Thông tư 65/2016/TT-BTC

Circular No. 65/2016/TT-BTC dated 29th April 2016, providing for rate, regime of collection, payment, management and use of fees of securities activities applied at the Stock Exchanges and Vietnam Securities Depositories

Nội dung toàn văn Circular 65/2016/TT-BTC rate regime collect pay manage use fees securities activities stock exchanges


Independence - Freedom - Happiness


No.: 65/2016/TT-BTC

Hanoi, 29 April 2016




Pursuant to Securities Law dated 29,/6/2006 and the Law amending and supplementing some articles of Securities Law dated 24/10/2010;

Pursuant to the Ordinance on Charges and Fees dated 28/8/2001;

Pursuant to Decree No. 57/2002 / ND-CP dated 03/06/ 2002 and Decree No. 24/2006 / ND-CP dated 06/03/ 2006 of the Government detailing the implementation of the Ordinance on Charges and Fees;

Pursuant to Decree No. 58/2012 / ND-CP dated 20/07/ 2012 and Decree No. 60/2015 / ND-CP dated 26/06/2015 of the Government detailing and guiding the implementation of some provisions of Securities Law and the Law amending and supplementing some articles of Securities Law;

Pursuant to Decree No. 215/2013 / ND-CP dated 23/12/2013 of the Government regulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance;

At the request of the Director General of the Tax Policy Department,

The Minister of Finance issues this Circular providing for rate, regime of collection, payment, management and use of fees of securities activities applied at the Stock Exchanges and Vietnam Securities Depositories as follows:

Article 1. Scope of regulation                                

This Circular applies to the activities pertaining to the implementation of securities at the Stock Exchange (SE) and Vietnam Securities Depository (VSD).

Article 2. Subjects of fee payment

The subjects of fee payment are the organizations and individuals engaged in business activities pertaining to Securities trading market specified in the Tariff issued with this Circular, including Securities companies, commercial banks, listing registration organizations, listed organizations, fund management companies with listed fund certificate, issuing organizations, organizations opening accounts directly at VSD and organizations and individuals transferring securities ownership not via the trading system of SE.

Article 3. Fee collecting organization

The fee collecting organizations of securities activities specified in this Circular are SE and VSD established and operating in Vietnam.

Article 4. Tariff and ways to determine the fees to be paid

The rate is specified in the Tariff issued with this Circular. The amount of fee to be paid for some types of fee is determined as follows:

1. Trading member management fee                     

Amount of management fee to be paid by the trading member




Fee calculation time (month)

12 months

a) The rate is specified under Point 1, Section 1 of the Tariff

b) Fee calculation time

- Where the organizations is the trading member of SE without termination of membership in the year, the fee calculation time is 12 months.

- Where new organization is approved to be the trading member without termination of its membership in the same year, the fee calculation time is calculated from the month succeeding the month SE issues the Decision on approving the membership to the end of December of that year.

- Where organization is a trading member and its trading is stopped or its trading activities are suspended by SE in order to stop its volunteer and compulsory membership, the fee calculation time is calculated from the early month of year to the end of month SE suspends its trading or trading activities in order to stop its membership.

- Where new organization is approved to be the trading member of SE and its trading is stopped or its trading activities are suspended by SE in order to stop its volunteer and compulsory membership, the fee calculation time is calculated from the month succeeding the month SE issues the Decision on approving the membership to the end of month SE stops trading or suspends the trading activities in order to stop its membership.

c) Where the trading member is constituted after consolidation, merger, splitting, separation, transformation, acquisition and has to go through the procedures for registering new membership, its shall pay the trading member management fees the same as registration for new member.

d) Fee refund

Where the trading member terminates its membership, SE shall refund the trading member the difference of fee paid in the year by the trading member minus the actual fee to be paid under the formula and instructions under Point a and b of this Clause.

2. Listing registration fee

a) The rate is specified under Point 2, Section I of the Tariff.

b) Where the listing registration organization is approved for listing and after that is delisted. In this case, the listing registration fee shall not be refunded to the listed organization or the fund management company.

3. Listing management fee

Amount of listing management fee




Fee calculation time (month)

12 months

a) Rate

- The rate specified under Point 3, Section I of the Tariff is applied corresponding to each type of securities and listing value.

- Where an organization makes the listing of many types of securities on the same SE, the listing management fee is calculated over each type of securities.

b) Fee calculation time

- Where Securities are listed and is not delisted in the year, the fee calculation time is 12 months.

- Where the organization registers its listing for the first time and is not delisted in the year, the listing management fee calculation time shall be calculated from the month succeeding the month SE issues the Decision on approving the listing to the end of December of that year.

- Where Securities are being listed and is delisted in the yea, the fee calculation time is calculated from the early month of year to the end of month of effective delisting date.

- Where Securities are listed for the first time and are delisted in the year, the fee calculation time is calculated from the month succeeding the month SE issues the Decision on approving the listing to the end of month of effective delisting date.

c) Where the listed organization or the fund management company has changed its listing registration resulting in the change of amount of listing management fee to be paid (not applicable to the Exchange Traded Fund (ETF), the listing management fee is calculated by the sum of:

- Fee calculated by the rate corresponding to the type of securities and old listing value from the early month of year (or from the month succeeding the month SE issues the Decision on approving the listing for the case of new listing in the year) to the end of month SE issues the Decision on approving the change of subsequent listing in the year.

- Fee calculated by the rate corresponding to the type of securities and new listing value from the month succeeding the month SE issues the Decision on approving the change of subsequent listing to the end of December of that year.

d) Refund or additional collection of fee

- Where Securities are delisted in the year, SEs shall refund the listed organization or the fund management company with listed fund certificate the difference between the amount of fee paid in the year minus the actual fee to be paid under the formula and instructions under Point a and b of this Clause.

- In case of changed listing resulted in the increase or decrease of the fee after the change compared with the paid fee, SEs shall re-calculate the difference to make additional collection or refund the fee to the listed organization or the fund management company.

4. Trading fee

Amount of fee to be paid by each trading member




Total trading value of each member


Total trading value of each member


Value of securities purchase


Value of securities selling

a) The rate is specified under Point 4, Section I of the Tariff.

b) The repo fee is calculated one time by the initial trading value.

5. Online connection fee

The online connection fee includes the initial connection fee and periodical connection maintenance fee.

a) Initial connection fee

- The initial connection fee specified under Point 5.1, Section I of the Tariff.

- Where the online trading members are constituted after consolidation, merger, splitting, separation, transformation, acquisition, the online connection fee is calculated as follows:

+ Collecting the fee of initial online connection for the members not operating on the integrity of technical facility, information technology system and trading software of one of the member involved in the consolidation, merger, splitting, separation, transformation, acquisition and SEs must survey the technical facility at the companies before approving the membership.

+ Not collecting the fee of initial online connection for the members operating on the integrity of technical facility, information technology system and trading software of one of the member involved in the consolidation, merger, splitting, separation, transformation, acquisition or with the change of integrity of technical facility, information technology system and trading software but SEs must not survey the technical facility at the companies before approving the membership

b) Periodical connection maintenance fee

Amount of periodical connection maintenance fee to be paid




Fee calculation time (month)

12 months

- The rate is specified under Point 5.2, Section I of the Tariff.

- Fee calculation time :

+ Where the trading member is the online trading member and its online connection is not disconnected by SE in order to terminate its membership in the year, the fee calculation time is 12 months

+ Where the trading member is the new trading member and its online trading is disconnected by SE in order to terminate its membership in the year, the fee calculation time is calculated from the month succeeding the month SE issues the Decision on approving the online trading member to the end of December of that year.

+ Where the trading member is the online trading member and stops its online trading is disconnected to terminate its membership in the year, the fee calculation time is calculated from the early month of year to the end of month SE disconnects its online trading 

+ Where the trading member is the online trading member and stops its online trading is disconnected to terminate its membership in the year, the fee calculation time is calculated from the month succeeding the month SE issues the Decision on approving the online trading member to the end of month SE disconnects its online trading connection to terminate its membership.

c) Where the trading member is constituted after the consolidation, merger, splitting, separation, transformation, acquisition but has to go through the procedures for registering the new online trading member, it must pay the periodical connection maintenance fee like the case of registration for new online trading member.

d) Fee refund

Where the trading member disconnects its online trading to terminate its membership, SEs shall refund the online trading member the periodical connection maintenance fee for the difference between the amount of fee paid by the online trading member in the year minus the actual fee to be paid as instructed under Point b of this Clause.

6. Terminal equipment use fee

Amount of terminal equipment use fee




Fee calculation time (month)

12 months

a) The rate is specified under Point 6, Section I of the Tariff.

b) Fee calculation time

- Where Securities company is the trading member of SE and its trading is stopped or its trading activities are suspended by SE to terminate its volunteer or compulsory membership in the same year, the fee calculation fee is 12 months.

- Where a new organization is approved to be the trading member and its trading is stopped or its trading activities are suspended by SE to terminate its volunteer or compulsory membership in the same year, the fee calculation fee is calculated from the month succeeding the month SE issues the Decision on approving its membership to the end of December of that year.

- Where Securities company is the trading member of SE and its trading is stopped or its trading activities are suspended by SE to terminate its volunteer or compulsory membership in the same year, the fee calculation fee is calculated from the early month of the year to the end of month SE stops its trading or suspends its trading activities for the members to terminate their membership.

- Where a new organization is approved to be the trading member and its trading is stopped or its trading activities are suspended by SE to terminate its volunteer or compulsory membership in the same year, the fee calculation fee is calculated from the month succeeding the month SE issues the Decision on approving its membership to the end of month SE stops its trading or suspends its trading activities for the members to terminate their membership.

c) Where the trading member is constituted after the consolidation, merger, splitting, separation, transformation, acquisition but has to go through the procedures for registering the new online trading member, it must pay the fee of terminal equipment fee like the case of registration for new online trading member.

d) Fee refund

Where the trading member terminates its membership, SEs shall refund its member the fee difference based on the amount of fee paid by the trading member in the year minus the actual fee to be paid as instructed in the formula and under Point a and b of this Clause.

7. Depository member management fee

Depository member management fee




Fee calculation time (month)

12 months

a) The rate is specified under Point 7

b) Fee calculation time

- Where the organization is a depository member of Vietnam Securities Depository (VSD) and its certificate of depository member is not revoked in the year by VSD, the fee calculation time is 12 months.

- Where the new organization is approved to be the depository member and its certificate of depository member is not revoked in the same year by VSD, the fee calculation time is calculated from the month succeeding the month VSD issues the Decision on issuing the certificate of depository member to the end of December of that year.

- Where the organization is the depository member of VSD and its certificate of depository member in the year, the fee calculation time is calculated from the early month of year to the end of month VSD issues the Decision on revoking the certificate of depository member.

- Where the new organization is approved to be the depository member and its certificate of depository member is revoked in the same year by VSD, the fee calculation time is calculated from the month succeeding the month VSD issues the Decision on issuing the certificate of depository member to the end of month VSD the Decision on revoking the certificate of depository member.

c) The depository member is constituted after consolidation, merger, splitting, separation, transformation, acquisition but must go through the procedures for registering the depository member with VSD, it shall pay the depository member management fee like the cases of registering the new depository member.

d) Fee refund

Where the depository member whose certificate of depository member is revoked, VSD shall refund the depository member the difference based on the amount of fee paid by the depository member in the year minus the actual fee to be paid by the formula and instructions under Point a and b of this Clause.

8. Securities registration fee

. The rate is specified under Point 8, Section II of the Tariff.

9. Securities depository fee

Amount of securities depository fee to be paid






a) The rate is specified under Point 9, Section II of the Tariff.

b) Ways to calculate SVi

Vi is the amount of deposited securities of day i determined by adding up the deposited securities balance on all deposited securities accounts of the brokerage activities as well as for the securities self-trading.

i = 1->n is the days in a month with generated deposited securities balance

The daily deposited securities balance is calculated at the end of day based on the documents VSD has certified their validity.

10. Securities transfer fee

a) The securities transfer fee between the accounts of investor for different depository members

Amount of fee to be paid in the month is equal to the total fee of transfer of day i

 (i = 1->n is the days in the month with generated transfer between the accounts of investor for different depository members)

Amount of fee of transfer of day i = S(Mức phí Rate x Vj)

In which:

- The rate is specified under Point 10.1, Section II of the Tariff.

- Vj is the total number of securities of code j on each deposited securities account at the transfer request of day i of member of the transfer side which VSD has certified the effective transfer day (j = 1->m is the securities codes with generated transfer between the accounts of investors for different depository members in day i).

b) Securities transfer fee for payment

The amount of fee to be paid in the month is equal to the total transfer fees for payment of day i(i =1 ->n is the days in the month with generated transfer for payment for securities sale).

Amount of transfer fee for payment of day i = S(Mức phí Rate x Pj)

In which:

- The rate is specified under Point 10.2, Section II of the Tariff.

- Pj is the total securities of code j (j = 1 ->m is the codes of sold securities generated in transfer for payment in day i) to be sold in transfer for payment in day i according to VSD’s announcement of trading result.

11. Option exercising fee

a) The rate is specified under Point 11, Section II of the Tariff.

b) The option exercising fee is calculated by the number of shareholders (including the deposited and non-deposited shareholders) in the general List of securities owners made by VSD by each time of announcement of last registration day.

12. Error handling fee after trading

The error handling fee after trading includes the error fixing fee after trading and trading handling fee with delayed payment term.

a) Error fixing fee after trading:

Amount of Error fixing fee after trading to be paid = Rate x n

- The rate is specified under Point 12.1, Section II of the Tariff.

- n is a number of trading errors approved for handling by VSD

b) Trading handling fee with delayed payment term

Amount of trading handling fee with delayed payment term

= Rate x n

- The rate is specified under Point 12.2, Section II of the Tariff.

- n is the trading number with delayed payment term approved for handling by VSD

c) Where the trading error occurs due to unforeseen technical problems, depending on each problem to calculate the error handling fee after trading specified under Point a and or Point b of this Clause but the total fee of depository member to be paid must not exceed 100 million dong/member/problem.

13. Securities ownership transfer fee not via the trading system of SE

Securities ownership transfer fee to be paid




Securities trading value


Securities trading value


Number of securities with transferred ownership


Securities price

a) The rate is specified under Point 13, Section II of the Tariff.

b) Securities price to calculate the value of ownership transfer is determined as follows:

- For securities being listed or registered for trading:

+ In case of assignment, the securities price calculated at the price specified in the assignment contract but not lower than the reference price of securities on the day VSD transfers the ownership.

+ In case of offer, donation, inheritance or contract without assignment price or without assignment contract, the securities price calculated by the reference price of securities on the date VSD transfers the ownership.

+ In case of no reference price of bond, the securities price is calculated at par value of bond.

+ In case of ownership transfer thanks to auction, the securities price is based on the successful auction price of the investor.

- c) The securities ownership transfer fee is paid by the parties carrying out the ownership transfer (under Point 13.1 and 13.3 of the Tariff) or the ownership transferee (Point 13.2 and 13.4 of the Tariff) or the investor carrying out the swap (purchase and resale of ETF certificate) with ETF fund (Point 13.5 of the Tariff) or paid through the depository member where the parties carrying out the ownership transfer have securities depository account for the deposited securities or paid through the issuing organization for non-deposited securities.

Article 5. Fee collection and payment regime

1. Where an organization re-registers its trading membership, it shall pay the trading member management fee, the periodical connection maintenance fee, the terminal equipment use fee like the cases of registration of new members.

2. Where the trading members whose trading or trading activities are stopped or suspended or whose online connection is stopped extending to the subsequent year without termination of their membership, the trading members shall have to pay the trading member management fee, the periodical connection maintenance fee or the terminal equipment use fee of the subsequent year.

3. Where the trading members have stopped their trading or their trading activities or online connection is stopped to terminate their membership in that year, they shall not have to pay the trading member management fee, the periodical connection maintenance fee or the terminal equipment use fee in the subsequent years.

Article 6. Time to collect, pay and refund the fee

1. The organizations which are members of SE and VSD and the organizations which are being listed on SE shall pay the trading member management fee, the listing management fee, the periodical connection maintenance fee or the terminal equipment use fee before 31/01 of each year to SE and VSD.

2. The organizations have just registered to be the members of SE and VSD and just registered their listing shall pay the trading member management fee, the listing management fee, the periodical connection maintenance fee or the terminal equipment use fee within 05 working days after SE issues the Decision on approving their membership, the Decision on listing approval, VSD shall issue the Decision on issuing the certificate of depository member.

3. SE and VSD shall refund the depository member management fee and trading member management fee to the trading members and depository members within 05 working days after SE issues the Decision on terminating their membership. VSD shall issue the Decision on revoking the certificate of depository member.

4. SE shall make additional collection or refund the fee to the listed organizations and fund management companies within 05 working days after SE issues the Decision on approving the change of listing in case of change of listing or the valid day of listing cancellation in case of listing cancellation.

5. In case of registration for addition of ETF certificate, the fund management companies shall pay the additional securities registration fee no later the 15th date of the month succeeding the month VSD announces the modification of certificate of securities registration.

Article 7. Fee management and use

1. The fees in the field of securities specified in this Circular is the revenues which do not belong to the state budget. The fee collecting units are obliged to pay tax in accordance with regulations of law of the collected amount of fee and have the right to manage and use such amount of fee after paying tax as prescribed by law.

2. The other regulations on collection, payment, management, use, collection document and publicity of fee collection regime shall comply with the guidelines in Circular No. 156/2013/TT-BTC dated 06/11/2013 by the Minister of Health guiding the implementation of some articles of the Law on Tax Management, the Law amending and adding some articles of the Law on Tax Management and Decree No. 83/2013/ND-CP dated 22/7/2013 of the Government.

3. The fees collected from the securities transfer specified under Point 13 (except for Point 13.1c and 13.5) of the Tariff issued with this Circular shall be divided to SE at the rate of 50% of collected fees in case of listed securities ownership transfer or trading registration on SE.

4. Where the organizations and individuals that do not pay the fees on schedule or do not pay the fees sufficiently, SE and VSD shall consider each case to extend the time to pay the fees or handle the case in accordance with the operational regulation issued by SE and VSD.

5. The securities activities fees are collected in Vietnam dong. Where the trading fees of Government bonds are collected in foreign currency and are calculated in Vietnam dong the central exchange rate announced by the State Bank of Vietnam on the trading day.

Article 8. Implementation provision

1. This Circular takes effect from 10/06/2016 and supersedes the Circular No. 27/2010/TT-BTC dated 26/2/2010 by the Minister of Finance providing for the rate, collection, payment, management and use of securities activities fees applicable on SE and VSD and the Circular No. 02/2013/TT-BTC dated 08/01/2013 by the Minister of Finance on amending and adding the Circular No. 27/2010/TT-BTC dated 26/2/2010 by the Minister of Finance providing for the rate, collection, payment, management and use of securities activities fees applicable on SE and VSD.

2. Where the organizations and individuals have paid the fees before the effective date of this Circular and there is a difference with the fees to be paid in accordance with the provisions in this Circular, SE and VSD shall not refund or additionally collect the generated fee difference. For the trading member management fee, the listing management fee, the periodical connection maintenance fee or the terminal equipment use fee and depository member management fee which the trading members and depository members have paid at the beginning of 2016, the rate to calculate the fees to be refunded is calculated by the rate which the trading members and depository members have paid at the beginning of 2016.

3. Annul the rate of securities assignment for the trading of swap of ETF certificate specified under Point g, Clause 1, Article 22 of Circular No. 229/2012/TT-BTC dated 27/12/2012 of the Minister of Finance guiding the establishment and management of ETF

4. Any problem arising during the implementation of this Circular should be promptly reported to the Minister of Finance for study and addition./.




Vu Thi Mai



(Issued with Circular No. 65/2016/TT-BTC dated 26/4/2016)


Name of fee

Collection rate

Paying subject

Payment time

Scope of application








Trading member management fee

20 million dong/year

Trading members (securities companies, commercial banks)

Each year

Apply the general rate to the members of all types of market and not collect as membership of each separate market (stocks, bonds, UPCOM)




Listing registration fee








Initial listing registration fee

10 million dong/year

Listing registration organization (issuing organization  is going through the procedures for  initial listing registration)

Within 05 working days after SE issues the Decision on approving the listing (single collection)

Not applicable to the Government bonds, government-guaranteed bonds, local government bonds and organizations registering their trading on UPCOM




Listing registration change fee

5 million dong/time of listing registration change

Listed organization, fund management company with

listed fund certificate

Within 05 working days after SE issues the Decision on approving the change of listing

Not applicable to the Government bonds, government-guaranteed bonds, local government bonds and organizations registering their trading on UPCOM and the case of change because of swap trading of ETF certificate.




Listing management fee








For the stocks (listing value at par value)


Issuing organization

Each year





Listing value under 100 billion dong

15 million dong




Listing value from 100 billion to less than 500 billion dong

20 million dong




Listing value from 500 billion or more

20 million dong + 0.001% of listing value but not exceeding 50 million dong




For bonds and investment fund certificate (excluding ETF) (listing value at par value)


Listed organization; fund management company with listed fund certificate

Each year

Not applicable to the Government bonds, government-guaranteed bonds, local government bonds listed on SE




Listing value under 80 billion dong

15 million dong




Listing value from 80 to less than 200 billion dong

20 million dong




Listing value from 200 billion dong or more

20 million dong + 0.001% of listing value but not exceeding 50 million dong





30 million dong /year

Fund management company with listed fund certificate

Each year





Trading fee








Common trading fee








Stocks and investment fund certificate (excluding ETF)

0.03% of trading value







Listed ETF

0.02% of trading value

Trading members (securities companies, commercial bank)

Each month and prior to the 15th date of the subsequent month

Not applicable to market-making organizations which registered to make market to carry out the trading for ETF




Bonds (including corporate bonds, government bonds, treasury bills, government-guaranteed bonds and local government bonds

0.0075% of trading value





Stocks, fund certificates with registered trading (UPCOM)

0.02% of trading value





Stocks, fund certificates with registered trading (UPCOM) stock repo trading fee






Term up to 2 days

0.0005% of trading value





Term from 3 to 14 days

0.004% of trading value





Term of more than 14 days

0.0075% of trading value





Online connection fee








Initial connection fee

150 million dong/member

Trading member (securities companies, commercial banks)

Within 05 working days after SE issues the Decision on approving the listing (single collection)





Periodical connection maintenance fee

50 million dong/member/year

Each year





Terminal equipment use fee

20 million dong/year

Trading member (securities companies, commercial banks)

Each year









Depository member management fee

20 million dong/year

Trading member (securities companies, commercial banks)

Each year





Securities registration fee








Initial securities fee


Issuing organization

Within 05 working days after VSD issues the certificate of initial securities registration

Not applicable to the Government bonds, government-guaranteed bonds, local government bonds




Securities registration value under 80 billion dong

10 million dong




Securities registration value from 80 billion to less than 200 billion

15 million dong




Securities registration value from 200 billion or more

20 million dong




Additional securities fee



Not applicable to the Government bonds, government-guaranteed bonds, local government bonds




Stocks, corporate bonds, investment fund certificate (excluding ETF)

5 million dong/time of additional securities registration

Within 05 working days after VSD issues the certificate of modified securities registration




ETF certificate

500,000 dong/time of additional securities registration

Each month and before the 15th date of the subsequent month




Securities depository fee








Stocks and fund certificates

0.4 dong/stock, fund certificate/month

Depository members, organizations opening accounts directly at VSD

Each month and before the 15th date of the subsequent month

Not applicable to securities deposited on self-trading account of state bank





0.2 dong/bond/month




Securities transfer fee








Securities transfer fee between accounts of investors for different depository members

0.5 dong/01 securities/1 time of transfer/1 securities code (not exceeding 500,000 dong/1 securities/1 time of transfer/1 securities code at most)

Depository members, organizations opening accounts directly at VSD

Each month and before the 15th date of the subsequent month

Not applicable to transfer of valuable papers in service of monetary market operations with state bank




Securities transfer fee for payment

0.5 dong/01 securities/1 time of transfer/1 securities code (not exceeding 500,000 dong/1 securities/1 time of transfer/1 securities code at most)





Option exercising fee








Under 500 shareholders

5 million dong/1 time of option exercising

Issuing organization

Immediate collection for each time within 5 working days after VSD makes a list of owners exercising their option to the issuing organization

Not applicable to the Government bonds, government-guaranteed bonds, local government bonds




From 500 to less than 1,000 shareholders

10 million dong/1 time of option exercising




From 1,000 to 5,000 shareholders

15 million dong/1 time of option exercising




Over 5,000 shareholders

20 million dong/1 time of option exercising




Trading fixing fee after trading








Trading fixing after trading

500,000 dong/1 fixed trading error

Depository members of VSD making mistakes specified in Clause 1 of Article 38 with delayed payment term as specified in Clause 1, Article 44 of Circular No. 05/2015/TT-BTC dated 15/01/2015 of the Minister of Finance guiding the registration, depository, offsetting and payment of securities trading

Each month and before the 15th date of the subsequent month





Handling of trading with delayed payment term

1,000,000 dong/1 trading with delayed payment  




Securities ownership transfer fee not via the trading system of SE








Securities ownership transfer




Not applicable to transfer of valuable papers in service of monetary market operations with state bank




Founding shareholders  in the time of restricted transfer as prescribed by law

0.1 % of value of ownership of stocks and fund certificates

Parties transferring the ownership

Within 05 working days after VSD confirms the securities ownership transfer




Transfer of securities listed/registered for trading approved by the SSC

+ 0.1 % of value of ownership of stocks and fund certificates

+ 0.005% of value of ownership transfer  of bond




Transfer of securities of public companies having registered securities at VSD but not yet or not listing/registering their trading on SE

+ 0.1% of value of ownership transfer  of stocks and fund certificates

+ 0.005% of value of ownership transfer  of bonds




Offer, donation or inheritance of securities, except for cases of offer, donation or inheritance between spouse, natural parents and natural children, adoptive parents and adopted children, parents-in-law with daughter-in-law or son-in-law, between paternal grandparents with grandchildren and maternal grandparents with grandchildren and between siblings

+ 0.1% of value of ownership transfer  of stocks and fund certificate

+ 0.005% of value of ownership transfer  of bonds

Party receiving the ownership transfer

Within 05 working days after VSD confirms the securities ownership transfer




Ownership transfer thanks to public purchase

+ 0.03% of value of ownership transfer  of stocks and fund certificate

Parties exercising the ownership transfer

Within 05 working days after VSD confirms the securities ownership transfer




Ownership transfer thanks to auction of state capital at joint stock companies

+ 0.03% of value of ownership transfer  of stocks and fund certificate

+ 0.005% of value of ownership transfer  of bonds

Party receiving the ownership transfer

Within 05 working days after VSD confirms the securities ownership transfer




Securities ownership transfer in swap trading of ETF certificate

0.05% of securities value with swap structure at par value

Investor exercising swap (purchase and resale of ETF certificate) with ETF

Each month and before the 15th date of the subsequent month




This translation is made by LawSoft and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by LawSoft and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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Số hiệu65/2016/TT-BTC
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Ngày ban hành26/04/2016
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          Văn bản hiện thời

          Circular 65/2016/TT-BTC rate regime collect pay manage use fees securities activities stock exchanges
          Loại văn bảnThông tư
          Số hiệu65/2016/TT-BTC
          Cơ quan ban hànhBộ Tài chính
          Người kýVũ Thị Mai
          Ngày ban hành26/04/2016
          Ngày hiệu lực10/06/2016
          Ngày công báo...
          Số công báo
          Lĩnh vựcThuế - Phí - Lệ Phí, Chứng khoán
          Tình trạng hiệu lựcHết hiệu lực 01/01/2017
          Cập nhật9 năm trước

          Văn bản thay thế

            Văn bản gốc Circular 65/2016/TT-BTC rate regime collect pay manage use fees securities activities stock exchanges

            Lịch sử hiệu lực Circular 65/2016/TT-BTC rate regime collect pay manage use fees securities activities stock exchanges

            • 26/04/2016

              Văn bản được ban hành

              Trạng thái: Chưa có hiệu lực

            • 10/06/2016

              Văn bản có hiệu lực

              Trạng thái: Có hiệu lực