Nội dung toàn văn Decision No. 90/2008/QD-TTg of July 09, 2008 approving the planning on development of Hanoi Capital’s communications and transport till 2020
No. 90/2008/QD-TTg | Hanoi, July 09, 2008 |
Pursuant to the December 25, 2001Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the November 26, 2003 Law on Construction;
At the proposal of the Transport Minister (in Report No. 6938/TTr-BGTVT of April 30, 2007, Report No. 2130/TTr-BGTVL of April 3, 2008, and Report No. 4332/TTr-BGTVT of June 5, 2008) and the appraisal report of the Construction Ministry (Report No. 341/BXD-KTQH of March 4, 2008);
Article 1.
- To approve the Planning on Development of Hanoi Capital's Communication and Transport till 2020 with the following major contents:
1. Scope of the planning
It covers Hanoi capital and surrounding urban centers of Ha Tay, Bac Ninh, Vinh Phuc, Hung Yen, Bac Giang and Thai Nguyen provinces within a radius of between 30 km and 50 km.
2. Objectives of the planning
- To concretize the adjustment of the master plan on Hanoi capital till 2020, which was approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 108/1998/QD-TTg dated June 20, 1998, on the formulation of the planning on development of Hanoi capital's communications and transport till 2020;
- To identify the contents of investment priority for development of Hanoi capital's communications and transport till 2010;
- To serve as a basis for implementation of investment projects on development of Hanoi capital's communications and transport till 2020.
3. Principal contents of the planning
a/ Principles for formulation of the planning
- Being in line with the strategy on development of Vietnam's communications and transport till 2020, which was approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 06/2004/QD-TTg dated December 10, 2004, and the planning on building the Hanoi capital region till 2020 with a vision towards 2050, which was approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 490/QD-TTg dated May 5, 2008;
- Developing transport infrastructure networks in synchronism with other plannings, especially the planning on urban construction and population distribution and the planning on systems of urban public works of the capital city, thereby building modern inter-modal transport infrastructure and effective transport service systems;
- Focusing on the development of mass transit system, raising its passenger transport ratio to around 35% - 45% of the city's total movement demand by 2020, striving to reduce the motorbike's corresponding ratio to 30%;
- Formulating a rational investment roadmap, prioritizing the solution of urgent problems and creating a breakthrough in urban development of Hanoi.
b/ Planning on development of Hanoi transport infrastructure till 2020.
- Planning on development of road networks
+ Radial national highways and expressways:
* To improve and expand the existing radial national highways into ones with 4 to 6 motor-vehicle lanes, including national highway 1A (Hanoi –Thuong Tin and Cau Duong - Bac Ninh sections); national highway 6 (Hanoi – Hoa Binh section); national highway 32 (Hanoi - Son Tay section); national highway 2 (Noi Bai - Vinh Yen section); and national highway 3 (the section from Dong Anh township);
* To build expressways running in parallel with national highways of great traffic flow, in the directions: Hanoi - Lang Son; Phap Van - Gie - Thanh Hoa; Hanoi - Hai Phong; Hanoi - Viet Tri; Hanoi - Thai Nguyen; Noi Bai - Ha Long; and Lang - Hoa Lac.
+ Urban road belts:
* Belt II: To conduct expansion and new construction with a total length of around 43.6 km along the Vinh Tuy - Minh Khai - Nga Tu Vong - Nga Tu So - Cau Giay - Buoi - Nhat Tan - Vinh Ngoc - Dong Hoi - Gia Lam flyover – Hanel industrial park – Vinh Tuy route into an urban road with 4-8 lanes. Some specific sections in downtown areas will be built with 4 lanes in the initial stage. Belt II will be completed before 2010. Particularly, the Dai Lai – Truong Chinh - Cau Giay section will be expanded after 2010.
* Belt III: Belt III will be about 65 km long, of which the Noi Bai- Mai Dich - Thanh Xuan - Phap Van - Thanh Tri - Sai Dong - Ninh Hiep section will run in the direction mapped out in the pre-feasibility study project approved by the Prime Minister (Document No. 945/CP-KTN dated August 13, 1998) and the northern section running from Ninh Hiep to northern Thang Long – Noi Bai road will be adjusted to run through the control points of Viet Hung, Dong Anh, Tien Duong and Nam Hong (lying south of the northern railway belt, bypassing the Co Loa relic zone).
Regarding its functions and cross-section structure: The Noi Bai - Mai Dich - Thanh Xuan - Phap Van - Thanh Tri bridge section will be composed of urban roads on both sides and an urban expressway in the middle. The Thanh Tri bridge – Sai Dong – Ninh Hiep – Viet Hung section will constitute an urban expressway. The section linking Belt III with Noi Bai - Ha Long expressway through the control point of Ninh Hiep, Duong Yen and Dong Xuan will be an expressway of 8.5 km long. The cross-section of Belt III and the Ninh Hiep - Duong Yen – Dong Xuan section win be large enough for 6-8 lanes. Big bridges will be Thanh Tri (spanning the Red River) and Phu Dong 2 (spanning Duong river). The belt-III road will be basically completed before 2010.
+ Inter-regional road belts:
* Outbound road belt (Belt IV): To build a new road belt linking radial national highways and expressways, linking industrial parks and urban centers adjacent to Hanoi capital. This belt will run through Phuc Yen and Me Linh (Vinh Phuc); Dan Phuong, Hoai Dung, Ha Dong and Thuong Tin (Ha Tay); Van Giang, Yen My, Van Lam and Nhu Quynh (Hung Yen); Tien Son, Tien Du and Yen Phong (Bac Ninh); Hiep Hoa district (Bac Giang); and Soc Son (Hanoi). This belt will be about 148 km long and 100-120 m wide to the boundary limits, and have 6-8 lanes. The construction of the outbound road belt will span from 2010 to 2020;
* The belt linking satellite urban centers around Hanoi (Belt V): This belt is planned in the direction from Vinh Yen town, through Son Tay town, Hoa Lac urban center, the townships of Xuan mai, Mieu Mon and Dong Van, Hung Yen provincial capital, Hai Duong city, Chi Linh, Bac Giang city Song Cong town, with a length of some 320 km.
+ Urban trunk roads:
To expand or build urban trunk roads of the capital city (18 roads south of the south of the Red River and 12 roads north of the Red River) in order to create major passenger channels in Hanoi urban areas.
+ Road junctions:
* To improve and build 46 junctions on belt roads and urban trunk roads, not to mention a number of junctions arising in the construction of parallel expressways, including 24 junctions on Belt II and Belt III (including Ninh Hiep – Duong Yen - Dong Xuan - Noi Bai expressway) and 18 junctions on the outbound road belt; the remaining junctions will lie on major urban trunk roads;
* To improve and expand some 150 junctions in downtown areas.
+ Land bridges spanning the Red River and Duong river:
* Red River-spanning bridges: Apart from the built bridges, to complete the construction of 2 bridges: Thanh Tri bridge (on Belt III) and Vinh Tuy bridge on Belt II); to start building Nhat Tan bridge (on Belt II); to invest in the construction of new bridges on Belt IV and Belt V, including Hong Ha, Me So and Vinh Thinh bridges. Besides, in the course of materialization of the planning, the Hanoi People’s Committee will continue studying the investment in construction of Tu Lien bridge.
The cross-section of the Red River-spanning bridges will be large enough for 6 - 8 lanes (not applicable to Tu Lien bridge).
* Duong river-spanning bridges: In addition to the construction bridges, to build Dong Tru bridge under the extended highway 5 project, to invest in the construction of Thach Cau, Duong (new), Phu Dong II and Duong bridges on Belt IV.
The cross-section of the newly built bridges spanning Duong river will be for4-8 lanes.
+ Sectional road networks
The sectional road network consists of main streets, feeding roads and thoroughfares. The planning of this road network complies with the detailed planning on construction of urban districts, rural districts and urban centers till 2020, already approved by the Hanoi People's Committee. By 2020, the total length of the sectional road network will reach 464 km in urban districts and l,676 km in suburban areas.
+ Car parks and terminals
The systems of car parks and terminals will comply with Decision No. 165/2003/QD-UB dated December 2, 2003, of the Hanoi People's Committee, approving the planning on public car parks and terminals in Hanoi city. In the course of implementation, the Hanoi People's Committee will review and adjust this planning to suit the city’s practical conditions in each period.
- Railway network planning
+ National railways:
* Radial railways: To include the railroad lines of Yen Vien – Lang Son; Yen Vien - Bai Chay; Co Bi - Hai Phong; Ngoc Hoi - Ho Chi Minh City; Bac Hong - Lao Cai; and Dong Anh – Thai Nguyen. After 2010, these railroads will be expanded into double-gauge railroads; for the immediate future, the sections linking Hanoi with satellite urban centers within a radius of 50 km – 70 km surrounding. Hanoi center, will be expanded to serve inter-provincial and national transport. In addition, a North-South express railroad to be built in Hanoi city under a separate project.
* Belt railroads: To build the eastern route (Dong Anh - Co Loa - Yen Vien - Trung Mau – Nhu Quynh – Tan Quang – Van Giang – Ngoc Hoi) of which the Dong Anh - Co Loa - Yen Vien section will bypass the Co Loa relic zone; to complete the belt railroad of double-gauge (1,435/1,000 mm) standards;
* Diametrical railroad: Yen Vien - Long Bien - Hanoi railway station - Van Dien - Ngoc Hoi railroad of 24.6 km long will be built before 2015, of which the Gia Lam – Long Bien – Hanoi railway station section will be built before 2010;
* Main railway stations: Major passenger stations will be built on the belt railroad at Phu Dien (western station), Yen Vien (northern station), Nhu Quynh (eastern station), Ngoc Hoi (southern station). Cargo railway stations will be arranged in the areas of Bac Hong, Yen Vien, Co Bi (Nhu Quynh later) and Ngoc Hoi, linking to radial national highways, belt roads and combined transport centers.
* Hanoi railway station will be the central passenger station of the national and international railroads and also the multi-modal terminal station between railroad lines l and 3 and other mass transit routes.
Industrial and service establishments of the railway sector within the Hanoi station area will be relocated to Ngoc Hoi and Yen Vien station areas. The land areas of these establishments within the Hanoi station area will be used for other purposes.
+ Express urban railways and buses
The system of urban railways in Hanoi city will play the leading role in the mass transit system of high speed and great volume, functioning to link urban centers, industrial parks, trade-service-tourist centers and schools. At the same time, urban railways must be inter-linked, forming a network embracing important urban center of Hanoi.
By 2020, Hanoi's urban railway network will comprise:
Line 1 (Ngoc Hoi - Yen Vien - Nhu Quynh)
This line will be about 38.7 km long, serving the northeastern and southern suburban areas of Hanoi, running through the city's center;
Line 2 (Noi Bai - city center -Thuong Dinh): about 35.2 km, serving as the backbone for the existing and future urban centers. This line will link Noi Bai airport with the new urban centers of Dong Anh and Tu Liem, the old street quarter, French-architecture streets, running along national highway 6 to Thuong Dinh, of which the section in northern Red River will run along the corridor of the Nhat Tan – Vinh Ngoc – Noi Bai urban trunk road.
Supporting railroad line 2 will be and express bus line, running on the Soc Son – Dong Anh - Kim No - Me Linh - Vinh Yen itinerary, with a length of about 33.9 km. In the future, this express bus line may be developed into an urban railroad line.
Linked to railroad line 2 will be Hanoi – Ha Dong urban railroad line, starting at Cat Linh area (crossing line 3) running on the Cat Linh - Hao Nam - La Thanh - Thai Ha - Lang road - Nga Tu So - highway 6 - Thuong Dinh (linking with line 2) - Ha Dong- Ba La itinerary, with a length of about 14 km, which will be extended to Xuan Mai after 2020.
Line 3 (Nhon – Hanoi railway station-Hoang Mai); This 21-km line will link the city's western area with its center and southern area, of which the Nhon - Hanoi station section is prepared for construction under Hanoi city's project. After 2020, line 3 will be extended to Son Tay with an expected total length of 48 km.
Line 4 (Dong Anh - Sai Dong - Vinh Tuy/Hoang Mai – Thanh Xuan - Tu Liem – Thuong Cat – Me Linh), which will be developed in circle, linking with Lines 1,2,3 and 5, diversifying traffic demands and associating with urban development projects. In the immediate future, this line will serve as an express bus line, which, in the future, will develop into a comprehensive urban railroad line. Line 4 will be some 53.l km long.
Line 5 (southern West Lake - Ngoc Khanh – Lang- Hoa Lac): It will connect Hanoi's heart with urban centers along the Lang - Hoa Lac corridor. Line 5 will be about 34.5 km.
The structure, mode, roadmap and construction progress of each urban railroad line will be specifically studied in subsequent study periods and under separate projects.
In support of urban railroad lines will be priority bus lines, including:
Line 1: Ba la Bong Do – HIghway 6 – Nguyen Trai – Khuat Duy Tien - Lang Ha - Kim Ma;
Line 2: Vinh Quynh - Giai Phong - Dai Co Viet - Hang Bai.
In the future, when the urban railroad lines are completed, the itineraries of these bus lines will be properly adjusted.
- River transport planning
Hanoi’s river transport covers two principal lines, including the Red River line (from Thuong Cat, Tu Liem to Van Phuc, Thanh Tri, which is of 47 km long; and the Duong river line (from Dau T-junction between the Red River and Duong river to Trung Mau, Gia Lam), of 37 km.
- Ship channel planning
Ship channels will be planned in combination with the adjustment of, and the construction of, and the construction of protection works for, both banks of the Red River and Duong river. The ship channel width will be 50 m for two-way channels; particularly the Red River section running through Hanoi will be planned for 4 lanes with the minimum width of 150 m. The minimum depth for ship operation will be 2.5-3.6 m on the Red River and 2.5 m on Duong river.
- Regulation and improvement of river transport lines:
+ Step 1: To turn natural rivers into planned rivers with systems of works regulating river flows or beds, depending on each specific river section. To build works to control water flow distribution ratios and positions of water flow distribution gates into Duong river, stabilizing the river according to planning;
+ Step 2: To build new embankment works and upgrade the existing ones after the stabilization of rivers. To protect key river bank sections from Thang Long bridge to Thanh Tri bridge and bank sections related to the city's tourism and view (from Lien Mac sluice to Hanoi port, on the right bank and from Vinh Ngoc to
Duong gate and from Duong gale to Thach Cau port, on the left bank);
+ Step 3: To embank the remaining river sections
In parallel with the improvement of river transport on the Red River section in Hanoi, to dredge and completely improve the river transport line from Hanoi to Day river mouth and Lach Giang, especially the channel mouth from the sea.
The Red River management plan is divided into 3 phases from 2008 to 2020:
+ Phase I (2008-2012): Managing the Thuong Cat – Thanh Long bridge section;
+ Phase II (2013-2016): Managing the Thang Long bridge - Thanh Tri bridge section;
+ Phase III (2017-2020): Managing the Thanh Tri bridge - Duyen Ha section.
The Red River improvement will be combined with projects on urban development, environment improvement and construction and upgrading of parallel roads.
- Ports:
Upgrading will be combined with construction so that by 2020 Hanoi will have the following ports and wharves:
On the Red River: the ports of Khuyen Luong, Thanh Tri and Chem and the wharves of Chuong Duong and Bat Trang:
On Duong river: Phu Dong and Duc Giang ports
To study the conversion of present Hanoi port towards principally in service of tourism. In addition, to study the construction of additional ports in service of tourism along both banks of the Red River in Tam Xa, Long Bien,.. areas.
The contents of the river management and river transport planning will be adjusted and supplemented to suit the study results of the Red River flood drainage scheme and the Red riverside city scheme being formulated.
- Airport and airfield development planning Hanoi has Noi Bai international airport, Gia Lam airfield for domestic flights and Bach Mai airfield for exclusive military use, of which. Noi Bai international airport will be improved and upgraded into a major international airport of Hanoi capital and the whole country.
By 2020, Noi Bai international airport will have total capacity of 20-25 million passengers/year and 260,000 tons of cargo/year and a reserve land area to meet the service demands. In the port – 2020 period, the airport will be further completed in its northern area and developed to the south, raising its total capacity to 50 million passengers/year.
In the coming period, to further study the location and size of the second international airport in the area when Noi Bai airport shows signs of full load and as reserve for long-term development.
- Planning on the land fund for transport infrastructure
By 2020, Hanoi capital will have a comprehensive and modern transport network. The minimum land fund for transport infrastructure will be 13,000 ha, accounting for 15% of the total land area of the city, of which the land fund for roads will be 11,500 ha, the land fund for railways will be l,100 ha, the land fund for wharves and ports on the Red River and Duong river will be 100 ha and the land fund for Noi Bai, Gia Lam and Bach Mai airfields will be 1,100 ha (including 700 ha for Noi Bai international airport). Particularly, the land fund for the North-South express railroad line will be calculated when specific positions and stations are identified.
The urban road networks in urban districts and urban areas of rural districts will occupy about 20% of the urban land area as specified in the detailed plannings of urban and rural districts, already approved by the Hanoi People’s Committee.
- Development of public passenger transportation
+ To comprehensively develop the public passenger transportation with three basic components: the mass transit system (urban railroads and express buses); the common bus system and the support system with small means of which urban railroads will serve as the backbone e for public transportation; and buses as a mode of transport at places where urban railroads cannot reach;
+ To further improve the public transportation service through such measures as connectivity between transport modes (by using common tickets); raising the service quality of the bus system, with special attention paid to the service of the elderly, children and disabled people;
+ To encourage the expansion of semi-public services h as school buses and factory buses.
- Traffic management and safety
+ To formulate regulations and policies suitable to traffic management, ensuring traffic safety;
+ To raise the capability of agencies and personnel engaged in traffic management and traffic safety assurance;
+ To well regulate the traffic demands through controlling the ratios of owning and using personal vehicles, especially motorbikes and small cars;
+ To formulate specific policies on road use priority among buses, motorbikes, automobiles, bicycles, etc.;
+ To formulate specific policies on the role of motorbikes in urban traffic and socio-economic activities of people;
+ To launch campaigns to raise the awareness of traffic safety for communities, including public and private entities, further intensifying the traffic safety dissemination and education for communities;
+ To intensify the inspection and examination of vehicles, establishing effective traffic safety control systems and enhancing coordination among concerned bodies in ensuring traffic safety.
- Environmental protection and urban view embellishment
+ The communications and transport development planning must be closely combined with other urban plannings, especially those which contribute to forming eco-cultural zones and green belts, laying foundations for urban development of Hanoi and its vicinities.
+ In parallel with programs on restriction, then gradual elimination of old vehicles from the municipal traffic system, policies should be worked out to strictly control the quality of vehicles, encouraging the use of those operated by fuels which cause less pollution;
+ Communications and transport development projects must be associated with the requirements of protecting natural landscape, cultural, historical and architectural relics and embellishing the urban space.
- Development policies
+ Developing public passenger transportation is a strategic task. Therefore, the existing bus networks should be further developed extensively and qualitatively, and modes of high-speed mass transit should be developed;
+ To associate urban development with transport infrastructure and public passenger transportation development, ensuring synchronous and sustainable urban development;
+ To formulate comprehensive and rational policies in order to curb the increase of personal vehicles, especially those aiming to limit and proceed to reduce the number of motorbikes;
+ To encourage various economic sectors to participate in the development of transport infrastructure and mass transit through such measures as revision of management mechanisms and policies, allocation of capital, tax incentives, price subsidies, etc.
+ To raise the capability and responsibility of local administrations at all levels and functional bodies in urban management as well as planning management and implementation;
+ To launch campaigns to raise people's awareness of the development of communications and transport of the capital city;
+ To actively seek capital sources for the development of communications and transport. To prioritize the mobilization of official development assistance (ODA) capital sources or capital sources from domestic and foreign financial-economic organizations for big projects or key works.
c/ Investment capital sources for planning implementation
The investment capital for implementation of the planning on development of Hanoi's communications and transport from now till 2020 amounts to about VND 287,800 billion, of which about VND 117,200 billion will be for road projects, some VND 138,800 billion for railway projects (including national railroads and urban railroads combined with express buses), about VND 13,700 billion for waterways, around VND 13,800 billion for international airports and airfields, VND 3,800 billion for traffic management and safety, and about VND 500 billion for enhancement of institutions and policies. This investment capital amount will be mobilized from the following sources: central budget and Hanoi budget; ODA capital; capital; capital mobilized from domestic and foreign enterprises; capital from the exploitation of land funds; obligatory contributions from commuters; and other sources.
d/ Implementation mechanisms, policies and solutions
- To assign the Hanoi People's Committee to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and branches in, studying mechanisms, policies and form of mobilizing capital sources in order to encourage domestic and foreign enterprises of different economic sectors to participate in the construction of municipal communications and transport infrastructure systems under the approved planning in forms of BOT, BT, BOO, joint venture,. . . according to law, including a scheme on capital mobilization via domestic investment bonds to be submitted to be submitted to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision;
- For centrally managed traffic projects in the city, which are of decisive significance for municipal and regional traffic development but not yet implemented as conditions do not permit, the Ministry of Transport shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Hanoi People’s Committee and the People’s Committees of the concerned provinces in, studying financial mechanisms to be submitted to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision, for ground clearance and recovery of land to be assigned to local administrations for management in order to ensure land areas for traffic development as planned.
- To permit the Hanoi People's Committee to formulate and implement schemes on land fund creation and ground clearance in the direction of expanding streets for urban embellishment;
- To apply incentive policies prescribed by law to organizations and individuals investing in the construction and operation of mass transit systems.
e/ Projects prioritized for completion and operation from now till 2010
From now to 2010, investment should be concentrated on the execution of key projects, aiming to substantially solve the problem of traffic congestion and embellish urban views in service of the millennium of Thang Long – Hanoi, which include.
- Renovation and upgrading of radial national highways and expressways, including highway l (north and south), highway 2, highway 3, highway 32, Lang - Hoa Lac road (with the completion of the 140 crosssection);
- Completion of Belt II road, Buoi – Nhat Tan - Vinh Ngoc - Cau Chui - Sai Dong - Vinh Tuy - Minh Khai section; completion of Belt III road, the Sai Dong - Ninh Hiep - Noi Bai section and the expressway section from Ninh Hiep to the Noi Bai - Ha Long expressway, completion of the Mai Dich - northern Linh Dam Lake section, and the same time the construction of Belt III expressway for the Noi Bai – Thang Long - Mai Dich - Thanh Tri section;
- Completion of the systems of access roads of Thanh Tri and Vinh Tuy bridges, to start the construction of Nhat Tan bridge and the road running from Nhat Tan bridge to Noi Bai airport;
- Renovation, expansion and construction of a number of main urban roads, streets and traffic junctions in order to solve traffic congestion.
- Construction and upgrading of inter-provincial and intra-municipal truck terminals and passenger terminals, car parks in urban centers and residential quarters. Efforts should be concentrated on studying the construction of underground or multi-story car parks to meet the car parking demands in areas with busy traffic;
- Construction of Hanoi-Ha Dong railroad line, urban railroad line No. 3 (Nhon - Hanoi railway station); the Gia Lam - Giap Bat overhead railroad line (in the Yen Vien - Ngoc Hoi diametrical railroad line); experimental construction of priority bus lines along the Ba La Bong Do - highway 6 - Nguyen Trai -Lang Ha - Kim Ma and Vinh Quynh - Giai Phong - Dai Co Viet - Pho Hue - Hang Bai corridors; construction of a mass transit management and operation center;
- Renovation and embellishment of street lines (Tran Duy Hung - Nguyen Chi Thanh – Lieu Giai - Van Cao- West Lake; Giang Vo - Lang Ha - Le Van Luong; Pham Van Dong - Pham Hung - Khuat Duy Tien; Trang Tien - Hang Khay - Trang Thi - Dien Bien Phu; Dinh Tien Hoang; Hai Ba Trung; Ly Thuong Kiet; Tran Hung Dao; Le Duan - Giai Phong - northern Linh Dam; Ton Duc Thang -
Nguyen Luong Bang - Tay Son - Nguyen Trai); traffic junctions (Kim Lien, O Cho Dua, Nga Tu Vong, Nga Tu So, Cau Giay), and 8 public squares of the city;
- Improvement and regulation of ship channels on the Red River and upgrading of wharves and ports. To study the construction of Phu Dong port on Duong river;
- Renovation and upgrading of Noi Bai international airport, construction of Terminal 2 with the capacity of 10 million passengers/year.
Article 2.
- Planning management
To strictly manage the land funds reserved for traffic in order to ensure the feasibili1ty of the planning in the context of rapid urbanization in
- After the planning is approved, the Hanoi People's Committee shall coordinate with the Ministry of Transport and the concerned provincial People’s Committees in publicizing the planning, determining and managing the land funds for traffic.
- For the urban railroad networks, apart from determining and managing the land boundaries, the Hanoi People’s Committee shall direct its Services, Departments, branches, urban and rural districts to strictly manage the planning on, and grant of permits for, construction of high-rises and works with deep foundations occupying underground/and beds along subway tram lines; determine and strictly manage the land funds for urban railroad depots;
- The People's Committees of Hanoi and concerned localities shall regularly examine and inspect the management and use of the land funds reserved for traffic, ensuring their use for the proper purpose and according to planning. If detecting violations, they shall resolutely recover the land in order to ensure the land fund for traffic development.
Article 3.
- Organization of implementation
1. Responsibilities of the People’s Committees of Hanoi city and concerned provinces:
- To review and adjust plannings and projects in their respective localities in line with the contents of this planning;
- To coordinate with the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Construction and concerned ministries and branches in formulating detailed plannings for communications and transport development in their respective localities, deciding the sizes of construction works under the planning;
To coordinate with the ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Transport and concerned branches in identifying investment capital sources and formulating appropriate mechanisms and policies in order to ensure the feasibility of the approved planning.
In case of necessary adjustment of the planning, the Hanoi People's Committee shall coordinate with the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Construction and the concerned provincial People's Committees in identifying such adjustments and submit them to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision.
2. Responsibilities of the Ministry of Transport:
- To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, the Hanoi People’s Committee and concerned provincial People’s Committees in, dividing the responsibilities and formulating plans for implementation of national communications and transport development projects in localities according to 5 year plans, and submit them to the Prime Minister for approval;
- Based on the approved planning, to direct its specialized management departments to manage and implement national communication and transport projects in Hanoi city response to the
socio-economic development requirements.
Article 4.
- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in "CONG BAO".
Article 5.
- Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, the president of Hanoi People's Committee, and prisidents of the People’s Committees of Ha Tay, Bac Ninh, Vinh Phuc, Hung Yen, Bac Giang and Thai Nguyen provinces shall implement this Decision.
(Attached to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 90/2008/QD-TTg dated July 9, 2008)
No. | Projects | Projected plans | Scale | ||
| Length (km) | Cross-section width (m) | Number of motor- vehicle lanes | |
A | Roads |
I | Radial national highways (sections running through Hanoi) |
1 | Former national highway 1A (Cau Chui – Cau Duong – Bac Ninh section) | 2008-2010 | 13.1 | 60 | 4 |
2 | Former national highway 1A (Ngoc Hoi – Van Dien section) | 2008-2010 | 3.3 | 67 | 4 |
3 | National highway 32 (Mai Dich – Nhon section) | Being underway | 6.5 | 50 |
4 | National highway 2 (Phu Lo – Vinh Phuc section) | Being underway | 3 | 35.5 | 4 |
5 | National highway 3 (Vinh Ngoc – Hanoi end section) | 2008-2010 | 12.5 | 50 | 4 |
II | Radial expressways (sections in Hanoi) |
1 | Hanoi – Bac Ninh – Lang Son expressway | 2010-2015 | 1 | 35.5 | 6 |
2 | Lang – Hoa Lac (expressway – cum – urban road) | Being underway | 6.5 | 140-175 | 6+4 |
3 | Hanoi – Lao Cai expressway | Being underway | 1 | 25 | 4 |
4 | Hanoi – Thai Nguyen expressway | Being underway |
5 | Hanoi – Haiphong expressway | 2008-2012 | 10 | 35.5-45 | 6-8 |
6 | Noi Bai – Bac Ninh | Beiing underway | 20 | 28 | 4 |
III | Belt roads |
1 | Belt II | Being underway | 44 | 50-72.5 | 4-6 |
2 | Belt III | Being underway | 65 | 35.5-72 | 6-8 |
3 | Outbound road belt (Belt IV) | 2009-2015 | 148 | 100-120 | 6-8 |
IV | Major urban trunk roads |
1 | East-West trunk road (Tran Khat Chan – Dai Co Viet – Kim Lien – O Cho Dua – La Thanh – Cau Giay) | Being underway | 7 | 50-60-4 | 2 |
2 | Red River right dike (Chem – Khuyen Luong) | 2010-2012 | 15 | 23-59.3 | 2-6 |
3 | Nhon-Mai Dich-Xuan Thuy-Cau Giay-Kim Ma- Nguyen Thai Hoc- Hung Vuong | Being underway | 12 | 33-50 | 4-6 |
4 | Tran Duy Hung- Nguyen Chi Thanh- Lieu Giai- West Lake | Being underway | 5 | 50 | 6 |
5 | North-south trunk road (Le Duan- Giai Phong- Van Dien) | 2008-2010 | 10 | 20.5-46 | 2-6 |
6 | Nguyen Trai- Tay Son- Ton Duc Thang | 2010-2015 | - | 28.5-65 | 4-6 |
7 | Nguyen Tam Trinh- Kim Nguu- Lo Duc | 2008-2010 | 5 | 40 | 4 |
8 | Ha Dong- Le Van Luong- Lang Ha- Giang Vo | 2008-2010 | 10 | 40-53.5 | 4 |
9 | Hang Bai- Hue-Bach Mai- Truong Dinh | 2008-2010 | 5.5 | 24-40 | 2 |
10 | Phu Dien- southern Thang Long- Hoang Quoc Viet- Hoang Hoa Tham | 2008-2010 | 11 | 50-53.3 | 4 |
11 | Linh Nam- Kim Dong- Dinh Cong- Nguyen Trai- Yen Hoa- Xuan Thuy- Xuan Dinh | 2010-2013 | 17 | 50 | 4 |
12 | Kien Hung- Kim Giang- Le Trong Tan- Ton That Tung- Pham Ngoc Thach- Hanoi railway station | 2012-2015 | 6 | 25-53.5 | 4 |
13 | Phu Do- Yen Hoa- Ethnology Museum- Xuan La | 2008-2010 | 11 | 45-50 | 4-6 |
14 | Hanoi railway station- Quoc Tu Giam | 2008-2010 | 1.4 | 36 | 4 |
15 | Southern Thang Long industrial park- West Lake | 2008-2010 | 8.8 | 40-60 | 6 |
16 | Hanoi railway station- Hao Nam- Nui Truc- Doi Can- Hoang Hoa Tham | 2010-2015 | 7.5 | 25-35 | 4-6 |
17 | Xuan La- Co Nhue- Cau Dien- Xuan Phuong | 2010-2015 | 6.8 | 40 | 6 |
18 | Cat Linh- La Thanh- Thai Ha- Lang | 2008-2010 | 2.5 | 22-44.5 | 4-6 |
19 | Cau Chui- Dong Tru- Vinh Ngoc- northern Thang Long | Being underway | 17 | 50-72.5 | 6 |
20 | Nhat Tan- Vinh Ngoc- Noi Bai | 2008-2011 | 13.5 | 100 | 6+4 |
21 | Tu Lien- Dong Hoi- Duc Tu- Belt III | 2015-2020 | 10 | 50 | 6 |
22 | Yen Vien- Ngo Gia Tu- Nguyen Van Cu | 2008-2010 | 8.5 | 42-50 | 6 |
23 | Co Bi- Viet Hung- Co Loa- Van Noi (Van Tri) | 2010-2015 | 18.5 | 48-50 | 6 |
24 | Viet Hung- Van Noi- Nam Hong- Me Linh area | 2015-2020 | 12 | 40 | 6 |
25 | Vinh Ngoc- Van Noi | 2015-2020 | 5 | 40-50 | 6 |
26 | Gia Thuong- Duc Giang- Viet Hung- Sai Dong- Co Bi | 2010-2015 | 9.5 | 40 | 6 |
27 | Nam Hong- Van Tri- Tien Duong- Nguyen Khe | 2015-2020 | 11.5 | 40 | 6 |
28 | Vinh Ngoc- Co Loa- Viet Hung- Nguyen Khe | 2010-2015 | 11.5 | 40 | 6 |
29 | Xuan Canh – Co Loa (spatial axis) | 2015-2020 | 2.7 | 200-300 | 6 |
30 | Xuan Canh- Gia Thuong- Bo De- Thach Ban- Trau Quy | 2015-2020 | 15 | 30 | 6 |
V | Sectoral and inter-sectoral streets | 2008-2020 |
VI | Road junctions | 2008-2020 |
VII | Car terminals and parks | 2008-2020 |
B | Railroads |
I | National railroads |
1 | Construction of the eastern belt railroad | 2015-2020 |
2 | Upgrading of the western belt railroad | 2010-2015 |
3 | Upgrading of radial railroads | 2010-2020 |
4 | Upgrading of existing railway stations | 2007-2020 |
II | Urban railroads (combined with express buses) |
1 | Line 1 (Ngoc Hoi- Yen Vien- Nhu Quynh) | 2008-2015 | 38.7 |
2 | Line 2 (Noi Bai- Hanoi- Thuong Dinh) | 2008-2015 | 35.2 |
3 | Hanoi- Ha Dong line | 2008-2012 | 14 |
4 | Line 3 (Nhon- Hanoi railway station- Hoang Mai) | 2008-2015 | 21 |
5 | Line 4 (in the immediate future, it is an express bus line) | 2015-2020 | 53.1 |
6 | Line 5 (southern West Lake- Ngoc Khanh- Lang- Hoa Lac) | 2010-2015 | 34.5 |
7 | Priority bus line 1 (Ba La Bong Do- Highway 6- Nguyen Trai- Lang Ha- Kim Ma) | 2008-2010 | 13.5 |
8 | Priority bus line 2 (Vinh Quynh- Giai Phong- Dai Co Viet- Hue- Hang Bai) | 2008-2010 | 9.5 |
C | Waterway |
I | Improvement and renovation of ship channels |
1 | Improvement and renovation of ship channels on Red River | 2010-2020 |
2 | Improvement and renovation of ship channels on Duong River | 2010-2020 |
II | Construction and renovation of ports and wharves |
1 | Construction of Phu Dong port (eastern port) | 2012-2015 |
2 | Renovation of Hanoi port | 2010-2015 |
3 | Expansion and renovation of Khuyen Luong port | 2010-2015 |
4 | Construction of tourist wharves on Red River | 2015-2020 |
D | Airports and airfields |
1 | Expansion and renovation of Noi Bai airport | 2008-2020 |
E | Traffic management and safety |
1 | Raising the capability to organize and administer traffic | 2008-2020 |
2 | Organizing the management of car park systems | 2008-2020 |
3 | Ensuring comprehensive traffic safety | 2008-2020 |
F | Enhancement of policies and institutions |