Quyết định 1467/QD-TTg

Decision No. 1467/QD-TTg dated August 24, 2015, approving the scheme on development of regional markets in the 2015- 2020 period, with a vision toward 2030

Nội dung toàn văn Decision No. 1467/QD-TTg approving scheme development regional markets 2015 2020 2030


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 1467/QD-TTg

Hanoi, August 24, 2015





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the Government’s Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP of January 3, 2015, on major tasks and solutions for implementing the 2015 socio-economic development plan and state budget estimate;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 2471/QD-TTg of December 28, 2011, approving the Strategy on import and export of goods in the 2011-202 0period, with orientations toward 2030;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister s Decision No. 950/QD-TTg of July 25, 2012, promulgating the Program of Action to implement the Strategy on import and export of goods in the 2011-2020 period, with orientations toward 2030;

At the proposal of the Minister of Industry and Trade in Report No. 6646/TTr-BCT of July 2, 2015,


Article 1. To approve the Scheme on development of regional markets in the 2015-2020 period, with orientations toward 2030 (below referred to as the Scheme), with the following principal contents:


1. Viewpoints on development of regional markets

a/ To promote and diversify Vietnam’s export markets in order to boost domestic production, create employment and solve social issues; at the same time, to increase foreign-currency revenues for the country, and raise the level of technology to serve national industrialization and modernization;

b/ To develop export in the direction of sustainable growth and suitability to characteristics of each regional market, ensuring both expansion and increase of added value of export;

c/ To develop export markets in line with the restructuring of exported goods toward industrialization and modernization on the basis of the 2011-2020 socio-economic development Strategy and the strategy on import and export of goods in the 2011 -2020 period, with orientations toward 2030;

d/ To orient and boost export according to regional markets: Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia, Chinese-speaking market, Oceania, Europe (European Union, Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and CIS countries), the United States and Canada, Latin America, Africa, West Asia, and South Asia.

2. Objectives

a/ General objectives

To strive to increase the export value to USD 300 billion by 2020, and an average annual export growth rate of 11%-12% from 2015 to 2020; to strive to achieve a stable trade balance by 2020 and sustainable trade surplus in subsequent years.

b/ Specific targets

Depending on the characteristics of and export situation in each regional market, the specific export targets by 2020 and 2030 for each regional market are set as follows:

- Southeast Asia: an export value of around USD 30 billion by 2020; an average export growth rate of 10% during 2015-2020 and 9%-10% during 2020-2030;

- Northeast Asia: an export value of around USD 45 billion by 2020; an average export growth rate of 11% during 2015-2020 and 10%-11% during 2020-2030;

- Chinese-speaking market: an export value of around USD 35 billion by 2020; an average export growth rate of 10% during 2015-2020 and 9%-10% during 2020-2030;

- Oceania: an export value of around USD 10 billion by 2020; an average export growth rate of 6% during 2015-2020 and 6%-8% during 2020-2030;

- Europe: an export value of around USD 60 billion by 2020; an average export growth rate of 15% during 2015-2020 and 10%-14% during 2020-2030;

- The United States and Canada: an export value of around USD 70 billion by 2020; an average export growth rate of 15% during 2015-2020 and 12%-15% during 2020-2030;

- Latin America: an export value of around USD 10 billion by 2020; an average export growth rate of 15% during 2015-2020 and 15%-18% during 2020-2030;

- Africa: an export value of around USD 13 billion by 2020; an average export growth rate of 25% during 2015-2020 and 15%-20% during 2020-2030;

- West Asia: an export value of around USD 18 billion by 2020; an average export growth rate of 15% during 2015-2020 and 13% during 2020-2030;

- South Asia: an export value of around USD 9 billion by 2020; an average export growth rate of 15% during 2015-2020 and 12% during 2020-2030.

3. Orientations for market development

a/ Overall orientations

- To strengthen and step by step expand the market shares of Vietnamese goods in traditional markets, including Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia (Japan, Republic of Korea), China, Australia, the United States, the European Union, Russia and Eastern European countries, Canada, and India. To diversify export markets, concentrate efforts on and create a breakthrough in expanding new potential export markets in Africa, Latin America, Middle East, and India;

- To reduce export dependence on certain markets in order to reduce risks due to market fluctuations as well as regional and global economic and political factors.

- To step up trade promotion activities in traditional markets and new potential markets: to participate deeply and widely in distribution systems in regional markets, especially in America and Europe.

- To exploit and make full use of market-opening opportunities according to the tariff reduction and non-tariff barrier abolition roadmap in order to boost export; to increase the effectiveness of the export of Vietnamese goods to the markets that have signed free trade agreements (FTAs) with Vietnam; to step up bilateral and multilateral negotiations to facilitate the export of Vietnam’s advantageous products; to attract foreign direct investment from developed countries which have signed FTAs with Vietnam in order to receive modem technologies, increase competitiveness, and participate more deeply in global supply chains.

b/ Specific orientations

Orientations for market development and key goods in each regional market are set as follows:

- Southeast Asia: To continue to promote export to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand. Indonesia and potential export markets like Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar.

Regarding goods items, to step up the export of industrial processed and manufactured goods with high technological content and input materials being domestic products; to continue to promote and maintain the export of agricultural, forest and aquatic goods, especially Vietnam's advantageous ones like rice, foodstuffs, vegetables and fruits, coffee, cocoa, rubber products, and aquatic products.

- Northeast Asia: To focus on stepping up export to the Republic of Korea to achieve trade balance and to Japan to maintain trade surplus.

Regarding goods items, to increase the export of textile and garment products, aquatic products, processed foodstuffs, cereal products, frozen and fresh vegetables and fruits, cassava and cassava products, footwear, textile fibers and yams, rubber products, timber and wood products, coffee, cashew nuts, household articles, mechanical products, and electronic and informatics products, to the Republic of Korea and Japan.

- The Chinese-speaking market: To focus on promoting export to China, Hong Kong and Taiwan in order to help gradually reduce trade deficit, reduce the export of crude materials and fuels and increase the export of goods with high technological content and added value, made of local materials.

Regarding goods items, to increase the export of agricultural, forest and aquatic products including vegetables and fruits, aquatic products, livestock and poultry meat, cashew nuts, sliced cassava, and rubber products; industrial goods including textile and garment products, footwear, plastic products, computers and accessories, electric wires and cables, consumer goods, household articles, and wood furniture of natural origin, etc.

- Oceania: To promote export to Australia and New Zealand.

Regarding goods items, to promote the export of goods with high technological content (mobile phones, cameras and accessories); at the same time to study and develop the export of textile and garment products, vegetables and fruits, coffee, cocoa, rubber products, and fertilizers.

- Europe: To enhance export in order to firmly maintain and expand the market shares in Germany, France, the Netherlands, the UK, Italia and member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Regarding goods items, to step up the export of products with high technological content and manufactured and processed products with high added value in order to fully exploit tax advantages when the Vietnam-EU FTA becomes effective; to promote the export of rubber products, fine art and handcraft articles, footwear, textile and garment products, aquatic products, coffee, tea, pepper, electronic goods, and mobile phones; to increase the export of foodstuffs, rice, textile and garment products, leather products, wood articles, aquatic products, electronic products and mobile phones to member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union.

- America: To continue to strengthen and expand the export market shares in the United States, Canada and Mexico; to boost export to Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Peru.

Regarding goods items, to step up the export of Vietnam’s advantageous goods, particularly textile and garments products, footwear, electric and electronic products, wood articles and mechanical products, to the United States, Canada and Mexico. To promote the export of footwear, backpacks, bags, agricultural products, fine art and handicraft articles, textile and garment products, electric and electronic products, mechanical products, electric motors, equipment, machinery, and wood articles to Latin America.

- Africa: To promote export to Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, the Republic of South Africa, Angola, Mozambique, the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Cameroon, and the Republic of Congo.

Regarding goods items, to promote the export of rice, coffee, pepper, mobile phones, aquatic products, computers, electronic products and accessories, textile and garment products, footwear, machinery and equipment, tools, spare parts, and textile fibers and yams.

- West Asia: To increase export to the United Arab of Emirates, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Lebanon.

Regarding goods items, to promote the export of mobile phones, computers, electronic products and accessories, electronic home appliances, electric wires and cables, construction materials, agricultural products, processed foodstuffs, aquatic products, yam, textile and garment products, footwear, milk and diary products, rubber products, wood articles, porcelain and ceramic articles, iron and steel, fine art and handicraft articles, and other essential consumer goods.

- South Asia: To promote export to India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Regarding goods items, to promote the export of agricultural products, food, tea, coffee, rubber products, pepper, fuel, electric and electronic equipment, plastic and plastic products, and wood articles.


1. Stepping up bilateral and multilateral negotiations

a/ To study and promote the negotiation, signing and implementation of new bilateral and multilateral treaties

- To negotiate, sign and implement the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement, the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), the Vietnam-European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Free Trade Agreement, the Vietnam-Eurasian Economic Union Free Trade Agreement, the Vietnam- Republic of Korea Free Trade Agreement, the Agreement on trade promotion and facilitation in the development triangle of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, and the border trade agreements between Vietnam and Laos and between Vietnam and Cambodia.

- To study and propose the signing of trade agreements with potential export partners, particularly for Vietnam’s advantageous agricultural, forest and aquatic products, including Malaysia, East Timor, the Republic of Palau, the Republic of Vanuatu, China, Taiwan, Israel, the EU, Madagascar, the Republic of Congo, Burkina Faso, the Ivory Coast, Angola, and Cuba.

b/ To review the implementation in order to propose amendments and supplements or the signing of new ones to suit realities and Vietnam’s new international commitments, especially for the following agreements:

- Regional free trade agreements: ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA); ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Agreement (AKFTA); ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA); ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA); ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership (AJCEP); ASEAN-India Free Trade Agreement (AIFTA); Vietnam-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (VJEPA), and Vietnam-Chile Agreement;

- Vietnam-United States Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement, Agreement on the Establishment of a Joint Commission with Palestine; trade agreements between Vietnam and Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines and Singapore; the Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) with Sri Lanka;

- The rice trading agreement between Vietnam and the Philippines and Indonesia; the bilateral trade promotion agreement between Vietnam and Cambodia; the Vietnam-China agreement on goods trading in border areas; the rice trading agreement with Bangladesh; re- initiation of the request for the United States to grant its Generalized System of Preferences to Vietnam.

c/ To study and propose mechanisms for cooperation with countries with similar strengths in exports or with strengths in international trade for export and transshipment of Vietnam’s goods to third countries

- Countries and economies with same strengths in exports in the region include China, Taiwan, the Republic of Korea, Japan, ASEAN (Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Myanmar) and some South Asian countries (India, Bangladesh), etc.

- Countries and economies with strengths in international trade and transshipment of exports include Singapore and Hong Kong.

d/ To intensify public information and popularization of commitments and policies and introduction of potential markets from treaties on trade

- To widely and deeply publicize information about the ASEAN Economic Community and free trade agreements Vietnam has signed with countries, blocs of countries and economic regions; opportunities and challenges in integration commitments, and methods of integrating international economic integration contents in development strategies of localities and enterprises.

- To comprehensively publicize information about agreements under negotiation and recently signed agreements such as TPP, RCEP, EVFTA, EFTA, Eurasian Economic Agreement, and Vietnam-Laos Trade Agreement.

2. Strengthening the mechanism of government-level information exchange, addressing trade barriers and problems in trade relations with other countries

a/ On an annual basis, to review and promote the implementation of the outcomes of meetings of inter-governmental or joint commissions and joint sub-commissions; to actively and effectively implement this meeting mechanism, thereby regularly studying and proposing new ways of cooperation to enhance export and concurrently seeking plans to effectively address problems that hinder trade activities. In the immediate future, to apply this solution to the Vietnam- New Zealand Joint Trade and Economic Commission; the Vietnam-Korea Intergovernmental Commission on Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation, Vietnam-Republic of Korea Commission on cooperation in nuclear power, energy and industry; and the Vietnam-Malaysia Joint Trade Commission.

b/ To study and identify new markets and potential markets in order to propose and establish a cooperation mechanism of intergovernmental commission, joint commission or joint sub-commission to support and promote trade exchange;

c/ To intensify information exchanges at policy making and implementation levels to address trade problems and barriers and major issues, especially animal and plant quarantine and food hygiene and safety on markets with strict .import conditions (the Republic of Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, the EU and the United States).

d/ To encourage enterprises to closely cooperate with state management agencies in the negotiation and signing of treaties on economy and trade in order to expand export markets.

3. Trade promotion

a/ To implement comprehensive solutions to support enterprises to participate in trade promotion activities in overseas markets, especially in prestigious annual trade fairs, to help connect with distribution systems and attract partners around the world in key markets stated in Clause 3, Section I, Article 1 of this Decision;

b/ To promote the building and advertisement of Vietnamese product brands associated with trade promotion activities in export markets in order to build images and create the basis for the stable and firm development of the export of Vietnamese goods. To prioritize support for product brands under the National Brand Program to enter foreign markets;

c/ To increase market survey and trade promotion to export Vietnamese goods to new markets in Africa and Latin America; potential markets in Northern Europe, Eastern Europe and CIS, South Pacific region (East Timor, Palau, Vanuatu), Northeast Asia (Mongolia and Korea), and some states in central United States.

4. Promoting the role of overseas representative missions and overseas Vietnamese communities in market development activities

a/ To promote economic diplomacy in order to promote export and bilateral trade relations with countries and territories with which Vietnam has diplomatic ties; to renew the organizational model in order to increase the initiative and operation effectiveness of overseas Vietnamese trade bureaus and trade promotion agencies. Economic diplomacy should be carried out in association with Vietnam’s overseas trade promotion and export development programs;

b/ To increase researches into policies, laws and economic, trade, investment, scientific and technological development trends and related issues that affect trade relations with Vietnam; to coordinate with and direct overseas trade bureaus to promptly report and propose solutions to cope with host countries’ market changes so as to maintain and promote Vietnam’s exports;

c/ To support the Ministry of Industry and Trade and related units in studying and proposing mechanisms and policies to support and encourage overseas Vietnamese enterprises and associations and overseas Vietnamese to step by step build Vietnamese goods distribution channels in host countries;

d/ To coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and related units in studying and proposing the expansion of the system of trade bureaus and trade promotion offices in American, African and Chinese markets.

5. Strengthening traditional export markets, diversifying export markets

a/ To strengthen and develop the group of key markets and advantageous exports stated in Clause 3, Section I, Article 1 of this Decision. To study and formulate export market development strategies for key exports in each period in order to expand and stabilize export markets of Vietnam’s goods;

b/ To study and develop policies to encourage and support Vietnamese enterprises to participate in overseas production and distribution networks. To actively guide and support enterprises to proactively join global value chains with branded goods with high added value. To promote comprehensive cooperation with major distribution systems in regional markets;

c/ To study and develop the export of Halal products to Muslim markets in Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei; CIS countries; Central Asia; Pakistan, countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Iran, Jordan, and North and East African countries. To intensify popularization and exchange of information on the potential market of Halal products to Vietnamese enterprises.

6. Coping with trade remedies and international trade disputes

a/ To step up public information and training to raise knowledge for related state management agencies, associations, enterprises, lawyers, and economic and legal specialists about competition, anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and safeguard laws, investigations of trade remedies and lawsuits in international trade, as well as investigation regulations and procedures of some countries that frequently apply trade remedies in international trade;

b/ To encourage enterprises to take the initiative in coordinating with state management agencies in preparing, coping with, and participating in specific cases in order to ensure lawful rights and interests of Vietnamese enterprises and goods in foreign markets;

c/ To continue to strengthen and develop the early warning system for trade remedies.

7. Building capacity for enterprises and commodity associations

a/ To encourage and support enterprises to develop their export strategies suitable to each regional market; to establish representative offices of enterprises and associations in key regional markets including the EU, the United States, Japan, and markets in African and Latin American regions; to study and invest in opening bonded warehouses in African, American and European countries far from Vietnam in order to support export activities;

b/ To increase the competitiveness of enterprises and exports through investing in renovation of technologies and production processes compliant with regulations and standards of developed countries’ markets, applying information technologies, and applying modem business governance and linkage methods.


1. The Ministry of Industry and Trade

a/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other ministries, sectors, localities, commodity associations and enterprises in, implementing the Scheme, with the following tasks:

- To promote bilateral and multilateral negotiations;

- To coordinate with partner countries to establish and implement government-level information exchange mechanisms, address trade barriers and problems in trade relations with these countries;

- To carry out trade promotion activities, giving priority to key markets and potential markets already identified in this Scheme, specifically:

+ To coordinate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and overseas Vietnamese representative missions in carrying out trade promotion, policy research and market information activities and develop networks of information access points and trade partners in host countries;

+ To work out plans on export development in traditional markets and new potential markets in combination with developing Vietnamese goods and service brands;

- To increase public information on integration commitments, new policies and market potentials to enterprises in order to help them make full use of advantages and incentives brought about by these commitments; to popularize knowledge about anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and safeguard laws among Vietnamese export enterprises.

- To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment and overseas Vietnamese representative missions in, supporting enterprises to invest in opening bonded warehouses; to encourage the establishment of commercial presence to serve enterprises’ promotion and other activities in foreign markets, especially in countries far from Vietnam.

b/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related agencies in, examining and evaluating the implementation of the Scheme and proposing amendments and supplements as necessary; to review 5 years’ implementation of the Scheme and report on implementation results to the Prime Minister and propose orientations for the Scheme implementation in the subsequent period.

2. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs

a/ To direct overseas Vietnamese representative missions to support market development and promotion of Vietnamese exports; to provide necessary resources for carrying out trade promotion activities and exploring market information to support Vietnamese enterprises and exports to enter overseas markets;

b/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and related units in, developing and implementing economic diplomacy activities in combination with Vietnam’s market development and trade promotion activities in host countries and the settlement of trade disputes and protection of the interests of Vietnamese enterprises and economic organizations;

c/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and related units in, developing a mechanism for provision and sharing of information on policies and markets of host countries between overseas Vietnamese representative missions and ministries, sectors and localities, commodity associations, and enterprises.

3. The Ministry of Planning and Investment

a/ To continue to intensify and improve the attraction of foreign direct investment to support export in the direction of encouraging technology transfer, developing support industry, increasing the rate of local materials in exports, and gradually reducing the rate of processed and assembled goods;

b/ To continue to develop and improve regulations on offshore investment and the model of management of offshore investment in order to provide favorable conditions and guidance for secure and efficient offshore investment;

c/ To establish comprehensive and specific measures to promote and support offshore investment, attaching importance to the measures of providing information on investment environments and opportunities and protecting interests of offshore investors in the course of investment and business in foreign countries;

d/ To attract, coordinate and manage the use of ODA in an effective manner in order to support the strengthening and building of institutional capacity and competitiveness for Vietnam’s products and services.

4. The Ministry of Finance

a/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, other related ministries and localities in, allocating funds for performance of the tasks under the Scheme, facilitating the development of export markets;

b/ To increase cooperation with customs offices of countries bordering on Vietnam in the exchange of information and investigations against smuggling, trade frauds and illegal cross- border transportation of goods in order to make healthy and sustainably develop border trade, and at the same time meet the requirements of management and protection of national interests.

5. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

a/ To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and sectors in, negotiating and signing cooperation agreements with counterpart agencies of key partners of Vietnam (the EU, Japan, Republic of Korea, the United States, China, etc.) on testing, quarantine and hygiene and safety for agricultural, forest and aquatic products, creating a favorable legal corridor for the trading, import and export of these products between Vietnamese and foreign enterprises;

b/ To encourage the development of production and enhance the quality management of exports, especially in the stages of fanning, production, harvest and processing of key agricultural, forest and aquatic products for export; to step by step build brands for Vietnamese agricultural, forest and aquatic products, contributing to protecting and developing export markets;

c/ To coordinate with other ministries, sectors and related units in carrying out public information work to raise awareness of producers and exporters about market barriers related to agricultural, forest and aquatic products in order to prevent risks for their export activities.

6. The Ministry of Justice

To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other related ministries and sectors in, reviewing and appraising contents of trade agreements and bilateral and multilateral cooperation agreements and at the same time propose the signing of new trade agreements or revision of trade agreements which have expired or are no longer suitable to reality.

7. Other ministries, sectors and localities

To study and design export market development policies within the scope of their assigned management functions and tasks according to this Scheme and international commitments in the signed treaties and bilateral and multilateral agreements.

8. Enterprises and commodity associations

a/ To take the initiative in implementing the solutions stated in Clause 7, Section II, Article 1 of this Decision;

b/ To coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and related units in carrying out market research and survey and export promotion activities;

c/ To study and coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, and overseas Vietnamese representative missions in opening bonded warehouses and establishing commercial presences in countries far from Vietnam, better serving market research and export support activities;

d/ To enhance close relations with overseas Vietnamese enterprises and overseas Vietnamese, especially in markets with large numbers of overseas Vietnamese and goods distribution networks in order to bring typical goods made or processed in Vietnam into these markets.

9. Fund for the Scheme implementation

a/ The fund for the Scheme implementation shall be ensured by the state budget, covered by enterprises themselves and other lawful sources;

b/ Based on the tasks assigned in this Scheme, related ministries, sectors and localities shall draw up annual plans of action and cost estimates within their non-business budgets, and submit them to competent authorities for approval in accordance with the law on the state budget.

Article 2. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 3. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees, heads of overseas Vietnamese representative missions, and related organizations and individuals shall implement this Decision.-




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              Decision No. 1467/QD-TTg approving scheme development regional markets 2015 2020 2030
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              Số hiệu1467/QD-TTg
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              Ngày ban hành24/08/2015
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