediately implement tasks and solutions within competence; promptly inform authorities about issues beyond entitlement to approve resources for business operations and promote investment.

5. Conduct research on amendments to applicable policies to create support resources for enterprises and the general public while maintaining the macroeconomics. The support must be provided for the right beneficiaries, public, transparent, free of exploitation and misuse of policies; do not support entities that participate involuntarily. Stringently implement Directive No. 20/CT-TTg dated May 17, 2017 of Prime Minister, reduce and limit inspections in 2020, do not conduct unplanned inspections, except for cases specified by competent authorities or signs of violations. Convert from pre-control to post-control, take serious actions against entities that exploit or violate regulations during implementation of policies.

6. Stringently promote disbursement of public investment capital, which is considered to be an important political task to trigger business operations, consumption, create employment, ensure social security, promote construction and develop necessary socio-economic infrastructure to increase competitiveness, assist business operations of the general public and enterprises and attract other social investment capital.


1. Tasks and solutions within entitlement of the Government:

a) Continue to deal with difficulties in business operations and assist victims of Covid-19 epidemic

- Do not criminalize economic and civil relationships; stringently take actions against violations as specified in Resolution No. 11-NQ/TW dated June 3, 2017 of the 5th Meeting of the 12th Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party.

- Reduce 15% of land rents in 2020 for enterprises, organizations, households and individuals renting land directly from the Government according to decisions and contracts of competent authorities in form of annual rents that must suspend business operations due to the Covid-19 epidemic.

- Exempt guarantee fees arising in 2020 for loans guaranteed by the Government granted to aviation enterprises that have outstanding loans until December 31, 2019.

- Reduce 50% of fees for taking off and landing aircrafts and flight management services for incoming and leaving domestic flights from March to September 2020 inclusively; apply minimum price of VND 0 for aviation services under schedule of price range specified by the Government from March to September 2020 inclusively.

- Reduce 2% of interest rate of direct and indirect lending for small and medium enterprises taken from medium and small enterprise development fund.

- Reduce 50% of registration fee for domestically manufactured or assembled automobiles until the end of 2020 inclusively to promote domestic consumption.

- Extend deadlines for submission of excise tax applied to domestically manufactured or assembled automobiles with respect to payables arising from March 2020; the extended deadline shall not exceed December 31, 2020. Conduct research on amendments to excise tax to assist domestic manufacturing and development.

- Approve pilot implementation of using telecommunication accounts to pay for small-value goods and services (mobile money) according to decisions of Prime Minister.

- Permit foreign experts, enterprise managers, investors and highly skilled workers who work in investment projects in Vietnam may enter Vietnam to maintain business operations of enterprises while ensuring compliance with regulations and law on epidemic management. Prohibit discrimination against foreigners living and working in Vietnam.

- Extend work permits for foreign experts, enterprise managers, investors and highly skilled workers working in enterprises; issue new work permits for foreign experts, enterprise managers, investors and highly skilled workers to replace those who cannot enter or do not enter Vietnam.

- Reduce at least 70% of remaining expenditure on domestic and international conferences and affairs of ministries, central and local government authorities (except for Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Health and expenditure on ASEAN Chairmanship 2020 and other foreign affairs of Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and save an additional 10% of other remaining recurrent expenditure in 2020, especially expenditure on procurement that is not yet necessary.

- Consider financial donations and supports for preventing Covid-19 epidemic as reasonable expenditure which shall be deducted when calculating corporate income tax.

- Enhance communicating and publicizing Covid-19 epidemic management, execute socio-economic development tasks, political tasks and provide other necessary information.

b) Attract social investment capital

- Ministries, central and local government authorities:

+ Expeditiously consider and deal with investment procedures for projects according to requests of enterprises; stringently prevent tardiness or stagnation of applications; actively and promptly report to competent authorities for consideration and actions in case of issues beyond entitlement.

+ Provide guidelines of developing safety standards and criteria for each business model to satisfy dual objectives: implement epidemic management successfully and enable enterprises to operate and/or manufacture satisfactory to Covid-19 epidemic management measures phase by phase.

+ Adequately prepare necessary conditions to attract new investment sources namely: planning; infrastructure; personnel training; energy; administrative procedure reform.

+ Promote investment incentives satisfactory to regulations and law on Covid-19 epidemic management.

+ Actively conduct research and implement mechanism, incentive policies and policies on promoting start-up, assisting enterprises in investing in restoration and expansion of business operations.

+ Enhance working attitude and capacity of employees, especially those operating in policy implementation sections; terminate bureaucracy and corruption; promote cooperation with enterprises.

- Government Inspectorate, inspectors of ministries and local governments shall stringently implement Resolution No. 35/NQ-CP dated June 30, 2016 of Government on assistance and development of enterprises until 2020 and resolutions No. 20/CT-TTg dated May 17, 2017 and No. 11/CT-TTg dated March 4, 2020 of Prime Minister, review inspection plans to limit and reduce inspection operations during times of epidemic, do not conduct unplanned inspections, convert to post-control from pre-control. With respect to projects that have already been subject to inspections, expeditiously finalize conclusion, consult and propose solutions as per the law.

c) Promote implementation and disbursement of public investment capital

- Regulations on saving 10% of total investment capital for new projects that are within medium-term investment plans during 2016-2020 and having capital allocated from public investment plans for 2020 may be disregarded.

- Continue to review regulations and law on budget, investment and construction, promptly deal with difficulties, create advantageous conditions to boost implementation and disbursement progress and enhance effectiveness of public investment projects.

- Deal with difficulties in implementation of Decree No. 68/2019/ND-CP dated August 14, 2019 on management of expenditure on construction investment.

- May provide each province with medium-term central government budget investment plans during 2016-2020 to implement specific socio-economic development policies in regions of ethnic minorities and mountainous regions and socio-economic development schemes for very small ethnic minorities according to Decision No. 2085/QD-TTg dated December 31, 2016 and Decision No. 2086/QD-TTg dated December 31, 2016 of Prime Minister depending on total capital. Present Chairpersons of People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities to request People's Councils of the same level to decide on specific direction and implementation.

2. The Government shall request Standing Committee of National Assembly and National Assembly to consider and decide following categories:

a) Set environment protection tax for aviation fuel as 70% of the tax specified in Resolution No. 579/2018/UBTVQH14 dated September 26, 2018 until December 31, 2020 inclusively.

b) Exempt fees for permitting extraction of water resources for enterprises extracting water for business operations in 2020.

c) Reduce 30% of payable corporate income tax of 2020 for small and very-small enterprises during Covid-19 epidemic.

d) Assign the Government to adjust central government budget investment plans in 2020 of ministries, central and local government authorities to stay within total central government budget for 2020 decided by National Assembly.

dd) Issue resolutions on conversion of investment methods for projects related to eastern North-South expressway from public-private partnerships to public investment.

e) Permit application of regulations under projects on Law on amendments to Law on Construction coming into effect from the date of approval:

- Construction permits for constructions whose construction design is approved by agencies specialized in construction within their entitlement after fundamental design is issued or constructions whose economic - construction technical investment reports are approved by competent authorities according to Law on Construction are exempted;

- Annul entitlement to issue construction permits and assign People’s Committees of provinces to issue construction permits for special constructions.

3. Ministries, central and local government authorities shall execute following tasks and solutions:

a) Ministry of Finance:

- Take charge and cooperate with relevant ministries and agencies in reviewing and proposing exemption and reduction of fees and charges to help enterprises deal with difficulties caused by the Covid-19 epidemic. With respect to cases beyond entitlement, report to the Government and Prime Minister for consideration and decisions.

- Actively develop and consult ministries and central government authorities on Decree on preferential export tariff schedules special preferential import tariffs in implementation of the EVFTA following shortened procedures for immediate issuance as soon as the Agreement comes into effect.

- Submit report to the Government on implementation of Decree No. 41/2020/ND-CP dated April 8, 2020 within May, 2020 which considers extending deadlines for submission of corporate income tax, VAT, land rents, adding taxes and beneficiaries of extended tax submission deadlines with respect to the press, publications and other victims of the Covid-19 epidemic.

- Consider extending deadlines for submission of certificates of origin (C/O); C/O using electronic signatures or stamps or photocopied/scanned C/O may be submitted to customs authorities to promptly help importing and exporting enterprises to deal with difficulties.

- Conduct research and request competent authorities to reduce late payment fines for enterprises manufacturing, directly importing goods to create fixed assets which are imposed with VAT by customs authorities which have been fully paid before March 1, 2020 but still owning late payment fines.

- Unify HS codes for import goods (list and code of goods) consistently with other countries, especially the EU to reduce difficulties when adapting tariff codes and ensuring control of unified declaration.

- Take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Information and Communications and relevant agencies in requesting Prime Minister in considering and deciding on assisting the press with aids taken from central government budget for 2020 for: informing, publicizing Covid-19 epidemic management, dealing with difficulties in business operations according to this Resolution; informing, publicizing to serve other political tasks of the country, sectors, fields and providing necessary information to the society.

- Take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Information and Communications, relevant ministries and local governments in develop measures to mobilize resources to promote development of electronic Government; which prioritizes allocation of expenditure on development of common platforms for 2020 and report to Prime Minister within June, 2020.

- Disburse plans using foreign capital in 2020 for projects according to financial mechanisms decided by Prime Minister. On the 25th of each month, report to Prime Minister and submit reports on disbursement of state budget investment capital of ministries, central and local government authorities to Ministry of Planning and Investment.

b) The State bank of Vietnam:

- Continue to direct credit institutions to reduce operation costs to reduce interest rates of active loans and new loans, assist and cooperate with enterprises and the general public in dealing with difficulties.

- Continue to implement monetary and credit solutions according to Directive No. 11/CT-TTg dated March 4, 2020, direct credit institutions to enable enterprises to adjust deadlines for debt payment, exempt and/or reduce interest rates, retain debt category, apply for new loans; enhance implementation of credit programs and products with preferential interest rates to maintain and restore business operations of the general public and enterprises, especially focus on granting small and very-small enterprises loans.  Consider and adjust provision ratio of commercial institutions to facilitate and encourage commercial institutions to reduce common level of lending interest rates.

- Direct and encourage credit institutions to immediately implement policies on lending social houses after allocated with VND 2,000 billion to cover interest rates according to Resolution No. 41/NQ-CP dated April 9, 2020.

c) Ministry of Industry and Trade:

- Execute measures to rectify interruption of input materials for business operations; diversify export markets, promote commercial incentives and find new markets for goods that are being cancelled or extending in terms of delivery progress due to the epidemic; utilize opportunities from signed free trade agreements, especially the EVFTA and CPTPP.

- Implement safeguard measures to protect legal rights and interest of domestic enterprises, utilize international regulations on geographical indication, origins, copyright and brand registration to protect Vietnamese enterprises and products.

- Control selling price of supply chain of pigs for slaughter and pork on the markets. Enhance connection between stages in pork distribution systems to reduce unnecessary intermediate expenses. Enhance market examination and control to prevent speculation, hoarding, trade frauds, transport and sale of pork with unclear origins and uninspected to prevent nationwide epidemic spread. Closely cooperate with Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, provinces and enterprises in balancing supply and demands of certain necessities, stabilize domestic market prices and serve export.

- Take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Health, relevant ministries and agencies in guiding provinces to grant customs clearance in minor border checkpoints along the Vietnam – China borderline once regulations under Decree No. 112/2014/ND-CP are satisfied to maximize epidemic management.

- Closely monitor agriculture import demands of markets around the world to promptly seize the opportunities from said markets. Cooperate with ministries, relevant central and local government authorities and Vietnam Food Association in guaranteeing reasonable rice throughput for reserve, domestic consumption and export; stabilize prices of domestic rice, ensure adequate food supply.

- Cooperate with Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises in promoting progress to finish national power projects namely: Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant; Long Phu I Thermal Power Plant, Hau River I Thermal Power Plant, etc.

- Ensure adequate power supply for business operations and domestic purposes; ensure national power safety and security and serve development requirements of the country in the time to come.

- Initiate programs for promoting domestic consumption, expanding domestic markets and assisting enterprises.

d) Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall take charge and cooperate with ministries, central and local government authorities in:

- Adopt food security measures, enhance agricultural and forestry product processing capacity, verify product origin and export official agricultural products to other markets, especially China.

- Stringently control diseases of livestock and poultry, prevent reinfection of African swine fever. Expedite herd repopulation and restoration, stabilize domestic pork price; propose quantity of pork for import, guarantee benefits of husbandry practitioners and consumers; assist husbandry practitioners to request for investment loan to restore pig farming.

- Adequately monitor, issue environmental warnings, promptly issue recommendations and warnings, minimize any damage and assist sustainable fishery development.

- Command stringent implementation to remove the “yellow card” imposed by European Commission on Vietnamese fishery products. Assist provinces and enterprises to boost progress of key agricultural product processing projects namely: Doveco grocery processing plant in Son La Province, Vina T&T Kim Thanh 4 coconut plant in Ben Tre Province, etc.; bolster capacity of currently active processing plants to serve domestic demands and export.

- Cooperate with Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to deal with difficulties in procedures related to converting use purposes of forest land and paddy land in public investment projects.

- Cooperate with the Vietnam Cooperative Alliance and provinces in utilizing capital from Cooperative Assistance Fund effectively and helping cooperatives affected by the epidemic.

dd) Ministry of Transport shall submit reports to Prime Minister on solution and roadmap to implementation of eastern North-South expressway project to ensure immediate execution as soon as the National Assembly permits conversion of investment methods; develop investment procedures to request the National Assembly to amend polices on investment of North-South expressway project following procedures under Law on Public Investment No. 39/2019/QH14.

e) The Ministry of Planning and Investment:

- Take charge and cooperate with ministries, relevant central and local government authorities in submitting reports to Prime Minister on difficulties and propositions of enterprises; expedite and cooperate with agencies in dealing with difficulties of enterprises.

- Take charge and cooperate with relevant ministries and agencies in assessing impact of the epidemic on economic development and execution of socio-economic development in 2020; promptly submit reports to the Government for presentation to Politburo and National Assembly if necessary.

- Take charge and cooperate with relevant ministries and agencies in following shortened procedures for developing decrees of the Government on amendments to regulations on business initiation to bridge and cut unnecessary procedures in enterprise establishment.

- Take charge and cooperate with relevant ministries and agencies in development schemes for supporting industry development solutions, catch up and exploit investment waves occurring after the Covid-19 epidemic, develop automobile manufacturing ecosystem and report to Prime Minister.

- Submit reports to Prime Minister for consideration and decision or request Standing Committee of National Assembly and National Assembly to decide on reducing and transferring central government budget investment plans in 2020 of ministries, central and local government authorities until September 30, 2020 with disbursement rate of less than 60% of central government budget plans allocated from the beginning of 2020 for adjustment of important and urgent projects whose progress must be boosted with high disbursement capacity of investment capital from central government authorities in 2020 and emergency projects such as responding to climate change, preventing landslides along river banks and coastlines in October, 2020, including transferring capital to other ministries, agencies and provinces.

- Request Prime Minister to issue new and/or revise medium-term investment plans utilizing state budget during 2016-2020 for projects estimating to allocate investment plans utilizing state budget in 2020 according to request of ministries, central and local government authorities, complete affairs above before May 31, 2020.

- Request the Prime Minister to reduce investment plans utilizing state budget in 2019 extending to 2020 from slow projects to projects having good disbursement progress and requiring additional capital for implementation according to request of ministries, central and local government authorities.

- Take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and Ministry of Finance in submitting reports to Prime Minister for consideration and decision on investment in emergency projects for preventing, countering and reducing impact of drought and salt-water intrusion in the south central coast, the central highlands and the Mekong Delta, etc. from state budget provisions in 2020 and other legal funding sources when appropriate to ensure balance capacity of state budget.

- On a monthly basis, publicize facts of disbursement of investment plans utilizing state budget in 2020 of each ministry, central and local government authority on websites of the Government, Ministry of Planning and Investment and mass media.

g) Ministry of Construction:

- Take charge and cooperate with relevant ministries, central and local government authorities in consulting draft resolutions of the Government on dealing with difficulties (with respect to categories within entitlement of the Government) that arise during implementation of Decree No. 68/2019/ND-CP , request the Government to consider and decide within May, 2020; enhance guidance and encourage ministries, central and local government authorities during implementation of Decree No. 68/2019/ND-CP .

- Issue circulars following shortened procedures for amending to Circulars providing guidelines for Decree No. 68/2019/ND-CP within May, 2020.

- Take charge and cooperate with the State Bank of Vietnam and People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities in reviewing, selecting and consolidating list of unfinished social housing projects which may be continued during 2020 to enable commercial institutions to grant loans as specified in Decree No. 100/2015/ND-CP dated October 20, 2015 of Government on social housing development and management and list of houses serving workers of industrial parks to be granted loans by Vietnam Bank for Social Policy in 2020 and following years.

- Take charge and cooperate with relevant ministries and agencies in conducting research and developing resolutions of Government on measures for promoting development of low-price commercial housing projects (apartment flats with less than 70m2 whose price does not exceed VND 20 million/m2), present to the Government within the 3rd quarter of 2020.

h) Ministry of Justice shall take charge and cooperate with relevant ministries and agencies in reviewing issues and overlaps in applicable legislative documents to propose appropriate amendments and especially develop legal framework to enable effective management of payments, electronic payments and peer-to-peer lending; prevent foreign investors from legal avoidance or contributing less than 51% capital to be exempted from registration procedures for foreign investors in projects whose assets are land; request competent authorities to amend Law on Environmental Protection and Land Law.

i) Ministry of Health:

- Take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Industry and Trade and relevant agencies in promoting manufacturing of medical face masks, antiseptic solutions and medical equipment and devices to meet use demands, domestic preparation and export; simplify procedures for appraising and permitting manufacturing, import, export and import conditions of face masks, protective gears and medical devices, etc.

- Take charge and cooperate with relevant ministries and agencies in developing standards and requirements for Covid-19 epidemic management in business operations to protect worker’s health in time of epidemic.

k) Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall actively develop programs and plans for promoting national tourist activities; direct organization of safe sports competitions; cooperate with tourism industry associations in developing and implementing domestic tourism promotion programs; enhance communicating, publicizing, marketing and developing new products to attract domestic and international tourists (focus on attracting tourists from countries where the epidemic is controlled for the time being); cooperate with Ministry of Finance in initiating Tourism assistance fund.

l) Ministry of Education and Training:

- Take charge and cooperate with provinces in conducting research in adding expenditure on developing common electronic and online lectures to enable education institutions to organize online teaching and learning.

- Take charge and cooperate with relevant entities in proposing methods of reducing or exempting tuition fees for lower secondary schools and upper secondary schools during the 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2020.

m) Ministry of Information and Communications shall take charge and cooperate with Central Propaganda Commission, ministries, central and local government authorities in directing media and press agencies to promote informing and publicizing Covid-19 epidemic management and support policies on protecting public health; dealing with delivering fake news, causing confusion among the general public; publicize execution of tasks and solutions issued by the Government and Prime Minister to deal with difficulties in business operations, assist the general public, ensure social order and safety and promote disbursement of public investment capital during the Covid-19 epidemic.

n) Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

- Take charge and cooperate with relevant agencies in reviewing and proposing solutions for maintaining and developing external relations, developing specific and appropriate plans and measures for successfully completing tasks of ASEAN Chairmanship 2020, utilizing and reinforcing roles of Vietnam internationally.

- Cooperate with Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of Health in considering issuance of visas for foreign experts, enterprise managers and highly skilled workers in investment and business projects in Vietnam.

o) Ministry of Public Security:

- Take charge and cooperate with provinces in adopting measures for ensuring social security and order and creating stable and secure environment to enable investors and enterprises to operate and manufacture.

- Take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Health in adopting entry procedures for foreign experts, enterprise managers and highly skilled workers who work in investment projects in Vietnam may enter Vietnam to maintain business operations of enterprises.

- Ensure security and safety in economic zones, industrial parks and export-processing zones; ensure safety, prevent discrimination against foreigners living and working in Vietnam.

- Maintain and promote social security and order, suppress crimes and violations, especially those related to narcotics, organized crimes, frauds, murder, theft and snatching.

p) Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs:

- Instruct affiliated agencies to extend work permits for foreign experts, enterprise managers and highly skilled workers working in enterprises; issue new work permits for foreign experts, enterprise managers, investors and highly skilled workers to replace those who cannot enter or do not enter Vietnam.

- Develop programs for training and enhancing professional levels for workers to support depending on conditions and scenarios during time of epidemic.

q) Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises shall take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Industry and Trade in promoting progress to finish national power projects namely: Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant; Long Phu I Thermal Power Plant, Hau River I Thermal Power Plant, etc.

r) Committee of Ethnic Affairs shall take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Finance in guiding provinces to implement specific socio-economic development schemes in ethnic minority regions and mountainous regions and assist very small ethnic minority socio-economic development schemes according to Decision No. 2085/QD-TTg dated December 31, 2016 and Decision No. 2086/QD-TTg dated December 31, 2016 of Prime Minister.

s) Task forces of Prime Minister for reviewing legislative documents shall expeditiously review difficulties relating to mechanisms, especially investment and business operations, etc., promptly propose measures for revision and development to deal with difficulties in business operations. Take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Finance in reviewing solutions for difficulties in business operations agreed upon by authorities, ensure compliance to regulations and law, entitlement and consistency with balance ability of state budget.

t) Vietnam Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations and the general public shall motivate members and enterprises, enhance monitoring implementation and criticisms against policies and promptly report to the Government and Prime Minister.

u) People’s Committees of provinces or central-affiliated cities:

- Assess impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on economic development and implementation of socio-economic development objectives in 2020 of the provinces/cities; promptly report to People's Councils of the same levels for revision if necessary.

- Actively develop measures and scenarios to guarantee: business operations and assistance for enterprises; provision of goods and supplies, valorization of prices and market.

- Review and satisfy requirements relating to land, infrastructure and personnel to prepare for streams of investment capital diverting and focusing on major multinational corporations, hi-tech, modern and environmental-friendly corporations.

- People’s Committees of provinces where enterprises or projects operate: within 3 days from the date on which written request of diplomatic missions or enterprises and list of individuals permitted for entry into Vietnam (with information on: name, date of birth, nationality, passport number, positions, estimated time of entry, duration and location of stay, work permit number (if any), border checkpoint for entry) are received, issue written response and submit to: immigration authorities (police authorities or national defense authorities) where entry is going to be performed for consideration and entry permission; People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities where entry is going to be performed and where quarantined is carried out for cooperation, assistance and supervision of quarantine. Experts, enterprise managers, investors and highly skilled workers granted with entry permission must perform joint quarantine under supervision of authorities and medical agencies of provinces where the quarantine is carried out. Local governments where experts operate must perform medical supervision during the specified period with respect to experts who finish their quarantine duration and operate within the provinces.

v) Ministries, central and local government authorities:

- Continue to focus on effectively implementing tasks and solutions for dealing with difficulties in manufacturing, ensure social security, promote investment under conclusions and notice of Politburo, Secretariat, Standing Committee of National Assembly, resolutions of the Government and directives of Prime Minister.

- Focus on selecting and restructuring procedures and electronically enable administrative procedures with great demands and related to many activities of the general public and enterprises that are connected and integrated with National public service portal; issue and implement plans for digitalizing results of administrative procedures during 2020-2025 according to Decree No. 45/2020/ND-CP of the Government; issue verified true electronic copies; develop online payments for financial obligations related to administrative procedures on the National public service portal before June 30, 2020.

- Continue to review and reduce thoroughly administrative procedures that overlap, display difficulties and are unnecessary in business operations within their competence; promote approving dossiers on stagnant investment projects; adopt measures for disciplining and taking serious actions against individuals and groups of individuals with deteriorated professional ethics who deliberately obstruct and corrupt in handling of affairs. Focus on implementing Resolution No. 68/NQ-CP dated May 12, 2020 of Government; expeditiously issue and implement plans for reducing and simplifying regulations related to business operation in 2020.

- Continue to modernize working policies via processing documents digitally, submitting and receiving electronic documents across 4 levels of authorities; step-by-step convert physical operation to data operation according to Decree No. 09/2019/ND-CP; promote online conferences; renovate implementation of single-window system in processing administrative procedures for the general public and enterprises.

- Assign contact points and establish hotlines to receive complaints of the general public and enterprises to promptly deal with or report to competent authorities as per the law. Organize timely receipt and processing of complaints and propositions of the general public and enterprises on the National public service portal and Public service portal of ministries and provinces.

- Heads of ministries, central and local government authorities shall review each task and solution to enable business operations, especially attracting investment for development, promoting processing capacity and dealing with difficulties of business operations to restore and develop the economy.

- Focus on utilizing strengths of local political systems; successfully implement Directive No. 12/CT-TTg dated April 25, 2019 on prevention and counter of black credit crimes to create comfortable, convenient, secure and safe environment for enterprises to operate and manufacture.

- Save costs, reduce recurrent expenditure estimates, recall state budget to prepare for other urgent tasks.

- Before June 30, 2020, complete detailed allocation of investment plans utilizing state budget in 2020 for all projects.

- Focus on promoting implementation and disbursement of 100% of public investment capital for 2020 (including funding sources transferred from previous years).

- Request investors, project managers and contractors to boost construction in combination with safety measures for workers according to regulations and law on epidemic management.

- Issue specific plans and solutions for dealing with difficulties and complaints in compensation, land clearance, bidding, etc., boost construction and project progresses.

- Issue disbursement plans for each investor and request investors to commit to disbursement progress of each project; in case disbursement fails to meet committed progress, consider redirecting capital to projects with good disbursement progress that require additional capital to boost project execution progress; consider transferring project investors within their competence.

- Assign leaders to be responsible for monitoring execution progress of each project, preparing disbursement plans of each project, expediting and promptly dealing with difficulties of each project. Disbursement results of each monitored project shall be the primary basis for assessing performance in 2020. In case of failure to complete disbursement plans according to declared progress, discipline the groups, heads and relevant individuals; in case disbursement results of 2020 fail to reach 100%, do not consider performance of heads, project investors and relevant individuals in 2020.

- Direct investors to complete recalling advances, pay basic unsettled construction debts of projects assigned with plans within 2020 in May, 2020; until the end of August, 2020, disburse all capital transferred from 2018, 2019 and 2020; complete procedures for investing in large-scale projects no later than the end of June, 2020; follow procedures for finishing payments of project investment capital within 4 days from the date on which completion inspection is conducted as per the law.

- Actively review and adjust investment plans utilizing state budget in 2020 and report to competent authorities to adjust investment plans utilizing state budget in 2019 extending into 2020 of slow projects to other projects with good disbursement progress that require additional capital to boost implementation progress and commencement date.

- Organize examination and supervision of plan implementation. Take serious and timely actions against organizations, individuals, heads and public officials who violate regulations and law, deliberately obstruct, compromise and delay progress of assignment, implementation and disbursement of public investment capital plans. Promptly replace public officials with poor capacity, levels or deteriorated professional ethics that cause corruption, misconducts or manipulation in management of public investment capital and bidding.  Stringently deal with misconducts in management of public investment such as collusive practice, frauds, obstruction or illegal intervention, etc.


1. Ministry of Finance:

a) Take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Justice, relevant ministries and agencies in developing decrees of Government on amendments or replacement of regulations under relevant decrees following shortened procedures to create legal parameter to implement regulations under Subsection a Point 1 Section II of this Resolution, ensure timeliness, openness and transparency and only assist victims of the Covid-19 epidemic and do not assist individuals who do not participate voluntarily.

b) Take charge and cooperate with ministries, central and local government authorities in reviewing and requesting the Prime Minister in deciding on regulations on reducing land rents under Subsection a Point 1 Section II of this Resolution.

c) Instruct ministries, central and local government authorities in implementing regulations on cutting and removing expenditure on conferences, domestic and international work trips and save recurrent expenditure under Subsection a Point 1 Section II of this Resolution.

d) Provide guidelines for accounting donations and aids in Covid-19 epidemic management activities in reasonable expenditure which is deducted when calculating corporate income tax under Subsection a Point 1 Section II of this Resolution.

dd) Take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Justice, relevant ministries and agencies in completing documents following shortened procedures, reporting to Prime Minister before acting Prime Minister and representing the Government to submit reports to Standing Committee of National Assembly on regulations under Subsection a Point 1 Section II of this Resolution.

e) Take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Justice in completing documents, report to Prime Minister before Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Finance acting Prime Minister and representing the Government to report to Standing Committee of National Assembly and National Assembly on addition to law and ordinance development programs in 2020 and contents of Draft Resolution of National Assembly on reducing 30% of payable corporate income tax in 2020 of small and very-small enterprises.

2. Ministry of Transport:

a) Cooperate with Ministry of Finance in guiding and organizing implementation of policies on price of aviation services under Subsection a Point 1 Section II of this Resolution to ensure openness, transparency and provision of assistance for victims of the Covid-19 epidemic.

b) Take charge and cooperate with ministries, relevant ministries and agencies in completing documents, reporting to Prime Minister before acting Prime Minister and representing the Government to submit reports to Standing Committee of National Assembly on regulations under Subsection a Point 1 Section II of this Resolution. If promoting project progress and disbursement of public investment capital according to Resolution No. 41/NQ-CP dated April 9, 2020 and conclusions of Prime Minister under Notice No. 147/TB-VPCP dated April 7, 2020 is necessary, Ministry of Transport shall conduct research and consider bringing component projects into cases permitted for application under Article 22 Law on Bidding.

3. Ministry of Planning and Investment:

a) Providing guidelines for implementing loan policies from medium and small enterprise development fund under Subsection a Point 1 Section II of this Resolution while ensuring timeliness, openness and transparency.

b) Act Prime Minister, represent the Government to report to Standing Committee of National Assembly to assign the Government to adjust investment plans using central government budget in 2020 of ministries, central and local government authorities to stay within total central government budget for 2020 decided by National Assembly under Subsection d Point 2 Section II of this Resolution.

4. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Justice, relevant ministries and agencies in completing documents, reporting to Prime Minister before acting Prime Minister and representing the Government to submit reports to Standing Committee of National Assembly on regulations under Subsection b Point 2 Section II of this Resolution.

5. Ministry of Construct shall take charge and cooperate with ministries, relevant ministries and agencies in acting Prime Minister and representing the Government to submit reports to Standing Committee of National Assembly on regulations under Subsection e Point 2 Section II of this Resolution.

6. State Bank of Vietnam shall develop plans for effective implementation of regulations under Subsection b Point 3 Section II of this Resolution.

7. Office of the Government:

- Expedite ministries and local governments to implement solutions relating to cutting regulations related to business operations, follow administrative procedures digitally, receive and process complaints and propositions of the general public and enterprises on National public service portal, renovate working policies and methods in affairs of national administrative agencies under Subsection v Point 3 Section II of this Resolution.

- Take charge and cooperate with Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Justice, relevant agencies and local governments in developing pilot schemes for implementation of single-window system and inter-agency single-window system in processing administrative procedures while striving to improve service quality, regardless of administrative division, improving application of information and technology, reducing travel time, social expenditure and creating advantages for the general public and enterprises to propose Prime Minister in the 1st quarter of 2021.

8. Government Inspectorate shall instruct ministries, central and local government authorities to cease planned inspections; only conduct inspections if specifically assigned to or signs of law violation during the Covid-19 epidemic, do not conduct unplanned inspection as specified in Subsection b Point 1 Section II of this Resolution.

9. Ministries, central and local government authorities shall focus on exhaustively implementing tasks and solutions under Subsection b Point i and Point 3 Section II of this Resolution, expeditiously develop specific programs and action plans and direct agencies, entities, officials, public officials under management to implement; successfully instruct, publicize and inform enterprises and the general public about policies, mechanisms and solutions under this Resolution; do not pledge, obstruct or disturb the general public and enterprises; actively cooperate with ministries and relevant agencies in dealing with difficulties. Regularly examine, expedite and adopt strict measures to take actions against individuals and groups of individuals causing difficulties, disturbance, tardiness and/or lack of responsibilities in executing affairs.

10. Ministers, heads of ministerial agencies, Governmental agencies, Chairpersons of People’s Committees of provinces or central-affiliated cities, Chairpersons of Boards of Members, General Directors of state-owned groups and corporations are responsible to the Government and Prime Minister for implementation and results of this Resolution./.




Nguyen Xuan Phuc


This translation is made by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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Ngày ban hành29/05/2020
Ngày hiệu lực29/05/2020
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                Resolution 84/NQ-CP 2020 dealing with difficulties in business operations during Covid 19 epidemic
                Loại văn bảnNghị quyết
                Số hiệu84/NQ-CP
                Cơ quan ban hànhChính phủ
                Người kýNguyễn Xuân Phúc
                Ngày ban hành29/05/2020
                Ngày hiệu lực29/05/2020
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                            Văn bản gốc Resolution 84/NQ-CP 2020 dealing with difficulties in business operations during Covid 19 epidemic

                            Lịch sử hiệu lực Resolution 84/NQ-CP 2020 dealing with difficulties in business operations during Covid 19 epidemic

                            • 29/05/2020

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                            • 29/05/2020

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