Nghị quyết 02/2006/NQ-CP

Resolution No. 02/2006/NQ-CP of January 26, 2006 on the Government’s regular meeting - january 2006

Nội dung toàn văn Resolution No. 02/2006/NQ-CP, on the Government’s regular meeting - january 2006


- Freedom – Happiness

No. 02/2006/NQ-CP

, January 26, 2006



On January 23-24, 2006, the Government held the regular meeting of January 2006 to discuss and decide on the following issues: 

1. The Government listened to a draft decree on the public agencies’ right to self-control their own missions, organization, personnel and finance presented by the Minister of Finance. A summary of the cabinet’s opinions on the draft decree was presented by the Chairman of the Government Office.

To enhance the quality and efficiency of non-profit agencies, on January 16, 2002, the government enforced Decree 10/2002/ NĐ-CP, stipulating the financial policies applied for those agencies with some sorts of revenues. The results of the four years’ implementation show that it was a judicious policy on financial administration reform as related to non-profit activities, contributing to the raising and management of financial sources, encouraging and creating good conditions for the agencies to boost income and save expenses while still improving the efficiency of the staff.

To continue carrying out the administrative reform, accelerate social engagement as well as maximize the fulfillment of potentials, strengths and abilities of the public non-profit agencies, the Government agreed to modify Decree 10/2002/ NĐ-CP in the direction of drastically changing the operating mechanism, clearly prescribing the the rights of public non-profit agencies to self-control over their own tasks, organization, staff and finance.

The Ministry of Finance was entrusted with directing the completion of the Decree in cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior, the Government Office and in the consideration of the Government members’ opinions. The finished draft will be submitted to the Prime Minister for approval and promulgation.

2. The Government listened to a proposal to transform a number of public-private universities and colleges into private ones, presented by the Ministry of Education.

To realize the target of engaging the whole society into education of the Party and the State, five public-private universities and colleges were established from 1993 up to the present. Generally, those universities and colleges have been capable to raise a sense of initiative, contributing to meeting the ever-increasing learning demands of the people. However, the public-private model has not been able to greatly attract the investment of organizations and individuals into its construction. Besides, there has not been a clear-cut distinction between ‘private’ and ‘public’ in the personnel, finance and assets management policies, which results in the thought of relying on state support and subsidization.

Under the 2005 Education Laws, the public-private universities and colleges have to be transformed into private ones with the view of enhancing the activeness and autonomy of those training bodies and at the same time, promoting the ability to attract both financial investments and other resources from society. The investigation into the transformation need to be done systematically and consistently, ensuring the abidance by the policies on converting public-private schools.

The Ministry of Education was entrusted to collaborate with the Government Office and other related agencies and consider the Government members’ opinions to complete the draft. The finished draft will be submitted to the Prime Minister for approval.

3. The Government listened to the Bill on Tax Management presented by the Minister of Finance, the Bill on Sports and Physical Culture by the Minister, Chair of the Committee for Sports and Physical Culture, the Bill on Technological Transfer by the Minister of Science and Techonology, the labor code modification and supplementation project and a vocational training code by the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs and a report summoning up the cabinet’s opinions about the above-mentioned drafts presented by the Minister, Chair of the Government Office.

a) In the previous years, together with policies on taxation, the rules on tax management have always been a integral part of the Tax Law. The content has not been appropriately and clearly concretized, thereby resulting in the limitations of law conformation and the prevention of law violation and tax losses. The law on taxation was constructed with the view to forming a concrete, synchronic and consistent legal corridor for taxation.

The Ministry of Finance was assigned to, in cooperation with the Government Office, the Ministry of Justice and other related agencies, and on the Government members’ opinions, complete the bill on taxation. The Minister of Finance, on the Prime Minister’s proxy, submit the bill to the NA Standing Committee.

b) The Government unanimously approved the modification and supplementation of some articles to the current Labor Code. The content in chapter XIV, the current Labor Code concerning strikes and strike settlement will be dealt with this time, in the spirit of Resolution 49/2005/QH11 of the 11th National Assembly. It is compulsory to specify all the legal rights and responsibilities of the laborer community, the Executive Boards of the trade unions, and the employers before and during the strikes as well as the responsibilities of public agencies, the trade unions and the employer representatives involved in the strikes.

The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs was assigned to, in cooperation with the Government Office, the Ministry of Justice and other related agencies and the consideration of the Government members’ opinions, complete the modification and supplementation of the Labor Code, the Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, on the Prime Minister’s proxy, submit the bill to the NA Standing Committee.

c) Vocational training plays a vitally important role in the development of national socio-economy. It makes great contribution to solving employment issue, eliminating poverty, shifting labor structure and meeting the demands for skilful, qualified labor for the cause of national industrialization and modernization. The construction of the law system on vocational training must be done consistently and synchronically so as to develop vocational education activities, thereby contributing to the fulfilment of the socio-economic targets set by the Party and the Government.

The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs was assigned to, in cooperation with the Government Office, the Ministry of Justice and other related agencies and the consideration of the Government members’ opinions, complete the law on vocational training. The Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, on the Prime Minister’s proxy, will submit the bill to the NA Standing Committee.

d) The 2000 Ordinance on Sports and Physical Culture has created good conditions for the development of sports and physical culture, contributing to the enhancement of state management efficiency and the substantial evolution in the people’s awareness of the roles and the importance of sports and physical culture in the society. However, to achieve the newly-set goals in the current context of the nation in the globalization era, it is neccessary that the ordinance be modified and upgraded into a law.

The Committee for Sports and Physical Culture was assigned to, in cooperation with the Government Office, the Ministry of Justice and other related agencies, taking into account of the Government members’ opinions, complete the law on sports and physical culture and submit it to the Prime Minister for deciding the submission to to the NA Standing Committee.

e) Technological transfer activities have, over the past years, made great contributions to the renovation and upgrading of technologies for enterprises, serving the national cause of industrialization and modernization. However, the current legal documents on technological transfer are not consistent and synchonic, therefore detrimentally impacting the ability to attract techonological transfer among enterprises. The enforcement of law on technological transfer is aimed at perfecting the concerned law in the new context of the market economy and international economic integration, creating favorable conditions for enterprises to renovate technologies and boosting up the commercialization of scientific research.

The Ministry of Science and Technology is assigned to, in cooperation with the Government Office, the Ministry of Justice and other related agencies, considering the Government members’ opinions, complete the law on technological transfer and submit it to the Prime Minister for deciding the submission to the NA Standing Committee.

4. The Government considered a report on the socio-economic situation in January 2006, presented by the Ministry of Planning and Investment, a report on commercial situation in January 2006 by the Ministry of Commerce and a report on the results of the inspection work in 2005 as well as the direction and tasks for 2006 presented by the Chief Inspector of the Government.

In January 2006, has been able to maintain the development impetus of late 2005. Industrial production has continued to grow substantially; agriculture remained stable; birth flu was controlled to some extent. Services continued to develop quickly; export activities were boosted up; foreign direct investment has risen fairly quickly, especially the newly registered ones. The prices of consumer goods have gone up as compared with the same period of 2005. However, they did not lead to a ‘price bubble’ thanks to the profuse supply of goods. Healthcare and transport safety jobs have seen positive changes. The overall number of lawsuits and appeals has decreased; yet, that of appeals right to the central level (skipping the lower ones) was likely to increase. A wide range of appeals stagnating for a long time have not been fully dealt with.

In the government’s judgment, in 2006, there will be a number of difficulties unfavorably affecting production and the people’s lives. Climatic conditions are still changing unusually; droughts are likely to be more serious than the previous year; bird flu is prone to break out again; prices remain high while waste, corruption and social evils have not been effectively prevented and eradicated. To fulfill the Socio-economic Development Plan 2006, the opening year for the 2006-2010 plan, the Government requested ministries, sectors and local authorities to quickly complete assigning tasks to grass-root level units and at the same time, steer the construction of action programs and the thorough implementation of Resolution 01/2006/NQ-CP dated January 16, 2006 on major solutions to direct and manage the realization of the socio-economic development and State budget plan 2006. In the short term, the ministries, sectors and localities need to adequately administer business and production, reduce production expenses, stabilize prices and the markets as well as appropriately arrange the implementation of Telegram 28/TTg-KTTH dated January 6, 2006 by the Prime Minister on preparation for a cheerful, safe and economical Lunar New Year.


Phan Van Khai

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              Resolution No. 02/2006/NQ-CP, on the Government’s regular meeting - january 2006
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              Số hiệu02/2006/NQ-CP
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              Ngày ban hành26/01/2006
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                    • 26/01/2006

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                    • 22/02/2006

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