Nghị quyết 21/2011/QH13

Resolution No. 21/2011/QH13 of November 26, 2011 on questioning and replies at the 2nd session of the XIII National Assembly

Nội dung toàn văn Resolution No. 21/2011/QH13 on questioning and replies at the 2nd session


Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No. 21/2011/QH13

Hanoi, November 26, 2011





Pursuant to the 1992 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, which was amended and supplemented under Resolution No. 51/2001/NQ-QH10 bổ sung điều của Hiến pháp nước cộng hoà xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam năm 1992">51/2001/QH10;

Pursuant to the Law on Supervisory Activities of the National Assembly and the Regulation on National Assembly sessions;

Based on the results of questioning and replies at the second session of the XIIIth National Assembly,


I. The National Assembly acclaims the determination of the Government and the Prime Minister in directing and running affairs to overcome difficulties and challenges, striving to fulfill the socio-economic, defense, security and diplomatic tasks of 2011, creating a driving force for the successful performance of socio-economic tasks set by the National Assembly for 2012 and subsequent years; to ensure macro-economic stability and control inflation at single-digit level; to apply drastic measures to prevent the economy from falling into inertia and to further develop production and business.

II. The National Assembly takes note of a number of solutions pledged by the Prime Minister, ministers and sector heads before the National Assembly, including:


- To reaffirm the political determination of the Government, sectors and authorities at all levels to repel traffic accidents and congestion; set the target to reduce from 2012 the number of traffic accidents and the number of deaths due to traffic accidents by 5-10% annually; to mitigate traffic congestion in Hanoi capital and Ho Chi Minh City; to take 2012 as the year for re-establishing discipline in traffic order and safety management.

- To agree with policies and measures taken by the Government and the Ministry of Transport to raise the effect and effectiveness of the state management of traffic safety; to step up law dissemination and education and build traffic culture; to create marked improvements in the management of people and vehicles joining traffic, the registration and inspection of vehicles; to increase fines for traffic violations; to wipe out "black spots" of land, railway and internal waterway traffic accidents.

- To assign the People's Councils and the People's Committees of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Public Security and related ministries and sectors to apply, within the ambit of their respective tasks and powers, synchronous measures to combate traffic congestion as reported to the National Assembly.

2. In agriculture and rural development

- To increase investment in agriculture, farmers and rural areas, ensuring that the investment level in 5 years to come will double that of the previous five years (2005-2010) and striving for the target that by 2015, 20% of communes nationwide will meet the new countryside criteria.

- To research into, produce and supply quality seeds meeting the production demands of different regions and zones; to link production to consumption, adopt appropriate policies for enterprises and department stores to consume farm products; to apply standards on the import of agricultural commodities in accordance with international practices; to reorganize the purchase of farm products; to build wholesale markets, step up trade promotion and open an agricultural goods exchange; to combat dumping and discrimination against Vietnam's agricultural products.

- To strictly implement the agricultural land use master plan and plans, apply synchronous measures to restrict the change of the use purpose of rice-growing land; to support rice farmers to maintain 3.812 million hectares of paddy fields.

- To develop forms of agricultural production, quadripartite alignment (between the State, the peasant, the scientist and the enterprise) and regional alignment; to widely expand the model of "big demonstration fields" for mechanization and application of science and advanced technologies to production.

- To properly experiment agricultural insurance in the 2011-2013 period, particularly insurance of risks caused by natural calamities and epidemics to rice crops, cattle, poultry and fishery products.

- To enhance the management of insecticide and plant protection drug production, trading and use; to strictly handle violators.

- To review and adjust socio-economic development master plans in association with responding to impacts of climate change, storm and flood prevention and control, especially the sea dike system master plan. To raise the effect and effectiveness of management of forest land allocation so that forests are managed, used and protected by their owners; to strictly handle violations of the law on forest protection and development; to strongly support local administrations, ranger forces and peasants in forest planting and protection.

3. In education and training

- To work out a scheme for substantial and comprehensive renewal of education and training, raising the quality of human resources to meet the requirements of industrialization, modernization and international integration; to provide specific conditions for training cooperation with foreign countries, distance training and in-service training in order to ensure quality of university training; to intensify inspection and examination, strictly handle university training establishments violating the quality conditions.

- To raise the state management effect and effectiveness and perfect the system of legal documents on education and training. In 2012, to materialize the regime of allowances for teachers who have retired but not yet enjoyed the seniority allowance; and allowances for preschool teachers, attaching importance to those teaching in hamlets and the regime applicable to poor ethnic minority pupils, Buddhist monks and teachers of Khmer and other ethnic minority languages; to implement the roadmap of preschool universalization for 5-year-old children.

- To continue giving priority to investment in education and training for ethnic minority children and those in difficulty-hit areas, southwestern region, the Central Highlands, central coastal and northern mountainous regions.


- To apply the market price mechanism to electricity, petroleum, coal and other important commodities and services, adopt appropriate support policies for social-policy beneficiaries. Enterprises operating in this field shall make public and transparent their production and business results as well as product costs so that National Assembly deputies and people can oversee them; in 2015, capital invested in areas outside principal production and business lines shall be wholly withdrawn.

- To continue implementing the price stabilization policy; to link circulation and distribution to producers and retailers; to expand beneficiaries to small- and medium-sized enterprises, for wide implementation in rural, mountainous, deep-lying and remote regions.

- To restructure and create conditions for the development of the securities market, bond market, insurance market and investment funds with management systems conformable with international practices in order to satisfy capital demands of the economy.

- To effectively apply measures against state budget undercollection; to control transfer pricing which causes undercollection; to work out a roadmap for reducing budget deficit; to raise the effect and effectiveness of public-debt management; to strictly control government- guaranteed debts of localities.


- To restructure the system of commercial banks, ensuring their effective operations, diverse products and banking services to meet the economic development requirements; to incrementally increase their financial potential and competitiveness; to ensure that ailing banks, which adversely affects the economy, will no longer exist.

- To implement the monetary policy in a prudent and flexible manner, controlling inflation and meeting the economic growth requirements and capital demands of enterprises for production and agricultural production; to administer exchange rates according to market trends in order to boost export, reduce trade deficit and stabilize the value of the Vietnamese currency.

- To strictly manage gold import and export and the gold market, striving not to leave domestic gold prices too different from world prices; to protect people's right to gold ownership; to adopt policies to mobilize gold resources among people for development.

- To reduce lending interest rates, creating favorable conditions for enterprises to access capital and reduce input expenses; to prioritize credits for production, particularly agricultural and rural production, electricity production, export, and for small- and medium-sized enterprises.

- To closely oversee credit activities of commercial banks; to control real estate loans, securities trading and bad debts of banks; to intensify inspection and supervision and strictly handle negative practices in banking business, foreign currency and gold trading.

HI. The National Assembly assigns the Standing Committee to consider questions raised by deputies at the session and other issues forwarded in session intervals in order to organize questioning and response at sessions of the National Assembly Standing Committee, paying attention to the following issues:

- Investment: scattered and ineffective state budget investment; measures to redress this problem.

- Healthcare: assurance of resources to meet people's needs for medical examination and treatment; professional ethics in the health sector.

- Education and training: substantial and comprehensive renewal for higher quality of education and training.

- Home affairs: recruitment, training and retraining and regimes applicable to stale cadres and civil servants; solutions for raising the quality of the administration apparatus at the grassroots.

To assign the Ethnic Council and Committees of the National Assembly to organize sessions for explanation by ministers and sector heads on burning issues arising in the sectors under the charge of the Council or Committees, which are petitioned by voters and questioned by National Assembly

IV. The Government, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Transport, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Minister of Education and Training, the Minister of Finance, the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam, related ministers and heads of ministerial-level agencies, People's Councils and People's Committees of provinces or centrally run cities shall, within the ambit of their respective tasks and powers, implement this Resolution.

The Standing Committee, the Ethnic Council and Committees of the National Assembly, National Assembly deputies' delegations and individual National Assembly deputies shall, within the ambit of their respective tasks and powers, supervise the implementation of this Resolution.

This Resolution was adopted on November 26, 2011, by the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam at its second session. -




Nguyen Sinh Hung


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Resolution No. 21/2011/QH13 on questioning and replies at the 2nd session
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