Thông tư 41/2011/TT-BCT

Circular No. 41/2011/TT-BCT of December 16, 2011, stipulating on safe management in the field of liquefied petroleum gas

Nội dung toàn văn Circular No. 41/2011/TT-BCT stipulating on safe management in the field of lique


Independence - Freedom – Happiness


No.: 41/2011/TT-BCT

Hanoi, December 16, 2011




Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No.189/2007/ND-CP of December 27, 2007 and the Government’s Decree No. 44/2011/ND-CP of June 14, 2011 on amending and supplementing Article 3 of the Government’s Decree No.189/2007/ND-CP of December 27, 2007 defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Industry and Trade; 

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 06/CP, of January 20, 1995 detailing a number of articles of the Labor Code on labor safety, labor hygiene;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 110/2002/ND-CP of December 27, 1902 amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No. 06/CP, of January 20, 1995 detailing a number of articles of the Labor Code on labor safety, labor hygiene;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 104/2009/ND-CP of November 09, 2009 providing for the list of dangerous goods and the transport of dangerous goods by road motor vehicles; 

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 107/2009/ND-CP of November 26, 2009 on trading liquefied petroleum gas;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 13/2011/ND-CP of February 11, 2011 on safety of onshore oil and gas works;

The Minister of Industry and Trade stipulates on safe management in the field of liquefied petroleum gas as follows:

Chapter 1.


Article 1. Scope of regulation and subjects of application

This Circular stipulates on safe management in the field of liquefied petroleum gas, applies to establishments trading liquefied petroleum gas and relevant organizations, individuals.

Article 2. Interpretation of terms

In this Circular, the following terms are construed as follows:

1. Liquefied petroleum gas is a mixture including principally of Propane (chemical formula: C3H8) and butane (chemical formula: C4H10) that originated from petroleum, English name: Liquiefied Petroleum Gas (abbreviated as LPG).    

2. LPG-bottling station is station using special-use means, equipment for filling bottles with LPG for sale to customers.

3. Automobile LPG-filling station is a station using special-use means, equipment for directly filling automobiles with LPG as fuel used for engine.

4. LPG supply station is station using special-use means, equipment for supplying LPG from a fixed tank or LPG bottle grid system by directly through LPG pipelines to clients.

5. LPG stores are shops where sell LPG and shops where specially trade in LPG.

6. LPG bottle inspection stations are stations implementing inspection of kinds of LPG bottle.

7. Establishments producing, repairing LPG-containing bottles are establishments performing the manufacture, repair of LPG-containing bottles.

8. Establishments storing LPG are establishments performing the delivery-receipt and storage of LPG by tanks.

9. Establishments trading in LPG are establishments performing production, processing, delivery-receipt, storage and distribution, including: Plants producing, manufacturing LPG; ports of LPG exit and entry; warehouses storing LPG, warehouses preserving LPG bottles and bottled LPG, stores selling LPG, LPG bottling or cistern truck-filling stations; automobile LPG-filling stations; stations supplying LPG; LPG transport and leasing means of LPG transport.

10. LPG tank means tank used to contain LPG with capacity of equal or larger than 0.15 m3.

11. The floating tank means tank laid on ground and not be filled up sand or soil.

12. The countersunk tank means tank buried under ground and covered with sand or soil.

13. The tank covered with soil means tank laid on ground and covered with sand or soil.

14. Safe distance means the allowed minimum distance calculating from the outer edge of equipment, works (tanks, cluster of tanks, cistern trucks, exit and entry points or houses filling LPG) to the nearest point of adjacent equipment, works, for assurance of safety.

15. Dangerous area means area at which the mixture of LPG and air is able to cause burning, explosion.

16. The fire-isolated wall means wall made of bricks or concrete or non-inflammable materials with fire-resistant ability of at least 60 minutes, with height at least 2m or be higher peak of tank aiming to prevent heat radiation from the fire outside affecting to tanks, concurrently ensure a sufficient distance for dispersing LPG steam to not spread to the adjacent works or the fire source outside when happening the LPG leakage.

17. LPG pump means equipment or system used to measure, count quantity of LPG when filling into bottles of means using LPG.

18. Places, which need be protected, are places having many people traveling, residing such as areas of residence, schools, hospitals, cinemas, theatres, stores, supermarkets and places for amusement, public entertainment, other industrial and civil works.

19. Sources causing burning are energy sources leading to the LPG burning such as bare flame, materials, machines, equipment when using or operating with ability of generating heat or spark which may cause burning, explosion for the flammable air mixture.

Article 3. System of safe management, reports on assessment of risks and plans on emergency rescue  

1. Establishments storing LPG, LPG-bottling stations, automobile LPG-filling stations, LPG supply stations, must implement elaboration of system of safe management, reports on assessment of risks and plans on emergency rescue to submit to competent agencies for appraisal and approval. 

2. In case an establishment trading LPG includes factories of production, processing, LPG exit and entry ports, LPG warehouses, stations filling LPG, which are near to each other and have the same owner, formulation of reports on assessment of risks and plans on emergency rescue are made in a combined system for such establishment.

3. Annually, establishments specified in clause 1 of this Article must make plan on performing manoeuvres of projects in the approved plan on emergency rescue.

Article 4. General provisions on ensure safety for LPG trading establishments

1. LPG trading establishments must be designed, installed and built in according to National technical regulations and relevant provisions of law.

2. LPG trading establishments must have fully the operational process, process of handling incidents and regulations on safety which have been approved by their leaders.

3. Machines, equipment of LPG trading establishments must be regularly checked, periodically inspected on technical safety as prescribed.

4. The premises of LPG trading establishments must ensure:

a) For fire fighting means to be easy to approach;

b) To be aerated and convenient for LPG dispersal when being leaked, not let LPG stagnancy and accumulation;

c) To prevent approach of persons without authority.

5. Persons related to management, operation of equipment, preservation, loading and unloading, transport of LPG trading establishments must be trained, coached on professional work, technical safety, prevention and fighting of fire and explosion, and be granted certificates as prescribed.

Article 5. Provisions on safe distance

1. The LPG trading establishments must ensure safe distance between equipment, works with their boundary fences or places need be protected.

2. In scope of safe distance of LPG trading establishments, acts being likely to cause directly or indirectly damages to safety are strictly prohibited.

Article 6. Provisions on fire prevention and fighting

The LPG trading establishments must:

1. Fully having projects on fire prevention and fighting.

2. Having system of fire warning, fire fighting equipment which ensure requirement and in conformity with flammable materials in establishments.

3. Having certificate of eligibility of fire prevention and fighting as prescribed. 

4. Laying notice plates such as: “No fire”, “Non smoking”, “no admittance, except to authorized personnel”, “fire prevention and fighting regulation”, standard command of fire prevention and fighting, and other notice plates as prescribed.   Notice plates must be written in Vietnamese, uppercase letters, readable, and laid in easily seen places. Size of letters on notice plates must be high at least 120 mm.

5. Having measures to control and prevent sources causing burning.

6. Grounding for equipment and works under National technical regulations and periodically examining as prescribed.

Chapter 2.


Article 7. General provisions for LPG storage establishments

LPG storage establishments must implement provisions from Article 3 to Article 6 of this Circular and other additional measures in order to prevent risks of fire, explosion and minimize risks when being leaked LPG.

Article 8. The provisions for installation of tanks

1. LPG tanks must be put outdoor, outside of houses, outside of closed construction works. Do not put tanks on roofs,  balconies, in basements and under works.

2. LPG tanks must be installed full measuring, checking and safe equipment as prescribed.  Tanks must be installed emergency closure valve.

3. Tanks are not overlapped on one another.  Cylinder tanks laying horizontally are not put in a straight line along to vertical axle and directed toward dwelling houses or service works.

4. The safe distance from LPG tanks to surrounding objects must be assured as prescribed in Annex 1 enclosed with this Circular.

Article 9. The provisions for operation of tanks

1. LPG filled in tanks does not exceed the prescribed level. On meter indicating the filling level must have a warning line of the maximum filling level.

2. All LPG tanks must be protected against corrosion. The protective covering layers must be examined not exceeding two years once in order to prevent corrosion of tanks. Periodically, must examine thickness of shell of tanks and examine inside as prescribed but not exceeding 5 year once.

Article 10. LPG pipelines

1. Floating pipelines of establishments storing LPG must have unshakeable racks, painted with prescribed colors.

2. Underground pipelines must be protected to prevent corrosion by suitable measures. Periodically, pipelines, thickness of pipelines must be examined as prescribed.

Article 11. The strengthened technical-safety measures for LPG storage establishments

In case have not yet fully meeting provisions on distances or in order to raise safe level, LPG storage establishments must apply suitably-strengthened-technical-safety measures stated in item 4 of Annex 1 enclosed with this Circular. 

The reducing level of distances for strengthened measures specified in item 4 of Annex 1 enclosed with this Circular applies to LPG storage establishments existing only, not applies to newly-build establishments.

Chapter 3.


Article 12. General provisions for LPG-bottling stations

LPG-bottling stations must implement provisiosn from Article 3 to Article 6 of this Circular and the following requirements:

1. LPG-bottling stations must abide by provisions from Article 16 to Article 19 of the Government’s Decree No. 107/2009/ND-CP of November 26, 2009 on trading liquefied petroleum gaz (hereinafter referred to as the Decree No. 107/2009/ND-CP) granted certificate of eligibility of LPG bottling.

2. To prohibit to arrange the LPG-bottling stations at basements or in floors of buildings.

3. Floors of the bottling stations must be flat, equal or higher than the surrounding premises. If a floor is lifted up, the under space must be filled up or must have measure to be aerated if letting blank. Not keep, preserve things, as well as flammable substances, in this blank space.

4. The safe distances from tanks to surrounding objects, from LPG-bottling houses to adjacent works and to tanks are specified in Annex 1 enclosed with this Circular.

Article 13. Examination before filling

1. To examine common situation, tanks, accessories, equipment for filling LPG not being decayed and not having sign of leakage.

2. Safe, measuring and checking equipment, fire prevention and fighting equipment are full, in good and ready condition for use.

3. Safe instructions when filling LPG have been applied fully.  The LPG-filling stations must have the approved process of filling LPG, laid in the place of filling LPG, in which stipulated the maximum level of filling LPG in order to not happen the filling LPG excessively.

4. Not fill bottle with LPG, and must implement inspection upon appearing one of following cases:

a) Bottles have been overdue for inspection;

b) Bottles have not yet inspected or the inspection term cannot define.

5. Do not filling bottle with LPG, and must implement assessment to reject or repair bottles in the following cases:

a) Weight of shell is unreadable or absent;

b) Bottles having defects or broken on handle or the bottom belt;

c) Trunks of bottle have physical flaws;

d) Bottles are corroded that can see;

dd) Bottles with burns due to arc or fire;

e) Bottles, valves or structures reducing pressure (if equipped) are leaked or corrupted.

6. Strictly prohibit filling LPG for bottles of other owners without contract of LPG-bottling with the filling station, bottles have unclear origin.

Article 14. Assessment for rejecting, repairing bottles

1. Assessment for rejecting bottles must be implemented by owner of bottles as prescribed in item 5 of TCVN 7762:2007 – Gas Bottles- Refillable, welded and steel bottles used for LPG. The process of checking before, during and after filling.

2. Bottles which not ensure safety must be destroyed in order to not reuse.

3. Repair of bottles must implement at establishments producing, repairing bottles which are qualified and have been granted certificate.

Article 15. LPG bottling

1. To implement LPG bottling in accordance to the process of bottling of the bottling station. Weight of LPG filled for bottles must be performed properly with volume stipulated for each bottle, but not exceeding levels prescribed in the Annex B of TCVN 6485:1999 – LPG. The filling gas in bottles of up to 150 liter water capacity. Safety requirements.

2. Bottles filled excessively must be drawn part of superfluous LPG until attain the filling level as prescribed (weight, volume).

When reducing partly the LPG weight, must comply with process on safety assurance and not discharging directly out environment.

3. All bottles filled excessively after discharging the redundant, must be re-check the filling level.

4. Bottles after filling LPG must be checked tightness, labeled of goods on shell of bottles and sealed at valves of bottle. 

Article 16. Preservation, loading and unloading of LPG-containing bottles in LPG bottling stations

1. Warehouses for preservation of LPG-bottling stations must have equipment to check, warn leakage of LPG.

2. Places preserving LPG-containing bottles must be aerated, not preserve in places lower than the surrounding premises, in the containing cellars, in underground floors.

3. Warehouses containing LPG bottles outdoor, of from 1000 kg or more, must be divided into small lots.   Warehouses containing bottles not yet filled with LPG must have a distance of at least 03 m from warehouses containing bottles filled with LPG.

Warehouses containing bottles indoor must meet requirements on weight of storage, place of storage as prescribed in item 5.3 TCVN 6304:1997 – Bottles containing LPG.  Safety requirement in preservation, loading and unloading, transport.

Chapter 4.


Article 17. General provisions for LPG supply stations

The LPG supply stations must implement provisions from Article 3 to Article 6 of this Circular and the following requirements:

1. To abide by provisions from Article 37 to Article 40 of the Decree No. 107/2009/ND-CP and granted certificate of eligibility of LPG supply station.

2. The main items such as tanks, pipelines, vaporizers must be surrounded by fences, places cannot to lay fences, the main items must placed in the boundary fences of establishments.

3. It must ensure convenience for fire-fighting vehicles to go out and enter stations when necessary.

4. Equipments placed in areas having risk of damage must be protected by safety measures such as barriers, iron poles, concrete poles and there are warning panels.   The safe equipment must not effect to aeration of areas storing LPG.

5. To fast come places where customers using LPG to remedy unsafe malfunctions when receiving notice of customers.

Article 18. Provisions for LPG tanks

The tanks installed in LPG supply stations must ensure provisions in Article 8 and Article 9 of this Circular and the following requirements:

1. Not lay tanks in basements.

2. Distance from LPG tanks to tanks containing other flammable liquids with burning point under 60oC is not less than 7 m.

Article 19. Provisions for LPG supply stations by system of bottles

1. The permitted maximum capacity of the bottle warehouse is 1000 kg.

2. It may put the bottle-containing warehouses in civil-industrial houses when capacity is less than 700 kg and must ensure air ventilation, safety in fire and explosion prevention.  The bottle-containing warehouses must be separated with other parts of the building by barriers, ceilings, closed floors, with the fire-resistance limit not less than 150 minutes.

3. Warehouses containing bottles with system of contributed bottles must be put in houses with roof made of non-inflammable materials.

4. Warehouses containing bottles outside of civil, industrial houses must be seperated completely with other buildings or the boundary fences of the adjacent works with minimum distance of 1 m for warehouses with capacity of under 400 kg; 3 m for  warehouses with capacity of between 400 kg and 1000 kg.

Article 20. Provisions for vaporizers

When using vaporizers in LPG supply stations, it must comply with the following provisions:

1. It allows installing only vaporizers ensuring safety and explosion prevention and must placed far from tanks or bottles at least 1.5 m, far from the nearest buildings at least 3 m.

2. When putting vaporizers in buildings, vaporizers are placed only at the first floor (ground-floor) and the first floor is not lower than the surrounding premises, it must be aerated.

Article 21. Provisions for areas receiving LPG from cistern trucks.

1. At the entry for cistern trucks, it must have notice plate for restraining of speed.

2. Areas receiving cistern trucks must have notation marked clearly, must have notice plates of position receiving cistern trucks and do not allow persons no duty to go around when putting LPG in the tanks.

3. The head of cistern truck during receiving LPG must direct toward main path or the rescue path in order to not be obstructed when evacuating urgently.

Article 22. Use of fire-isolated walls

1. The fire-isolated walls must have no hole, built firmly by bricks, concretes, or other materials, must ensure the fire-resistance limit at least 150 minutes.

2. Height of the fire-isolated walls of warehouses must be higher than the tanks at least of 0.5 m.

Chapter 5.


Article 23. General provisions for Automobile LPG-filling stations

The Automobile LPG-filling stations must implement provisions from Article 3 to Article 6 of this Circular and the following requirements:

1. To abide by conditions prescribed in from Article 33 to Article 36 of the Decree No. 107/2009/ND-CP and granted certificate of eligibility of automobile LPG-filling station.

2. The automobile LPG-filling stations must ensure requirements of aeration, not being shielded roundly, having protective fences or measures to prevent risks of infringement from outside enter the area of tanks.

Article 24. Provisions for floating tanks at the automobile LPG-filling stations

1. The floating tanks are not permitted to put in buildings or in same warehouse containing other flammable liquids and must ensure the minimum distance of 3 m from the circling fence.

2. The tanks with capacity under 0.5 m3 are allowed to put in places need be protected in case ensuring that the safe distance to any object is not less than 3 m. When arranging into a cluster of tanks, quantity does not exceed 5 tanks.

3. The tanks are not permitted to overlap on each other.  The tanks in a cluster of tanks must be put in parallel and heads of tanks directed farther from all adjacent warehouses containing dangerous, flammable substances, or other flammable liquid or gas.

4. The minimum distance from the edge of floating tanks to the surrounding objects must comply with provisions in item 1 Annex 2 enclosed with this Circular.

5. The distance from the floating tanks to the tanks and warehouses containing other flammable substances must comply with provisions in item 2 Annex 2 enclosed with this Circular.

Article 25. Provisions for countersunk tanks at the automobile LPG-filling stations

1. The countersunk tanks are not put under area of warehouses containing other flammable liquids.

2. Tanks with a part or whole part on the land, parts floated on land must be covered by sand or soil with thickness based on diameter not less than 600 mm. For soil-covered tanks which having no the surround wall, the slope of covering layer must not let the covering materials drift. 

3. When arranging by tank-clusters, it is not permitted to overlap tanks on each other.

4. The minimum distance of the countersunk tanks to the surrounding objects must comply with provisions in item 3 Annex 2 enclosed with this Circular.

Article 26. Provisions for LPG pumps

1. LPG pumps must be put at distance at least 10 m from the LPG tanks.

2. The pumps and points connecting LPG pipes to fill for means must be put at aeration places, outdoor and places with roofs.

3. It must have the joints to detach pumps with soft pipes used to supply LPG for automobiles.

Article 27. Provisions on fire prevention and fighting 

The automobile LPG-filling stations must comply with provisions on fire prevention and fighting in Article 6 of this Circular and the following provisions:

1. The technical pipes put on ground and vehicles coming for LPG delivery and receipt must be performed grounding. 

2. For countersunk tanks in the filling stations with capacity of larger than 20 m3, it must have the water spraying system cooling peaks of tanks.

3. When using the fire-isolated walls:  Peaks of walls must be higher than 0.5 m comparing to tanks. Arranging the fire-isolated walls, distance between floating tanks and fire-isolated walls must comply with provisions in picture 2 Annex 2 enclosed with this Circular and provisions in National Technical Regulations.

Chapter 6.


Article 28. General provisions for LPG stores

The LPG stores must implement related provisions from Article 3 to Article 6 of this Circular and the following requirements:

1. To abide by conditions prescribed in from Article 29 to Article 32 of the Decree No. 107/2009/ND-CP and granted certificate of eligibility of LPG trading and provisions in this Circular.

2. The construction structure, the fire-resistance rank of stores is grade II minimally. Electrical equipment of stores must be kinds of explosion prevention, with distance at least 1.5 m from LPG bottles.

3. Officers of LPG stores must be trained on profession, technical safety; must be examined, tested and granted certificate as prescribed in clause 4 Article 52 of this Circular.   

4. To arrive fast at places where customers using LPG to remedy unsafe malfunctions when receiving notices of customers.

5. LPG stores must have books monitoring enter and ex-warehousing of LPG-containing botlles, in which they must have information:   Serial number, kind of bottle, testing date written on bottle, place of receiving bottle, date of receipt, name and address of users, date of handing bottles for users.

Article 29. Provisions on premises

1. The premises of stores are not less than 12 m2.

2. Stores must be isolated with sources causing fire at least 3 m toward place having no fire-isolated wall; in case having fire-isolated wall, distances between sources causing fire and stores are not required.  

Article 30. Provisions on storage and display of LPG bottles

1. It is just allowed to display on advertising racks for bottles not containing LPG.

2. Places containing LPG bottles must ensure aeration. Not arrange in closed rooms, closed cellars. If there is warehouse to store goods, warehouse must have at least 01 main door and 01 emergency escape with door opened in outside direction. 

3. Not store LPG bottles in zones of doors, public paths.

4. Bottles containing LPG, when selling them for customers, must be still sealing, absolute closure, ensure quality, weight and labels as registered.

5. To ban repairing bottles, filling LPG at the stores.

6. To ban selling mini LPG bottles which being refilled (all bottles are permitted to fill with LPG just once).

Chapter 7.


Article 31. General provisions in use and transport of LPG-containing bottles

1. LPG-cointaining bottles must:

a) Being intact as shape of initial design, having been tested on technical safety and not over time limit of test;

b) Having the use registration, goods label registration as prescribed by law;

c) Being sealed in accordance with specification;

d) Having fully dossier stored as prescribed;

e) Having origin, in conformity with purchase contract or contract of LPG-trading agent and meeting requirements specified in Article 20, 21 of the Decree No. 107/2009/ND-CP.

2. LPG in bottle must ensure in accordance to the weight as design, goods label, and quality standard having been announced.

3. When supplying LPG-containing bottles for users, LPG stores must supply to users 01 sheet of goods delivery and 01 copy of the sheet is kept at store, in which there must have information minimally: Serial number, kind of bottle, nearest testing date written on bottle, name, address and contact telephone of stores, name and address of users, date of handing bottles for users.

Article 32. Provisions on safety for transport of LPG-containing bottles to users

Motorcycles (two wheels) transporting LPG-containing bottles must have unshakeable racks, bottles must always at vertical position, valves of bottle are directed up.   

To strictly prohibit transport of LPG-containing bottles together with persons in elevator.

Article 33. Provisions on safety responsibilities of LPG stores for users

1. To supply documents guiding and directly guide neccessary information on safety when using LPG, precautionary measures, steps of handling when LPG being leaked, process of using gas cooker, the containing-bottles and accessories enclosed for customers who are using gas cooker, the LPG-containing bottles of stores.

2. To check tightness of valves, connectors and soft pipes after installing newly or replacing LPG-containing bottles, with witness of checking and signing for confirmation on minutes of delivery and receipt of users.

3. It may only replace, supply for customers the accessories which ensure safety upon using and being specialized kind for using with LPG; soft pipes must be kinds which prevent or protect against causing damages by rodents.

4. To notify for users on their rights and duties in using LPG in order to ensure safety, specifying:

a) Detailed information on LPG-cointaining bottles which they are supplied: Origin, sealing in accordance with specification, labels of goods, LPG weight and time limit of testing of bottles containing LPG;

b) When detecting that bottles containing LPG not ensure safety, have risk of causing fire, explosion (smell of LPG is dispersed outside because valves, accessories do not ensure tightness) must stop use, report immediately to LPG store to remedy timely; not on own initiatively repair, replace equipment;

c) In case customers change to use LPG bottles of other trader or when having no demand to use LPG-containing bottle, users must notify to LPG store for revocation of LPG-containing bottles.

Article 34. Safety in transport of LPG-containing bottles by automobile

1. Automobiles transporting LPG-containing bottles must be granted certificate of dangerous goods transport under current provisions.

2. Bottles must be arranged vertically, valves of bottle are at above side.  For bottles with capacity over 99 liter, only arrange one layer, for bottles with capacity under 99 liter, may arrange from two layers or more than but not be higher than side of automobiles and between to layers must have a padded plank.

3. To ban parking of automobiles near sources causing fire, or places having many people and means passing. In case an automobile just temporarily stop for unloading goods, it must park at places ensure safety for people and not obstruct other means of transport.

Article 35. Provisions on safety in transport of LPG-containing bottles by waterway

1. When transporting LPG-containing bottles by waterway, provisions on dangerous goods transport of maritime sector must be implemented.

2. The LPG-containing bottles in holds must be ventilated naturally or have mechanical ventilator, mouth of ventilator must be laid at the lowest point of holds.

3. Not transport LPG-containing bottles in the closed containers.

4. Holds containing LPG bottles must be equipped the system of automatic fire alarming and the water spraying system.

Article 36. Provision on safety in transport of LPG-containing bottles by railway

When transporting bottles containing LPG by railway, provisions on dangerous goods transport of railway sector must be implemented fully.

Chapter 8.


Article 37. Provisions for operators of means of transport, escorts, storekeepers

Operators of means of transport, escorts, storekeepers must be trained technical safety and be granted certificate of technical safety training as prescribed in Article 11 of the Government’s Decree No. 104/2009/ND-CP of November 09, 2009 stipulating list of dangerous goods and transport of dangerous goods by means of road motor transport.  Organization of training and granting certificate of technical safety coaching is comply with clause 4 Article 52 of this Circular. 

Article 38. Provisions for cistern trucks, wagons of cistern trucks

1. The cistern trucks, wagons of cistern truck containing LPG must be granted permit of dangerous goods transport as prescribed.

2. The outside of each tank containing LPG, at two sides and the behind side must paste dangerous icon and dangerous warning made in according to form in Annex 3 enclosed with this Circular.

3. On the cabinets of truck and sides of truck there must be telephone numbers for emergency.  Height of number is not less than 40 mm.

4. LPG tanks, measurement and testing equipment on the cistern trucks, wagons of cistern trucks must comply with relevant National technical regulations and be tested as prescribed.

Article 39. Provisions on delivery and receipt of cistern trucks, wagons of cistern trucks

1. General provisions

a) It permits only transport means of LPG delivery and receipt and other means of transport, which are necessary for operation of station, to go enter area of LPG storage, exit and entry;

b) The operators must keep watching regularly at area of means putting LPG in and out warehouse during the process of putting LPG in and out warehouse.   Right after finishing delivery and receipt, they must drive vehicles to leave out area of station;

c) Sources causing fire must be supervised and applied safety measures when delivering and receiving LPG, specifying:

- To shut down engines in scope with minimum radius of 5 m surrounding point putting LPG in and out warehouse, except specialized engines to drive pumps, compressor for putting LPG in and out warehouse;

- To ban: Smoking, bare flame, welding, cutting metal, hand-held electric equipment, mobile phones, pagers and other sources causing fire in scope with radius of 15 m;

- When putting LPG from cistern trucks out for tanks at the works site, equipment of air circulation must be shut down, such as big fans which distance of suction head and point putting LPG out is in scope with radius of 15 m; shut down machines, equipments having bare flames, sparks, heat sources.

d) When stopping trucks for LPG delivery and receipt, it is required to put warning panels “STOP”, “NO FIRE” at head and rear of cistern trucks. Wagons of cistern trucks must have preventive measures to prevent collision with other wagons, engines;

e) When putting LPG out, it is required to check and confirm that the tanks receiving LPG and accessories of tanks are qualified on safety as prescribed. Persons putting LPG from cistern trucks or wagons of cistern trucks out must check definitely on capacity of containing, the volume of stored and received LPG of tank receiving LPG. 

2. Provisions on safety upon delivering and receiving LPG for cistern trucks

a) When waiting for LPG delivery and receipt, the cistern trucks must stop at safe places with suitable protective fences, far from fire sources at least 7 m. head of cistern truck must direct toward the nearest rescue door. Cistern trucks are not allowed to stop or operate in house with 3 tightly-built sides;

b) Before performing manipulation of LPG delivery and receipt, cistern trucks must be connected with ground and have performed inserting buffer for advance tyres definitely;

c) When delivering and receiving LPG at stations, cistern trucks must stop at stipulated places of station. Position for stopping cistern trucks as putting LPG out and in must be convenient to connect pipes and manipulation relating to valves, head of trucks turn toward the exit. The exit of trucks has no obstacle during process of LPG delivery and receipt.

3. Provisions on safety upon delivering and receiving LPG for wagons of cistern truck

When delivering and receiving LPG for wagons of cistern truck, trains with wagons of cistern truck must be fixed by brake; wagons of cistern truck must be arranged in order to valve boxes of  tanks at a same side of trains.

Article 40. Provisions on safety in transport of LPG-containing tanks

1. Transport of LPG-containing tanks by means of road transport

a) The operators of cistern trucks must obey fully regulations of road traffic sector on dangerous goods transport;

b) Cistern trucks carrying goods do not stop overnight, not stop at public places, pavements in time over 2 hour, unless cistern trucks are corrupted or are waiting for entering the point of goods delivery and must ensure:

- Do not park below power lines;

- To park at places far away from civil areas at least 15 m;

- To avoid off bare flames;

- To avoid off places having flammable or explosive substances.

2. Transport of LPG-containing tanks by means of railway, waterway transport

Safety in the delivery and receipt, transport of LPG in tanks by means of railway, waterway transport must comply with current regulations.

Chapter 9.


Article 41. General provisions for LPG-bottle testing stations

1. The LPG-bottle testing stations must have legal status and be granted certificate of eligibility of testing bottles containing LPG as prescribed in point c, clause 1, Article 56 of the Decree No. 107/2009/ND-CP.

2. The LPG-bottle testing stations must meet conditions specified in Article 43 of this Circular.

3. Procedures for granting certificate of eligibility of testing bottles are implemented as prescribed in Article 48 of this Circular.

4. The LPG-bottle testing stations of LPG-trading establishments, which own LPG-bottles, may test periodically only with bottles containing LPG belong to property of establishments.

Article 42. Provisions on testing LPG-bottles

1. Periodically testing LPG bottles as prescribed by manufacturers but the cycle not exceed 5 years compared to the nearest testing time. For bottles have been used over 20 years, time of periodically testing not exceed 2 years.

2. It is required to make clean the surface of bottles when testing periodically. It is required to re-paint and replace new valves for bottles when testing periodically.

3. It is required to test LPG bottles properly with steps prescribed in the approved testing process.

Article 43. Conditions to be granted certificate of eligibility of LPG bottle testing

The LPG-bottle testing stations shall be granted certificate of eligibility of LPG-bottle testing when ensuring the following requirements:

1. It must have fully safety regulations, process of testing bottles containing LPG having been approved by leaders as prescribed.

2. Having fully necessary equipment to service for testing, specifying:

a) Equipment to recapture LPG remained in bottle;

b) Equipment to measure thickness of metal, equipment for ultrasound of weld;

c) Equipment to assembly and disassembly valves of bottle;

d) Equipment to test durability, tightness;

dd) Equipment to remove water;

e) Equipment for checking inside;

g) Equipment to clean surface;

h) Scales;

i) Equipment for stamp;

k) The vacuum-sucking equipment. 

All above equipments must have technical parameters and output in conformity with the testing output of stations.

3. Having fully necessary human resource to service for testing.

The officers directly testing bottles must be trained on professional and safe skills in the bottle testing and have working experiences for at least 2 years.

4. Having fully plans on fire prevention and fighting having been approved, devices of fire prevention and fighting as prescribed. 

Article 44. Dossier applying for grant of certificate of eligibility of testing

A dossier applying for grant of certificate of eligibility of testing comprises:

1. An application for grant of certificate of eligibility of LPG-bottle testing station made in according to form prescribed in Annex 4 of this Circular.

2. Copy of Certificate of Business registration or Decision on establishment of unit.

3. List of cadres, workers of the bottle testing station, decisions on assigning tasks.

4. Copies of certificates of profession, safety training, fire prevention and fighting training of cadres and workers of the bottle testing station.

5. List of equipment servicing for testing bottles.

6. List of process of operation and regulations on safety of testing equipment.

7. The process of testing bottles of testing station, regulations on safety of testing station.

Article 45. Procedures for grant of certificate of eligibility of LPG bottle testing

1. The establishment having LPG-bottle testing station submits directly or sends via post a dossier applying for grant of certificate of eligibility of LPG-bottle testing to the Ministry of Industry and Trade (the Department of technical safety and industrial environment).

2. The Department of technical safety and industrial environment checks validity and sufficiency of dossier. If dossier is not valid, sufficient, within 05 (five) working days, notifying in writing to the establishment  for completion of dossier.

3. Within 07 (seven) working days, from the day of receiving a valid dossier, the Department of technical safety and industrial environment considers, appraises and submits to the Ministry of Industry and Trade for grant of certificate of eligibility of LPG-bottle testing in according to form in Annex 5 enclosed with this Circular.

4. The certificate of eligibility of LPG-bottle testing is granted for each testing station and has effect for 02 (two) years as from the day of granting.  Before the expired time of certificate (01 month), establishment having the testing station sends a dossier to the Ministry of Industry and Trade for application for grant of certificate of eligibility for the next time limit.

Chapter 10.


Article 46. General provisions for establishments producing, repairing LPG-containing bottles 

1. The establishments producing, repairing LPG-containing bottles must have legal status and be granted certificate of eligibility of producing, repairing LPG-containing bottles as prescribed in point c, clause 1, Article 56 of the Decree No. 107/2009/ND-CP.

2. The establishments producing, repairing LPG-containing bottles must meet fully conditions specified in Article 47 of this Circular.

3. Procedures for granting certificate of eligibility of producing, repairing LPG-containing bottles are implemented as prescribed in Article 49 of this Circular.

Article 47. Conditions to be granted certificate of eligibility of producing, repairing LPG-containing bottles

The establishments producing, repairing LPG-containing bottles are granted certificate of eligibility of producing, repairing LPG-containing bottles when ensuring the following requirements:

1. Having fully regulations on safety, process of manufacturing LPG-containing bottles and processes of checking quality, products after manufacturing which have been approved by leaders of establishments.

2. Having equipment of testing, which meet requirements of testing safety and quality of LPG-containing bottles after being manufactured, specifying:

a) System of pressure testing:  Creating a pressure of not less than 3 MPa;

b) System of gas tightness testing:

c) Equipment of non-destructive testing:  Equipment to test quality of weld, equipment to measure thickness by ultrasound;

d) Equipment to test component, mechanical nature of materials used for manufacture of bottles;

dd) Equipment to measure weight;

e) Equipment to measure the tightening torque.

3. Having full human resources to operate equipment of testing and welder who meeting requirements:

a) Technical officers operating equipment of testing must be trained on profession, coached on technical safety as prescribed;

b) The LPG-containing bottle welders must have certificate of welding the pressure equipment as prescribed.

4. Having fully plans on fire prevention and fighting having been approved, devices of fire prevention and fighting as prescribed.

Article 48. Dossier applying for grant of certificate of eligibility of producing, repairing LPG-containing bottles

A dossier applying for grant of certificate of eligibility of producing, repairing LPG-containing bottles comprises:

1. An application for grant of certificate of eligibility made in according to form prescribed in Annex 6 of this Circular.

2. Copy of Certificate of Business registration or Decision on establishment of unit.

3. List of technical officers, operators of the testing equipment, pressure welders.

4. Copies of certificate on profession and safety coaching of technical officers, operators of the testing equipment, pressure welders.

5. List of equipment servicing for testing bottles containing LPG.

6. List of process and regulations on safety of manufacturing the LPG-containing bottles.

7. The process of manufacturing a typical LPG-containing bottle (including calculation of durability).

8. The process of testing quality of bottle after manufacturing.

Article 49. procedures for grant of certificate of eligibility of producing, repairing LPG-containing bottles

1. The establishment producing, repairing LPG-containing bottle submits directly or sends via post a dossier applying for grant of certificate of eligibility of producing, repairing LPG-containing bottles to the Ministry of Industry and Trade (the Department of technical safety and industrial environment).

2. The Department of technical safety and industrial environment checks validity and sufficiency of dossier. If dossier is not valid, sufficient, within 05 (five) working days, notifying in writing to the establishment for completion of dossier.

3. Within 07 (seven) working days, from the day of receiving a valid dossier, the Department of technical safety and industrial environment consider, appraise and submit to the Ministry of Industry and Trade for grant of certificate of eligibility of producing, repairing LPG-containing bottles in according to form in Annex 7 enclosed with this Circular.

4. The certificate of eligibility of producing, repairing LPG-containing bottles has effect within 05 years as from the day of granting.   Before the expired time of certificate (01 month), establishments producing, repairing LPG-containing bottles must send to the Ministry of Industry and Trade an application for grant of certificate of eligibility for the next time limit.

Chapter 11.


Article 50. The responsibility of Department of technical safety and industrial environment

1. To organize direction, guidance, examination of performance of safety work in LPG sector.

2. To approve the reports on assessment of risks, the plans on emergency rescue of establishments storing LPG, LPG-bottling stations, automobile LPG-filling stations, LPG supply stations which state enterprises are holding dominant shares, which representatives of capital owners are Ministries, branches, or State Capital Investment Corporation, enterprises with foreign capital.

3. Receiving dossiers, appraising and submitting to Ministerial leaders for approval of grant of certificate of eligibility for LPG-bottle testing stations; establishments producing, repairing LPG-containing bottles.

Article 51. The responsibility of Department of market management

To direct forces of market management to cooperate with functional agencies to organize examination, supervision of establishments trading LPG, relevant organizations and individuals in nationwide on implementation of provisions in this Circular and other related provisions of law on trading LPG.

Article 52. The responsibility of the Service of Industry and Trade of central-affiliated cities and provinces

1. To guide and examine implementation of provisions on safety in LPG field for establishments trading LPG in their management localities.

2. To approve the reports on assessment of risks, the plans on emergency rescue of establishments storing LPG, LPG-bottling stations, automobile LPG-filling stations, LPG supply stations of enterprises in their management localities apart from provisions in clause 2 Article 50 of this Circular.

3. To grant certificates of eligibility of LPG-bottling, certificates of eligibility of automobile LPG-filling, certificates of eligibility of LPG supply, certificates of eligibility of LPG-selling stores as prescribed in the Decree No. 107/2009/ND-CP.

4. To organize implementation of examination and grant of certificates of training technical safety for operators of transport means, escorts, storekeepers, staff of LPG store as prescribed.

Article 53. Transitional provisions

1. For establishments storing LPG, LPG-bottling stations, automobile LPG-filling stations, LPG supply stations which have operated before the effective day of this Circular, if they fail to meet requirements of this Circular, they must apply remedy solutions and safety measures for strengthening.  

2. After time of 5 years, as from the effective day of this Circular, all establishments trading LPG specified in clause 1 this Article must implement fully provisions in this Circular.

Article 54. Implementation provisions

1. In case there are various provisions on safe distance in legal documents, National Technical Regulations, applying under the LPG sector-specialized legal documents, national Technical Regulations or legal documents, national Technical Regulations with higher standards.

2. This Circular takes effect on February 01, 2012.




Hoang Quoc Vuong



(promulgated together with the Circular No. 41/2011/TT-BCTof December 16, 2011 of the Minister of Industry and Trade)

1. The minimum safe distances from the tank to works; buildings, offices and distances between tanks:

Capacity of bottle, V (m3)

The minimum safe distance (meter)

Distance between tanks

The countersunk tanks

The float tanks

V < 0.5="">




0.5 < v="" ≤="">




1 < v="" ≤="">




1.9 < v="" ≤="">




7.6 < v="" ≤="">




114 < v="" ≤="">



¼ of total diameter of two adjacent tanks

265 < v="" ≤="">



341 < v="" ≤="">



454 < v="" ≤="">



757 < v="" ≤="">



V > 3785



2. The safe distances from the house of LPG bottling to the adjacent works and to tanks:

The adjacent works

The safe distance (meter)

Areas out of control, sources generating fixed sparks, point of putting LPG in and out by roadway, railway


The floating tanks with capacity of less than 9 m3


The floating tanks with capacity of between 9 m3 and less than 40 m3


The floating tanks with capacity of 140 m3 or more


System of valves, accessories connected outside of tanks sunk or covered with soil having the capacity of:


Less than 2.5 m3


Between 2.5m m3 and less than 140 m3


Between 140 m3 and less than 350 m3


From 350 m3 or more


3. The safe distance between point of putting LPG in and out by cistern trucks or tank wagons on railway to the adjacent works:

The adjacent works

The safe distance (meter)

Houses or construction works with fire-isolated walls


Houses or construction works without fire-isolated walls


The open structures of house walls, trenches at position equal or lower than the height of point of putting out and in.


Boundary of adjacent works have been planned


Public places gathering many people, playing grounds, outdoor sport grounds




The central axle of railway


The floating LPG tanks with capacity of between 16 m3 and less than 25 m3


The floating LPG tanks with capacity of between 25 m3 and less than 125 m3


The floating LPG tanks with capacity of 125 m3 or more


4. Reduction of the safe distance when applying technical measures for strengthening with respect to establishments storing LPG existing.

The technical solutions for strengthening

Distances allowed to reduce correspondingly

Using the fire isolated walls

Item 6.11 TCVN 6486:2008 “LPG – Storage under pressure – Requirements on design and position of installment.

The automatic fire alarming system, camera for observation with persons keeping watch for 24/24


The automatic fire fighting system



1. When applying one or more technical solutions for strengthening, the maximum distances being allowed reducing not exceed 50%.

2. For cases not stated in this table, apply in relevant technical regulations or propose under the method of risk-quantifying assessment.



(promulgated together with the Circular No. 41/2011/TT-BCTof December 16, 2011 of the Minister of Industry and Trade)

1. The minimum distance of edges of floating tanks to the surrounding objects:

Capacity of tanks, V (m3)

The minimum distance to the adjacent tanks

The minimum distance from tanks to public places or rails of trains, m

The minimum distance from the tank to places need be protected ***, m

V ≤ 0.5

Diameter of the big tanks



0.5 < v="" ≤="">



1 < v="" ≤="">

4 (3) **

6 (4.5)

2 < v="" ≤="">

5 (3.5)

8 (5)

5 < v="" ≤="">

6 (4)

10 (6)

8 < v="" ≤="">



10 < v="" ≤="">



15 < v="" ≤="">



20 < v="" ≤="">



- Distance from a cluster of tanks to other tanks or cluster of tanks not less than 15 m. In case both clusters of tanks have diameter less than 2m, this distance may be reduced to 10 m. 

- At positions which cannot avoid, if a tank may be on a same axle with another, distance between two head of any tank with head of other tank is not less than 3 m or not less than two times of diameter of big tank.

* Distance for tanks with intermediary capacity interpolated under the above figures.

** Distance in brackets replaced when using separate tanks to withdraw LPG steam.  Tanks put in position where in about 8m having no other tank is considered as separately-lying tanks.

*** The separate distance measured by the surrounding line to the nearest place need be protected of the adjacent works.

2. Distance from float LPG tanks to tanks containing other substances and warehouses containing flammable substances:

Types of tank

Tank containing the non-compression-and-flammable gas

Tank containing gas which is easier to fire than LPG

Tank containing other gas or containing cold solven

Tank containing liquefied natural gas

Place putting in and out of any flammable and explosive liquid

The minimum distance to the tanks

6 m

as LPG tank

6 m

6 m

3 m

- Distance from floating LPG tanks to path going out and in of warehouse containing other flammable and explosive liquids is not less than 2 m.

3. The minimum distance of countersunk tanks to the surrounding objects:



The minimum distance

Shell of tank

To the public places

To the adjacent works

Picture 1 Annex 2

Places need be protected (in or out area of tanks)

The adjacent LPG tanks

1 m

Equipment on tanks, example: Valve, collar, meter

Public places

3 m


The adjacent works

6 m


Places need be protected

6 m

Input head

For input pipes when disassembling and discharging LPG liquid upon disassembling not exceed 1 liter, distance under equipment of tank   


Distance from a countersunk tank to other tank containing other flammable liquids is not less than 3 m. When two tanks with the suitable protective system against corrosion designed specially, distance between them may reduce to 1 m.


Picture 1. Distance from the tanks of automobile LPG-filling station to boundary fence, boundary of public works and dwelling house, works need be protected


Picture 2. Using the fire-isolated wall of automobile LPG-filling station



(promulgated together with the Circular No. 41/2011/TT-BCTof December 16, 2011 of the Minister of Industry and Trade)


Size of icon:

For cistern truck: 250 mm x 250 mm

For wagons of cistern truck: 500 mm x 500 mm



Size of dangerous warning: 300 mm x 200 mm for cistern truck

Size of dangerous warning: 500 mm x 300 mm for wagons of cistern truck


This translation is translated by LawSoft, for reference only.  LawSoft is protected by copyright under clause 2, article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property. LawSoft always welcome your comments.

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          Circular No. 41/2011/TT-BCT stipulating on safe management in the field of lique
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          Số hiệu41/2011/TT-BCT
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