Nghị quyết 121/NQ-CP

Resolution No. 121/NQ-CP dated December 10, 2013, the Government’s regular meeting- November 2013

Nội dung toàn văn Resolution No. 121/NQ-CP the Government’s regular meeting November 2013


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 121/NQ-CP

Ha Noi, December 10, 2013




Pursuant to the Law on organization and operation of the Government dated December 25, 2001

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 08/2012/NĐ-CP dated February 16, 2012 promulgating the working regulation of the Government

Based on the discussion of Government members and conclusion of the PM at the Government Regular Meeting in November held on December 2, 2013:

1. The socio-economic performance in December and the first eleven months of 2013; the implementation of Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP and Resolution No. 02/NQ-CP dated on January 7, 2013:

a) The Government assesses that: The socio-economic situation in November and the first eleven months of 2013 showed positive changes. The macro-economy stabilized; inflation rate was kept at a low rate, the Consumption Price Index expanded 0.34% against October and 5.5% compared to December 2012; growth rate of credit balance has been improved; interest and exchange rates were stabilized; foreign reserves increased; bad debt has been tackled. Total export turnover was estimated to rise 16.2%. Trade deficit over the past 11 months accounted for 0.08% of total export turnover. Total State budget revenue fulfilled 85.6% of the year’s plan. Total Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the recent 11 months increased 5.5%; total registered investment capital rose 54.2% in comparison with the same period in 2012. Total Official Development Assistance (ODA) disbursement in 11 months saw a year-on-year increase of 13.5%. Industrial Production Index edged up 5.6%, inventories decreased. The agriculture-forestry-aquaculture production stabilized. Localities focused on overcoming consequences caused by natural calamity, harvesting and cultivating the crop. Total revenue from retails and consumption services and transportation was growing. The number of foreign travelers to Viet Nam in 11 months increased 10.2% from the same period in 2012. Social security works have made positive achievements. Agencies and branches launched effectively measures to prevent and overcome consequences caused by natural calamity, restart production, provide food aid and social assistance, and launch unemployment insurance. Political and social stability was maintained; national defense was strengthened; social security and defense was guaranteed. Administrative reform, petition settlement and anti-corruption works were given due attention, external affairs have progressed.

However, the socio-economic performance still encountered an array of difficulties and challenges; credit growth rate was lower than the set plan, bad debt was still at a high rate; production and manufacturing recovery was slow, domestic consumption was low. Consecutive natural calamities sizable affected people’s lives and production, epidemic diseases developed complicatedly, sparking possible reoccurrence, food safety and sanitation saw limitations, social evils and crime happened in a complicated manner.

b) The Government asked ministries, agencies and localities to launch synchronously and effectively the remaining tasks of 2013 to achieve the socio-economic development targets reported to the Party Central Committee and the National Assembly, focusing on:

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment hosts and cooperates with other ministries, agencies and localities to submit to the Prime Minister to report to the NA Standing Committee a distribution plan of the Government bonds in the phase from 2014-2016 for projects listed in the 2012-2015 plan; submit to the PM to approve a plan to allocate the Government bonds in 2014 plan as part of the Government bonds allocation plan in the phase from 2012-2015, Government bonds for projects to expand Highway No.1 and Ho Chi Minh Highway through the Central Highlands, ODA corresponding capital and capital for the National Target Program on New Rural Development in 2014 and Government bonds in 2014-2016; submit to the PM to decide the allocation of investment capital for development sourced from State budget in 2014.

- The State Bank of Viet Nam continues to regulate the monetary policies flexibly and suitably with the macro-balances with regard to appropriate fiscal policies to help businesses access loans for production and manufacturing. Foreign reserves are increased to meet the demand for production and manufacturing at the end of the year. The bank focuses on dealing with bad debt and direct commercial banks to disburse timely the credit package of VND30,000 billion for businesses and citizens to develop social housing and improve houses.

- The Ministry of Finance works with relevant agencies and localities to manage the incomings of State budget, realize synchronously measures to deal with debts, treat with tax evasion behaviors, strive to exceed the State budget estimations that the Government has reported to the National Assembly, manage spending tightly, limit the spending that is beyond the plan and guarantee the balance in the State budget. The MoF speeds up the disbursement of Government bonds, State budget and ODA to guarantee the progress of projects and cooperate with the Ministry of Public Security to adjust the spending for traffic policemen on duty to guarantee traffic order and safety.

- The Ministry of Transport hosts and cooperates with localities lying along Highway No1 and Ho Chi Minh highway to boost up the tempo of site clearance.

- The Ministry of Industry and Trade hosts and cooperates with relevant agencies to speed up the negotiation process of trade agreements, actively launch programs to promote the domestic market development, strengthen trade promotion activities, guarantee supply and demand and services during the year-end months and the upcoming Lunar New Year festival; monitor essential products and public services to ease difficulties for businesses and pressures to increase prices at the end of the year; deal with smuggling, trade frauds, low-quality products and goods speculation during the traditional Lunar New Year festival.

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development coordinates with relevant ministries, agencies and localities to launch measures to help local people overcome consequences of natural calamities, re-begin production and stabilize livelihood, provide plant seeds and create favorable conditions for local people hit by floods and storms to receive loans.

- The Ministry of Construction establishes plans and projects to extend the application of a housing model resilient to flooding to help people stabilize their lives at areas prone storms and flooding; check, amend and complement construction economic norms to be suitable with reality, overcome losses, waste and increase the effectiveness of investment capital.

- The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs hosts and cooperates with relevant ministries, agencies and localities to launch synchronously and effectively policies on social welfare and security, focusing on disadvantaged areas, poor people, people with merits to the nation, social policy beneficiaries, ethnic minorities, follow the situations and support disadvantaged people during the Lunar New Year festival, especially those living in natural calamity-hit areas, instruct the days off for the Lunar New Year festival that include nine days from January 28 to February 5. Agencies need to arrange suitable duty timetables for the festival, especially in the fields that need to go through administrative procedures to minimize impacts to production, manufacturing and people’s lives.

-The Ministry of Health launches solutions to increase the quality of treatment, reduce the overloading at big hospitals, tighten the issuance of license, strengthen supervision at private clinics, increase preventive health care services, realize measures to control and prevent diseases at areas affected by storms and floods, check and inspect to guarantee food safety and sanitation at processing, manufacturing and producing factories, especially before the Lunar New Year festival.

- All the ministries have to pay due attention to establishing and issuing detailed documents to instruct the implementation of laws and ordinances. The Ministry of Justice submits to the Government at its Regular Meeting a report on the establishment and issuance of the documents guiding the realization of law and ordinances, including circulars of ministries and agencies for the Government's members monitor; based on the Constitution and laws approved by the the 13th National Assembly at its sixth session, the Ministry of Justice hosts and works with relevant agencies to check, make plans and lists of legal documents, focusing on laws on organization and other crucial laws, which are needed to be revised, amended or supplemented to submit to the PM to ratify and assign those responsiblities.

- The Ministry of Public Security intensifies crime prevention works, guarantee political security and social order, especially during the Lunar New Year festival, prevent fire and explosion, launch all the measures to guarantee traffic safety, check and deal with violations strictly.

- The Ministry of Information and Communication boosts and ensures the dissemination of accurate and objective information based on the Government’s orientations on macro- policies, guidance and direction. The Government's members actively provide formal information on means of communication about ministries and agencies’ guidance, policies, measures and direction and issues affected people psychologically to create trust and social consensus. All ministries and branches propose measures to prevent and deal promptly with wrong information that can harm agencies, organizations and people’s benefits.

- The Ministry of Home Affairs chairs and consults a pilot review of the unorganizing of the people’s councils at districts and wards, urges other ministries, agencies and localities to push up the reforms of administrative procedures, public service mechanism, focusing on establishing projects on job location, directs other ministries, agencies and localities to realize the Law on Official and Civil Servant and documents on evaluating and classifying officials in 2013, ensuring the quality and effectiveness of their works annually.

- To launch resolutions of the sixth session of the 13th National Assembly on the socio- economic development plan and State budget forecast in 2014, the Government will organize a meeting between the Government and other localities. Ministries, agencies and localities need to quickly review performance evaluation in 2013, prepare presentations or comments on the Government’s draft reports and resolutions and implement plans in the early days of 2014.

- Ministries, agencies and localities strictly implement Directive No. 25/CT-TTg dated December 5, 2013 on the enhancement of management and monitoring of the market price, guarantee social order during the Lunar New Year festival to help people enjoy safe, merry, economical and healthy vacation.

2. On the report on five-year implementation of the Party Central Committee's Resolution

No.7 on agriculture, farmers and rural areas

a) The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development hosts and cooperates with relevant ministries, agencies and localities to receive comments of Government members on achievements, shortcomings, causes and solutions for the phase 2014-2020 and petitions related to goals in the years of 2015 and 2020, complete the Report on summing up the five-year-implementation of the Resolution No.7 on agriculture, farmers and rural areas to report to the Political Bureau.

The Ministry cooperates with related ministries and agencies to check policies and programs on agriculture, farmers and rural areas to adjust, supplement and combine with other programs to guarantee the effectiveness of the implementation of such policies on industrialization and modernization of agriculture, application of scientific and technological advances, building of new style rural areas along with mobilizing investment for infrastructure, agriculture, farmers and rural areas and forming a new organizational model in agriculture.

b) The Ministry of Science and Technology cooperates with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and relevant agencies to use some genetically modified plants to serve for agricultural development

3. On the Government’s action plan to realize the National Assembly’s Resolution on enhancing management, planning, investing, monitoring and exploiting hydroelectric plants:

a) The Ministry of Industry and Trade receives comments of Government members, relevant ministries, agencies and localities to adjust the action plan of the Government in the following contents

- Check, supplement and adjust current regulations to closely manage planning, designing, assessing, investing works to operate and exploit hydroelectric plants, concretize and ascertain responsibilities of State, central and local management agencies, investors on each related area

- Check, adjust and supplement regulations and operation of water reservoirs serving hydroelectric power plants in flooding and dry seasons, meeting the requirements for energy security, increasing the effectiveness of natural calamity prevention and control, guaranteeing the safety of water reservoirs and their supply of water for production and people’s lives, minimizing the negative effects of reservoir outflows and in summer dryness.

- Supplement and complete mechanisms and policies for resettlement of those local residents who had to move to give land to hydroelectric and irrigation projects, ensuring production and people’s lives after resettlement

- Speed up the progress of afforestation, complete concrete directions for localities and investors to carry out; before starting work, afforestation plans have to be approved.

Ascertain responsibilities and rights of the PM, ministries, agencies and localities in organizing the implementation

b) The Government issues a Resolution on strengthening planning, investing, operating and exploiting hydroelectric plants. The Ministry of Industry and Trade hosts and cooperates with other ministries, agencies and relevant localities to draft the Resolution mentioned above to submit to the PM to consider and approve in December 2013.

4. On the Academy of Public Administration of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administration becoming part of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

a) The Academy of Public Administration of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administration was transferred to the Ministry of Home Affairs following Decision No. 64-KL/TW dated May 28, 2013 adopted at the Party Central Committee’s 7th conference, and Document No. 176-CV/TW dated October 23, 2013 of the Party Central Committee's Secretariat, and is called the National Academy of Public Administration.

b) The Ministry of Home Affairs takes control of the academy and guarantees its operation, cooperates with the Ministry of Justice to establish a draft Decree to amend Decree No. 61/2012/NĐ-CP dated August 10, 2012 of the Government to stipulate the functions, missions, rights and organizations of the Ministry of Home Affairs to submit to the PM; hosts and cooperates with the Ministry of Justice and the Government Office and relevant agencies to work on a draft Decision to stipulate the functions, missions, rights and organizations of the academy to submit to the PM for signing and issuance in December 2013

c) The Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administration hosts and cooperates with the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Justice and related agencies to establish a draft Decree to amend Decree No. 129/2008/NĐ-CP dated December 17, 2008 of the Government to define the functions, missions, rights and organizations of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administration to submit to the PM for issuance.

5. Decree to stipulate details and guidance to realize the National Assembly’s Decision on State budget solutions in 2013 and 2014:

The Government approved a draft Decree stipulating details and guidance of Resolution No.57/2013/QH13 of the National Assembly on State budget solutions in 2013 and 2014.

The Ministry of Finance cooperates with the Government Office to complete the draft Decree and submit to the PM to sign and issue 6. Draft Decree stipulating details of Provisions 2 and 3, Clause 187 of the Labor Code on retirement age

a) The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affair receives comments of the Government's members to establish a detailed project on retirement age to report to the Government before submitting to the Political Bureau:

- Professionals and high-skilled people and specific personnel working in the health sector to have their retirement age extended based on Decree No. 71/2000/NĐ-CP dated November 23, 2000

- Female civil servants and officials in charge of managerial affairs holding the position from the head of a department and above at Central agencies, the head of provincial departments and above, to have their retirement age extended after 55 years old and under 60 years old according to their working terms.

b) The Ministry of Home Affairs hosts and cooperates with the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs and relevant agencies to check the number of female civil servants and officials in charge of managerial affairs as mentioned above in accordance with the Law on Public Offcials and Civil Servants.

7. Laborer rehiring at PetroViet Nam

To deal with difficulties and obstacles of Petro Viet Nam in production, operation and implementation and ensure sustainable development along with protecting the ecological environment, contributing to safeguarding national sovereignty in seas and guaranteeing energy security based on the restructuring project of Petro Viet Nam, the Government agreed:

a) Allow to petroleum engineering service corporations under the Petro Viet Nam to hire workers among them and from other units in the Group

b) Allow to rehire laborers to jobs listed as physically strenuous, hazardous, dangerous and extremely physically strenuous, hazardous, and dangerous jobs issued by the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs

c) The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affair hosts and receives comments of the Government's members, proposes amendments to Decree No. 55/2013/NĐ-CP dated May 22, 2013 and reports to the PM to consider and decide./.




Nguyen Tan Dung


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              Resolution No. 121/NQ-CP the Government’s regular meeting November 2013
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