Văn bản hợp nhất 8560/VBHN-BGTVT

Nội dung toàn văn Văn bản hợp nhất 8560/VBHN-BGTVT 2023 Thông tư vận chuyển hàng không


Independence - Freedom - Happiness


Hanoi, August 07, 2023




Circular No. 81/2014/TT-BGTVT dated December 30, 2014 of the Minister of Transport on air transportation and general aviation operation, coming into effect from March 1, 2015, is amended by:

1. Circular No. 21/2020/TT-BGTVT dated September 28, 2020 on amendment to Circular No. 81/2014/TT-BGTVT dated December 30, 2014 of the Minister of Transport on air transportation and general aviation operations, Circular No. 14/2015/TT-BGTVT dated April 27, 2015 of the Minister of Transport on non-refundable advance compensation in passenger air transportation and Circular No. 33/2016/TT-BGTVT dated November 15, 2016 of the Minister of Transport on operational report and statistic report in Vietnam civil aviation operation, coming into force from November 15, 2020;

2. Circular No. 19/2023/TT-BGTVT dated June 30, 2023 of the Minister of Transport on amendment to and annulment of articles under Circulars relating to air transportation.

Pursuant to the Law on Vietnam Civil Aviation in 2006;

Pursuant to Decree No. 30/2013/ND-CP dated April 8, 2013 of the Government on air transportation business and general aviation operation;

Pursuant to Decree No. 110/2011/ND-CP dated December 5, 2011 of the Government on management of rental and purchase of aircrafts, engines, parts, components, and maintenance, repair services of aircrafts, engines; aircraft parts;




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At request of Director of Transportation Department and Director of Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam,

The Minister of Transport promulgates Circular on air transportation and general aviation operation[1].

Chapter I


Article 1. Scope

This Circular provides guidelines on:

1. Procedures and requirements for:

a) Approving aircraft rental, lease between Vietnamese organizations, individuals and foreign organizations, individuals;

b) Registering Transport regulations of Vietnamese airlines;




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d)[3] Issuing, revoking Certificate of registration for house airway bill issuance;

e) Approving cooperation agreement directly related to right to air transportation.

2. [4] Minimum obligations of carriers in regard to passengers who have had their seats confirmed and obtained air tickets when air transport is delayed, cancelled, departs early, or passengers are denied from boarding due to carrier’s fault.

3. Inspection and supervision of operation of airlines, fulfillment of eligibility for license to provide air transport service, license to provide general aviation services; fulfillment of obligations to passengers, baggage, goods of airlines; operation of other organizations relating to air transport.

Article 2. Regulated entities

This Circular applies to Vietnamese organizations, individuals and foreign organizations, individuals related to rental, lease of aircrafts, air transportation, and general aviation operation in Vietnam.

Chapter II


Article 3. Fleet planning of air transport service providers (hereinafter referred to as “airlines”) and general aviation service providers in Vietnam[5]




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2. Fleet planning of airlines and general aviation service providers must contain:

a) Forecasted demand for domestic and international air transport, each flight route provided by the airlines;

b) Forecasted flight network; cargo transport and passenger transport quantity; for passengers and baggage); load factor; composition of the airline in international network, domestic network, and each flight route;

c) Number of aircrafts by type across the network; type of aircraft operated on each flight route of the airline;

d) Plan for assuring (human, financial) resources for fleet operation and maintenance.

3. If contents of fleet planning under this Article are changed, enterprises are responsible for reporting to the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (hereinafter referred to as “CAA”) within 30 days from the date on which the enterprise decide to change their fleet planning.

4. Airlines and general aviation service providers are responsible for sending reports on fleet planning to the CAA which contain:

a) Name of report: fleet planning;

b) Content: Clause 2 of this Article;




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d) Report submission deadline: November 1 of the year preceding the planning year (in case of annual plan) and 60 days prior to starting date of the plan (in case of medium-term and long-term plan);

dd) Report data period: by October 31 of the year preceding the planning year;

e) Report form: under Appendix XV attached hereto.

Article 4. Procedures for approving rental, lease of aircrafts between Vietnamese organizations, individuals and foreign organizations, individuals

1. Organizations and individuals applying for approval for rental, lease of aircrafts shall submit application directly or via post service or other appropriate means to the CAA and shall be responsible for information in the application. The application consists of:

a) Written application using form under Appendix I attached hereto;

b) Report, presentation for: Form of rental; legal status of parties to aircraft rental, lease agreement; quantity, type, and age of rented aircraft; aircraft nationality; certificates relating to aircraft; agreement on purchase of civil liability insurance for passengers, baggage, goods, and third party on the ground; organizations responsible for operating, maintaining aircrafts according to air operator certificate.

c) Copies of aircraft rental, lease agreement;

d) Copies of documents affirming legal status and business operations of lessee (in case of aircraft lease), lessor (in case of aircraft rental), air operator, and maintenance personnel;




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e) Copies of document indicating lessor’s right (to possess, own, use) to aircraft; cases of wet lease, dry lease that require air operator certificate, aviation maintenance certificate, insurance certificate;

g) Description of images and brand fixed to aircraft exterior.

2. In regard to Vietnamese enterprises at least 30% capital of which is held by the state that apply for approval for aircraft rental, in addition to documents under Clause 1 of this Article, their application shall also contain:

a) Report and presentation of implementation of regulations on methods, procedures for selecting aircraft lease contractors; shopping; evaluation methods for aircraft lease proposal;

b) Document approving aircraft lease agreement in regard to foreign partners of Board of directors (Board of members) or General Director, Director of enterprises in regard to enterprises that do not have Board of directors (Board of members).

3. Within 5 working days from the date on which adequate application is received, the CAA is responsible for reviewing, assessing application and issuing written approval, rejection regarding aircraft rental, lease of the applicants. If the CAA rejects the application, the CAA must state their reasoning in writing.

If application for aircraft rental, lease is inadequate as per the law, the CAA shall request the applicants within 2 working days from the date on which they receive the application to finalize the application. The time limit for processing application shall start from the date on which the CAA receives adequate application.

4. Organizations and individuals applying for aircraft rental, lease (hereinafter referred to as “applicants”) shall incur charges as per the law.

Article 5. Requirements in aircraft rental, lease




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2. Aircraft lessees must not enable any other person to directly or indirectly benefit from the use of air transport rights other than the agreed rent or subscription together with other directly related costs.

3. Aircraft lessees and lessors have the obligations to engage in and provide presentation regarding aircraft rental and lease.

4. Prior to bringing aircrafts into operation, organizations and individuals are responsible for notifying and providing the CAA with documents relating to temporary important and re-export of aircrafts (in case of aircraft rental) and temporary export and re-import of aircrafts (in case of aircraft lease) of customs authority.

5. If aircraft rental does not last longer than 7 consecutive days according to the Law on Vietnam Civil Aviation, organizations and individuals must inform the CAA in writing about lessors' possession of appropriate air operator certificate.

6. Aircraft lessees and lessors are responsible for informing the CAA about violations of both parties in execution of aircraft rent, lease agreement; premature termination or extension of aircraft rent, lease, actual time of bringing aircraft out of Vietnam (in case of aircraft rental), bringing aircraft into Vietnam (in case of aircraft lease) for inspection.

Chapter III


Article 6. Promulgating Transport regulations[6]

Airlines are responsible for developing, registering, and promulgating Transport regulations. Transport regulations must contain rights and obligations of carriers, rights and obligations of passengers appropriate to regulations of the law.




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1. Airlines registering Transport regulations shall submit application directly or via post service or via other appropriate means to the CAA and shall be responsible for information in the application. The application consists of:

a) Written application using form under Appendix II attached hereto;

b) Copies of Transport regulations.

2. Within 5 working days from the date on which adequate application is received, the CAA is responsible for reviewing and issuing written approval or rejection of application for Transport regulations. If the CAA rejects the application, the CAA must state their reasoning in writing.

If application for Transport regulations is inadequate, the CAA is responsible for requesting airlines in writing to complete the application within 2 working days from the date on which they receive the application. The time limit for processing application shall start from the date on which the CAA receives adequate application.

Article 8. Minimum obligations of carriers in regard to passengers who have had their seats confirmed and obtained air tickets when air transport is delayed, cancelled, departs early, or passengers are denied boarding due to carrier’s fault[7]

1. Airlines are responsible for immediately notifying passengers of change to off-block time of their flights.

2. A flight is considered to be delayed flight when its actual off-block time (hereinafter referred to as “AOBT”) is more than 15 minutes later than its scheduled off-block time (hereinafter referred to as “SOBT”).

3. If delayed flight is not caused by passengers, carriers are responsible for adequately informing passengers via appropriate means; issuing apologies to passengers; taking care of meals, rest, travel, and incurring other relevant costs for passengers waiting at airports according to Transport regulations and ensuring passenger service quality at airports according to regulations of Minister of Transport.




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a) If a flight is delayed for at least 2 hours: within the scope of service provision of carriers, change appropriate route for passengers or transfer passengers to different flights, grant exemption from route change or flight transfer restrictions and related surcharges (if any) for passengers;

b) If a flight is delayed for at least 5 hours: in case passengers do not request carriers to fulfill obligations under Point a of this Clause but require a refund for their air tickets, carriers must issue a refund for air tickets that have not been used to passengers at airports or representative offices, branches, or ticket agencies designated by airlines;

c) If a flight is delayed for an indefinite amount of time: in addition to obligations under Point a or Point b of this Clause, when requested by passengers, carriers must make a non-refundable advance compensation for passengers who have had their seats on the flights confirmed and obtained air tickets in accordance with regulations on non-refundable advance compensation in passenger air transport of Minister of Transport.

5. A flight is considered to be cancelled when its schedule for booking and ticket sale have been publicized on central reservation system (CRS) of carriers within 24 hours prior to SOBT where carriers no longer operate the flight.

6. If passengers are denied from transport service due to carriers’ fault and if a flight is cancelled where passengers are not informed by carriers in advance, in addition to obligations under Clause 3 of this Article, carriers must:

a) Make non-refundable advance compensation for passengers who have had their seats on the flights confirmed and obtained air tickets for the flights in accordance with regulations on non-refundable advance compensation in passenger air transport of Minister of Transport;

b) Within the scope of services of carriers, change appropriate route for passengers or transfer passengers to different flights, grant exemption from route change or flight transfer restrictions and related surcharges (if any) for passengers;

c) If passengers refuse the adoption of Point b of this Clause, carriers must issue a refund for air tickets that have not been used to passengers at airports, representative offices, branches, or ticket agencies designated by airlines;

d) If passengers refuse the adoption of Point b and Point c of this Clause, carriers may fulfill other obligations according to agreement with the passengers.




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8. If passengers who have had their seats confirmed are denied from boarding and have not received notice on earlier departure time or do not agree with earlier departure time as a result of carriers’ faults, carriers are responsible for fulfilling obligations under Clause 6 of this Article.

9. Ticket refund for passengers under this Article is regulated as follows:

a) Ticket refund and refund fee restrictions (if any) shall be exempted;

b) In regard to entirely unused tickets, refund shall equal value of the ticket which the passengers have paid; ticket value consists of: transport service fees; taxes and fees regulated by the Government, passenger and luggage security service charges, airport service charges which the airlines have collected; other relevant surcharges according to legitimate invoice provided by the passengers;

c) In regard to partially used tickets, the refund shall not be lower than the difference between total value of air tickets and value of tickets, other services that have been used by the passengers.

Article 9. Transport of special passengers

1. Special passengers include:

a) Persons with disabilities;

b) The elderly;




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d) Children.

2. Airlines shall fulfill obligations similar to those applicable to regular passengers while assigning employees to provide care and assistance; organize and implement support services during transport of special passengers.

3. Fees and charges for transporting aids of special passengers shall be exempted.

4. Airlines shall elaborate mandatory support services for each type of special passenger and advance notice provided by the passengers for provision of special support services under Transport regulations and publicly list at ticket agencies.

Chapter IV


Article 10. Procedures for issuing, re-issuing, revoking License to establish representative office, ticket agency of foreign airline in Vietnam[8]

1. Foreign airlines applying for License to establish representative office, ticket agency shall submit application directly or via post service or other appropriate means to the CAA and shall be responsible for information in the application. The application consists of:

a) Written application using form under Appendix III attached hereto;




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c) Copies of Operating regulations of the applicants (in either Vietnamese or English);

d) Copies of documents verifying use right of head office where representative office, ticket agency is located in Vietnam;

dd) Copies excerpted from master register or copies and original copies or certified true copies (in case of online application), certified true copies (in case of application via post service) of documents assigning head of representative office, ticket agency (in either Vietnamese or English).

2. Within 5 working days from the date on which adequate application is received, the CAA is responsible for evaluating and issuing license using form under Appendix XIII attached hereto. If the CAA rejects the issuance, the CAA must state their reasoning in writing.

If application is inadequate, the CAA is responsible for requesting airlines in writing to complete the application within 2 working days from the date on which they receive the application. The time limit for processing application shall start from the date on which the CAA receives adequate application.

3. License to establish representative office, ticket agency is effective from the date on which it is signed and expires if regulations under Clause 5 Article 123 of the Law on Vietnam Civil Aviation or at request of airlines.

4. If any content of existing License to establish representative office, ticket agency is revised, foreign airlines shall submit application for reissuance of the License directly or via post service or other appropriate means to the CAA and be responsible for contents of the application.

a) The application consists of: written application using form under Appendix IV attached hereto and documents relating to the revision in either Vietnamese or English;

b) Within 3 working days from the date on which adequate application is received, the CAA is responsible for reviewing and re-issuing the Certificate using form under Appendix XIII attached hereto;




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5. Airlines applying for issuance, re-issuance of License to establish representative office, ticket agency shall pay charges as per the law.

6. Airlines applying for re-issuance of the License as previous License is damaged or lost shall comply with Clause 4 of this Article.

7. If the License is revoked, the CAA shall promulgate decision on revocation of the License and airlines must immediately terminate operation of representative offices and ticket agencies.

Article 11. (annulled)[9]

Article 12. Notifying and reporting operation of representative office, ticket agency of foreign airlines in Vietnam[10]

1. Within 60 days from the date on which the License is issued, representative offices and ticket agencies of foreign airlines are responsible for notifying the CAA of their operation in form of physical document or electronic document or fax using form under Appendix VI attached hereto. Airlines are responsible for authenticity and adequacy of the report.

2. Within 45 days from the date on which License is issued, representative offices and ticket agencies must operate at registered head office and post on 3 consecutive issues of a newspaper sold in Vietnam. The newspaper post must contain:

a) Name, address of representative office, ticket agency;

b) Name, address of head office of the foreign airline;




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d) List of foreign employee (name, nationality, passport number, and effective work permit (if any));

dd) Number, date of issue, and effective period of the License;

e) Operation of representative office, ticket agency.

3. In case of changes to foreign personnel, representative offices and ticket agencies are responsible for informing the CAA in writing about the changes within 10 days from the date on which such changes occur.

4. Representative offices and ticket agencies are responsible for submitting annual operation reports to the CAA and held accountable for authenticity and accuracy of contents of the reports. The reports contain:

a) Name of report: Operation report of representative office, ticket agency of foreign airline in Vietnam;

b) Content of report: information on representative office, ticket agency; operation of representative office, ticket agency; general evaluation and proposal;

c) Report submission and receipt methods: report shall be in physical or electronic form and submitted directly, via post service, fax, or other appropriate means as per the law;

d) Report data period: from January 1 to December 31 of the reporting year;




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e) Report form: under Appendix VII attached hereto.

Article 13. Termination of representative office, ticket agency of foreign airline in Vietnam[11]

1. Operation of representative office, ticket agency shall be terminated when:

a) Foreign airline requests so;

b) Foreign airlines terminate their operation in accordance with regulations and law of countries where they establish or register;

c) License to establish representative office, ticket agency is revoked in accordance with Clause 5 Article 123 of the Law on Vietnam Civil Aviation.

2. Within 30 days prior to termination in accordance with Point a and Point b Clause 1 of this Article, representative office, ticket agency must send written notice on termination using form under Appendix VIII attached hereto to the CAA, creditors, employees, and other persons with relevant obligations and benefits. The notice must specify expected date of termination, be publicly listed at representative office and ticket agency, and posted on a newspaper eligible for publication in Vietnam for 3 consecutive issues.

3. Foreign airlines, representative offices, and ticket agencies are responsible for fulfilling all debt obligations and other obligations with organizations, individuals as per the law.

Chapter V




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Article 14. Procedures for certificate of house airway bill issuance[12]

1. Vietnamese enterprises registering for issuance of their house airway bills shall send a registration for issuance of house airway bill to Airport Authority directly, via post service, via electronic means, or other methods and shall be responsible for accuracy of information therein. The application consists of:

a) Written application using form under Appendix IX attached hereto;

b) House airway bills of consignors and consignees.

2. Vietnamese enterprises registering for issuance of house airway bills of foreign consignors or consignees shall send an application for issuance of house airway bill to Airport Authority directly, via post service, via electronic means, or other methods and shall be responsible for accuracy of information therein. The application consists of:

a) Written application using form under Appendix X attached hereto;

b) House airway bills of foreign consignors and consignees.

3. Within 3 working days from the date on which adequate application is received, Airport Authority is responsible for reviewing and issuing certificate of house airway bill issuance using form under Appendix XIV attached hereto. If the registration is rejected, a written reason must be provided.

If the application is inadequate, within 1 working day from the date on which the application is received, Airport Authority shall issue documents guiding applicants to revise the application where the time limit for revising the application starts from the date on which airport authority receive adequate documents.




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4. Applicants shall pay issuance fees as per the law. Time limit for paying issuance fees is not included in the time limit of administrative procedures.

5. Certificate of house airway bill issuance enters into force from the date of signing and is revoked when:

a) The applicants cease to issue house airway bills for 6 consecutive months from the date on which certificate is issued without notifying certificate issuing authority;

b) Other cases decided by competent authority occur.

6. If certificate of house airway bill issuance is revoked, Airport Authority shall issue decision on revocation of certificate of house airway bill issuance and enterprises must immediately cease to issue house airway bills. If Airport Authority decides to revoke certificate of house airway bill issuance which was previously issued by CAA, Airport Authority shall notify CAA for monitoring.

Article 15. Requirements for air freight delivery services

1. Provision of air freight delivery services is not considered air transport of an airline according to the Law on Vietnam Civil Aviation.

2. Providers of air freight delivery services shall only adopt procedures for receiving goods at airports, aerodromes once they have obtained certificate of house airway bill issuance.

Chapter VI




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Article 16. Procedures for air transport licensing

1. Vietnamese airlines applying for air transport licensing shall submit application directly or via post service or via other appropriate means to the CAA and shall be responsible for information in the application. The application consists of:

a) Written application using form under Appendix XI attached hereto;

b) Copies of Air operator certificate;

c) Report on flight route and expected operation plan;

d) Copies of documents verifying juridical person and regulations of the airlines.

2. Foreign airlines applying for regular air service licensing shall add the followings to documents under Clause 1 of this Article: Documents of home country of the airlines designating or confirming designation that the airlines are allowed to provide air transport services in accordance with international agreements to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory.

3. Within 10 working days from the date on which adequate application is received, the CAA is responsible for reviewing and evaluating whether to grant air transport licensing. If air transport licensing is not granted, the CAA must state their reasoning in writing.

If application is inadequate, the CAA is responsible for requesting the airlines in writing to complete the application within 2 working days from the date on which they receive the application. The time limit for processing application shall start from the date on which the CAA receives adequate application.




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1. Market demand:

a) In regard to new flight routes that are not used by any airline, air transport licensing shall be granted on the basis of application of the airline wishing to use the flight routes;

b) In regard to active flight routes, air transport licensing shall be granted on the basis of results of operation on these flight routes at the time of application.

2. Capability of airlines:

a) Financial, air crew, personnel capability;

b) Feasibility of operating plan at the time of application.

3. Balance between flight route network and economic development goals:

a) Fulfilling capability of airport, aerodrome infrastructures;

b) Stable and reasonable development of flight routes;




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dd) Reasonable flight distribution for Vietnamese airlines on flight routes,

Article 18. Cooperation agreements relating to air transport licensing

1. Cooperation agreements relating to air transport licensing include:

a) Codeshare agreement;

b) Other contracts whose primary subjects are the use and exercising of air transport licensing.

2. A codeshare agreement is a contract that allows airlines to use their flight designator on flights of other airlines in Vietnam.

3. Requirements for signing and execution of codeshare agreement related to air transport licensing include:

a) The agreement must contain clauses which only take effect once approved by the CAA;

b) Airlines participating in the agreement shall have air transport licensing on respective flight routes; approval of the agreement must secure general benefits of Vietnam and Vietnamese airlines;




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Article 19. Procedures for approving codeshare agreement related to air transport licensing

1. Airlines applying for approval of codeshare agreement related to air transport licensing shall submit application to the CAA directly or via post service or other appropriate means and be responsible for information in the application. The application consists of:

a) Written application using form under Appendix XII attached hereto;

b) Copies of codeshare agreement related to air transport licensing.

2. Within 7 working days from the date on which adequate application is received, the CAA is responsible for reviewing, evaluating, assessing the application, and issuing decision approving codeshare agreement related to air transport licensing. If the CAA rejects the application, the CAA must state their reasoning in writing.

If application is inadequate, the CAA is responsible for requesting the airlines in writing to complete the application within 2 working days from the date on which they receive the application. The time limit for processing application shall start from the date on which the CAA receives adequate application.

Article 20. Requirements for utilization of air transport licensing

1. Airlines are only allowed to provide air transport within the scope of granted air transport licensing.

2. Airlines are not allowed to trade air transport licensing, engage in anti-competitive practices, or engage in unhealthy competition.




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Article 21. Responsibilities of Vietnam Civil Aviation Authority

1. Examining and adopting procedures for acknowledging and admitting effect of documents on aircraft operation and maintenance as per the law.

2. Periodically publicizing essential flight routes according to the Government's declaration of disadvantaged areas depending on criteria of per capita income, level of difficulty faced by other means of transport, impact of flight routes on economic development in rural, remote areas, national defense and security.

3. Directing Vietnamese airlines to utilize essential flight routes at an appropriate rate as per the law.

4. Inspecting and supervising:

a) Maintenance of eligibility for license to provide air transport, license to provide general aviation operations of airlines and issuance of Instruction manuals for this task;

b) Exercising of obligations of Vietnamese, foreign organizations and individuals and conditions, requirements in operation of these organizations, individuals upon having documents issued or amended in accordance with this Circular;

c) Developing, promulgating, and organizing of passenger service regulations, procedures according to regulations on service quality of enterprises providing services relating to air transport in order to ensure effective, coordinated air transport operations.




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a) Purpose and objectives of airline inspection, supervision;

b) Principles, details, methods (including communication and reporting of airlines), and procedures for inspecting, supervising.

6. Notifying People’s Committees of provinces, tax authorities, provincial police departments where representative offices, ticket agencies, Vietnamese juridical persons are located of termination of representative offices, ticket agencies, representative operation of Vietnamese juridical persons.

7. (annulled)[13].

8. Cancelling, revoking, suspending license, certificate, approval, licensing when:

a) Organizations, individuals obtaining license, certificate, right, or approval violate this Circular or Vietnamese regulations or international agreements to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory;

b) Organizations, individuals obtaining license, certificate, right, or approval are no longer eligible as per the law;

c) Relevant parties terminate contracts, agreements;

d) Intentionally produce documents, reports during evaluation in a dishonest manner;




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9. Consolidating and reporting issues and difficulties that arise during implementation to the Ministry of Transport.

Article 22. Responsibilities of Airport Authority

1. Inspecting and supervising the exercising of obligations of Vietnamese, foreign organizations and individuals, conditions and requirements in operations of these organizations and individuals at airports, aerodromes according to this Circular.

2. Consolidating and reporting issues, difficulties that arise during implementation to the CAA.

Article 23. Responsibilities of organizations and individuals

Vietnamese organization, individuals and foreign organizations, individuals related to air transport shall stay under supervision of the CAA and Airports Authority according to the law and this Circular.

Article 24. Entry into force, responsibilities for implementation[14]

1. This Circular comes into force from March 1, 2015.

2. Annul Circular No. 26/2009/TT-BGTVT dated October 28, 2009 of the Minister of Transport and Circular No. 16/2011/TT-BGTVT dated March 31, 2011 of the Minister of Transport.




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Le Anh Tuan


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                Văn bản hợp nhất 8560/VBHN-BGTVT 2023 Thông tư vận chuyển hàng không
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                Số hiệu8560/VBHN-BGTVT
                Cơ quan ban hànhBộ Giao thông vận tải
                Người kýLê Anh Tuấn
                Ngày ban hành07/08/2023
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                Lĩnh vựcGiao thông - Vận tải
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                Cập nhật11 tháng trước

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                            Văn bản gốc Văn bản hợp nhất 8560/VBHN-BGTVT 2023 Thông tư vận chuyển hàng không

                            Lịch sử hiệu lực Văn bản hợp nhất 8560/VBHN-BGTVT 2023 Thông tư vận chuyển hàng không

                            • 07/08/2023

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                              Trạng thái: Chưa có hiệu lực