Quyết định 2032/QD-UBND

Decision No. 2032/QD-UBND dated April 25, 2016, approving the scheme “ poultry and cattle slaughtering facility system planning in Ho Chi Minh City for the period 2016 – 2020 with a vision to 2025”

Nội dung toàn văn Decision 2032/QD-UBND poultry cattle slaughtering facility system planning Ho Chi Minh 2016 2020


Independence - Freedom - Happiness


No.: 2032/QD-UBND

Ho Chi Minh City, April 25, 2016





Pursuant to the Law on organization of local government dated 19/6/2015;

Pursuant to the Decision No. 10/2009/QD-UBND dated 22/1/2009 of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City on issuing the Plan of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City concerning the implementation of the action program of the City Party Committee on agriculture, farmers and rural areas under the Resolution No. 26-NQ-TW dated 05/08/2008 of the 10th Central Executive Committee Party;

Pursuant to the Decision No. 5930/QD-UBND dated 28/12/2009 of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City approving the “Agricultural production and rural development Planning of Ho Chi Minh City by 2020 with a vision to 2025”;

Pursuant to the Decision No. 310/QD-UBND dated 15/1/2014 of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City on issuing the Plan to implement the Scheme for agricultural sector restructuring towards improving the added value and sustainable development according to the Decision No. 899/QD-TTg dated 10/6/2013 of the Prime Minister;

Considering the request of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Report No. 493/TTr-SNN dated 16/3/2016 on approving the Scheme “ Poultry and cattle slaughtering facility system planning in Ho Chi Minh City for the period 2016 – 2020 with a vision to 2025”.


Article 1. To approve the Scheme “ Poultry and cattle slaughtering facility system planning in Ho Chi Minh City for the period 2016 – 2020 with a vision to 2025” (attached to this Decision).

Article 2.

- To assign the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to take charge and coordinate with the relevant People’s Committee of districts and Departments to effectively implement the Scheme “ Poultry and cattle slaughtering facility system planning in Ho Chi Minh City for the period 2016 – 2020 with a vision to 2025” while carrying out the inspection and monitoring of implementation of this Scheme.

- To assign the People’s Committee of districts having the slaughtering facilities to disseminate and publicize the approved planning and take responsibility for management of planning and progress of implementation.

- To assign the Department of Planning and Architecture, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Department of Construction, Department of Taxation of Ho Chi Minh City and the relevant People’s Committee of districts and Departments to provide instructions for the investors and create favorable conditions for the investors of industrial poultry and cattle slaughtering plant project to complete the relevant legal procedures.

Article 3. This Decision takes effect from its signing date and replaces the Decision No. 313/QD-UBND dated 20/1/2011 of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee on approving the Scheme “ Poultry and cattle slaughtering facility system planning in Ho Chi Minh City for the period 2016 – 2020 with a vision to 2025”.

Article 4. Chief of Office of Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee, Chairman of People’s Committee of districts, Director of Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Department of Planning and investment, Department of Finance, Department of Planning and Architecture, Department of Construction, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Department of Health, Department of Industry and Trade, Department of Science and Technology, Department of Information and Communications, Ho Chi Minh City Police and Department of Taxation and the relevant enterprises are liable to execute this Decision./.





Le Thanh Liem



(Issued with Decision No. 2032/QD-UBND dated 25/4/2016 of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee)

Part I



According to the report of the HCM Veterinary Branch, in 2015, the total amount of cattle and poultry of the City, from the provinces, imported and processed products consumed in Ho Chi Minh City was 493 thousand tonnes (1,350 tonnes/day on average) of which the processed products from meat was about 30 thousand tonnes/year (about 87 tonnes/day) and consumption of fresh meat was about 463 thousand tonnes/year, equivalent to 1.26 thousand tonnes/day, including 10,000 pigs, 1,200 buffalos and cows, 260 thousand birds.

It is forecasted that by 2020, the city population (excluding visitors) is 10 million people. The demand for fresh meat for city consumers and food processing for supply to the City and provinces is 5.15 kg/person/month, corresponding to 615 thousand tonnes of meat/year of which the demand for food processing from meat is about 40 thousand tonnes and consumption of fresh meat is 575 thousand tonnes/year, corresponding to 1.6 thousand tonnes/day, including 12,500 pigs, 1,400 cows and 320 thousand birds.


Ho Chi Minh City is the largest economic center of the country, in addition to the city people, there is also a large number of visitor and tourist. Therefore, the demand for consumption of meat and meat products is very large with the forecasting of approximately 615 thousand tonnes of meat / year. Therefore, the City should focus on the planning of poultry and cattle slaughtering system poultry in order to meet the demand for meat for consumers.

The State management of food safety is a key task with extremely important meaning to the health of the City people. Thus, for the food safety work to be increasingly effective with feasible implementation, the City must first manage the source of meat and meat products at the poultry and cattle slaughtering system to ensure the healthy products for the City people and meet all conditions for food safety, contributing to the promotion of economic development of the City.

Ensuring strict environmental protection and treatment of waste and management of wastewater from the slaughtering facilities without causing pollution to the surrounding environment to protect the health and daily activities of community.


- Law on Food Safety No. 55/2010/QH12 dated 17/6/2010.

- Law on Animal Health No. 79/2015/QH13 dated 19/6/2014;

- Law on Environmental Protection No. 55/2014/QH13 dated 23/6/2014.

- Decree No. 210/2013/ND-CP dated 19/12/2013 of the Government on policies towards encouraging the enterprises to make investment in agriculture and rural areas.

- Decision No. 20/QD-TTg dated 04/01/2012 of the Government on approving the national Strategy on food safety for the period 2011 – 2020 with a vision to 2030.

- Decision No. 2631/QD-TTg dated 31/12/2013 of the Prime Minister on approving the master plan of social – economic development of Ho Chi Minh City by 2020 with a vision to 2025.

- Circular No. 05/2014/TT-BKHDT dated 30/9/2014 of the Ministry of Planning and Investment on guiding the implementation of No. 210/2013/ND-CP dated 19/12/2013 of the Government on policies towards encouraging the enterprises to make investment in agriculture and rural areas.

- Circular No. 45/2014/TT-BNNPTNT dated 03/12/2014 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on inspecting the agricultural material production and trading establishments and inspecting and certifying the satisfaction of food safety conditions of the agricultural, forestry and fishery production and trading establishments.

- Directive No. 4211/CT-BNN-TY dated 29/5/2015 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on strengthening the management of food safety and hygiene for the cattle and poultry slaughtering facilities and means of transportation of animal products.

- Decision No. 5930/QD-UBND dated 28/12/2009 of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee on approving the “Agricultural production and rural development Planning of Ho Chi Minh City by 2020 with a vision to 2025”.

- Decision No. 310/QD-UBND dated 15/01/2014 of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee issuing the Plan to implement the Scheme for agricultural sector restructuring towards improving the added value and sustainable development according to the Decision No. 899/QD-TTg dated 10/6/2013 of the Prime Minister.

Part II



1. Control of operational reality of existing poultry and cattle slaughtering facilities in Ho Chi Minh City

In early 2011, the City has 30 poultry and cattle slaughtering facilities of which there are 26 pig slaughtering facilities, 02 cattle slaughtering facilities and 02 poultry slaughtering facilities; the hygienic condition in slaughtering and transport of animal products is basically improved. By the end of 2015, the City has 21 poultry and cattle slaughtering facilities of which there are 20 cattle slaughtering facilities concentrating in 11 districts, including: District 7 (01 facility), district 8 (01 facility), Thu Duc (01 facility), Binh Thanh (02 facilities), Binh Tan (01 facility), Binh Chanh (01 facility), Hoc Mon (01 facility), Cu Chi (08 facilities), Nha Be (02 facilities) Can Gio (02 facilities) and 01 poultry slaughtering facility in Go Vap district with the average capacity in Ho Chi Minh City is about 7,555 pigs, 82,000 chickens and 25 buffalos and cows (attached Appendix).

The HCM Veterinary Branch has close controlled the slaughtering procedure and veterinary hygienic conditions at the poultry and cattle slaughtering facilities in Ho Chi Minh City according to the regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; assessed the slaughtering facilities according to the Circular No. 45/2014/TT-BNNPTNT dated 03/12/2014 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on stipulating the inspection of agricultural material production and trading establishments and inspection and certification of satisfaction of food safety conditions of agricultural, forestry and fishery production and trading establishments; strengthening the inspection and handling of illegal poultry and cattle slaughtering. The inspection result in 2015 indicates that all slaughtering facilities in Ho Chi Minh City (20 cattle slaughtering facilities and 01 poultry slaughtering facility) are classified as B as stipulated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

At the same time, during the period 2011 – 2015, the HCM Veterinary Branch has handled 186 cases of illegal live cattle and poultry slaughtering in Ho Chi Minh City with an amount of 1,160 pigs, 25 cows, 175 goats and 9,340 birds.

2. Progress of building the industrial slaughtering Plants according to the Decision No. 313/QD-UBND dated 20/01/2011

According to the Decision No. 313/QD-UBND dated 20/01/2011 of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee, by the end of 2015, the City shall put 06 industrial poultry and cattle slaughtering Plants, but there is no plant with complete building until now. Particularly:

- The cattle slaughtering plant project of VISSAN Joint Stock Company in Ben Luc district, Long An province: Completed the legal procedures of land block for building the plant and opinions about the basic design of project of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The project is expected to be finished and put into operation in the early of 2018.

- The cattle slaughtering plant project of Saigon Agriculture Incorporation at Tan Thanh Tay commune, Cu Chi district: Issued with building Permit by the Department of Construction. The Saigon Agriculture Incorporation has sent its Official Letter No. 907/TCT-KHDT dated 11/09/2015 and Official Letter No. 1233/TCT-KHDT dated 18/11/2015 concerning agreement on building investment location of poultry and cattle slaughtering and food processing complex project at Pham Van Hai commune, Binh Chanh district, Ho Chi Minh City with the request for moving the investment location to Pham Van Hai commune, Binh Chanh district while undertaking to finish the project by the end of 2017. However, on 08/03/2016, the Company has sent its Official Letter No. 192/TCT-KHDT on continuing its investment Project of slaughtering Plant at Tan Thanh Tay commune, Cu Chi district with the request for implementing the building of slaughtering plant at Tan Thanh Tay commune, Cu Chi district.

- The cattle slaughtering plant project of Hoc Mon Food Processing Joint Stock Company located at Xuan Thoi Thuong commune, Hoc Mon district: is carrying out the procedures for issue of certificate of land use right at the Department of Natural Resources and Environment and the City People’s Committee has approved to issue the temporary permit to build the plant (Official Letter No. 10715/VP-DTMT dated 06/11/2015 on issue of temporary permit for some items of construction investment project of cattle slaughtering plant located at Xuan Thoi Thuong commune, Hoc Mon district). The project is expected to be finished and put into operation by the end of 2016.

- The cattle slaughtering plant project of Nhi Tan Joint Stock Company located at Phuoc Thanh, Cu Chi district: is carrying out the procedures for land consolidation at the Department of Natural Resources and Environment. After completing the procedures for land consolidation, the Company shall carry out the procedures for issue of planning permit, certificate of land use right and construction permit. The project is expected to be finished and put into operation by the end of 2017.

- The Tan Hiep food processing Plant project of Tan Hiep Cooperative at Tan Hiep commune, Hoc Mon district is carrying out the determination of land lease at the Department of Finance and preparing the issue of certificate of land use right at the Department of Natural Resources and Environment. The project is expected to be finished and put into operation by the end of 2017.

- The poultry slaughtering plant project of Trai Viet Limited Liability Company (VietFarm) at Thai My commune, Cu Chi district: the investor requested to stop the project in 2013 because the location to build the slaughtering plant has been planned by the Ministry of Defense to build a complex.


1. Advantage

The Government has provided guidelines to correct and closely control the management of slaughtering, transport and trading of cattle and poultry meat, especially in the northern provinces and nationwide; encourage the investors to build modern slaughtering plants to ensure food safety.

The City People’s Committee has policies to encourage enterprises to make investment in slaughtering facilities under the demand stimulation programs of the City to help the investors make investment in building plants.

The investors have chosen the advanced slaughtering technology and equipment in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and ensure the conditions for food safety.

2. Difficulties

The projects of industrial slaughtering plants have not yet been completed and put into operation; therefore the manual slaughtering facilities still continue operating to supply the animal products which have been controlled by the veterinary bodies while awaiting the industrial slaughtering plants to come into operation.

The existing manual slaughtering facilities are not invested and upgraded, therefore the compliance with regulations on minimizing odor, noise, veterinary hygiene and food safety and hygiene is still limited causing difficulties in management.

The coordination between the City and the provinces is not close therefore the owners of meat sources still transport the cattle and poultry to the provinces for slaughtering and back to the City for consumption, causing difficulties in quarantine and control of meat sources in the market.

The investment in building the slaughtering facilities must comply with the regulations of different Departments, therefore the implementation of modern slaughtering is still slow compare with the set plans.

Part III



To build the industrial slaughtering plants mainly in Ho Chi Minh City towards the modernization with the advanced quality management system to effectively manage and prevent the spread of disease to the cattle and poultry and ensure the environmental hygiene, food safety and raise the effectiveness in livestock sector towards the termination of small-scale and fragmented cattle and poultry slaughtering in Ho Chi Minh City.


1. Period 2016 - 2020

1.1. Pig slaughtering plants in Ho Chi Minh City

a) Pig slaughtering plants to come into operation during the period 2016 - 2020.

- By the end of 2017, put into operation 06 modern industrial cattle slaughtering plants in Ho Chi Minh City, particularly:

* There are 02 slaughtering facilities in Hoc Mon district, including:

+ The industrial slaughtering plant at Xuan Thoi Thuong commune, Hoc Mon district. The investor is the Hoc Mon Food Processing Joint Stock Company. The slaughtering capacity is 2,000 heads/day.

+ The Tan Hiep food processing Plant at Tan Hiep commune. The investor is the Tan Hiep Cooperative. The slaughtering capacity is 2,000 heads/day.

* There are 04 slaughtering plants in Cu Chi district, including:

+ The cattle slaughtering plant at Tan Thanh Tay commune, Cu Chi district. The investor is Saigon Agriculture Incorporation. The slaughtering capacity is 2,000 heads/day.

+ The cattle slaughtering plant at Cho hamlet, Tan Phu Trung commune, Cu Chi district. The investor is An Ha Services Company Limited. The slaughtering capacity is 3,000 heads/day.

+ The cattle slaughtering plant in Vo Van Bich street, hamlet 8, Binh My commune, Cu Chi district. The investor is Loc An Food Company Limited. The slaughtering capacity is 2,000 heads/day.

+ The industrial cattle slaughtering plant at Phuoc Thanh commune. The investor is Nhi Tan Joint Stock Company. The slaughtering capacity is 1,000 heads/day.

* In addition, VISSAN Joint Stock Company shall put into operation the pig slaughtering plant in the Vissan Food Processing Industrial Cluster at Luong Binh commune, Ben Luc district, Long An province. The pig slaughtering capacity is 2,500 – 4,000 heads/days.

b) The existing manual slaughtering facilities shall stop operation and are relocated into the industrial pig slaughtering plants

- By 30/6/2016, the slaughtering activities are stopped at Nam Phong slaughtering factory, Binh Thanh district and the slaughtering facility at Hiep Binh Chanh, Thu Duc district. The owners of slaughtering processing at this facility shall move their activities to the two modern slaughtering facilities in Ho Chi Minh City to ensure the stable pork supply for the consumption demand of the City, particularly:

+ To carry out the slaughtering activities at the central slaughtering facility in Binh Tan district with1,000 heads/day and raise the slaughtering capacity up to 1,500 heads/days.

+ To carry out the slaughtering activities at the VISSAN Joint Stock Company in Binh Thanh district with1,000 heads/day and raise the slaughtering capacity up to 2,000 heads/days.

+ Therefore, by 30/6/2016, Ho Chi Minh City still has 18 pig slaughtering facilities in 11 districts, including: district 7 (01 facility), district 8 (01 facility), Binh Thanh (01 facility), Binh Tan (01 facility), Binh Chanh (01 facility), Hoc Mon (01 facility), Cu Chi (08 facilities), Nha Be (02 facilities), Can Gio (02 facilities) with the average capacity every night in Ho Chi Minh City is about 7,555 pigs/day.

- By 31/12/2016, the activities of Binh Dong food store of the General Trading Joint Stock Company at 213 Ben Binh Dong, ward 11, district 8. The owners of slaughtering processing at this facility shall move their activities to the VISSAN Joint Stock Company in Binh Thanh district with capacity of about 300 heads/days and raise the slaughtering capacity up to 2,300 heads/days

Therefore, by the end of 2016, Ho Chi Minh City still has 17 pig slaughtering facilities in 11 districts, including: district 7 (01 facility), Binh Thanh (01 facility), Binh Tan (01 facility), Binh Chanh (01 facility), Hoc Mon (01 facility), Cu Chi (08 facilities), Nha Be (02 facilities), Can Gio (02 facilities) with the average capacity every night in Ho Chi Minh City is about 8,030 pigs/day.

- By the end of 2017, all existing slaughtering facilities must stop their activities, except 02 manual slaughtering facilities in Can Gio district to supply meat to its people. All activities of pig slaughtering shall be put into operation in 06 modern industrial slaughtering plants in 02 districts of Hoc Mon and Cu Chi with the slaughtering capacity of 10,000 – 15,000 heads/day.

1.2. Poultry slaughtering facilities in Ho Chi Minh City

- By the end of 2017, there are 02 modern industrial poultry slaughtering plants in Cu Chi district, particularly:

+ The poultry slaughtering plant is at hamlet 1A, Tan Thanh Tay commune, Cu Chi district. The investor is Saigon Agriculture Incorporation. The slaughtering capacity is 100,000 – 150,000 heads/days.

+ The poultry slaughtering plant is at Phu Hoa Dong commune, Cu Chi district. The investor is Pham Ton Limited Liability Company. The slaughtering capacity is 150,000 heads/days.

+ In addition, the VISSAN Joint Stock Company shall put into operation the poultry slaughtering plant in the Vissan Food Processing Industrial Cluster at Luong Binh commune, Ben Luc district, Long An province. The slaughtering capacity is 12,000 – 20,000 heads/days.

Therefore, by the end of 2017, the slaughtering activities at the An Nhon poultry slaughtering Center of the Saigon Agriculture Incorporation in Go Vap district shall be stopped. All poultry slaughtering activities are put into operation in 02 modern industrial poultry slaughtering plants in Cu Chi district with the total slaughtering capacity of 250,000 – 30,000 heads/day.

1.3. Cow slaughtering plants in Ho Chi Minh City

- By the end of 2017, the cow slaughtering plant at hamlet 06, Xuan Thoi Thuong commune, Hoc Mon district whose investor is Delta Joint Stock Company shall be put into operation with slaughtering capacity of 200 heads/day.

- In addition, the VISSAN Joint Stock Company shall put into operation the pig slaughtering plant in the Vissan Food Processing Industrial Cluster at Luong Binh commune, Ben Luc district, Long An province.

2. Vision to 2025

- It is expected that in 2020, the total slaughtering capacity of the industrial slaughtering plants shall be 14,500 pigs/day (equivalent to 1,015 tonnes of pork/day); 320,000 birds (equivalent to 480 tonnes of poultry meat/day) and 200 cows/day (equivalent to 30 tonnes of cow meat/day). Therefore, by 2020, when the industrial slaughtering plants come into stable operation and can meet 100% demand for pork and poultry meat consumption and 14.29% cow meat for people of the City.

- After 2020 and with a vision to 2025, the industrial cattle and poultry slaughtering plants still continue operating and based on present condition, these plants shall increase the slaughtering capacity to meet the demand for food consumption and processing in Ho Chi Minh City and in the country including for export.


1. Forms of investment

The enterprises involved in the cattle and poultry slaughtering planning in Ho Chi Minh City shall make investment in building the cattle and poultry slaughtering plants and slaughtering line by their own capital to carry out the slaughtering and production.

2. Solution for planning implementation

- To publicize the poultry slaughtering system planning in Ho Chi Minh City associated with the raw material production and industrial processing areas and environmental protection and disease free establishments and areas.

- To announce the planning of breed production areas and disease free establishments associated with the consumption market, biological safety and environmental protection to ensure the raw material source for slaughtering plants.

- To introduce the industrial slaughtering plants in Ho Chi Minh City to the existing manual slaughtering facilities to plan their relocation in line with the approved roadmap.

3. Solutions for propagation

- To strengthen the propagation and mobilization and raise the awareness of people of food safety; provide recommendations for the consumers to use meat of cattle or poultry with clear origin which is quarantined by the veterinary bodies towards the gradual change of hot meat into cool or frozen meat.

- To mobilize the raisers to improve their awareness of production and apply the scientific and technical advances and raising according to the VietGAP standards to ensure the supply of safe food with clear origin and environmental protection.

4. Solutions for food safety and commercial promotion

- To strengthen the state management to inspect the application of procedures for Vietnamese Good Animal Husbandry Practices (VietGAHP), measures to disease prevention, biological safety to ensure the food safety and environmental protection in the raising.

- To closely inspect the veterinary hygienic conditions, animal quarantine, control of cattle and poultry slaughtering; resolutely handle the existing manual slaughtering facilities which do not ensure the conditions for food safety and environmental protection while awaiting the industrial slaughtering facilities to come into operation. In case of necessity, the violating facilities can be suspended ahead of time if they do not ensure the prescribed conditions for food safety and environmental protection.

- To coordinate with the provinces to closely control the reality of disease, animal quarantine and slaughtering control to ensure the quality of animal origin carried to the City for slaughtering and consumption to supply safe products for the City.

- To manage the animal products in the chain from raw material to dining table to ensure the traceability from the phase of raising, slaughtering, transportation to processing and consumption; develop the regulations on conditions for food trading in wholesaling market to ensure food safety and gradually develop and form the brands of safe meat production.

- To provide the training and issue certificate of eligibility for food hygiene and safety to the relevant subjects according to regulations of law;

- To develop the commodity chain between production, slaughtering and distribution; provide assistance for slaughtering enterprises to build their product brand and product promotion and introduction.

5. Environmental solutions

- To strengthen the propagation to the existing slaughtering facilities and the industrial slaughtering plants to comply with the provisions of the Environment Law.

- To inspect and monitor the treatment of wastewater from the slaughtering facilities and promptly handle the slaughtering facilities which cause the environmental pollution or carry out the slaughtering beyond the designed capacity; ensure the slaughtering facilities to comply with the regulations on treatment of waste and wastewater.

6. Technological solutions

- To study the application of new and advanced technologies of the countries in slaughtering towards improving the capacity, quality and effectiveness in cattle and poultry slaughtering.

- To apply the technologies of safe food production and processing and effective control of risks of food safety and environmental friendliness.

- To apply the technologies in treatment of liquid waste in slaughtering plants to ensure prescribed standards of output waste.

7. Policy solution

- To develop the procedures for implementation of industrial slaughtering plant to create favorable conditions for the enterprises to ensure the progress and time of completion.

- To implement the Decree No. 210/2013/ND-CP dated 19/12/2013 of the Government on policy to encourage the enterprises to make investment in agriculture and rural areas.

- The commercial banks should prioritize the allocation of capital to carry out the construction investment projects of central poultry and cattle slaughtering plant; provide the preferential loan, term, interest rate, etc.

- To provide instructions and create conditions to help enterprises access the preferential loan capital from the Government and the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee to accelerate the progress of building of industrial slaughtering plants and expand the slaughtering investment associated with the food processing system at a competitive price to ensure the food safety and environmental protection.


1. People’s Committee of districts

- To implement the scheme for poultry and cattle slaughtering planning, especially at localities having the existing manual slaughtering facilities and having the industrial slaughtering plant planning.

- To regularly monitor the implementation progress of industrial slaughtering plants in the areas; coordinate with the relevant departments and sectors to assist the legal procedures for investment in slaughtering plant for the investors to promptly carry out their building and put the slaughtering plants into operation in line with the approved planning progress.

- To manage and control the slaughtering, sale and transportation of animals and animal products in the areas to ensure the conditions for veterinary hygiene and environmental protection and food safety; strictly handle cases of transportation and sale of animals and animal products without identified origin or quarantine from veterinary bodies and cases of illegal poultry and cattle slaughtering in the areas.

- To coordinate with the relevant Departments and sectors to strengthen the inspection and monitoring and absolutely handle the existing slaughtering facilities which fail to ensure the conditions for food and environmental protection while stopping the operation of the existing slaughtering facilities in the areas in line with the prescribed time.

2. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development

- To coordinate with the People’s Committee of districts, departments and sectors to publicize the planning for the organizations and individuals to clearly understand the purposes, requirements and contents of planning implementation.

- To provide instructions for enterprises on investment in poultry and cattle slaughtering plants in line with the planning to ensure the conditions for veterinary hygiene, food safety and environmental protection.

- To coordinate with the Departments, sectors and People’s Committee of districts to develop the procedures for implementation of industrial slaughtering plant projects in order to create the favorable conditions for enterprises to ensure the progress and time of operation.

- To coordinate with the Departments, sectors and People’s Committee of districts to appraise the conditions for environmental hygiene and food safety at the slaughtering plants and food processing and trading facilities.

- To appraise and give comments about the selection of slaughtering and processing technologies for the industrial slaughtering plant projects.

- To mobilize the raisers to apply the VietGAHP to ensure the biological safety, prevention of diseases and environmental protection.

- To direct the HCM Veterinary Branch to issue the certificate to the facilities which ensure the prescribed conditions for veterinary hygiene and food safety; carry out the inspection and periodically take sample for monitoring of conditions for quality of food safety for the slaughtering facilities and food processing and trading facilities; strictly handle cases of failure to ensure the conditions for veterinary hygiene and food safety.

- To follow, urge and summarize the result of planning implementation and management of slaughtering, transportation and trading of poultry and cattle in Ho Chi Minh City and make periodical report on implementation result to the City People’s Committee.

3. Department of Planning and investment

- To take charge and coordinate with the relevant bodies in appraising and providing instructions on procedures for issuing the investment permit to the enterprises which make investment in building the slaughtering plants.

- To take charge and coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to provide the instructions to the enterprises on the procedures to receive the incentive policies of the Government according to the Decree No. 210/2013/ND-CP dated 19/12/2013 on the policies to encourage the enterprises to make investment in the agriculture and rural areas and the Circular No. 05/2014/TT-BKHDT dated 30/9/2014 of the Ministry of Planning and investment on guiding the implementation of Decree No. 210/2013/ND-CP dated 19/12/2013 of the Government on policies to encourage the enterprises to make investment in the agriculture and rural areas.

4. Department of Finance

- To coordinate with the Department of Planning and Investment and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to summary and develop the funding allocation plan for the projects using the incentive loan from the City People’s Committee; provide instructions to the enterprises on the order of payment and finalization procedures.

- To coordinate with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, City Department of Taxation to unify the method for appraisal and guide the procedure order to prepare dossier for appraising the unit price of land lease as a basis for the enterprises to make investment in building the slaughtering plants according to the regulations.

5. Department of Science and Technology

- The Department of Science and Technology shall take charge and coordinate with the relevant Departments, sectors and slaughtering enterprises to study the development of local regulations and technical barriers applicable to the raising, slaughtering and processing to improve the quality and food safety for the animal products consumed in Ho Chi Minh City.

- To study the transfer of technologies and support the application of SO and HACCP, building of product brand….pertaining to the poultry and cattle slaughtering and products after slaughtering.

6. Department of Industry and Commerce

- To organize and arrange the retailing and wholesaling system of cattle and poultry meat at markets to ensure the convenience and food safety.

- To strengthen the commercial promotion and brand promotion to help the enterprises to make investment in the central slaughtering plants.

- To direct the market management forces and coordinate with the competent authorities to strengthen the inspection and handle the cases of slaughtering, processing, transportation and trading of poultry and cattle without clear origin and food safety assurance.

7. Department of Natural Resources and Environment

- To provide instructions to the enterprises which make investment in poultry and cattle slaughtering and processing plants to carry out the prescribed land and environment procedures.

- To appraise the environmental and hygienic conditions at the slaughtering facilities and retailing and wholesaling points of animals and animal products.

- To carry out the inspection and handle the environmental violation according to the Environment Law.

8. Department of Health

- To issue the certificate of announcement of products in line with regulations on food safety to the packaged food trading facilities with clear animal origin.

- To coordinate with the Departments, sectors and People’s Committee of districts in inspection and control of food safety in slaughtering and trading of animal and animal products.

9. Department of Planning and Architecture, Department of Construction

To guide the procedures and issue the planning permit and construction permit to the enterprises which make investment in building the slaughtering plants.

10. Department of Information and communications

- To coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to propagate and disseminate the guidelines, policies and regulations of the State and the City People’s Committee on circulation, transportation, slaughtering and trading of poultry and cattle meat.

- To make propagation to people on only using the products of poultry and cattle with clear origin and through the control of the veterinary bodies and food safety assurance.

11. City Police

To coordinate with the relevant Departments and sectors in inspection, detection and handling of violation in the field of animal health, food safety and environmental protection of the slaughtering, trading and transportation of animals and animal products in Ho Chi Minh City.

12. Investors of industrial slaughtering plants and existing slaughtering facilities

- To comply with the procedures for investment in building of slaughtering plants according to regulations.

- To ensure the prescribed conditions for veterinary hygiene, food safety and environmental protection.

- To ensure the completion progress and put the industrial slaughtering plants into operation in line with the approved planning.

- The existing slaughtering facilities must plan their relocation and operation stoppage in line with the time stipulated in this Decision./.



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              Decision 2032/QD-UBND poultry cattle slaughtering facility system planning Ho Chi Minh 2016 2020
              Loại văn bảnQuyết định
              Số hiệu2032/QD-UBND
              Cơ quan ban hànhThành phố Hồ Chí Minh
              Người kýLê Thanh Liêm
              Ngày ban hành25/04/2016
              Ngày hiệu lực25/04/2016
              Ngày công báo...
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              Lĩnh vựcThể thao - Y tế
              Tình trạng hiệu lựcCòn hiệu lực
              Cập nhật8 năm trước

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                      Văn bản hợp nhất

                        Văn bản gốc Decision 2032/QD-UBND poultry cattle slaughtering facility system planning Ho Chi Minh 2016 2020

                        Lịch sử hiệu lực Decision 2032/QD-UBND poultry cattle slaughtering facility system planning Ho Chi Minh 2016 2020

                        • 25/04/2016

                          Văn bản được ban hành

                          Trạng thái: Chưa có hiệu lực

                        • 25/04/2016

                          Văn bản có hiệu lực

                          Trạng thái: Có hiệu lực