Thông tư 02/2010/TT-NHNN

Circular No. 02/2010/TT-NHNN of January 22, 2010, providing in details for the implementation of giving interest rate support to bank loans in 2010 for procurement of machine, equipment, materials to serve agricultural production and materials for building dwelling houses in rural areas

Nội dung toàn văn Circular No. 02/2010/TT-NHNN, providing in details for the implementation of giving interest rate support to bank loans in 2010


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 02/2010/TT-NHNN

Hanoi, January 22, 2010




- Pursuant to the Resolution No. 43/2009/NQ-QH12 dated 27 November 2009 of the National Assembly on inquiry and inquiry answer at the sixth session, National Assembly, legislature XII;
- Pursuant to the Resolution No. 54/NQ-CP dated 11 November 2009 of the Government on the regular Government’s meeting session in October 2009;
- Pursuant to the Decision No. 497/QD-TTg dated 17 April 2009 of the Prime Minister on giving interest rate support to the procurement of machine, equipment, materials to serve agricultural production and materials for building dwelling house in rural areas;
- Pursuant to the Decision No. 2213/QD-TTg dated 31 December 2009 of the Prime Minister on the amendment of, supplement to several Articles of the Decision No. 497/QD-TTg dated 17 April 2009 of the Prime Minister on giving interest rate support to the procurement of machine, equipment, materials to serve agricultural production and materials for building dwelling house in rural areas;
After coming to a united agreement with the Ministry of Finance, the State Bank of Vietnam hereby provides in details for the implementation of giving interest rate support to organizations, individuals that borrow capital from banks in 2010 to procure machine, equipment, materials for agricultural production and materials for building dwelling house in rural areas (hereinafter referred to as interest rate support) as follows:

Article 1. Subjects and scope of application of provisions on interest rate support

1. Credit institutions that are authorized to give interest rate support shall include:

a. State owned commercial banks, joint stock commercial banks, joint venture banks, foreign banks’ branches operating in Vietnam, 100% foreign owned banks and Central People’s Credit Fund (hereinafter referred to as commercial banks).

b. Finance companies (excluding specialized finance companies which engage in consumer credit field and cards field in accordance with provisions of applicable laws) shall comply with provisions of the State Bank of Vietnam on prudential ratios in operation of credit institutions, setting up and use of provisions against credit risk in banking activity and have ratio of bad debt over total credit outstanding to be of less than 5%.

2. Borrowers who are entitled to interest rate support shall include:

a. Households, farm owners, individuals, cooperative groups, cooperatives, enterprises, who borrow short, medium term loans in Vietnamese Dong to procure machine, equipments, facilities, materials to serve agricultural production;

b. Households, individuals who borrow short, medium term loans in Vietnamese Dong to procure materials for building dwelling house in communes; excluding urban wards and townlets.

3. Types of loans, which are entitled to interest rate support, shall be short term, medium term loans in Vietnamese Dong under credit contracts signed and disbursed within the period from 01 January 2010 to 31 December 2010 to buy goods that are produced in Vietnam, including:

a. Machinery products, mechanical equipments, facilities to serve agricultural production and processing;

b. Light truck with load capacity of less than 5 tons;

c. Personal computer;

d. Materials for agriculture production:

- Chemical fertilizer of all kinds: urea, melted phosphate and super phosphate, NPK fertilizers with nutrition contents (N2, P20, K20) from 18% and higher, DAP fertilizer;

- Pesticides which are subject to the List of pesticides that are permitted to use in Vietnam, issued in conjunction with the Circular No. 09/2009/TT-BNN dated 03 March 2009 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

dd. Major construction materials for building dwelling houses: cement, construction steel, bricks, tiles, roof plates of all kinds.”

Article 2. Principle, conditions, term, amount of loan, amount of interest rate support, mode of interest rate support and application file for loan entitled to interest rate support

1. Principle of interest rate support is that commercial banks, finance companies shall provide loan to demands for short, medium term capital to procure machine, equipment, facilities, materials to serve agricultural production and materials for building dwelling houses in rural areas on the basis of balancing the capital resource for business of such commercial banks, finance companies under the normal lending mechanism; perform the interest rate support in compliance with provisions of the Prime Minister and guidance of the State Bank of Vietnam.

2. Conditions to enjoy interest rate support:

a. For borrowers:

- To directly engage in or serves agricultural production, if borrowing for procurement of machine, equipment, materials to serve agricultural production (other than buying for selling).

- To have a legal resident address in the commune with a confirmation of the Commune People’s Committee, if borrowing for purchase of materials for the construction of dwelling house.

b. For goods which are entitled to interest rate support:

- Goods manufactured, assembled by organizations, individuals (whose production premises are located in Vietnam, established and operating in accordance with provisions of applicable laws of Vietnam);

- They possess labels as stipulated in the Decree No.89/2006/ND-CP dated 30 August 2006 of the Government on goods label.

3. Term of interest rate support from the disbursement of the loan fund shall be within the period from 01 January 2010 to 31 December 2010:

a. For loans to procure machine, equipment, materials to serve agricultural production, processing and personal computer: 24 months at the maximum; interest rate support shall be given from 01 January 2010 to 31 December 2012.

b. For loans to procure agricultural materials and materials for building dwelling house: 12 months at the maximum; interest rate support shall be given from 01 January 2010 to 31 December 2011.

c. Loans entitled to interest rate support, which are overdue, shall be rescheduled, if the actual borrowing period exceeds the loan term entitled to interest rate support as provided for in points a and b in this Paragraph, then the interest rate support shall not be applied to the overdue time, rescheduled time and the period of time in excess of loan term entitled to interest rate support.

4. Maximum loan amount

a. In respect of machinery products, equipment, materials to serve agricultural production, processing and material products to serve agricultural production: the maximum amount of loan shall be equal to 100% of goods value; the specific loan amount shall be considered and decided upon by commercial banks, finance companies in accordance with the normal lending mechanism.

b. For personal computer: the maximum amount of loan shall be equal to 100% of the goods value, but not in excess of 05 million dong/item); the specific loan amount shall be considered and decided upon by commercial banks, finance companies in accordance with the normal lending mechanism.

c. For materials of all kinds for building dwelling house: the maximum amount of loan shall be equal to 100% of the goods value, but not in excess of 50 million dong; the specific loan amount shall be considered and decided upon by commercial banks, finance companies in accordance with the normal lending mechanism.

5. Amount of interest rate support:

a. The interest rate support shall be 100% of the loan interest based on the loan amount and actual borrowing period for loans to purchase goods as stipulated in points a, b, c Paragraph 3 Article 1 of this Circular.

b. The interest rate support shall be 2%/annum of the loan interest based on the loan amount and actual borrowing period of the loans for goods purchase as stipulated in points d, dd Paragraph 3 Article 1 of this Circular.

6. For the case where the borrowers are entitled to interest rate support while he has positive balance on deposit account and valuable paper denominated in Vietnamese dong, foreign currency (hereinafter referred to as balance of deposit account); or the loan is mortgaged, guaranteed by valuable paper, savings book and other forms of cash in Vietnamese dong and foreign currency (collectively called valuable paper), the interest rate support shall be given as follows:

a. For the case where the borrower has positive balance on deposit account at a lending commercial bank, finance company and other credit institutions, in signing the credit contract, that commercial bank, finance company shall calculate the entire balance of the deposit account as own capital of the borrower and the lending capital amount must exclude (-) such deposit account balance. The borrower shall be responsible for sending a report to the commercial bank, finance company on the balance of the deposit account and value of valuable paper in Vietnamese dong, foreign currency at other credit institutions and be accountable for the legality and accuracy of that report. Balance of the VND, foreign currency deposit account of the borrower shall include: demand deposit, term deposit; term savings deposit, demand savings deposit and other savings deposits; and exclude balance of deposit account with specialized capital, security deposit and frozen deposit in accordance with provisions of applicable laws.

b. For the case where the loan is mortgaged by valuable paper, in signing the credit contract, the commercial bank, finance company shall calculate the entire value of valuable paper as the own capital of the borrower and the loan level must exclude (-) value of such valuable paper.

c. For the case where the loan is mortgaged by valuable paper, the commercial bank, finance company shall give interest rate support to the loan outstanding to be equal to the difference between amount of loan outstanding minus (-) value of the guaranteed valuable paper of the customer at the time of signing the credit contract.

d. For balance of deposit account and valuable paper in foreign currency, it shall be converted into Vietnamese dong at the buying rate of the commercial bank, finance company at the determination time of the balance of deposit account and value of valuable paper.

7. Mode of interest rate support is that upon collecting loan interests, commercial banks, finance companies shall deduct the amount of payable interest of borrower which is equal to amount of loan interest entitled to the interest rate support. The State Bank of Vietnam shall transfer the loan interests already used for interest rate support on the basis of the report on amount of interest rate support by commercial banks, finance companies.

8. Application file for loan with interest rate support:

a. An application for capital borrowing, in case where the customer borrows for procurement of materials for building dwelling house, a confirmation of People’s Committee of the commune on the legal residence in that commune must be available.

b. A plan or project on the use of machine, mechanical equipment, materials for production and serving production; use of construction materials for building dwelling house.

c. Documents proving the using purpose of loan fund for purchase of goods, which are sale and purchase contract or invoice; borrowers shall be responsible to the law for the accuracy and validity of such documents. Commercial banks, finance companies shall base on those documents to verify the feasibility and legality of the use purpose of loan fund of the borrower.

d. Credit contract.

dd. Other documents in accordance with the normal lending mechanism.

Article 3. Process and responsibilities of borrower, commercial bank, finance company which performs the interest rate support

1. For borrower whose loan is entitled to the interest rate support:

a. Within the period from 01 January 2010 to 31 December 2010, upon arising the first loan at the lending commercial bank, finance company, the borrower shall submit an application for the interest rate support to that commercial bank, finance company in line with the Appendix 01 of this Circular.

b. To supply, in full, honest manner, all information, documents to prove his purpose of borrowing loan with the interest rate support and take responsibility for the accuracy of such provided information, documents. To use loan funds for the due purpose which is subject entitled to the interest rate support as stated in the credit contract. If the borrower fails to use the loan funds for the due purpose according to the subject of interest rate support, he shall not be entitled to the interest rate support and shall be required to refund the amount of previously supported loan interest to the commercial bank, finance company and be dealt with in accordance with provisions of applicable laws.

c. To implement provisions of the commercial bank, finance company on procedures of capital borrowing, interest rate support and reporting regime.

d. To account the payment of loan interests in correspondence with the right interest amount payable to the commercial bank, finance company after having obtained the interest rate support under provisions of current laws.

dd. To request the lending commercial bank, finance company to perform the interest rate support in compliance with provisions of the Prime Minister and guidance of the State Bank of Vietnam.

2. For commercial banks, finance companies:

a. To implement the interest rate support in compliance with provisions of the Prime Minster and guidance of the State Bank of Vietnam; not to refuse applications for interest rate support which are subjects entitled to interest rate support; to send periodical report to the State Bank of Vietnam for inspecting, supervising the interest rate support performance.

b. To state contents of the interest rate support in the credit contract based on the purposes of using loan funds which are subjects entitled to interest rate support in accordance with provisions of applicable laws; to refuse applications for interest rate support which are contrary to provisions of applicable laws.

c. Chairperson of the Board of Directors and General Manager (Manager) of commercial banks, finance companies shall be responsible and dealt with in accordance with provisions of applicable laws for any case of interest rate support which is inconsistent with provisions of applicable laws. For commercial banks and finance companies, if violating, they shall be taken into consideration in annual rating, supplement and increase of charter capital, issuance of license for expansion of operating network of commercial banks and finance companies.

d. To apply normal loan mechanism and loan interest rate for borrowing demands which are subjects entitled to the interest rate support in conformity with provisions in the Regulation on lending by credit institutions to customers issued in conjunction with the Decision No. 1627/2001/QD-NHNN dated 31 December 2001 of the Governor of the State Bank and other related legal documents.

dd. To perform the inspection before, during and after the lending to ensure the interest rate support to be performed in compliance with provisions of applicable laws. In case of finding out that the borrower fails to use the loan funds for due purposes which are subjects entitled to interest rate support, the interests previously supported shall be revoked; where it is unable to perform such revocation, it should be informed to competent state authority for settlement or proceeding against the violation of credit contract by the borrower.

e. To provide guidance to borrowers to ensure borrowing activity is performed conveniently, safely and to the right subject.

g. Upon collecting loan interests from the borrower, commercial banks, finance companies shall deduct the amount of loan interests payable by borrowers, equal to amount of loan interests entitled to interest rate support under provisions of applicable laws. If, by the end of 31 December 2012, the term of collecting loan interest still has not become due, commercial banks, finance companies shall calculate amount of loan interests payable by borrowers and carry out the deduction of the loan interest amount equal to the loan interest amount entitled to the interest rate support. The calculation and collection of loan interest shall be implemented in accordance with provisions of applicable laws; to carry out the accounting, following up of interests of loans entitled to interest rate support as follows:

- To account the entire of loan interests as income under provisions of current financial regime; amount of interests of loans entitled to interest rate support transferred by the State Bank of Vietnam shall be recorded into a separate account in line with guidance of the State Bank of Vietnam on the accounting of interest rate support amount in 2010.

- To have a list sheet (or database) to follow up details of loans entitled to interest rate support (borrower, loan amount, loan term and loan interest rate, amount of interest rate support,…) in order to send to borrowers for supervising, making statistics and internal auditing, making report to the State Bank of Vietnam and inspection, supervision of competent state agencies.

h. To draw up a confirmation of interest rate support to be certified by the borrower and lending commercial bank, finance company (sign and seal) as a basis for inspection, supervision. Such confirmation of interest rate support shall be made into 02 copies, 01 copy for archive in credit documents, 01 copy shall be sent to the borrower. Confirmation of interest rate support shall be drawn up by specific time upon collecting the loan interest and deducting the interest of loan entitled to interest rate support or drawn on a monthly basis in line with the deadline of sending report on interest rate support to the State Bank of Vietnam. For borrowers who are farmer’s households, confirmation of interest rate support shall be drawn up in the final month of every quarter within the period of interest rate support.

i. To submit a registration for plan and report on amount of interest rate support to the State Bank of Vietnam in line with the Appendixes 02, 03 and 04 of this Circular:

- Registration for quarterly plan of interest rate support shall be in line with Appendix 02 of this Circular and sent on the 10th of the first month of the quarter at the latest; registration for plan of interest rate support of quarter I of 2010 shall be sent on 30 January 2010 at the latest.

- Monthly report on the implementation of interest rate support shall be in line with Appendixes 03 and 04 of this Circular and be sent on the 10th of the consecutive following month of the reporting month and accuracy and timeliness must be ensured.

k. To timely, accurately follow up, total loans entitled to interest rate support for the purpose of internal auditing, making report to the State Bank of Vietnam and inspection, supervision of competent state agencies; to open accounts or apply appropriate management system to separately account, to total loans entitled to the interest rate support.

l. To archive documents of loans entitled to interest rate support in accordance with provisions of applicable laws.

Article 4. Responsibilities of the State Bank of Vietnam

1. On a monthly basis, to transfer 90%, at the maximum, of the loan interest amount already supported according to reports of commercial banks, finance companies. The transfer of the remaining loan interest amount which has already enjoyed the interest rate support of every year shall be performed after the receipt of the report on final settlement of interest rate support of commercial banks, finance companies.

2. To preside over, cooperate with the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industry and Trade and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to carry out the inspection, supervision over the implementation of provisions of applicable laws on giving interest rate support if necessary.

3. Responsibilities of units of the State Bank of Vietnam for assisting the Governor to implement contents relating to the implementation of interest rate support mechanism:

a. Monetary Policy Department: To coordinate with units of the State Bank in dealing with matters related to the interest rate support mechanism; to receive registrations for plan of interest rate support and reports on the interest rate support performance sent by commercial banks, finance companies; to give notice of interest rate support amount to related units of the State Bank of Vietnam to transfer that amount to commercial banks, finance companies; to provide guidance on making final settlement of the interest rate support amount; to prepare report for submission to the Prime Minister.

b. Department of Finance- Accounting: To deal with issues of accounting relating to the interest rate support mechanism (original documents of accounting, transfer of interest rate support amount, …).

c. Banking Operation Department: To carry out the accounting, transfer of the interest rate support amount to commercial banks in line with the notice of the Monetary Policy Department and decision of the Governor of the State Bank.

d. Banking Supervision, Inspection Agency: to carry out the inspection, supervision over and dealing with commercial banks, finance companies and borrowers who violate provisions of applicable laws on interest rate support.

dd. State Bank branches in provinces, cities under the central Government’s management: To carry out the examination, supervision and inspection, within their competence, over the implementation of provisions of applicable laws on interest rate support; to make report, give proposals concerning the settlement of arising matters to the State Bank’s Governor and President of People’s Committee in provinces, cities under the central Government’s management.

Article 5. Organization of implementation

1. This Circular shall be effective from the signing date.

2. Director of Administrative Department, Director of Monetary Policy Department and Head of units of the State Bank, General Managers of the State Bank branches in provinces, cities under the central Government’s management; Chairman of Board of Directors and General Managers (Managers) of commercial banks and finance companies, borrowers shall be responsible for the implementation of this Circular.



Nguyen Dong Tien



Independence – Freedom – Happiness


To: ........................... (name of lending commercial bank, finance company)

Name of borrower:



Tel No.: ........                                        Fax No.:                                    Email:

Name of representative for the organization (if borrower is an organization)


Pursuant to provisions in the Decision No. 2213/QD-TTg dated 31 December 2009 of the Prime Minister on amendment, supplement of several Articles of the Decision No. 497/QD-TTg dated 17 April 2009 of the Prime Minister on giving interest rate support to loans for procurement of machines, equipments, materials to serve agricultural production and materials for building dwelling houses in rural areas and guidance of the State Bank of Vietnam stated in the Circular No. 02/2010/TT-NHNN dated 22 January 2010, we would like to ask your commercial bank for giving interest rate support to our loans for procurement of machine, equipments, materials to serve agricultural production and materials for building dwelling houses in rural areas under credit contracts to be disbursed during the time from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2010.

We do undertake to comply with provisions of applicable laws on lending, giving interest rate support and commitments made in the credit contracts; to use loan funds for the right purpose, right subjects to be entitled to the interest rate support; to immediately refund the amount of interest rate support if loan funds are not used for the right purpose or subjects of interest rate support as stated in the credit contracts; to take responsibility to the law if violating credit contract.


................., day.....month.......year
(Sign and seal)


- Borrower shall send Application for interest rate support for only one time upon arising the first loan at the very lending commercial bank, finance company during the time from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2010.

- For borrower being organization, its representative shall sign and seal; for borrower being household, farm owner and individual, he shall sign and clearly state full name.



Independence – Freedom – Happiness



Quarter … Year….

To: The State Bank of Vietnam (Monetary Policy Department)

Bank: ………………………………………………………………………………….

Legal entity’s representative: ………………… Position:………………………………….

Address: ………………………………………………………………………………

Tel No: ……………………………………. Fax No: ……………………………….

VND deposit account No.: ………………. opened at: ……………………………...

Would like to register the plan of interest rate support for borrowers in quarter ... year … in accordance with provisions in the Decision No. 2213/QD-TTg and the Circular No. 02/2010/TT-NHNN as follows:

Unit: VND billion

Goods entitled to interest rate support

Loan outstanding entitled to interest rate support

Amount of interest rate support

I. Total

Of which



1. Machinery products, mechanical equipments, facilities to serve agricultural production and processing



2. Light lorry with capacity of less than 5 tons



3. Personal computer



4. Materials for agricultural production



- Chemical fertilizer of all kinds: urea, melted phosphate and super phosphate, NPK fertilizers with nutrition contents (N2, P20, K20) from 18% and higher, DAP fertilizer;



- Pesticide of all kinds subject to the List of pesticides authorized to use in Vietnam issued in conjunction with the Circular No.09/2009/TT-BNN dated 03/3/2009 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.



5. Major construction materials for building dwelling houses in rural areas



II. Percentage of loan outstanding entitled to interest rate support for procurement of machine, equipments, materials to serve agricultural production and materials for building dwelling houses in rural areas in the year 2010 over total loans outstanding of commercial bank/finance company





........, date.........
General Manager
(Sign and seal)





Month … year….

Unit: dong

In reporting month

Loan outstanding entitled to interest rate support as at the end of reporting month

Number of borrowers with loan outstanding entitled to interest rate support as at the end of the reporting month

Amount of loan interests already used for interest rate support to borrowers, accumulated from 1/01/2010 till the end of the reporting month

Number of borrowers entitled to interest rate support

Loan Turnover entitled to interest rate support

Amount of loan interests payable, to be calculated under the interest rate stated in the credit contract

Amount of loan interests already used for interest rate support to borrowers








I. Total of loans for procurement of goods produced in Vietnam, entitled to interest rate support, including:








1. Machinery products, mechanical equipments, facilities to serve agricultural production and processing








2. Light lorry with capacity of less than 5 tons








3. Personal computer








4. Materials for agricultural production








- Chemical fertilizer of all kinds: urea, melted phosphate and super phosphate, NPK fertilizers with nutrition contents (N2, P20, K20) from 18% and higher, DAP fertilizer;








- Pesticide of all kinds subject to the List of pesticides authorized to use in Vietnam issued in conjunction with the Circular No.09/2009/TT-BNN dated 03/3/2009 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.








5. Major construction materials for building dwelling houses in rural areas








- Cement








- Construction steel








- Building bricks, tiles of all kinds








- Roof plate of all kinds








II. Total of loans entitled to interest rate support classified by borrower








- Enterprise








- Cooperative








- Cooperative group








- Farm owner








- Household and individual









Chief Accountant
(Head of Accounting Division)

Head of Internal Inspection/ Audit Division

........., date......
General Manager (Manager)

Guidance on synthesizing and sending report:

- This report shall be sent by commercial banks, finance companies to the State Bank of Vietnam at the following address: Monetary Policy Department – State Bank of Vietnam – 49 Ly Thai To Street – Hanoi (email: [email protected]; fax: 04-38246953/38240132) and be sent by commercial bank’s branches to State Bank Branches in provinces, cities under the Central Government’s management.

- Column (1): Number of borrowers entitled to the interest rate support shall be number of organizations, individuals (households, farm owners, individual, cooperative groups, cooperatives, enterprises, etc...) entitled to the interest rate support, arising in the reporting month (do not count identically the times of loan items); if one customer has various loans for procurement of different goods, such customer shall be classified into the sector with greatest loan outstanding.

- Column (3): Amount of loan interests payable calculated under the interest rate stated in the credit contract shall be calculated in accordance with provisions in the Decision No. 652/2001/QD-NHNN dated 17/5/2001 of the State Bank’s Governor.

- Column (4): Amount of loan interests already used for giving interest rate support to borrowers shall be synthesized according to the data stated on the Confirmation of interest rate support; total amount of loan interest already used for giving interest rate support must be equal to the amount of interest rate support which has been written down for the borrower.

- Column (6): Number of borrowers with loan outstanding entitled to interest rate support as at the end of the reporting month; do not count identically the times of loan items and if one customer has various loans for procurement of different goods, such customer shall be classified into the sector with greatest loan outstanding.

- Reporting deadline: On the 10th, at the latest, of the month consecutively following the reporting month.

- Please to clearly state full name and telephone number of person in charge of answering details of the report upon request of the State Bank.

- Any query that may arise during the implementation process should be promptly reported in writing or via the telephone number 04-38246955/38259185; fax number: 04-38246953/ 38240132; in respect of commercial banks’ branches, please make report to the head office of commercial banks for united settlement in the entire system.




Month … year….

Unit: dong

In reporting month

Loan outstanding entitled to interest rate support as at the end of reporting month

Number of borrowers with loan outstanding entitled to interest rate support as at the end of the reporting month

Amount of loan interests already used for interest rate support to borrowers, accumulated from 1/01/2010 till the end of the reporting month

Number of borrowers entitled to interest rate support

Loan Turnover entitled to interest rate support

Amount of loan interests payable, to be calculated under the interest rate stated in the credit contract

Amount of loan interests already used for interest rate support to borrowers
















Of which








1. An Giang Province








2. Ba Ria, Vung Tau Province








3. Bac Can province
























63. Yen Bai Province









Chief Accountant
(Head of Accounting Division)

Head of Internal Inspection/ Audit Division

........., date......
General Manager (Manager)

Guidance on synthesizing and sending report:

- To classify loans entitled to the interest rate support by 63 provinces, cities under the central Government’s management (classified under the alphabet order).

- Column (1): Number of borrowers entitled to the interest rate support shall be number of organizations, individuals (households, farm owners, individual, cooperative groups, cooperatives, enterprises, etc...) entitled to the interest rate support, arising in the reporting month (do not count identically the times of loan items); if one customer has various loans for procurement of different goods, such customer shall be classified into the sector with greatest loan outstanding.

- Column (3): Amount of loan interests payable calculated under the interest rate stated in the credit contract shall be calculated in accordance with provisions in the Decision No. 652/2001/QD-NHNN dated 17/5/2001 of the State Bank’s Governor.

- Column (4): Amount of loan interests already used for giving interest rate support to borrowers shall be synthesized according to the data stated on the Confirmation of interest rate support; total amount of loan interest already used for giving interest rate support must be equal to the amount of interest rate support which has been written down for the borrower.

- Column (6): Number of borrowers with loan outstanding entitled to interest rate support as at the end of the reporting month; do not count identically the times of loan items and if one customer has various loans for procurement of different goods, such customer shall be classified into the sector with greatest loan outstanding.

- Report recipient: Monetary Policy Department- State Bank (email: [email protected]; fax: 04-38246953/38240132) and State Bank branches in provinces, cities.

- Reporting deadline: On the 10th, at the latest, of the month consecutively following the reporting month.

- Please to clearly state full name and telephone number of person in charge of answering details of the report upon request of the State Bank.

- Any query that may arise during the implementation process should be promptly reported in writing or via the telephone number 04-38246955/38259185; fax number: 04-38246953/ 38240132; in respect of commercial banks’ branches, please make report to the head office of commercial banks for united settlement in the entire system.

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    Circular No. 02/2010/TT-NHNN, providing in details for the implementation of giving interest rate support to bank loans in 2010
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      Lịch sử hiệu lực Circular No. 02/2010/TT-NHNN, providing in details for the implementation of giving interest rate support to bank loans in 2010