Quyết định 2631/QD-TTg

Decision No. 2631/QD-TTg dated December 31, 2013, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Ho Chi Minh city through 2020, with a vision toward 2025

Nội dung toàn văn Decision No. 2631/QD-TTg the master plan on socio-economic development of HCM city through 2020 - 2025


Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No. 2631/QD-TTg

Hanoi, December 31, 2013





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 92/ 2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006, on the elaboration, approval and management of socio-economic development master plans; and Decree No. 04/2008/ND-CP of January 11, 2008, amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP;

At the proposal of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee,


Article 1. To approve the master plan on socio-economic development of Ho Chi Minh City through 2020, with a vision toward 2025, with the following principal contents:


1. The master plan on socio-economic development of Ho Chi Minh City through 2020, with a vision toward 2025 thoroughly grasps the spirit of the Resolution of the XIth Party National Congress, the Political Bureau’s Resolution 16-NQ/TW of August 10, 2012, on orientations and tasks for development of Ho Chi Minh City up to 2020; Resolution No. 13-NQ/TW of January 16, 2012, on building of a synchronous infrastructure system so as to make ours a basically modern industrialized country by 2020; Resolution No. 15-NQ/TW on a number of issues related to social policies for the 2012-2020 period; the country’s socio-economic development strategy; the master plans on socio-economic development of the Southeastern region and the southern key economic region; ensures the consistency with the central and city sectoral plans; the national-level land use master plan through 2020 and five-year (2011-2015) land use plan; Vietnam’s human resource development master plan for the 2011-2020 period; the national climate change strategy;

Prime Minister’s Decision No. 1659/QD-TTg of November 7, 2012, approving the national urban development program for the 2012-2020 period;

Prime Minister’s Decision No. 37/2013/QD-TTg of June 26, 2013, on the adjustment of the master plan on the university and college network in the 2006-2020 period; adjustments for the national and Ho Chi Minh City transport development master plan; builds and develops Ho Chi Minh City into a regional hub and a driving force for the national and regional socio-economic development; and restructures the economy, renews models and improves growth quality, builds a synchronous infrastructure, develops the city in a fast and sustainable manner with quality and speed higher than the country’s average.

2. To focus on building and creating a breakthrough in urban infrastructure system. To synchronously develop various forms of socio-economic infrastructure in which the development of infrastructure of special urban centers is prioritized; to synchronously develop new construction and urban upgrade and embellishment; to build a modern city imbued with cultural and traditional identities; to bring into the fullest use of the particular strengths of the city along Saigon river.

3. To combine development of production with raising of scientific and technological level and development of human resources; to create all favorable conditions for bringing into play resources, especially internal resources, for socio-economic development.

4. To focus on developing the city’s advantageous sectors and fields toward higher growth quality and knowledge-based economy in which information technology development is a top priority; to strongly shift the economic structure to service sector; to continue investing in developing Hiep Phuoc port’s industrial urban area; to shift the growth model from extensive to intensive development.

5. To sustainably develop and combine socio-economic development with adaptation with climate change, economical use of natural resources and eco-environmental protection; to combine socio-economic development with defense and security consolidation, preserve political stability and social safety and order; to closely combine the socio-economic development of the City with that of the southern key economic region, the Mekong River delta, the country and foreign countries. To build a healthy cultural environment, constantly raise people’s material and spiritual lives during the process of development, international integration, and green and sustainable growth.


1. Overall objectives

To build Ho Chi Minh City into a civilized and modern city holding the role of a special urban center, taking the lead in the cause of industrialization and modernization, making greater contributions to the region and the country, gradually becoming a large economic, financial, trade, scientific and technological hub of the country and Southeast Asia, actively contributing to turning ours into a basically modern and industrialized country by 2020. To develop Ho Chi Minh City into a cultural and sports center, a high-quality human resource training center of the region and the country; to ensure economic growth toward sustainability, combine economic development with environmental protection, defense, security and social order and safety maintenance in the locality.

2. Specific targets:

a/ Economically:

- To attain an average annual economic growth rate of 10-10.5% in the 2011-2015 period, 9.5-10% in the 2016-2020 period and 8.5-9% in the 2021-2025 period.

- The average per-capita GDP at actual prices will reach USD 4,856-4,967 by 2015, USD 8,430-8,822 by 2020, and USD 13,340-14,285 by 2025.

The per-capita GDP for the 2011-2020 period will be 1.5 times of the national average.

- Economic structure will shift toward service-industry-agriculture. By 2015, the service sector will make up 56.41-57.41% of the economic structure, that of industry-construction, 41.65-42.63%, that of agriculture, 0.94-0.96%. By 2020, the service sector will make up 58.16-60.07% of the economic structure, that of industry-construction, 39.19-41.07%, that of agriculture, 0.74-0.78%. By 2025, the service sector will make up 58.29-61.10% of the economic structure, that of industry-construction, 38.29-41.05%, that of agriculture, 0.61-0.66%.

b/ Socially:

- Ho Chi Minh City’s population will reach 8.2 million by 2015, 9.2 million by 2020, and 10 million by 2025 (excluding non-residents and temporary residents staying for under six months).

- Job generation: To generate jobs for 120,000 people per year by 2015, 125,000 people per year by 2020 and 130,000 people per year by 2025. The unemployment rate will be 4.5% by the end of 2015 and under 4% by 2020.

- To reduce poor households and increase well-off households: To raise the city’s poverty line to more than VND 16 million per person per year by 2016 with the number of poor households accounting for 7-8% of the city’s total households. By 2020, there will be no poor households under the above poverty line and basically no near-poor households with an annual income of VND 16 million per person per year.

- To realize policies for social beneficiaries and people with their living standards almost satisfied with the minimum wage level; by 2020 all people will basically have access to social welfare and the minimum standard of income, education, health care, accommodations, clean water and information will be ensured.

- To develop Ho Chi Minh City into a cultural, education-training and high-quality health care center up to the level of other Southeast Asian developed countries.

- To speed up socialization to ensure physical facilities for education-training, health care, culture, sports-training to satisfy high professional requirements of the whole southern region.

- To raise the average education level to grade 10 by 2015, grade 11 by 2020, and grade 11-12 by 2025.

- To improve healthcare service quality: the number of doctors for every 10,000 people will reach 15 by 2015, 20 by 2020 and 20-25 by 2025.

- By the end of 2015, all communes will have medical clinics, all medical clinics will have doctors, the rate of under-five malnourished children will be below 8% and the under-five mortality rate will be below 10‰.

- To gradually raise the regular social relief level to be suitable to the consumer price index and the funding capacity of the city budget.

c/ Technical infrastructure

- Transport

+ To build and gradually complete and modernize the network of roads, railways, waterways and airports, ensure the stable, balanced and sustainable development of the city, contributing to turning the city into an important transportation hub of the region, the country and Southeast Asia.

+ To build a complete modern traffic control center based on the application of the state-of-the-art technology for an intelligent traffic system, the geographic information system (GIS) for integrated management and traffic control to attain the same level of modern urban centers of the developed countries, contributing to easing the traffic congestion, improving the traffic flow and reducing traffic accidents with the application of modern technologies in electronic engineering and information technology in urban traffic control and management.

- To implement and complete detailed specialized master plans on transport infrastructure (bridges and roads, parking lots, terminals, stoppages, and waterway navigation, etc.), master plan on the organization of urban transport and the implementation of these master plans after they are approved.

- The ratio of traffic land to urban land area will be around 8.2% by 2015, around 12.2 % by 2020 and around 16-20% by 2025. To maintain a fair ratio among different areas, including new urban areas and the downtown, the development viewpoint in the downtown will prioritize the building of flyovers, elevated roads and tunnels so as to raise the total area for transport in the region.

+ The density of roads will reach 1.9 km/square kilometer by 2015, 2.2 km/square kilometer by 2020 and around 4.5-5 km/square kilometer by 2025.

+ To reduce the number of traffic accidents, deaths and injuries by more than 10% year on year.

+ To develop passenger and cargo transportation into multi-modal one.

The mass transit capacity will meet 15% of the travel demand (of which buses will make up around 11%) by 2015; 20-25% travel demand (of which buses will make up around 16%) by 2020; 30% travel demand (of which buses will make up around 21%) by 2025. To attach importance to the development of the urban railway system in addition to the bus system and other public transport vehicles.

- Power supply

+ To ensure a balanced and synchronous development among power sources, power grid and load demand, meeting the city’s socio-economic development requirements for each period.

+ To step-by-step raise the efficiency of power use, maintain the elasticity coefficient (the ratio of commercial power growth rate and GDP growth rate) of less than 1 and then below 0.8. The proportion of output of power generated from new and renewable energies will be around 2-3%.

+ The average per-capita commercial power output will be around 2,600-2,800 kwh/person/year by 2015; around 3,600-3,850 kwh/person/year by 2020 and 4,800-5000 kwh/person/year by 2025.

+ To reduce the power wastage rate to 5.2% by 2015, around 5% by 2020 and 4.8% by 2025.

+ By 2015, more than 30% of the medium voltage network and 20% of the low voltage network will be laid underground. These rates will be 90% and 50%, respectively, in the downtown. By 2020, the existing inner city power network will be basically laid underground. By 2025, the underground power lines will be basically laid underground in district administrative centers, new urban areas and industrial parks.

- Information technology and post and telecommunications

+ By 2015, information and communications technology will become infrastructure facilities for the socio-economic sectors, contributing to promoting and raising the efficiency of production and business activities and state management effectiveness and capacity.

+ By 2020, to develop Ho Chi Minh City’s information technology industry into a key economic sector with an annual growth rate of 20%, laying a foundation for the overall development and accelerating the city’s industrialization and modernization process.

+ By 2025, to strive to develop the city’s software industry infrastructure and information technology services to be up to the regional level.

- Water supply

+ By 2015, 100% of the population in the old downtown and 98% of the population in the new inner city areas and suburban areas will have access to clean water. These rates will all be 100% by 2025.

+ The average daily water amount will be 152 liters/person/day by 2015, 170 liters/person/day by 2020 and 180 liters/person/day by 2025.

+ To reduce the water wastage rate to 32% by 2015, 28% by 2020 and 25% by 2025.

+ To expand the coverage of water supply services to the suburbs; to improve the hygienic conditions and people’s health in rural areas.

+ To ensure the city’s water supply standard for the planned periods suitable to orientations for the development of water supply in Vietnam’s urban centers and industrial parks up to 2025 and standard TCXDVN 33:2006 for special urban centers.

- Water drainage

The sewage system ensures good drainage, gradually reducing water inundation.

+ The 2011-2015 period: To basically get rid of inundation caused by rainwater and sea tide in the central basin (covering 100 square kilometers with around 3.3 million people); to strive to eliminate existing flood spots caused by rain water, and reduce flooding in northern Tau Hu and Tan Hoa-Lo Gom areas (districts 6, 11, Tan Phu, Binh Tan and parts of districts 6, 8 and Binh Thanh), remedy inundation caused by construction and limit new flood spots. For five remaining areas for drainage (covering 580 square kilometers with around 3.4 million people), to strive to reduce by 70% of flood spots caused by rain water and 50% of flood spots caused by sea tide; to control and prevent new flood spots. By the end of 2015, to basically complete a program to clear slums on and along the river and canals for dredging, drainage and reducing water environment pollution. To build 1,100 km of new sewer pipes. To treat 80% of wastewater from hospitals and industrial establishments to satisfy the prescribed standards before being discharged into the public sewers. Eighty percent of urban households will be connected with the sewer system and 60% of daily wastewater will be treated.

+ The 2016-2020 period: To basically get rid of inundation caused by rain water in five areas for drainage and the remaining areas of the city by 2020. To expand the area under anti-flood protection outside the scope of drainage master plan study (areas in District 12 and Hoc Mon, Cu Chi and Binh Chanh districts). By 2020, to basically complete a program on urban embellishment along the canals, increase the buffer zone area for water management and create an urban landscape. To additionally build 1,900km of sewer pipes. The total length of sewers and ditches will be 6,000 km by 2020 (including 3,770 km of open ditches). All wastewater from hospitals and industrial establishments will be treated up to the prescribed standards before being discharged into public sewers. Ninety percent of urban households will be connected to the sewer system and 80% of daily wastewater will be treated.

+ The 2021-2025 period: To thoroughly get rid of inundation caused by rain water; to basically get rid inundation caused by floods and tides with high sea level rise being taken into consideration in the future throughout the city. All urban households will be connected to the sewer system and all daily wastewater will be treated.

d/ Adaption to climate change, economical use of natural resources and environmental protection

- To formulate climate change adaptation plans, efficiently and economically use natural resources, strictly protect the environment, increasing the living standards and ensure the city’s sustainable development.

- To step by step improve the environment so as to reduce environmental pollution to the level satisfying clean environment requirements of Vietnam’s environmental standards and improve the quality of life and sustainable development of the city and neighboring provinces.

- By 2015, all industrial parks and clusters and export processing zones will have centralized wastewater treatment systems meeting Vietnam’s environment standards; all normal and hazardous solid waste will be stored, collected, transported and treated, including classification, recycling and re-use; all canals will be free from rubbish and dredged to improve the environment and ensure smooth flow; 90% of new urban areas will have centralized wastewater treatment systems; and 50% of existing urban areas will have centralized daily wastewater treatment systems. To reduce by 80% the level of pollution of water sources by 80 % in inner city and 60% in the outskirts. To reduce by 70% of the level of air and noise pollution caused by production activities and by 50% of the pollution caused by transportation.

Environmental protection will be disseminated among the entire population of the city.

- By 2020, all new urban areas and 70% of existing urban areas will have centralized wastewater treatment systems.

- By 2025, all existing urban areas will have centralized wastewater treatment systems.

dd/ Defense and security

To continue implementing the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee’s Action Program No. 16-CTr/TU on the implementation of the Resolution on the Strategy for National Defense in the new context adopted at the 8 th plenum of the IXth Party Central Committee, and the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee’s Action Program No. 49-CTr/TU of February 20, 2009, on the implementation of the Political Bureau’s Resolution No. 28 of the 10 th tenure Party Congress on building Ho Chi Minh City into a solid defensive zone in the new situation; to well implement ethnic and religious policies and ensure social welfare; to firmly maintain political stability and social safety and order in any circumstances, combat “peaceful evolution” plots based on the development of political potential and stronger spirit satisfying the development requirements in the new situation. To make remarkable changes in social order and safety, urban lifestyle, prevent and combat crimes and social evils. To build all-people defense and people’s security posture, to build Ho Chi Minh City into a solid defensive zone.


1. Orientations for development of services

- To develop services in a breakthrough manner based on the improvement of quality and efficiency of service sectors and investment in developing new service products; to develop Ho Chi Minh City into a service center of Southeast Asia.

- To focus on developing 9 service sectors: finance-credit-banking-insurance; trade; transport, warehouses, port services; post-telecommunications and information-communications technology; property-realty business; consultancy, science-technology information service; tourism; healthcare; and education-training; to develop a financial center of Southeast Asian level.

- To speed up the development of a modern service infrastructure, including supermarket systems, trade centers, goods distribution centers, office buildings, deluxe hotels and restaurants, e-commerce, hi-tech medical centers, international standard universities, to synchronously develop modern and traditional service infrastructure.

- To develop the city’s tourism to be equal to the level of the regional countries; to develop the city into tourism center and develop types of shopping, convention, medical and culinary tourism; to promote domestic tourism.

- The annual average GDP growth rate of the service sector will be 11.17-12.07% in the 2011-2015 period, 10.17-11% in the 2016-2020 period, 8.55-9.37% in the 2021-2025 period; the annual export revenues will grow at an average rate of 10.5% in the 2011-2015 period, 10% in the 2016-2020 period and 12% in the 2021-2025 period. Export revenues will reach USD 36-37 billion by 2015, USD 57-59 billion by 2020 and USD 100-105 billion by 2025. The number of foreign tourists will be around 5 million by 2015, around 8 million by 2020 and around 13.5 million by 2025.

2. Orientations for industry-construction development

- To focus the development of Ho Chi Minh City’s industry-construction on sectors and processes generating high-added value; to develop four groups of industries with scientific and technological and high-added value (engineering; electronic-information technology; pharmaceutical chemistry-rubber; food processing) and bio-technologies, clean industry, energy saving; to develop the fashion industry of textile and apparel-footwear sector, design industry; to gradually shift from assembly to production activities.

- To continue developing hi-tech industrial parks; to arrange production in planned industrial parks and clusters; to develop supporting industries serving the development of mechanical engineering, electronic-information technology; to limit new investment projects employing unskilled workers.

- The annual average GDP growth rate of the industry-construction sector will be 8.7% in the 2011-2015 period, 8.7% in the 2016-2020 period, and 8.5% in the 2021-2025 period.

3. Orientations for rural-agricultural development

To attach the development of Ho Chi Minh City’s agriculture toward modernity, with high productivity, quality, efficiency and competitiveness with agricultural characteristics of a special urban center and the southern key economic region; to achieve an annual GDP growth rate of the agricultural sector of 5% in the 2011-2015, 2016-2020 and 2021-2025 periods.

To develop modern and civilized rural areas of Ho Chi Minh City with a complete infrastructure meeting criteria for new rural areas; to harmoniously combine rural and urban development, raise rural people’s material and spiritual lives and bridge the gap in people’s living standards between urban and rural areas. The rate of communes meeting new-countryside criteria will be 100% by 2015 (56/56 communes, excluding Binh Hung commune, Binh Chanh district and Trung Chanh commune, Hoc Mon district which are already highly urbanized).

4. Orientations for socio-cultural development

a/ Labor and employment

- To improve the quality of the city’s human resources, meeting the socio-economic sectors’ requirements of human resources quantity and quality, develop a pool of highly skilled workers meeting international standards; to balance labor supply and demand, raise workers’ material and spiritual lives, develop and raise the efficiency of labor market activities.

- The rate of trained laborers will be 70% by 2015, 85% by 2020 and 90% by 2025.

b/ Education and training

- To continue improving education and training quality; to complete physical facilities, the school and class network, management and teaching staff and education curricula and methodologies; to accelerate socialization and international cooperation, mobilize all resources to invest in education and training sector; to ensure criteria for teachers, schools and classes, physical facilities of disciplines and education grades, build the city into a large high-quality education-training center of the country and Southeast Asia by 2020.

- Pre-school, primary, lower and upper secondary education: to maintain the universalization for pupils at various education grades.

- Pre-school education: the rate of children going to nursery schools will be 30% by 2020 and 32% by 2025. The rate of children going to kindergartens will be 80% by 2020 and 85% by 2025.

- Primary education: to enroll all six-year-old children into grade 1; all primary education children will be enrolled at the right age; all children will stay at schools for morning and afternoon classes. The number of children in each class will not exceed 35 by 2015; and 30 from 2020 to 2025. Lower secondary education: by 2015, all pupils will stay at schools for morning and afternoon classes; all lower secondary schools will have adequate classes and other classes for study. To strive to reduce the number of pupils in each lower secondary education class to around 38 by 2015, 35 by 2020, and 30 by 2025.

- Upper secondary education: to strive to reduce the number of pupils in each upper secondary education class to around 40 by 2015, 35 by 2020, and 30 by 2025.

- Vocational education: the rate of workers receiving general training working in economic sectors will be 80% by 2015, 90% by 2020, and 100% by 2025. To match vocational training with social requirements.

- Tertiary education: To develop tertiary education in conformity with Prime Minister’s Decision No. 37/2013/QD-TTg of June 26, 2013, on the adjustment of the master plan on the university and college network in the 2006-2020 period. By 2020, the city will have at least one institution meeting training standards of regional advanced institutions.

c/ Healthcare

- To speed up the development of a modern and complete healthcare sector toward equality, efficiency and development: to well implement national healthcare programs, continue investing in preventive medicine, apply more sanitation measures in disease prevention, control food safety and hygiene; to consolidate and complete the healthcare network from grassroots to municipal level; to develop the hi-tech specialized health system; to step up the socialization and investment in developing physical facilities of the medical sector, build hospital clusters in the city gate to reduce pressure on central hospitals; to ensure the number of patient beds at the ratio of 42/10,000 people by 2015 and maintain the ratio of 42/10,000 people for the 2016-2020 and 2021-2025 period.

- To develop pharmaceutical and traditional medicine sector into a spearhead economic-technical sector.

- To implement all-people health insurance.

- To develop medical human resources toward rapidly increasing specialized staff, strengthening the medical examination and treatment capacity and consolidating the organization and personnel system.

- To promote international cooperation, take advantage of investment, financial support, science-technology transfer and management experience of foreign countries and international organizations to improve the effectiveness of people’s healthcare and protection.

d/ Culture, sports

- To develop culture toward civilization and modernity to promote the national cultural identity and spiritual values imbued with Vietnam’s characteristics and the metropolitan people, while ensuring the cultural diversity. To develop culture satisfying the requirements of the city people’s spiritual life, facilitating cultural exchange between Ho Chi Minh City and the whole country and the world. To selectively absorb the culture of the time, raise people’s cultural enjoyment level. Through the organization of cultural types, to expand people’s participation in professional associations and organizations, train skill of cultural enjoyment and organize mass and art creativity contests.

- To harmoniously combine economic development with cultural development. To develop the cultural sector’s system of physical facilities to meet the city people’s cultural enjoyment requirements and serve domestic and international tourism. To raise the effectiveness of the cultural institutions’ activities. To construct the city-level victory monuments and historical monuments. To develop entertainment centers and entertainment industry up to the level of the regional countries; to preserve and upgrade cultural historical relics and art architecture. To attach importance to the movement “all people unite to build a cultured life”, the number of quarters meeting the standards will be 70% by 2015, 75% by 2020 and 85% by 2025.

To ensure that all households will have regular access to cultural services. To invest in a number of cultural works to match with the stature of the southern cultural center.

- To develop Ho Chi Minh City into the country’s sports and physical training center. For mass sports, to create favorable conditions for people to do exercises and install sport equipment and fitness facilities at public places.

The rate of people doing regular exercise will be 28% by 2015, 33% by 2020 and more than 40% by 2025. For school sports, to ensure physical facilities for students to involve in sport and physical training activities. For high-achievement sports, to invest in developing the city’s sports with advantages and major sports, modernizing international-standard sports training establishments.

5. Orientations for science-technology development

- As a science and technology center of the country and region, Ho Chi Minh City’s science and technology activities through 2020 with a vision toward 2025 must be a direct driving force, making important contributions to growth quality and sustainable development, up to the average advanced level, narrowing the gap with other cities in the region.

- To make adequate investment, meeting requirements of scientific and technological potential development based on the increase of investment from the city’s budget together with mobilizing social investment sources, especially enterprises. To attach importance to investing in physical facilities and developing highly skilled human resources to create breakthroughs in the internal capacity; to absorb, innovate and gradually master new technologies in a number of fields.

- To strengthen and complete the mechanism of cooperation among the State, scientists and businesses in which businesses constitute the center of scientific and technological activities, technological renovation and the application and development of new technologies are driving forces for fast and sustainable growth and higher competitiveness of the economy.

- To strongly renovate science and technology management mechanism, policies toward a contingent of domestic and foreign scientific and technological intellectuals so as to make the best use of all intellectual potential to serve the cause of industrialization and modernization and gradually develop the knowledge-based economy.

6. Orientations for defense and security development

- To well perform the defense and security tasks in the new situation, combat “peaceful evolution” plots; to thoroughly grasp the situation forecast, always gain the active posture in any circumstances; to intensify the prevention and control of crimes and law-breaking activities in order to firmly maintain political stability and social safety and order and maintain a peaceful and stable environment. To mobilize a combined strength for performing the defense and security tasks, combine the socio-economic development with defense and security maintenance, build a solid defensive zone, build potential and all-people defense posture, people’s war posture associated with people’s solid security posture in performing the national construction and defense tasks.

- To combine master plans on defense arrangement and socio-economic development in the 2011-2020 period under the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 2412/QD-TTg of December 19, 2011, with basic construction, posture construction and investment restructure; to bring into play economic potential, be ready to shift economic potential to defense potential at wartime.

To intensify the cyber security management, prevent and control terrorism, riots and subversive activities by hostile forces.

- To build the city’s strong and comprehensive armed forces which are capable of successfully preventing and thwarting all sabotage plans by hostile forces, and stay ready to fight in any circumstances; maintain political security and social order and safety; to step up the movement “all people defend national security” and the movement “all people participate in fire prevention and fighting”; to develop defense and security industry (equipped with modern vehicles and equipment). To expand cooperative relations with countries in exchanging and updating information on political security, effectively preventing and controlling terrorism-related crimes, firmly maintain political security, social order and safety in the city.

7. Orientations for technical infrastructure development

a/ Transport

To develop a transport network linking new urban centers, satellite urban centers, major inter-regional transport works, and closely connect the city with provinces in Ho Chi Minh City’s urban region for mutual assistance for synchronous development, making the best use of the whole region’s combined socio-economic strengths.

- Roads:

To build and complete the system of outbound radial roads and the system of belt roads. To focus on upgrading and expanding gateway routes to/from the city (Ha Noi Expressway, National Highways 13 and 50). To upgrade, expand and link National Highway 1 in the city; to build a system of bridges and major intersections to clear blockades to gateways and important traffic sections. To build four interconnected overhead roads with four motor lanes in routes with heavy traffic flow. To build cargo entrepots at gateways to the inner city and along belt road 2. To prioritize the development of underground and high-rise parking lots in existing urban areas. To complete the city’s modern traffic control center based on the application of cutting-edge technologies.

- Railways

To step by step complete the urban and inter-urban railway system connected to the national railway system and assuming the function of public transportation with 7 radial and peripheral metro routes linking the city’s major centers and 3 ground tram routes. To renovate and upgrade the “Thong Nhat” railway route in Ho Chi Minh City with priority given to speeding up the building of the overhead section of the Binh Trieu - Hoa Hung railway route.

- Waterways

To continue maintaining and improving the existing waterway routes, promptly implementing a master plan on waterway route and port network approved by the municipal People’s Committee in Decision No. 66/2009/QD-UBND of September 14, 2009, upgrading bridges on the inland waterway routes to ensure prescribed clearance for ship navigation. To combine local inland waterway routes with special-use river routes, national inland waterway routes and maritime routes in the city to set up the waterway transport network linking areas of the city and between Ho Chi Minh City and neighboring provinces and foreign countries.

To concentrate all resources for development of Hiep Phuoc port industrial urban area; to dredge the Soai Rap river passage to a depth of -9.5 meters (national nautical charts) by 2014 for fully loaded 30,000 - 50,000 DWT vessels. In the meantime, to adopt a plan to deepen the Soai Rap river passage to a depth of -12 meters (the national nautical charts) for fully loaded 50,000 - 70,000 DWT vessels, reduce traffic load to handle 130-150 million tons of cargoes through Hiep Phuoc port by 2020, bringing the total volume of cargoes via the city’s sea ports to 200 million tons by 2020 (according to the orientations set in the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 24/QD-TTg of January 6, 2010, approving adjustments of the master plan on construction of Ho Chi Minh City through 2025).

To renovate and upgrade inland waterway routes of the inner belt (Sai Gon river - Truong Dai river - Ben Cat canal - Nuoc Len canal - Ben Luc river - Doi canal - Te canal - Sai Gon river) up to the grade-4 canal standards.

To renovate and upgrade the outer belt (Sai Gon river - Xang canal – Tra canal - An Ha canal - Dem market - Doi canal - Te canal - Sai Gon river) up to the grade-4 canal standards.

To build a new 50,000 DWT international wharf in Mui Den Do area (Phu Thuan ward, District 7) and an inland landing in the existing Sai Gon - Khanh Hoi port area.

To build freight river ports linked with Ho Chi Minh City’s seaport system, exchange goods between Ho Chi Minh City and neighboring provinces and the Mekong River delta provinces; to connect and effectively support road and sea transport. At the same time, to develop passenger ports and river tourism. To review and adjust master plans, continue investing in the development of port system in the city and ports capable of accommodating next-generation container ships. To basically complete a program on relocation of sea ports from the inner city to the outskirts.

- Airports

The Tan Son Nhat international airport will be upgraded to receive around 20 million passengers per year by 2020 and the subsequent years.

- Mass transit and restriction of personal vehicles

To develop mass transit toward modernity and transferability among the urban passenger transportation modes. Bus will continue to be the most effective mass transit mode in the 2015-2020 period and Ho Chi Minh City’s urban railway transportation will be gradually developed in the 2021-2025 period. To study and soon apply economic and administrative measures according to an appropriate roadmap to restrict the development of personal vehicles to suit the city’s infrastructure conditions.

b/ Power supply

Commercial power will grow at an annual rate of between 7-8.5% in the 2011-2015 period, around 9% in the 2016-2020 period and around 7-8% in the 2021-2025 period. Total commercial power output will reach around 21.5-23 billion Kwh by 2015, around 33-35.4 billion Kwh by 2020 and around 48.5-50 billion Kwh by 2025.

The maximum capacity will be about 3,800-4,000 MW by 2015, around 6,100-6,500 MW by 2020 and around 9,000 MW by 2025.

Regarding the power grid, to build and upgrade eight 220 KV stations with a total capacity of 3,750 MVA in the 2011-2015 period, build eight 220 KV stations with a total capacity of 3,500 MVA in the 2016-2020 period and build 13 220 KV stations with a total capacity of 4,000 MVA in the 2021-2025 period.

c/ Information technology, post and telecommunications

- To gradually complete the broadband network in the whole city, with the mobile broadband signals covering all residential areas. To develop public Internet access points with modern equipment to attract and create the best conditions for people and businesses to effectively tap fixed telephone services and Internet access.

- To develop modern telecoms infrastructure connected with the domestic and international information superhighway. To build a database managed under the centralized management model based on the database of each field into a public database system serving the development of e-government.

- To develop information security and internet security. To build hi-tech parks, national key software parks, etc.

d/ Water supply

- To ensure water supply capacity of the major water supply system at 2,510,000 m3/day by 2015, 3,100,000 m3/day by 2020, and 3,700,000 m3/day by 2025.

- To adopt measures to control and gradually limit the groundwater exploitation to only licensed industrial wells and household wells with a total volume of around 330,000 m3/day by 2015, and around 200,000 m3/day by 2020. By 2025, to exploit water only on the industrial scale around 100,000 m3 per day and stop the small-scale exploitation of industrial wells and household wells.

- To implement a study program on water supply capacity of Tri An and Dau Tieng reservoirs, ensuring water supply for the city in coping with climate change and environmental protection.

- To develop a network of water distribution suitable to water plants’ capacity in each period.

- To develop a water supply network ensuring a rational water pressure throughout the city. To ensure water supply for households according to targets set for periods.

- To formulate roadmaps to limit and policies and solutions to manage ground water use.

- To apply scientific and technological advances, gradually modernize the water sector’s technical facilities to advance to the management and operational level of the advanced countries.

dd) Water drainage

To build a sewer system toward harmony with nature. To control tides and floods, increase the area of greenery and grass cover, protect and expand reservoirs, keep most water conservation places to reduce the flow speed, protect rivers and canals for water drainage and create urban landscapes.

To develop a sewer system suitable to the city’s development, ensure the synchronous development among regions and other infrastructure sectors based on orientations for Vietnam’s urban water drainage development through 2020 approved by the Prime Minister.

To socialize and mobilize domestic and international resources for construction investment and management of the operation of the water drainage system.

8. Housing development

Orientations for the development of 5 housing programs, including:

A program on replacement of old condominiums: To relocate existing and build new apartment buildings so that no out-of-date ones will exist in the city by 2015.

A social housing program, which comprises 6 sub-programs, namely (1) a housing program for the city’s officials and civil servants, (2) a housing program for people who have rendered great services to the revolution, (3) a worker housing program, (4) a dormitory program, (5) a housing program for low-income earners, and (6) a housing program for the poor.

A program to build apartment buildings for resettlement, which will continue accelerating the pace of ongoing and new projects, satisfying the resettlement requirements by 2025.

A program to relocate households living on rivers and along canals: To basically complete the resettlement of households on rivers and canal banks in the 2011-2015 period. In addition, a housing program for the elderly and street children is a new one which is designed to take care of helpless old people and children in plight.

- A housing program for officials: From now to 2015, to study the construction of houses for officials at all levels to satisfy living requirements of officials who are on duty.

9. Environmental protection

To control, prevent and minimize air, noise, surface water and ground water pollution, ordinary solid waste and hazardous waste, and at the same time remedy seriously polluted places up to national technical standards and regulations on environment; to build a green and clean city with a good living environment, restore ecosystems and biodiversity, protect and develop the Can Gio Biosphere Reserve; to improve the public awareness about environmental protection and adaptation to climate change. To intensify the public communication about water source protection, to continue coordinating with provinces and districts with access to Dong Nai river water in relocating industrial parks so as to limit wastewater discharge from factories; to build observatories; to enhance waste treatment and zone off ecosystems; to set orientations for investment in developing environmental treatment technologies.


1. Territorial organization of the system of urban centers and industrial parks, development of the system of industrial park and clusters, economic-trade zones and other specific economic zones

a/ The city development model is the multipolar centralized one with the central area being the inner city area with a radius of 15 km and 4 development poles:

- To develop the city in the polycentric direction with a complex center located in the existing central area consisting of Districts 1 and 3, part of District 4 and Binh Thanh district (covering 930 hectares) and the Thu Thiem new urban center (737 hectares); four city-level centers with four development directions.

- To develop the city in two cardinal directions: South and East toward the sea and two ordinal directions being Northwest and West-southwest.

- To develop no urban centers in strict conservation zones and ecological restoration zones under Can Gio mangrove forest nature reserve in Can Gio biosphere reserve, special-use and protective forests in Binh Chanh and Cu Chi districts.

- To develop urban centers associated with the target of maintaining defense and security.

b/ Territorial organization of the urban system

The city’s central urban area will be the existing central area covering Districts 1 and 3, part of District 4 and Binh Thanh district (covering 930 hectares) and the Thu Thiem new urban area (737 hectares); the city will be expanded and developed in the following directions:

To the east: the development corridor will be the Ho Chi Minh City - Long Thanh - Dau Giay expressway and new urban centers will be developed along the Hanoi expressway.

To the south: the development corridor will be Nguyen Huu Tho road, to bring into play the advantages of river banks with low construction density, without reducing the surface water area to serve the city’s water drainage.

To the northwest: the development corridor will be National Highway 22 (Trans-Asia Highway).

To the west and southwest: the development corridor will be Nguyen Van Linh road.

c/ Development zones:

- The urban development zone covers 13 existing districts in the inner city and six new districts and townships and newly-developed urban centers.

- Industrial development zones will be developed in new districts and Cu Chi, Hoc Mon, Binh Chanh and Nha Be districts.

- Ecological and tourist zones will be developed along the Sai Gon, Nha Be and Dong Nai rivers, the ecological zone in the Can Gio mangrove forest.

- Agricultural zones surrounded by ecological belts will be developed in Chu Chi, Hoc Mon, Binh Chanh and Can Gio districts.

- Rural residential zones will be developed in Cu Chi, Hoc Mon, Binh Chanh, Nha Be and Can Gio districts.

- Nature reserves will be located in the Can Gio Mangrove Forest within the Can Gio biosphere reserve in Can Gio district, special-use and protective forests in Cu Chi and Binh Chanh districts.

d/ Functional zones

- The existing inner city zone consists of 13 existing districts in the inner city covering a total area of around 14,200 hectares with an estimated population of around 4.5 million people by 2025.

- The extended inner city zone consists of six new districts covering a total area of around 35,200 hectares with an estimated population of around 2.9 million people by 2025.

- Townships, rural residential zones and new urban centers in the outskirts include five suburban districts covering a total area of around 160,200 hectares with an estimated population of around 2.6 million people by 2025, including around 0.5 million rural people.

- Industrial parks and clusters include one hi-tech park, 20 industrial parks, export processing zones and local industrial clusters on a total area of 8,792 hectares.

- The system of centers:

+ The city’s major complex center in the existing inner city area on a total area of 930 hectares in Districts 1 and 3, and part of District 4 and Binh Thanh district and will be expanded in the Thu Thiem new urban area and District 2 on a total area of 737 hectares.

+ The city centers will be located in four directions, to the east in Long Truong ward, District 9; to the south in zone A of the city’s southern new urban center; to the north in the northwestern new urban area; to the west in the zone adjacent to National Highway 1 in Tan Kien commune, Binh Chanh district.

- The system of specialized centers:

+ University training and scientific research centers will be located outside the city’s National University campus and other centers additionally located in the eastern, southern and northwestern areas of the city.

+ The system of hospitals and medical centers: to construct hospitals, build the hospital - institute model and research and medical-pharmaceutical experiment centers at the gateways to the city’s center.

+ Cultural and sports centers will be the history-culture-nationality zone in District 9; the zoo and botanical gardens in Cu Chi district; the Rach Chiec sports and physical training center in District 2; the entertainment, recreation, sports and physical center associated with rivers, canals and lakes, and green spaces in new and suburban districts.

- The system of parks, greeneries, open spaces and water surface areas:

+ To preserve and renovate existing parks and greeneries, and take advantage of the land areas of relocated industrial establishments to develop more parks and greeneries.

+ To protect and manage the Can Gio mangrove forest biosphere reserve, and protective and special-use forests in Binh Chanh and Cu Chi districts.

+ To arrange lines of landscape trees and water surface for tourism and entertainment purposes along the banks of Sai Gon, Dong Nai and Nha Be rivers. To form ecological belts and green spaces associated with agricultural land areas.

- Conservation and no-construction zones:

+ To ban construction in strictly protected zones of the Can Gio mangrove forest biosphere reserve; protective and special-use forests in Binh Chanh and Cu Chi districts.

+ To ban or limit construction in the Tan Son Nhat airport’s safety protection belts; defense and security zones and protection corridors along the Dong Nai, Sai Gon and Nha Be rivers.

+ To limit the urban development in the agricultural and forestry zones, which may also function as the city’s ecological belts.

2. Territorial space organization of rural areas

To concentrate investment on building rural residential areas after the new countryside model; to build a number of urban centers to create momentum for development of suburban districts. The living model will be suitable to river and canal areas, terrain, geological and hydrological conditions and ensure sustainable development. To determine the size and protect agricultural lands not subject to function change and the land areas for the city’s greenery and park system serving ecotourism and entertainment.

To strictly manage the land fund for building industrial parks and clusters for the environmental protection purpose.

To develop two large-sized new urban centers, namely the northwestern urban center on an area of around 6,000 hectares in Cu Chi and Hoc Mon districts and the Hiep Phuoc port-urban center on an area of around 3,900 hectares in Nha Be district (including 1,000 hectares of river and canals).

In the north, to develop new residential areas together with townships, rural residential spots and industrial parks in Hoc Mon and Cu Chi districts.

In the west and south, to develop a number of new residential clusters to be suitable to unfavorable geological and hydrological conditions and protect the system of rivers and canals in Binh Chanh and Nha Be districts.

To protect the agricultural land fund of 86,322 hectares in Cu Chi, Hoc Mon, Binh Chanh, Nha Be and Can Gio districts. To form three ecological belts with green spaces and agricultural land areas.


(see enclosed Appendix, not translated)


1. Mobilizing investment sources:

a/ Investment capital demand

- In the 2011-2015 period: Total social investment capital demand for the five-year period will be VND 1.3-1.4 million billion, of which the state budget capital will make up around 12%.

- In the 2016-2020 period: Total social investment capital demand for the five-year period will be VND 2.7-3 million billion, of which the state budget capital will make up around 10%.

- In the 2021-2025 period: Total social investment capital demand for the five-year period will be VND 5-5.6 million billion, of which the state budget capital will make up around 8%.

b/ Capital sources

- Based on the capability to balance the annual state budget, the city shall take the initiative in working out plans and appropriately phasing investment with a view to ensuring capital for the local key works and projects.

- To mobilize domestic and foreign capital sources, in which capital from the state economic sector will make up 25-30%; non-State economic sectors, 50-55%; and foreign direct investment capital, 15-25%.

- To step up trade promotion work; to attach importance to tap ODA capital, and implement tax and land rent incentive policies, etc.

- To improve the investment, production and business environments; to further reform investment procedures in a streamline, transparent and public manner; to synchronously develop infrastructure and human resources, and attract capital from the people and overseas remittance.

- To promote socialization, extend BOT, BT, PPP and other investment forms to facilitate the efficient development of infrastructure. To raise investment efficiency, effectively use capital sources, tap capital sources from land, issue municipal bonds and project bonds, etc.

- To take the initiative in coordinating with ministries and central sectors and related localities in adopting effective solutions to mobilize domestic and foreign resources to invest in building the regional infrastructure system with focus on the high-performance mass transit system and urban railways, and concurrently develop ring roads, overhead roads, expressways, sea and river routes.

2. Training and developing human resources to serve industrialization and modernization

- To restructure the labor force and Ho Chi Minh City’s human resources based on restructuring the economic sectors. To raise the quality of human resources, training schools and teaching staff.

- To promote the socialization of education and training, attach importance to orientations for vocational training schools offering construction training and set general graduation standards for each discipline meeting social requirements. To promote close cooperation in career guidance, enrollment, training and practice associated with recruitment needs of enterprises and the society. To intensify international cooperation in education and training.

- To promote the development of the labor market in order to improve the efficient use of human resources in the city.

- To socialize education and training, encourage social activities in study promotion and talent promotion; to build a learning society.

3. Science and technology

- To improve capacity and effectiveness of the state management of science and technology at the city, department and district level. To renew the operation mechanism of scientific research institutions toward self-reliance and accountability. To promote the formation of science and technology businesses to serve as a driving force for the future development of science and technology

- To renew and complete the science and technology management mechanisms and development polices. To renew the financial mechanism and investment in science and technology, increasing the proportion of contributions by businesses and socializing the attraction of resources outside the state budget for investment in science and technology. To form a system of science and technology development funds, venture funds and technological renewal funds for promote the development of hi-tech sectors.

- To formulate programs on training, retraining, effective employment of scientific and technological personnel, especially highly qualified domestic and overseas intellectuals, with high incentives. To develop a pool of highly-skilled technicians in enterprises.

- To formulate a hi-tech application and development program and increase the proportion of contributions by hi-tech industries to the city’s GDP. To continue building hi-tech zones, hi-tech agricultural zones and biotechnology centers in order to attract foreign investment projects as well as investment projects of domestic enterprises.

- To develop the science and technology market, soon build and put into operation a technology exchange. To expand the operation and improve the efficiency of industrial technology renewal programs, raise productivity and product quality, and develop enterprises’ intellectual assets.

- To take the initiative in international integration in science and technology, attach importance to the exploitation of the developed countries’ intellectual assets, especially in new technology and hi-tech fields.

4. Protecting natural resources and the environment

- To formulate inter-regional cooperation mechanisms and policies for protecting the environment of Dong Nai and Sai Gon rivers. To encourage production and business establishments to invest in technological renewal to reduce environmental pollution. To prioritize the attraction of investment projects with little environmental impacts. To intensify the inspection and supervision and promptly prevent environmental pollution activities. To promote the dissemination and education about environmental protection.

- To basically prevent the pollution level rise and environmental degradation and raise environmental quality; to guarantee that all people will live in an environment with good air, soil, water and landscape quality and other natural environmental elements up to national standards.

- To step by step use clean technology in the socio-economic sectors; to rationally use mineral, land and water resources; to restore mineral mining areas and depleted ecosystems, and ensure the ecological balance at the basic level; to use more clean energy and enhance clean development management; to increase areas covered by trees in urban areas; to upgrade and develop water supply and drainage system and the system of solid waste and wastewater collection and treatment facilities in urban centers, industrial parks and craft villages.

- To promote the socialization of environmental protection, mobilize the participation of the entire political system and the community in environmental protection.

5. Intensifying cooperation with other localities in the country

- To intensify cooperation with other localities in the country, especially the southern and southeastern key economic regions in implementing socio-economic development master plans, construction master plan together with the master plan on the Ho Chi Minh City urban region, the urban infrastructure master plan, master plans on development of economic sectors, human resource training and environmental protection.

- To renew mechanisms to attract intensive and quality investment capital, create common and synchronous mechanisms and policies to attract foreign and domestic investment capital in line with the city’s focuses and strengths.

- To develop the city’s industrial parks in line with the entire region’s development strategy and distribution of productive forces with cooperative relations and harmonious assignment with local industrial parks in the region in a consistent manner. To formulate common mechanisms for settling labor, infrastructure and environmental issues.

6. Expanding international cooperation

- To further promote external activities and promote the city’s image; to increase exchange activities to explore international and regional experiences to seek cooperation opportunities; to combine trade and investment promotion activities and market penetration; to mobilize resources from overseas Vietnamese.

- To continue supporting international cooperation in public and business sectors.

- To enhance cooperation in science and technology research. To complete the system of information analysis, socio-economic research and development experiences of other cities in the world.

7. Raising the effect and effectiveness of the stage management

- To step up administrative reforms in the spirit of the Government’s Resolution No. 30c/NQ-CP of November 8, 2011, on the master program on state administration reform in the 2011-2020 period, raise the effectiveness of the state management and law enforcement, reform administrative procedures in order to comprehensively renew and create basic changes in administrative apparatus quality in four fields: cadres, civil servants and public employees, apparatus organization, administrative procedures and public finance. To complete mechanisms and policies in all socio-economic fields in order to improve production, business and investment environments and raise the competition index. To build a legal framework favorable for investment and production-business activities in the locality.

- To widely implement the “single-window” mechanism in the areas under the competence of the state management agencies. To modernize physical facilities and apply information technology in building e-government so as to provide people, organizations and businesses with useful “single-window” online services with anytime anywhere access; to step by step make public and transparent activities of the city authorities through the Internet.

- To continue studying and experimentally implementing newly emerging issues that will be put forth by the city in the reality of the development process but there are no regulations or the State’s current regulations are no longer suitable to the city’s development conditions under the spirit of the Political Bureau’s Resolution 16; to study basic reforms of wage policy to ensure life for cadres, civil servants and public employees.

- To continue study and complete mechanisms and policies on the decentralization of stronger management for the city and further raising its self-control of finance, land management and use, human resources and handling of administrative violations in all fields, etc and enhance inspection, examination and supervision of the central government’s decentralized contents for local authorities; to study, renew the organization of bodies under the municipal People’s Committee in the direction of specialized departments shall be assigned comprehensive and thorough responsibilities in areas under their competence in the locality, contributing to administrative reform in the activities of the municipal People’s Committee and building urban administration. Specific contents and decentralization levels will be discussed and determined by the government and related ministries and central sectors.


- After the master plan on socio-economic development of Ho Chi Minh City is approved by the Prime Minister, the municipal People’s Committee will disseminate it under regulations, concurrently post it on its website for organizations and people to know, supervise and implement the master plan.

- To review and formulate sectoral development master plans, districts’ socio-economic development master plans, detailed master plans; to coordinate with sectors in implementing the master plan; to ensure the consistency between the socio-economic development master plan, construction master plan, land use master plan and sectoral development master plans.

- Based on the master plan on socio-economic development of Ho Chi Minh City through 2020 with a vision toward 2025, to formulate the five-year and annual socio-economic development plans. To supervise and examine the implementation of development investment according to the master plan; to enhance responsibilities of levels, sectors and the locality in implementing the master plan. To assess the implementation of the master plan for each period at the end of each planning stage, supplement and adjust targets to suit the reality.

Article 2. The master plan on socio-economic development of Ho Chi Minh City through 2020, with a vision toward 2025, is the foundation for formulating, appraising, approving and implementing sectoral master plans (construction master plan, land use master plan and plans and other related master plans), investment projects in Ho Chi Minh City.

Article 3. To assign the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee, based on the city’s approved master plan, to guide under regulations the formulation, appraisal, approval and implementation of:

1. Socio-economic development master plans of districts; construction master plan; land use master plan and plans; the master plan on development of sectors in the city to ensure the combination of socio-economic development targets and strengthening defense and security.

2. Long-, medium- and short-term plans, and specific projects for rational investment.

3. Studying, formulating and promulgating or submitting to competent authorities for promulgation mechanisms and policies suitable to the city’s development requirements in each period in order to attract and mobilize resources to implement the master plan.

4. Submitting to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision timely adjustments and supplements to the master plan suitable to the socio-economic development situation of the city and the country in each period.

Article 4. Related ministries and sectors within their functions, tasks and powers shall:

1. Guide the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee in formulating specific plans; study, formulate and submit competent authorities for promulgation mechanisms and policies meeting the city’s socio-economic development requirements in each period in order to effectively tap resources and encourage and attract investment according to the socio-economic development targets and tasks.

2. In the course of reviewing, adjusting and supplementing sectoral development master plans and fields that need Ho Chi Minh City’s coordination to ensure synchronicity and consistency of the master plan, consider and assist the city in mobilizing domestic and foreign investment capital sources to implement the master plan. To focus investment on projects under the management of ministries and sectors in the city such as expressways, belts; large scale power supply system, irrigation, drainage, river pollution treatment projects; training and medical establishment, etc.

3. Assist and create conditions for Ho Chi Minh City to attract investment in the development of hi-tech zones, deluxe services, etc.

Article 5. This Decision replaces the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 532/TTg of July 12, 1997, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Ho Chi Minh City in the 1996-2010 period. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 6. The chairperson of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and heads of government-attached agencies shall implement this Decision.-




Nguyen Tan Dung


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            Decision No. 2631/QD-TTg the master plan on socio-economic development of HCM city through 2020 - 2025
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            Số hiệu2631/QD-TTg
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            Ngày ban hành31/12/2013
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                Văn bản gốc Decision No. 2631/QD-TTg the master plan on socio-economic development of HCM city through 2020 - 2025

                Lịch sử hiệu lực Decision No. 2631/QD-TTg the master plan on socio-economic development of HCM city through 2020 - 2025

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