Nội dung toàn văn Resolution 01/NQ-CP 2021 solutions for implementation of socio economic development plan
SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence - Freedom - Happiness --------------- |
No. 01/NQ-CP |
Hanoi, January 01, 2021 |
Pursuant to the Law on Government Organization dated June 19, 2015;
Pursuant to the National Assembly’s Resolutions No. 124/2020/QH14 dated November 11, 2020 on 2021 socio - economic development plan and No. 11128/2020/QH14 dated November 12, 2020 on 2021 state budget estimate;
In 2020, in the face of many difficulties and challenges, especially the devastating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters, thanks to the vigorous participation of the whole political system, robust, timely and effective direction of the Government and Prime Minister, and effort of governments at all levels, regulatory bodies, the people and enterprises under the Communist Party’s leadership, our country has achieved great feats in all areas, accomplished the dual targets of COVID-19 prevention and socio - economic recovery and development, and protected social security as well as the people’s daily life and health; economic growth reaches 2,91%, Vietnam is one of the few economies with positive growth around the world and in the region while preserving macroeconomic stability, controlling inflation and maintaining large balances of the economy. National defense and security have been reinforced; public order and social safety are protected; Vietnam’s position and reputation in the international community have been enhanced. The people have more trust in the Communist Party and the State. 2020 is more successful than 2019 and the most successful among the past 5 years with special achievements that highlight the accomplishments of the whole 2016-2020 tenure.
The year 2021 holds an important meaning as it is the year where the 13th National Communist Party Congress, election to the 15th National Assembly and election to People's Councils at all levels take place and the first year of adoption of the 10-year socio - economic development strategy for 2021-2030, 5-year socio - economic development plan for 2021-2025 and 5-year plans of sectors in compliance with Resolutions of the Communist Party and National Assembly. Global and regional situations will continue to develop unpredictably, while strategic competition between some countries and partners around the world and in the region remain fierce. The COVID-19 pandemic is far from over with long-term negative impacts on many areas, especially for investment, commerce, services, tourism, transport and aviation. In Vietnam, besides opportunities, advantages and inheritance of important achievements of 35 years of reform, the effects of epidemics, climate change, natural disasters, drought and saltwater intrusion persist and the need for investment in development, prevention and control of natural disasters and epidemics, response to climate change, social security assurance and preservation of national defense and security is immense, but resources are limited. New trends in investment relocation, commerce, digital transformation as well as rapid change to business models, production methods, consumption, social interactions, science, technology, etc. bring both opportunities and challenges, requiring us to remain vigilance, renovate our thinking about development, act more vigorously and effectively, turn challenges into opportunities, strive to complete all targets and tasks of 2021 plans, strengthen the trust of the people and enterprises, create a solid foundation for Vietnam’s fast and sustainable development in the upcoming period in accordance with Resolutions of the Communist Party and National Assembly.
Inheriting important and comprehensive accomplishments, promoting solidarity of the whole political system, with trust and the desire to overcome difficulties, utilize opportunities and strive to complete tasks, objectives and targets of the 2021 socio - economic development plan and state budget estimate, and to create a solid foundation for successful adoption of the 5-year socio - economic development plan for 2021-2025, the Government announced that the action motto of 2021 is “Solidarity, discipline, renovation, innovation, desire for development” with the following 08 focuses of direction:
1. Make meticulous preparations to ensure the success of the 13th National Communist Party Congress, election to the 15th National Assembly and election to People's Councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 tenure. Take actions and develop detailed programs and plans to complete objectives, tasks and solutions of the 5-year socio - economic development plan for 2021-2025 and 10-year socio - economic development strategy for 2021-2030 in the first year of the tenure.
2. Continue to vigorously, flexibly and efficiently strive for the "dual targets” of epidemic prevention and people’s health protection together with socio - economic recovery and development in the new normal. Combine fiscal policies, monetary policies and other policies in a close, synchronized and effective manner to stimulate aggregate demand suitably, resolve business difficulties and promote growth while preserving macroeconomic stability, controlling inflation and maintaining large balances. Boost restructuring of the economy in connection with growth model renovation. Closely monitor domestic and international situations, promptly forecast and prepare plans, scenarios and measures to respond to issues arising.
3. Continue to improve quality of the socialist-oriented market economy in an adequate, consistent, modern and integration-based manner; properly resolve the relationships between the State, the market and the society, between economic growth and cultural development, social progress and equality and environmental protection. Mobilize and use resources according to the market mechanism. Enhance discipline and efficiency in development and completion of the legal system in connection with strict law enforcement. Modernize governance. Build a simple and efficient apparatus of a state governed by the socialist rule of law. Improve prevention and control of corruption and wastefulness as well as settlement of complaints and denunciations.
4. Vigorously carry out administrative reform with a focus on administrative procedure reform in an effective manner and in connection with national digital transformation, provision of public services for people and enterprises, creation of a more favorable environment for business, investment attraction, entrepreneurship promotion and innovation.
5. Robustly promote Vietnamese cultural values and intelligence; inspire desire for our country’s development, self-reliant spirit and national pride. Bring about fundamental and comprehensive reform and increase education and training quality; focus on development of a high-quality workforce; boost talent attraction and employment. Enhance science and technology, innovation and digital transformation to achieve breakthroughs in terms of productivity, quality, efficiency and competitiveness of the economy. Promote technology application and transfer; master some new technologies and strategic technologies. Focus on ensuring social security and improving people’s living standards. Boost management of natural resources and environmental protection; prevention and control of natural disasters and epidemics as well as response to climate change.
6. Continue to complete economic and social infrastructures in a synchronized and modern manner, especially for transport, energy, large cities and response to climate change; develop digital infrastructure in a robust and consistent manner to create the foundation for digital economy and digital society development. Accelerate important projects, key national works and regional connection projects, ensure water security and safety of dams and water reservoirs; improve regional connections, promote the roles of key economic regions and large cities.
7. Strengthen national defense and security; promote foreign affairs and international integration; preserve independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity as well as a peaceful and stable environment for fast and sustainable development; elevate Vietnam’s position and reputation in the international community.
8. Properly carry out communications activities, promptly promote positive elements to strengthen trust and achieve social consensus. Improve cooperation between bodies of the political system; utilize the strength of the block of great national solidarity to successfully complete socio - economic development targets and tasks.
1. Efficiently perform tasks supporting organization of the Communist Party Congress and elections to the National Assembly and People's Councils at all levels; develop, promulgate and immediately launch action programs for Resolutions of the Communist Party and National Assembly
a) Adopt working plans and programs supporting organization of the 13th National Communist Party Congress, election to the 15th National Assembly and election to People's Councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 tenure.
b) Formulate and immediately promulgate action programs and working plans to implement the Resolution of the 13th National Communist Party Congress as well as conclusions and resolutions of the Communist Party and National Assembly.
c) Develop and carry out some tasks, strategic breakthrough solutions and key targets, tasks and solutions of the 5-year socio - economic development plan for 2021-2025, and 5-year plans of sectors in a robust and effective manner, including restructuring of the economy, finance and public investment.
2. Continue to strive for the "dual targets” of COVID-19 prevention and socio - economic recovery and development in the new normal
a) Enhance leadership and direction, raise awareness of the disease, do not underestimate the pandemic; continue to ensure the new normal. Suitably control entrants, prevent imported infection effectively. Consider reopening commercial international air routes where possible and ensure compliance with COVID-19 prevention requirements. Accelerate research and international cooperation in vaccine development and produce solutions enabling people’s access to COVID-19 vaccines as soon as practicable.
b) Proactively allocate resources and promptly adopt suitable solutions (including solutions concerning credit, finance, state budget, tax, fees, charges, etc.) to resolve difficulties and support enterprises, people and workers who lost their jobs, have working hours cut short or lost much income due to the COVID-19 pandemic and recover business operation, especially for services, tourism, aviation, etc.
3. Continue to complete institutions of the socialist-oriented market economy, enable recovery and accelerate sustainable growth on the basis of macroeconomic stability, inflation control, maintenance of large balances and improvement of adaptability and resistance of the economy
a) Properly and effectively implement the Politburo’s Conclusion No. 83-KL/TW dated July 29, 2020 regarding implementation of the 9th Politburo’s Resolution No. 48-NQ/TW on strategy for formulation and completion of Vietnam’s legal system by 2010 with orientations to 2020. Enhance discipline and improve efficiency of formulation and completion of the legal system in connection with strict law enforcement. Strictly control promulgation of legislative documents, especially those containing regulations on investment and business conditions, administrative procedures, reporting requirements, inspection, technical regulations and standards. Promptly issue guidelines for newly promulgated Laws, ensure quality and reduce number of documents promulgated.
b) Review and amend regulations, mechanisms and policies, especially those concerning state budget, tax, land, natural resources, the environment, investment, construction, commerce, market surveillance, etc. to ensure consistency of the legal system, release resources for development, and create a favorable investment and business environment. Promote growth of financial, stock and insurance markets; enhance enterprise bond market surveillance. Develop the labor market in a transparent, competitive and integration-based manner, diversify forms of labor supply - demand connection, use resources suitably and effectively.
c) Focus on completing regulations, accelerate granting of autonomy to and improve quality and performance of public service providers. Promulgate lists of public services funded by state budget and technical - economic norms serving as the basis for public service pricing.
d) Direct monetary policies in a proactive and flexible manner, ensuring system safety; combine them with fiscal policies and other policies to resolve difficulties for business operations, support recovery and growth in connection with inflation control and macroeconomic stability. Direct credit growth as appropriate, in connection with credit quality improvement and with a focus on prioritized areas; promote policy-based credit; adopt solutions for disaster and epidemic recovery; strictly control credit for risky areas. Diversify bank credit products to prevent usury.
d) Boost restructuring of state budget and finance - budget discipline, prevent revenue loss, price transfer and fraud or evasion of taxes, reduce amount of uncollected tax. Modernize tax, customs and state treasury systems, launch electronic invoices. Prioritize resources for investment in development; save all unnecessary spending, especially recurrent expenditure, minimize funding for domestic and foreign business and conferences. Review and renovate operating mechanisms of non-budget state financial funds. Continue to implement special financial mechanisms for some state agencies until wage reform is put into practice according to Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW dated May 21, 2018 by the Central Committee. Improve management and use of public debts and do not let them affect Vietnam's reputation ranking.
e) Ensure transparency in direction for pricing of power, gasoline, oil as well as other essential goods and services that affect business operations and consumption. Ensure balance of supply and demand of essential goods, stabilize market prices, especially during holidays and the New Year. Enhance inspection, strictly handle unreasonable price increase, speculation, hoarding, market manipulation and counterfeits; adopt solutions in a consistent and timely manner to prevent smuggling, trade fraud and origin fraud as well as protecting Vietnam’s trade and domestic production and consumption suitably.
g) Promote expansion and diversification of export and import markets, do not rely on any single market heavily. Improve trade promotion in connection with building of Vietnamese goods brands. Proactively harmonize trade relations with large partners. Support enterprises in connecting via digital platforms and exporting via major e-commerce platforms. Effectively adopt ratified free trade agreements (FTA); promptly assist enterprises, especially small and medium enterprises, to utilize concessions; continue to negotiate and sign FTAs with partners. Enhance trade remedies, establish and efficiently operate an early warning system for trade remedies in compliance with international commitments to protect domestic manufacturing and assist enterprises with responding to foreign trade remedy proceedings.
h) Focus on developing the domestic market, promote trade and stimulate consumption of Vietnamese goods. Enhance connections between production and markets based on supply chains; develop distribution systems via domestic market development schemes in connection with the “Vietnamese people prioritizing Vietnamese goods” movement. Diversify commercial infrastructure types, harmonize use of traditional and modern commercial infrastructures. Focus on developing and completing institutions and facilitating e-commerce growth, boost management of cross-border e-commerce; promptly detect and strictly handle violations concerning e-commerce and e-commerce platforms.
4. Facilitate economic restructuring in connection with growth model reform, improvement of productivity, quality, efficiency, independence and competitiveness of the economy on the basis of science, technology and innovation
a) Promote restructuring of the industry sector by increasing shares of processing and manufacturing industries and reducing shares of assembling industries; focus on developing some key industries, new technology, high technology, ancillary industries, etc. Focus on boosting processing and manufacturing industries in connection with smart technology and digital transformation to increase productivity, quality, efficiency and competitiveness. Accelerate large industrial projects to bring about far-reaching effects.
b) Restructure the agriculture sector as appropriate to each region and in connection with rural economic development and protection of the livelihoods of farmers and those engaging in agriculture; promote large-scale agricultural production according to market demand, raise value added and boost sustainable development and high technology application in connection with storage, processing and trade according to value chains. Encourage development of green and clean agriculture, eco-agriculture, organic agriculture, and hi-tech, smart and climate-smart agriculture. Change structures of plants and domestic animals as suitable, ensure food efficiency and security; promote swine repopulation, expand animal husbandry by applying VietGAP practices; ensure epidemic safety, biosafety and ecofriendliness. Closely monitor epidemic situation and natural disasters to adopt timely responses and mitigate damage. Promote forest regeneration and planting, prioritize large timber forests; increase economic contribution of forestry. Invest in aquaculture infrastructure, diversify aquaculture species and methods; boost mariculture and offshore commercial fishing in connection with protection and development of aquatic resources according to regulations and international practice.. Formulate a national target program for new rural development for 2021-2025 and implement it in a consistent and efficient manner after it is approved by the competent authority.
c) Continue to restructure the transport industry by increasing market shares of inland waterway and railway transport; focus on development of multimodal transport; build capacity and reduce costs of logistics. Adopt policies for stimulating demand for consumption and inbound tourism recovery in a consistent and flexible manner; improve service quality and promote smart tourism ecosystem. Develop the information and communications market sustainably; focus on developing digital technology enterprises.
d) Organize formulation of mid-term public investment plans that improve quality and performance and focus resources on economic restructuring and growth model renovation. Focus on completing and improving investment preparation, especially for large projects. Vigorously adopt solutions for disbursement facilitation in connection with improvement of management and use of public investment capital at the beginning of the year; regularly inspect, expedite and hold heads of regulatory bodies and units accountable for disbursement results; strictly reduce, cut and transfer investment capital allocated from state budget to ministries, central authorities, local governments and projects slow to disburse to those with higher disbursement capacity.
d) Continue to direct restructuring of credit institutions, especially underperforming credit institutions; strengthen people’s credit funds system; further control credit quality and prevent bad debts, especially in the COVID-19 pandemic. Enhance inspection and supervision of operations of credit institutions, especially for high-risk areas.
e) Continue to review and reduce areas where the State holds 100% capital as appropriate. Complete mechanisms and policies for and facilitate equitization and divestment of state capital in enterprises and equitization of eligible public service providers. Formulate and apply enterprise management frameworks in compliance with international standards in state-owned enterprises and corporations. Strictly abide by regulations on management and use of state capital and property in enterprises, ensure transparency. Improve cooperation between Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises and relevant ministries and central authorities. Thoroughly deal with projects incurring loss or performing poorly, especially industry and trade projects.
g) Promote comprehensive digital transformation, develop and complete legal frameworks for new business types, digital economy and public service provision. Promulgate sandbox policies for products, solutions, services, business models and new technologies such as sharing economy, night economy, smart cities, etc. to promptly meet requirements of the economy’s development. Accelerate and launch the whole program for assistance for digital transformation for Vietnamese enterprises, with a focus on small and medium enterprises. Build infrastructure for the digital economy and digital society, infrastructure for smart connection, artificial intelligence development and the Internet of Things. Gradually develop infrastructure for 5G network. Increase sharing of infrastructure for digital technology and communication and use of shared platforms.
Accelerate e-Government development, strive for digital Government, digital economy and digital society in connection with institution completion, restructuring of business processes and protection of information safety and cybersecurity. Build and complete platform and core databases and information systems of the e-Government; promote data connection, integration and sharing. Increase use of electronic documents and digital signatures, online working and online meetings; enable reporting and socio - economic targets on the national information and reporting system in connection with the information and direction center of the Government and Prime Minister. Continue to restructure procedures to integrate and provide level 3 and level 4 online public services and promote integration of payment services on the national public service portal. Urgently connect and share administrative data between state agencies to form a national statistical information system servicing management at all levels.
h) Develop and improve performance of the collective economy, with the core being cooperatives. Select and popularize exemplary cooperative models with suitable size and high efficiency. Boost growth of the private sector, harmonize economic performance and social responsibility as well as natural resource and environmental protection, promote connection between Vietnamese enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises. Facilitate development of medium and large sole proprietorships, carry out Vietnamese enterprise branding; promote entrepreneurship and innovation, properly support small and medium enterprises to utilize the domestic market and effectively contribute to global value chains.
5. Enhance mobilization and efficient use of resources; accelerate planning formulation and approval as well as performance of key socio - economic infrastructure projects; promote growth of the ocean economy; strengthen regional connections; boost the roles of key economic regions and large cities; and facilitate new rural development
a) Enhance mobilization and efficient use of investment resources, focus on utilizing internal resources of the economy while continuing to mobilize ODA loans and concessional loans from sponsors, selectively attract foreign investments, especially regional and global FDI flows. Boost investment under public-private partnership.
b) Focus resources on key transport infrastructure projects such as the eastern section of the North - South expressway, Bien Hoa - Vung Tau expressway, some key works and inter-regional transport projects in the North, especially in the Northwest; accelerate non-stop electronic toll collection; focus on phase 1 investment in Long Thanh international airport, invest in and expand Tan Son Nhat, Noi Bai and Da Nang international airports. Accelerate construction and upgrade of inter-regional coastal routes and coastal economic zones and cities across the country. Continue to develop the national seaport system and international gateway ports in key economic regions; invest in infrastructure of coastal economic zones whose development is prioritized. Develop socio - economic infrastructure of rural areas, mountainous areas and disadvantaged areas as appropriate to provide the basis for socio - economic development in these areas.
c) Focus on resolving difficulties faced by key electricity projects, mobilize all resources to ensure sufficient electricity for production and daily life, do not allow electricity shortage. Ensure electricity growth is appropriate to economic growth. Encourage participation of the private sector, diversify power sources, ensure efficiency and sustainability. Adopt solutions to reduce electricity loss and ensure economical and efficient use of electricity in production, transmission and distribution. Review small and medium hydropower plants, ensure suitable electricity source structure in connection with environmental protection.
d) Accelerate formulation of and approval for national plannings, regional plannings, provincial plannings, urban plannings and rural plannings for 2021 - 2030. Ensure sufficient space for investment and production development. Promote intra-regional and inter-regional connections and international integration, utilize functions characteristics of each region, enhance the roles of key economic regions and large cities. Vigorously develop the ocean economy, ensure people’s livelihoods in connection with protection of sovereignty over seas and islands.
dd) Increase urban development management, effectively address urban waste, environmental, flooding and traffic issues. Continue to review and complete urban databases.
e) Review and complete legal frameworks, policies and mechanisms supporting new rural development; allocate resources for new rural development properly. Improve quality of the movement of “the whole country joining in rural development in connection with agricultural sector restructuring”.
6. Improve quality of and efficiently use human resources in connection with promotion of innovation and vigorous application and development of science and technology
a) Implement mechanisms, policies and solutions for workforce development in a synchronized manner, especially for high-quality workforce; improve workforce quality in connection with fast labor restructuring, especially in rural areas. Provide suitable mechanisms for attraction, employment and training of talents, foster intellectuals for the new era.
b) Continue to bring about radical changes in education and training. Review, plan and develop networks of educational and training institutions throughout the country; improve quality and standardize teachers, lecturers and education officials at all levels. Ensure quality and progress of general education program and textbook reform according to the National Assembly’s Resolutions No. 88/2014/QH13 and No. 51/2017/QH14. Continue to employ the new general education program efficiently. Improve quality of foreign language teaching; enhance education in moral values, lifestyles and skills for students; ensure school safety. Boost state management decentralization and autonomy and accountability of educational institutions. Promote school management; and application of information technology to education and training.
c) Adopt mechanisms and policies for vocational education development. Modernize and vigorously apply information technology to training methods. Focus on fostering skilled workforce, training and retraining and enable workers to switch jobs to adapt to the fourth industrial revolution. Boost vocational training for ethnics, people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups; formulate and launch entrepreneurship and job promotion programs for students.
d) Continue to properly conduct research for production and daily life, especially for COVID-19 prevention and control and COVID-19 vaccines. Promote scientific and technological potential. Restructure and launch national science and technology programs in an effective manner. Renovate managerial and financial mechanisms for science and technology tasks, facilitating participation of scientists and enterprises; complete mechanisms for autonomy in independent science and technology organizations. Boost the national innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems as well as connection and cooperation between universities/ research institutes with the industry sector/ enterprises; enhance the roles of innovation centers. Provide mechanisms and policies for robust attraction of resources for high technology and science from leading corporations around the world.
7. Tasks and solutions concerning cultural and social development, social progress and equality in harmonious connection with economic development
a) Continue to properly implement the Politburo’s Conclusion No.76-KL/TW dated June 04, 2020 and Resolution No. 33-NQ/TW dated June 09, 2014 by the 9th conference of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party on development of Vietnamese culture and people for Vietnam’s sustainable development. Prioritize resources for restoration, embellishment and promotion of cultural heritages. Build a healthy cultural environment, adopt a civilized lifestyle in the spirit of the “all people joining in fostering cultured life” movement. Encourage private sector involvement in creative, cultural and art activities to boost people’s participation in recreational activities, etc. Build family databases; adopt more solutions for management and provision of public family services.
b) Improve quality of the “all people doing physical exercise following Uncle Ho’s example” movement; diversify the forms of grassroots-level physical exercise; renovate content of civil physical activities and sports and methods for organization thereof. Further nurture and train sport talents, improve capacity and achievements of high performance sports, prepare for and organize SeaGames 31 and ASEAN Para Games 11 properly.
c) Continue to implement Resolution No. 20-NQ/TW by the 12th Central Committee of the Communist Party on enhancement of citizens’ health protection, improvement, and care in new situation and Resolution No. 21-NQ/TW by the 12th Central Committee of the Communist Party on population affairs in new situation. Develop grassroots healthcare networks in compliance with requirements of the new situation. Focus on monitoring and managing people’s health, boost remote medical services and technology transfer to lower levels of care. Improve capacity of the preventive medicine system; research into, produce and test drugs, vaccines, biologicals and medical devices for proactive prevention, control and treatment of epidemics and diseases. Ensure healthcare security and food safety. Improve quality of vaccination and medical services, renovate healthcare worker training, promote science and technology application, research, and digital transformation in the healthcare sector, and raise people’s satisfaction. Combine traditional medicine with modern medicine. Continue to follow the roadmap to correct and sufficient calculation of medical service costs in connection with the roadmap to health insurance for all people; enhance decentralization, autonomy and accountability, ensuring transparency. Maintain the replacement fertility rate throughout the country, strive for balanced sex ratio at birth. Increase access to elderly, maternal and child healthcare services.
d) Adopt the Politburo’s Conclusion No. 92-KL/TW dated November 05, 2020 on further implementation of Resolution of the 5th conference of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party on some issues concerning social policies for 2012-2020. Develop comprehensive, encompassing and sustainable social policies with equal chance of access. Continue to carry out employment creation policies, programs and schemes in a synchronized and effective manner; adopt public employment policies and policies on assistance for entrepreneur youths. Support job creation, improve working conditions for workers of unofficial industries and vulnerable workers. Continue to expand coverage of social insurance, unemployment insurance, and insurance for occupational accidents and occupational disease. Foster harmonious, stable and progressive labor relations in the new situation; ensure labor safety. Raise the awareness of employees and employers towards adoption of policies for wages, social insurance, unemployment insurance, and insurance for occupational accidents and occupational disease.
d) Complete approaches to multidimensional poverty measurement in connection with sustainable development goals for 2021-2025. Popularize effective poverty reduction models, and adopt community-based poverty reduction ideas. Encourage proactive acts of poverty reduction. Carry out policies, programs and schemes for sustainable and encompassing poverty reduction, and enhance beneficiaries’ access to and poor people’s participation in these policies, programs and schemes.
e) Implement incentive policies for people with meritorious services to revolutions in an adequate, effective and transparent manner; ensure convenient and safe benefit provision, encouraging provision via public postal service. Properly provide healthcare for people with meritorious services to revolutions. Continue to carry out the scheme for identification of war martyr remains; complete databases for war martyrs, martyr families and martyr tombs and cemeteries. Enhance gratitude expression movements; mobilize private resources and state assistance to take care of people with meritorious services to revolutions, especially housing assistance.
g) Effectively implement regular and ad hoc assistance policies for vulnerable groups. Develop models of care of disadvantaged people in communities, and encourage private sector involvement in adoption of models of care of the elderly, orphans and people with disabilities. Boost information technology application to provision of social security and insurance benefits to people. Promote development of social housing in urban areas, housing for workers in industrial parks, houses for rent, houses for low-income people and affordable commercial housing.
h) Exercise children’s rights and follow international conventions on children’s rights ratified by Vietnam. Further communicate about exercise of children’s rights; child protection and prevention of violence against children and child abuse; greatly reduce number of drowned children. Develop databases about children from central to local government. Enhance assessment and inspection of adoption of child abuse prevention policies. Properly implement the 2020 Youth Law. Effectively carry out policies promoting gender equality and progress of women; boost women’s participation in managerial and leadership positions and residential bodies. Diversify communication about gender equality and domestic violence prevention.
i) Thoroughly understand viewpoints and guidelines of the Communist Party on ethnic minority affairs and solidarity; and carry out the general scheme for socio - economic development in ethnic minority areas and mountainous areas for 2021-2030, national target program for socio - economic development in ethnic minority areas and mountainous areas for 2021-2030 and other tasks concerning ethnic minority affairs in the new situation.
k) Properly exercise state management of religions, especially at grassroots level; research on policies enabling religious organizations to encourage adoption of cultured and civilized lifestyle and participate in socio - economic development. Properly organize foreign affairs activities in relation to religions. Ensure security in religions, and fight against distortion and false accusations from hostile forces.
l) Continue to address accident blackspots; improve quality of driver training, driving tests, driving license issuance and vehicle registration; tighten control over transport business and vehicular weight inspection. Boost communications activities via mass media, and launch a movement where all people participate in social evil prevention.
8. Efficiently and sustainably manage, extract and use natural resources and protect the environment; proactively and effectively respond to climate change; enhance prevention and mitigation of natural disasters
a) Complete mechanisms, policies and regulations concerning natural resource management, environmental protection and response to climate change in a synchronized manner. Resolve problems, especially those related to administrative procedures; amend confusing or overlapping regulations and procedures, ensuring consistency, feasibility and transparency, especially in management and use of land, water and natural resources. Focus on developing and connecting information systems and databases about land with tax authorities. Increase allocation of land from state-owned farms. Boost inspection and assessment of forests and water resources. Properly manage existing natural forest area, increase forest cover and quality. Promote international cooperation and efficient and sustainable use of water resources. Develop water resources databases in connection with water security strategies; ensure provision of clean and safe drinking water to people, especially those living in rural areas and ethnic minorities. Strictly handle violations against regulations on use of water resources and dumping of wastewater to water sources.
b) Properly implement the amended Law on Environmental Protection. Complete mechanisms promoting the circular economy model. Strictly manage the environment in industrial parks and handicraft villages. Further take precautions against risks of environmental emergencies. Boost and attract investments, process and recycle waste using processing technology and biological technology instead of direct burying. Restore drainage basin environment; improve urban air; conserve and develop endemic ecosystems.
c) Actively implement the Politburo’s Directive No. 42-CT/TW dated March 24, 2020 on scheme for enhancement of the Communist Party’s leadership in natural disaster prevention, response and recovery; the Government’s Resolution No. 120/NQ-CP dated November 17, 2017 on sustainable development of the Mekong Delta in connection with climate change response. Research on and formulate comprehensive solutions for natural disaster prevention in disaster-prone areas; focus resources on developing the Mekong Delta and areas heavily affected by climate change. Create landslide and subsidence warning maps. Promote private sector involvement, improve capacity for hydrometeorological monitoring, forecasting and warning, with a focus on forecasting and warning about storms, tropical depressions, floods, flash floods and landslides. Build capacity for natural disaster prevention and control, search and rescue; raise the community’s awareness, apply advanced science and technology, complete tools supporting direction of natural disaster prevention and control; properly organize community-based natural disaster risk management.
9. Promote administrative reform, improve state management and quality of officials and public employees; build a developmental and honest state administrative system that operates vigorously and serve the people; enhance corruption prevention and control, thrift practice and settlement of complaints and denunciation
a) Promote decentralization of state management as suitable for each sector to ensure unified management, boost proactiveness, innovation and responsibilities of governments at all levels and regulatory bodies. Review and strengthen administrative agencies in a simplified and effective manner. Properly manage organization, adjustment, establishment and classification of administrative units at all levels.
b) Carry out downsizing and reorganization of officials and public employees. Launch the scheme for databases for officials and public employees of administrative agencies, scheme for reorganization of official and public employee training institutions affiliated to bodies of the political system by 2030, national program for foreign language learning for officials and public employees; focus on refresher training for officials according to salary scales, salary grades and title standards. Promote information technology application to official recruitment and promotion examinations, ensuring transparency. Enhance administrative discipline and responsibility of heads of administrative agencies at all levels. Develop and complete new salary tables based on job positions, titles and leadership posts; reorganize existing allowance regimes; complete wage and income management mechanisms.
c) Continue to focus on administrative procedure reform; renovate the single-window system and interlinked single-window system for handling of administrative procedures with the aim of improving quality of services not bound by administrative division, increasing application of information technology, reducing costs and ensuring the convenience of individuals and organizations. Accelerate progress and ensure efficiency of the program for reduction and simplification of business-related regulations for 2020-2025 of the Government. Continue to renovate specialized inspection by uniting points of contact, clarifying competence and shifting from inspecting before clearance to after clearance.
d) Facilitate fundamental, sustainable and actual changes in civil and administrative judgment enforcement. Focus on handling important cases and complicated or prolonged cases. Continue to provide legal aid for enterprises in a consistent manner, focusing on small and medium enterprises, to resolve difficulties, especially for those heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Enhance efficiency of state management of and information technology application in judicial support and judicial administrative matters, ensuring better service to the people; accelerate adoption of the scheme for national electronic civil status database.
d) Enhance inspection of state management of important areas of regulatory bodies and governments at all levels, ensuring transparency and compliance with regulations. Specialized inspection shall focus on areas prone to misconduct, corruption and social issues. Promote cooperation, prevent and promptly handle overlapping inspections and audits, avoid affecting economic activities of enterprises. Do not criminalize civil and economic relations.
e) Implement guidelines, policies and regulations on prevention and control of corruption, wastefulness and misconduct in a consistent manner; protect those detecting, reporting and fight against corruption, wastefulness and misconduct; provide regulations on holding leaders accountable for corruption in their regulatory bodies or units; mechanisms for power control, prevention of bribery for title appointment, etc. Renovate formats and methods for communication about corruption prevention and control. Further monitor and assess prevention and control of corruption and wastefulness of ministries, central authorities and local governments.
g) Boost implementation of the Prime Minister’s Directive No. 10/CT-TTg dated April 22, 2019 on enhancement of efficient prevention and handling of misconduct.
h) Continue to properly implement the Law on Reception of Citizens, Law on Complaints, Law on Denunciation, directives and resolutions of the Central Committee and National Assembly, and directions of the Government and Prime Minister on citizen reception and settling complaints and denunciation, especially the Politburo’s Regulation No. 11-QD/TW dated February 18, 2018 on responsibility of heads of Party Executive Committees for citizen reception, direct dialogues with citizens and handling of reports and propositions from citizens. Settle complaints and denunciations that involve multiple persons or are complicated and prolonged.
10. Reinforce national defense and security, maintain political security, public order and social safety, improve foreign affairs and international integration, preserve peaceful, stable and favorable environment for Vietnam's development
a) Proactively and properly conduct research on strategies; grasp, assess and forecast situations correctly, promptly advise the Communist Party and the State on guidelines and responses and deal with situations successfully, prepare for all surprises, especially complicated and sensitive matters related to national independence, sovereignty and interests, borders, seas and islands, and political security; maintain a peaceful and stable environment for Vietnam’s development. Increase resources for military modernization; ensure national defense and security are closely connected with economic, cultural and social development, especially along borders, on seas and islands and in key or strategic areas. Be ready to fight, properly manage airspace, waters, borders, inland areas, key areas and cyberspace; protect safety of activities in ocean economic zones; prevent and recover from natural disasters, carry out search and rescue operations. Further prevent and control crime; enhance fire safety, ensure people’s peaceful life, build an orderly, discipline, secured, safe and healthy society. Effectively implement the amended Law on Residence; produce, issue and manage identity cards in connection with conversion from management by physical family registers to electronic management. Promptly complete the national residence database.
b) Ensure absolute security and safety of important political, cultural and foreign affairs goals and events of the country, focusing on the absolute safety of the 13th National Communist Party Congress, election to the 15th National Assembly and election to People's Councils at all levels for the 2021 - 2026 tenure.
c) Promote international integration, contribute to preservation of a peaceful, stable and favorable environment for Vietnam’s development. Strengthen bilateral relations with other countries and partners, elevating multilateralism. Continue to properly perform the role of non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. Promote Vietnam’s leading role in ASEAN, proactively and responsibly participate in other regional and international forums. Continue to support and protect overseas Vietnamese. Enhance international cooperation in response to COVID-19. Boost and renovate foreign information services, promote Vietnam’s image, achieve social consensus for international integration, and elevate Vietnam’s reputation and position in the international community.
11. Promote communication, build trust, achieve social consensus; improve mass mobilization, properly practice grassroots democracy, boost cooperation with Vietnam Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations and mass organizations
a) Focus on propagating guidelines and policies of the Communist Party, state regulations and major events, especially the 13th National Communist Party Congress, election to the 15th National Assembly and election to People's Councils at all levels. Commend and inform about good Samaritans and exemplary cases of overcoming difficulties to inspire many, evoke patriotism, national pride and desire for Vietnam’s development. Seriously implement speaking mechanisms, enforce discipline on press activities, promptly rebut false viewpoints and ideologies, and prevent exploitation from hostile forces. Fight against toxic and bad information; strictly handle misuse of freedom of speech, violations of state interests and violations of legitimate rights and interests of organizations and citizens.
b) Continue to promote efficient cooperation between bodies of the political system, especially Vietnam Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations and mass organizations; properly mobilize the mass, practice grassroots democracy, carry out communications activities, and achieve social consensus, contributing to the accomplishment of socio - economic development targets and tasks stated in resolutions of the Communist Party and National Assembly.
1. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of Governmental agencies, and Chairpersons of People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities shall:
a) Promote all positive sides and achievements of recent years and urgently address existing problems; perform assigned tasks and solutions mentioned in Conclusion of the 13th conference of the 12th Central Committee of the Communist Party, the National Assembly’s Resolution on socio - economic development plan and state budget estimate of 2021 and other Resolutions of the Communist Party and National Assembly and tasks and solutions mentioned in this Resolution in a timely, efficient and thorough manner; proactively carry out tasks and solutions of their ministries, central authorities, provinces and cities, promptly handle issues arising, facilitate significant developments at the beginning of the year, take complete responsibility before the Government and Prime Minister for the performance of their ministries, central authorities, provinces and cities.
b) Before January 20, 2021, formulate, promulgate and submit action plans, programs and documents for implementation of this Resolution and appendixes enclosed therewith, which must specify all tasks and solutions (including in-charge tasks and cooperative tasks), schedule and in-charge body assignment to the Ministry of Planning and Investment, which will prepare a consolidated report for the regular Government’s meeting in January, 2021.
c) Ministries and ministerial-level agencies shall closely monitor domestic and international developments, proactively produce analyses, assessments and forecasts to promptly provide comprehensive and consistent solutions, utilize opportunities and advantages and mitigate negative impacts on the economy and economic activities of enterprises; on a quarterly basis, update and submit scenarios for development of sectors and areas under their management to the Ministry of Planning and Investment, which will update the general growth scenario of the country.
d) Research, formulate and promulgate or propose specific policies for difficulty resolution and assistance for enterprises and people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic appropriate to actual situation in the year to competent authorities for promulgation and adopt these policies.
dd) Regularly monitor, inspect and supervise progress and results of assigned targets and tasks; on a quarterly basis, submit reports on assessment of achievement of the targets in Appendix 1 and Appendix 3 and performance of tasks in Appendix 4 to the Ministry of Planning and Investment before the 20th of the last month of each quarter for consolidation and reporting to the Government.
e) Formulate final reports on implementation of this Resolution within their competence and submit these reports to the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Planning and Investment before November 20, 2021 for consolidation and reporting to the Government in the Government’s meeting in December 2021.
2. Ministries and central authorities in charge of macroeconomic areas shall closely and efficiently cooperate in providing advice as well as specific solutions and measures for macroeconomic management, and promptly report issues arising to the Government and Prime Minister. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall take charge and cooperate with the Office of the Government and relevant bodies in expediting, monitoring and inspecting the implementation of this Resolution.
3. The Ministry of Information and Communications shall take charge and cooperate with Central Propaganda and Training Commission, press agencies, ministries, central authorities and local governments in disseminating this Resolution./.
Nguyen Xuan Phuc |
(Enclosed with Government’s Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP dated January 01, 2021)
No. |
Target |
Unit |
According to 2021 plan set by National Assembly |
2021 targets of Government |
Supervisory and evaluating body |
1 |
GDP growth rate |
% |
Approximately 6 |
Approximately 6,5 |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
2 |
GDP per capita |
Approximately 3.700 |
Approximately 3.700 |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
3 |
Average CPI growth rate |
% |
Approximately 4 |
Approximately 4 |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
4 |
Contribution of total factor productivity (TFP) to growth |
% |
Approximately 45-47 |
Approximately 45-47 |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
5 |
Labor productivity growth rate |
% |
Approximately 4,8 |
Approximately 4,8 |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
Percentage of trained workers |
% |
Approximately 66 |
Approximately 66 |
Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs |
6 |
- Percentage of trained workers holding degrees or certificates |
% |
Approximately 25,5 |
Approximately 25,5 |
7 |
Percentage of population participating in health insurance |
% |
Approximately 91 |
Approximately 91 |
Ministry of Health |
8 |
Decrease in poor households according to multidimensional poverty criteria |
% |
1 - 1,5 |
1 - 1,5 |
Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs |
9 |
Percentage of urban residents having clean water via centralized water supply system |
% |
More than 90 |
More than 90 |
Ministry of Construction |
10 |
Urban domestic solid waste collection and treatment rate |
% |
More than 87 |
More than 87 |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment |
11 |
Percentage of operating industrial zones and export processing zones having centralized wastewater treatment systems of environmental standards |
% |
Approximately 91 |
Approximately 91 |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
12 |
Forest cover |
% |
Approximately 42 |
Approximately 42 |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
(Enclosed with Government’s Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP dated January 01, 2021)
Unit: %
No. |
Sector |
2021 GDP growth scenario |
Q1 |
Q2 |
6 months |
Q3 |
9 months |
Q4 |
Full year |
5,12 |
7,11 |
6,22 |
6,71 |
6,43 |
6,67 |
6,50 |
1 |
Agriculture, forestry and fishery |
2,95 |
3,52 |
3,34 |
2,34 |
2,98 |
2,35 |
2,78 |
2 |
Industry and construction |
7,11 |
9,75 |
8,56 |
8,97 |
8,77 |
10,08 |
9,00 |
a) |
Industry |
7,33 |
0,25 |
8,91 |
5,97 |
8,93 |
10,55 |
9,45 |
- |
Mineral extraction |
-4.44 |
-2.35 |
-3,28 |
-3,46 |
-3,34 |
-3,96 |
-3,56 |
- |
Processing and manufacturing |
8,60 |
11,56 |
10,21 |
10,27 |
10,23 |
12,92 |
11,06 |
- |
Production and distribution of power, gas, hot water, water vapor and air conditioners |
9,17 |
13,40 |
11,30 |
9,81 |
10,74 |
10,33 |
10,60 |
- |
Water supply; management and treatment of waste and wastewater |
8,15 |
13.83 |
11,22 |
9,10 |
10,41 |
10,24 |
10,36 |
b) |
Construction |
5,74 |
7,23 |
6,63 |
6,29 |
6,49 |
7,78 |
7,00 |
3 |
Service |
4,27 |
6,31 |
5,33 |
4,86 |
5,15 |
6,15 |
5,48 |
- |
Wholesale and retail; repair of automobiles, motorcycles and other motorized road vehicles |
4,00 |
7,66 |
5,83 |
4,85 |
5,45 |
5,11 |
5,33 |
- |
Transport, warehouses and yards |
3,01 |
10,96 |
7,08 |
4,03 |
5,86 |
5,43 |
5,72 |
- |
Lodgings, food and beverages |
2,76 |
3,17 |
2,96 |
1,97 |
2,57 |
2,72 |
2,62 |
- |
Information and communications |
4,31 |
4,38 |
4,35 |
4,42 |
4,37 |
7,73 |
5,44 |
- |
Finance, banking and insurance |
5,37 |
6,54 |
6,04 |
7,00 |
6.53 |
8,33 |
7,24 |
4 |
Taxes less subsidies on products |
3,48 |
6,06 |
4,85 |
6,04 |
5,28 |
6,94 |
5,80 |
(Enclosed with Government’s Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP dated January 01, 2021)
No. |
Unit |
2021 target |
Supervisory and evaluating body |
I |
Some macroeconomic targets |
1 |
Non-performing loan ratio |
% |
< 3 |
State Bank of Vietnam |
2 |
Ratio of non-performing loans and bad debts sold to Vietnam Asset Management Company (VAMC) and debts already subject to classification (excluding bad debts of underperforming commercial institutions, rescheduled debts and debts whose category remains unchanged according to Circular No. 01/2020/TT-NHNN by State Bank of Vietnam) |
% |
< 5 |
State Bank of Vietnam |
3 |
State budget revenue mobilization rate |
% |
15,5 |
Ministry of Finance |
4 |
Uncollected tax percentage |
% |
< 5 |
Ministry of Finance |
5 |
Increase in state budget revenue compared to estimate |
% |
3 |
Ministry of Finance |
6 |
Recurrent expenditure percentage (excluding expenditure on wage reform and downsizing) |
% |
61,5 |
Ministry of Finance |
7 |
Development investment expenditure percentage |
% |
28,3 |
Ministry of Finance |
8 |
Ratio of state budget deficit to GDP |
% |
4 |
Ministry of Finance |
9 |
Ratio of public outstanding debt to GDP |
% |
46,1 |
Ministry of Finance |
10 |
Ratio of Government debt to GDP |
% |
41,9 |
Ministry of Finance |
11 |
Total export turnover growth rate |
% |
4-5 |
Ministry of Industry and Trade |
12 |
Ratio of total capital to GDP |
% |
Approximately 34,5 |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
II. |
Some targets for science and technology development, innovation and growth promotion |
13 |
Ratio of high-tech product export value to total export value |
% |
At least 50 |
Ministry of Science and Technology |
14 |
National innovation index |
Rank |
Top 03 in ASEAN |
Ministry of Science and Technology |
15 |
Index of industrial production (IIP) |
% |
8 |
Ministry of Industry and Trade |
16 |
Growth rate of total retail sales and consumer service revenue |
% |
8 |
Ministry of Industry and Trade |
17 |
B2C e-commerce market growth |
% |
20-22 |
Ministry of Industry and Trade |
18 |
Percentage of enterprises engaging in e-commerce |
% |
55 |
Ministry of Industry and Trade |
Some targets for infrastructure development |
19 |
Manufactured and imported power of national power system |
Billion Kwh |
262-269 |
Ministry of Industry and Trade |
Growth rate |
% |
5,2-8,0 |
20 |
Commercial power of the whole system |
Billion Kwh |
226-232 |
Ministry of Industry and Trade |
Growth rate |
% |
5,6-8,3 |
21 |
National average floor area |
m2/ person |
25 |
Ministry of Construction |
22 |
Urbanization rate |
% |
40,5-41,5 |
Ministry of Construction |
23 |
Fixed broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants |
Subscription |
18 |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
24 |
Mobile broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants |
Subscription |
82 |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
25 |
Ratio of smart phone users to mobile phone users |
% |
More than 90 |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
26 |
Percentage of households using fiber optic cables |
% |
60 |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
27 |
Percentage of villages having mobile or internet connectivity |
% |
100 |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
28 |
Percentage of communes having manned postal points |
% |
100 |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
29 |
Percentage of households having access to essential television channels via internet |
% |
More than 80 |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
30 |
E-book percentage |
% |
10 |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
31 |
Percentage of households using at least 1 smart device |
% |
More than 95 |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
32 |
Internet user percentage |
% |
71 |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
33 |
Digital technology enterprises per 1.000 inhabitants |
Enterprises |
0,7 |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
IV |
Some targets for cultural and social development, social progress and equality, new rural development; and assurance of public safety and social security |
34 |
Vietnamese guest workers |
Person |
90.000 |
Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs |
35 |
Working-age workers having social insurance |
% |
35 |
Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs |
36 |
Working-age workers having unemployment insurance |
% |
28 |
Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs |
37 |
Share of population having their health managed |
% |
60 |
Ministry of Health |
38 |
Average life expectancy (from birth) |
Years old |
73,8 |
Ministry of Health |
39 |
Sex ratio at birth |
Number of boys per 100 girls |
111,4 |
Ministry of Health |
40 |
Number of patient beds per 10.000 people |
Bed |
28,5 |
Ministry of Health |
41 |
Number of doctors per 10.000 people |
Doctor |
9,2 |
Ministry of Health |
42 |
Number of pharmacists holding bachelor’s degree per 10.000 people |
Person |
3,0 |
Ministry of Health |
43 |
Number of nurses per 10.000 people |
Person |
13,0 |
Ministry of Health |
44 |
Number of maternal deaths per 100.000 live births |
Person |
45,5 |
Ministry of Health |
45 |
Mortality rate for children under 1 year of age (per 1.000 live births) |
‰ |
13,7 |
Ministry of Health |
46 |
Mortality rate for children under 5 years of age (per 1.000 live births) |
‰ |
20,4 |
Ministry of Health |
47 |
Prevalence of wasting among children under 5 years of age (weight for age) |
% |
11,7 |
Ministry of Health |
48 |
Prevalence of stunting among children under 5 years of age (height/ age) |
% |
21 |
Ministry of Health |
49 |
Percentage of children under 1 year of age receiving all vaccines provided under Expanded Program on Immunization |
% |
>95 |
Ministry of Health |
50 |
Percentage of communes meeting national criteria for commune-level healthcare for 2021-2030 |
% |
50 |
Ministry of Health |
51 |
Percentage of commune-level medical stations having doctors |
% |
93 |
Ministry of Health |
52 |
People’s satisfaction with healthcare services |
% |
>80 |
Ministry of Health |
53 |
Percentage of at-risk workers having their occupational diseases monitored and examined |
% |
25 |
Ministry of Health |
54 |
Percentage of biomedical waste of hospitals treated as per regulations |
% |
91 |
Ministry of Health |
55 |
Junior kindergarten attendance |
% |
30 |
Ministry of Education and Training |
56 |
Senior kindergarten attendance |
% |
92 |
Ministry of Education and Training |
57 |
Number of provincial units meeting level 2 standards for universalization of primary education |
Number of provinces |
63 |
Ministry of Education and Training |
58 |
Number of provincial units meeting level 3 standards for universalization of primary education |
Number of provinces |
21 |
Ministry of Education and Training |
59 |
Number of provincial units meeting level 1 standards for universalization of lower secondary education |
Number of provinces |
50 |
Ministry of Education and Training |
60 |
Number of provincial units meeting level 2 standards for universalization of lower secondary education |
Number of provinces |
37 |
Ministry of Education and Training |
61 |
Number of provincial units meeting level 3 standards for universalization of lower secondary education |
Number of provinces |
13 |
Ministry of Education and Training |
62 |
Percentage of participants in training in continuing education institutions |
% |
45 |
Ministry of Education and Training |
63 |
Number of provinces meeting level 1 standards for illiteracy eradication |
Number of provinces |
40 |
Ministry of Education and Training |
64 |
Number of provinces meeting level 2 standards for illiteracy eradication |
Number of provinces |
60 |
Ministry of Education and Training |
65 |
Percentage of university lecturers holding doctoral degree |
% |
28 |
Ministry of Education and Training |
66 |
Percentage of rural residents using safe drinking water |
% |
91 |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
67 |
Percentage of communes meeting new rural standards |
% |
68 |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
68 |
Percentage of communes meeting environmental criteria for new rural development |
% |
75 |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
69 |
Number of district-level units meeting standards/ completing tasks of new rural development |
Unit |
193 |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
70 |
Strictly and promptly prevent and handle malicious, toxic or false information detected and verified on social networks |
% |
85-90 |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
V |
Some targets for administrative reform, e-Government development and improvement of investment and business environment |
71 |
National average public administrative reform index (Par-Index) of ministries and ministerial-level agencies |
% |
85,5 |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
72 |
National average public administrative reform index (Par-Index) of provinces and central-affiliated cities |
% |
82 |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
73 |
National average satisfaction index of public administrative services (SIPAS) |
% |
86 |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
74 |
Percentage of officials enjoying salary derived from state budget downsized |
% |
reduced by at least 10% compared to 2015 official payroll (managed by the Government) |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
75 |
Percentage of employees of public service providers enjoying salary derived from state budget downsized |
% |
reduced by at least 10% compared to 2015 assigned number (managed by the Government) |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
76 |
Percentage of ministries, central authorities and local governments renovating single-window system and interlinked single-window system for handling of administrative procedures with the aim of improving quality of services not bound by administrative division |
% |
30 |
Office of the Government |
77 |
Increase in ratio of level 3 and level 4 online public services provided to total administrative procedures within the competence of ministries, central authorities and local governments on the national public service portal compared to 2020 |
% |
20 |
Office of the Government |
78 |
Ratio of online payments on the national public service portal to total payment transactions of public services |
% |
25 |
Office of the Government |
79 |
Percentage of online fulfillment of financial obligations incurred by administrative procedures on the national public service portal |
% |
50 |
Office of the Government |
80 |
Availability of online payment methods for domestic taxes on the national public service portal |
% |
100 |
Office of the Government |
81 |
Availability of online payment methods for hospital bills of hospitals of class 2 and higher on the national public service portal |
% |
50 |
Office of the Government |
82 |
Availability of online payment methods for tuition of universities, colleges and postsecondary schools on the national public service portal |
% |
30 |
Office of the Government |
83 |
Percentage of commune-level units providing services of certification of electronic copies based on authentic copies |
% |
35 |
Office of the Government |
84 |
Percentage of ministries, central authorities and local governments adequately synchronizing administrative procedure results |
% |
100 |
Office of the Government |
85 |
Percentage of administrative procedure results of ministries, central authorities and local governments adequately synchronized with the national public service portal |
% |
100 |
Office of the Government |
86 |
Percentage of documents of electronic single-window systems of ministries, central authorities and local governments having their statuses synchronized with the national public service portal for monitoring, supervision and assessment purposes |
% |
100 |
Office of the Government |
87 |
Percentage of information and reporting systems and reporting software of ministries, central authorities and local governments established, launched and connected to the Government’s information and reporting system |
% |
100 |
Office of the Government |
88 |
Share of reports under the management of ministries, central authorities and local governments submitted to the Government and the Prime Minister available on information and reporting systems of ministries, central authorities and local governments and connected to the Government’s information and reporting system |
% |
50 |
Office of the Government |
89 |
Share of reports under the management of ministries, central authorities and local governments not submitted to the Government and Prime Minister available on information and reporting systems of ministries, central authorities and local governments |
% |
50 |
Office of the Government |
90 |
Percentage of national and specialized databases and information systems; and ministerial-level and provincial single-window systems connected and integrated with the information and direction center of the Government and Prime Minister |
% |
100 |
Office of the Government |
91 |
Percentage of main targets of 2021 socio - economic development plans provided and integrated on the Government’s information and reporting system and information and direction center of the Government and Prime Minister |
% |
100 |
Office of the Government |
92 |
Percentage of departments and equivalents affiliated to ministries, ministerial-level agencies and Governmental agencies processing documents (excluding confidential documents) online |
% |
Office of the Government |
For departments and equivalents affiliated to ministries, ministerial-level agencies and Governmental agencies |
% |
100 |
Office of the Government |
For provincial departments and equivalents affiliated to People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities |
% |
100 |
Office of the Government |
For bodies affiliated to district-level People's Committees |
% |
80 |
Office of the Government |
93 |
Percentage of local governments using meeting and work management information systems in provincial-level People’s Councils and People’s Committees |
% |
50 |
Office of the Government |
94 |
Rate of simplification of regulations and compliance costs in documents effective until May 31, 2020 inclusive |
% |
10-15 |
Office of the Government |
95 |
Share of contract packages bidden online 1 |
% |
70 |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
96 |
Share of value of contract packages bidden online 2 |
% |
35 |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
(Enclosed with Government’s Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP dated January 01, 2021)
No. |
Time of submission to Government and Prime Minister |
Supervisory and evaluating body |
I |
Formulate and enforce legal system, create favorable investment and business environment to enable recovery and accelerate sustainable growth on the basis of macroeconomic stability, inflation control, maintenance of large balances and improvement of adaptability and resistance of the economy |
1 |
Decree providing for Governmental operations (amended) |
2021 |
Office of the Government |
2 |
Plan to simplify regulations on business operations on ministries and ministerial-level agencies |
First time: before 31/5/2021; Second time: before 30/9/2021 |
Office of the Government |
3 |
Decree providing for adoption of correction measures in communes (superseding the Government’s Decree No. 111/2013/ND-CP dated 30/9/2013 on correction measures in communes and the Government’s Decree No. 56/2016/ND-CP dated 29/6/2016 amending Decree No. 111/2013/ND-CP) |
June |
Ministry of Justice |
4 |
Decree on registration of security interests |
November |
Ministry of Justice |
5 |
Decree superseding Decree No. 101/2012/ND-CP dated 22/11/2012 on non-cash payments |
March |
State Bank of Vietnam |
6 |
Decree on fintech regulatory sandboxes for the banking sector |
Fourth quarter |
State Bank of Vietnam |
7 |
Government’s Decree on incentive credit policies for national target program for socio - economic development in ethnic minority areas and mountainous areas for 2021 – 2030 |
Fourth quarter |
State Bank of Vietnam |
8 |
Government’s Decree amending Decree No. 32/2017/ND-CP dated 31/3/2017 on state investment credit |
March |
Ministry of Finance |
9 |
Decree amending Decree No. 96/2018/ND-CP providing guidelines for prices of irrigation products and services and financial support for use of public irrigation products and utilities |
June |
Ministry of Finance |
10 |
Decree on management and use of houses and land for state foreign affairs |
June |
Ministry of Finance |
11 |
Decree on quality inspection and food safety inspection management, methods and procedures for imports |
June |
Ministry of Finance |
12 |
Decree on management and use of revenues from transfer of enterprise and public service provider ownership and state capital transfer |
First quarter |
Ministry of Finance |
13 |
Decree amending some Articles of the Government’s Decree No. 08/2015/ND-CP dated 21/01/2015 providing guidance on the implementation of the Law on Customs in terms of customs procedures and customs inspection, supervision and control |
September |
Ministry of Finance |
14 |
Decree amending the Government’s Decree No. 120/2016/ND-CP dated August 23, 2016 providing guidelines for a number of Articles of the Law on Fees and Charges |
July |
Ministry of Finance |
15 |
Decree on connection and sharing of information on export, import, exit, entry and transit of goods, persons and transport vehicles via the national single-window system |
December |
Ministry of Finance |
16 |
Decree amending the Government’s Decree No. 03/2017/ND-CP dated 16/1/2017 on casino business |
December |
Ministry of Finance |
17 |
Decree amending the Government’s Decree No. 06/2017/ND-CP dated 24/1/2017 on business of betting on horse racing, greyhound racing and international soccer |
December |
Ministry of Finance |
18 |
Decree amending the Government’s Decree No. 86/2013/ND-CP on business in prize-winning electronic games for foreigners |
December |
Ministry of Finance |
19 |
Government’s Decree on management, payment and settlement of projects funded by public investment capital |
March |
Ministry of Finance |
20 |
Decision amending Decision No.53/2013/QD-TTg and Decision No. 53/2013/QD-TTg on temporary import of motor vehicles">10/2018/QD-TTg on temporary import, re-export, destruction, and transfer of motor vehicles and two-wheeled mopeds of entities enjoying diplomatic immunity and privileges in Vietnam |
January |
Ministry of Finance |
21 |
Decision amending the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 22/2019/QD-TTg dated 26/6/2019 on agricultural insurance assistance policies |
December |
Ministry of Finance |
99 |
Report on assessment of implementation of national 5-year financial plan for 2016 - 2020 and national 5-year financial orientations for 2021 – 2025 |
July |
Ministry of Finance |
23 |
Rules, criteria and rates of distribution of estimated funding for recurrent expenditure derived from state budget for 2022 |
July |
Ministry of Finance |
24 |
5-year scheme for public debt creation and settlement for 2021 – 2025 |
October |
Ministry of Finance |
25 |
Prime Minister’s Decision on rules for targeted assistance from central government budget to local government budget for adoption of social security policies for new period (superseding Decision No. 579/QD-TTg dated 28/4/2017 for 2017-2020) |
July |
Ministry of Finance |
26 |
Scheme for enhancement of information technology application in public debt management |
December |
Ministry of Finance |
27 |
Prime Minister’s Decision on list of property requiring storm and flood damage insurance and implementation roadmap |
December |
Ministry of Finance |
28 |
Scheme amending mechanisms for decentralization of state budget management, ensuring the major role of central government budget and proactiveness of local government budget, appropriate to socio - economic development orientations for 2021-2025 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Finance |
29 |
Scheme orienting improvement of national credit ratings for 2021 – 2025 |
November |
Ministry of Finance |
30 |
Decree permitting addition of contributions to COVID-19 prevention and control to deductible costs of enterprises and organizations upon determination of income liable to enterprise income tax |
January |
Ministry of Finance |
31 |
Bill amending Annex - List of national statistical indicators of the Law on Statistics (following simplified procedures) |
June |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
32 |
Qualitative assessment of EVFTA’s impacts after the COVID-19 pandemic on socio - economic matters as well as specific sectors and proposed responses |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
33 |
Government’s Decree on mechanisms for management of national target programs for 2021 – 2030 |
August |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
34 |
Decree amending some Articles of the Government’s Decree No. 95/2020/ND-CP dated 24/8/2020 on guidelines for procurement under Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership |
Third quarter |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
35 |
Decree amending the Government’s Decree No. 82/2018/ND-CP dated 22/5/2018 on management of industrial parks and economic zones |
Third quarter |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
36 |
Decree amending some Articles of the Government’s Decree No. 52/2013/ND-CP dated 16/5/2013 on e-commerce |
First quarter |
Ministry of Industry and Trade |
37 |
Decree on “Made in Vietnam” |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Industry and Trade |
38 |
Decree amending the Government’s Decree No. 111/2015/ND-CP dated 03/11/2015 on ancillary industry development |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Industry and Trade |
39 |
Decree on functions, duties and powers of the national competition commission |
Third quarter |
Ministry of Industry and Trade |
40 |
Government’s Decree on management of import of remanufactured goods under Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Industry and Trade |
41 |
Decree amending Decree No. 76/2015/ND-CP dated 10/9/2015 on guidelines for the Law on Real Estate Trading |
September |
Ministry of Construction |
42 |
Decree amending some Articles of Decree No. 139/2017/ND-CP dated 27/11/2017 providing for penalties for administrative violations against regulations on investment and construction; extraction, processing and trading of minerals used in construction, production and trading of building materials; management of infrastructural constructions; real estate business, housing development, management and operation of apartment buildings and office buildings |
June |
Ministry of Construction |
43 |
Decree amending Decrees No. 60/2014/ND-CP dated 19/6/2014 prescribing printing activities and Decree No. 60/2014/ND-CP on printing">25/2018/ND-CP dated 28/02/2018 amending Decree No. 60/2014/ND-CP |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
44 |
Decree amending the Government’s Decree No. 47/2011/ND-CP dated 17/6/2011 providing guidelines for Post Law |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
45 |
Decree amending Decree No. 72/2013/ND-CP and Decree No. 72/2013/ND-CP management use internet services online information">27/2018/ND-CP on management, provision and use of internet services and online information |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
46 |
Decree providing guidelines for Law on Amendments to Law on HIV/AIDS prevention and control |
May |
Ministry of Health |
47 |
Documents on proposed amendments to Law on Medical Examination and Treatment |
October |
Ministry of Health |
48 |
Documents on proposed amendments to Law on Intellectual property |
June |
Ministry of Science and Technology |
49 |
Decree amending the Government’s Decree No. 27/2019/ND-CP dated 13/03/2019 on guidelines for Law on Topography and Cartography |
June |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment |
50 |
Documents on proposed amendments to Law on Emulation and Commendation |
April |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
51 |
Government’s Decree on labor contracts in administrative bodies and labor contracts for professional positions applicable to public employee posts in public service providers |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
52 |
Scheme for completion of legislative documents concerning home affairs for 2021- 2025 with orientations to 2030 |
December |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
53 |
Documents on proposed amendments to Law on Inspection |
May |
Government Inspectorate |
54 |
Decree amending the Government’s Decree No. 59/2019/ND-CP dated 01/7/2017 elaborating on a number of Articles and the measures for implementation of the Law on Anti-Corruption |
August |
Government Inspectorate |
II. |
Restructure sectors connected to growth model conversion, promote industrialization, modernization, digital transformation, digital economy development, development of private sector and collective economy, improve capacity, independence and competitiveness of the economy |
55 |
2021-2025 scheme for development of non-cash payment |
June |
State Bank of Vietnam |
56 |
Scheme for restructuring of credit institution system in connection with settlement of bad debts for 2021 – 2025 |
September |
State Bank of Vietnam |
57 |
Strategy for development of Vietnam’s statistics for 2021 - 2030 with visions towards 2045 |
April |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
58 |
Economic restructuring plan for 2021 – 2025 |
May |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
59 |
Program for support for digital transformation in Vietnamese enterprises |
September |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
60 |
Report on assessment of implementation of 5-year socio - economic development for 2016 - 2020 and provisional 5-year socio - economic development plan for 2021 – 2025 |
First quarter |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
61 |
Government’s action program for implementation of socio - economic development strategy for 2021 - 2030 and orientations and tasks for Vietnam’s development for 2021 – 2025 |
May |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
62 |
Government’s Resolution on enterprise assistance and development for 2021 – 2025 |
September |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
63 |
Scheme for support for digital transformation in small and medium enterprises by 2025 with orientations towards 2030 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
64 |
Scheme for timber species development |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
65 |
National program for protection and development of aquatic resources |
Second quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
66 |
Scheme for development of seafood processing industry |
First quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
67 |
Scheme for development of Vietnam’s mariculture by 2030 with visions towards 2045 |
First quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
68 |
Scheme for development of co-management in protection and development of aquatic resources |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
69 |
Scheme for development of production and trade of pangasius fish in Mekong Delta by 2031 with orientations to 2045 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
70 |
Scheme for promotion of information technology application to agro-product market information collection and forecasting |
Third quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
71 |
Scheme for standardization of food quality and safety and expansion of agro - forestry - fishery supply chains for 2021 – 2025 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
72 |
Scheme for climate-smart agricultural cooperatives in Mekong Delta |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
73 |
Program for sustainable forestry development for 2021 – 2025 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
74 |
Government’s Resolution on development of agricultural cooperatives supporting agricultural sector restructuring and new rural development |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
75 |
Scheme for development of fruit and vegetable processing industry for 2021 – 2030 |
Second quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
76 |
Scheme for sustainable and efficient development of timber processing industry for 2021 – 2025 |
Second quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
77 |
Program for planting 1 billion trees in the next 5 years |
2021 |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
78 |
Scheme for restructuring of industry and trade sector for 2021 – 2030 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Industry and Trade |
79 |
Strategy for development of Vietnam’s coal industry by 2030 with visions towards 2045 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Industry and Trade |
80 |
Strategy for development of Vietnam’s textile and garment industry and leather and footwear industry by 2030 with visions towards 2035 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Industry and Trade |
81 |
Program for development of information technology and electronics - telecommunications industries by 2025, with visions towards 2030, and proactive participation in the fourth industrial revolution |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
82 |
Scheme for development of Vietnam’s digital economy by 2025 with visions towards 2030 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
Mobilize and use of resources, formulate plannings and develop key social infrastructures, promote regional connections, develop regional economy and ocean economy, develop cities and rural areas |
83 |
Report on implementation of mid-term public investment plan for 2016 - 2020 and provisional mid-term public investment plan for 2021 – 2025 |
May |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
84 |
Scheme for building of synchronized infrastructure systems for 2021 - 2030 to achieve breakthroughs in socio - economic development strategy in the spirit of Resolution No. 13-NQ/TW |
September |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
85 |
Report on research into solutions for FDI attraction under EVFTA |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
86 |
Government’s scheme for some special mechanisms and policies for development of Thanh Hoa province by 2030 with visions towards 2045, which will be proposed to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
87 |
Scheme for development of marine industry clusters in connection with establishment of strong ocean economic centers by 2030 |
December |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
88 |
Report on research and formulation of regulations against high leverage and foreigners investing under the name of Vietnamese citizens |
December |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
89 |
Scheme for conservation and development of handicraft villages for 2021 – 2025 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
90 |
National target program for new rural development for 2021 – 2025 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
91 |
National criteria for new rural development at all levels (provincial, district and commune levels) with different satisfaction levels (adequate, highly satisfactory, exemplary) for 2021 – 2025 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
92 |
Program for science and technology for new rural development for 2021 – 2025 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
93 |
Scheme for improvement of rural environment protection in new rural development for 2021 – 2025 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
94 |
Scheme for program for one product per commune for 2021 – 2025 with orientations towards 2030 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
95 |
Prime Minister’s Decision on conditions, procedures and applications for consideration, recognition and announcement of localities meeting new rural development standards; and localities accomplishing new rural development tasks for 2021 – 2025 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
96 |
Planning for natural disaster prevention and irrigation systems for 2021 - 2030 with visions towards 2050 |
2021 |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
97 |
Planning for national electricity development for 2021 - 2030 with due consideration taken of 2045 |
January |
Ministry of Industry and Trade |
98 |
General planning for national energy for 2021 - 2030 with visions towards 2050 |
First quarter |
Ministry of Industry and Trade |
99 |
Planning for exploration, extraction, processing and use of minerals for 2021 - 2030 with visions towards 2050 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Industry and Trade |
100 |
Prime Minister’s Decision approving national housing development strategy by 2030 with visions towards 2035 |
October |
Ministry of Construction |
101 |
Decision amending the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 27/2015/QD-TTg dated 10/7/2015 on public housing standards |
December |
Ministry of Construction |
102 |
Decision approving orientations for Vietnamese architecture |
June |
Ministry of Construction |
103 |
Planning for national information and communications infrastructure for 2021 - 2030 with visions towards 2050 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
104 |
Planning for development of press agency, radio, television, electronic information and publishing facility networks for 2021 - 2030 with visions towards 2050 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
105 |
Government’s proposal to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly for approval for investment guidelines for the remaining sections of the North - South route |
2021 |
Ministry of Transport |
106 |
Prime Minister’s Decision approving planning for healthcare establishment network for 2021 - 2030 with visions towards 2045 |
November |
Ministry of Health |
107 |
Government’s Decree on capital borrowing, capital mobilization, joint venture, partnership, asset borrowing and service provider hiring for public healthcare - population service providers |
First quarter |
Ministry of Health |
108 |
Prime Minister’s Decision approving planning for higher education and pedagogical institution network |
December |
Ministry of Education and Training |
109 |
Planning for development and application of atomic energy for 2021 - 2030 with visions towards 2050 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Science and Technology |
110 |
Planning for network of independent science and technology organizations |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Science and Technology |
111 |
Planning for national hydrometeorological station network for 2021 - 2030 with visions towards 2050 |
December |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment |
112 |
Water resources planning for 2021 - 2030 with visions towards 2050 |
December |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment |
113 |
Planning for network of public service providers affiliated to Ministry of Home Affairs |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
114 |
Scheme orienting mobilization of private resources for investment in aviation infrastructure |
First quarter |
Ministry of Transport |
IV |
Improve quality of and efficiently use human resources in connection with promotion of innovation and vigorous application and development of science and technology |
115 |
Scheme for circular economy development in Vietnam |
December |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
116 |
Scheme for renovation and improvement of quality of rural vocational training |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
117 |
Scheme for raising awareness, training and development of digital transformation workforce by 2025 with visions towards 2030 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
118 |
Strategy for science - technology development and innovation for 2021 – 2030 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Science and Technology |
119 |
Scheme for plan for development of Hoa Lac hi-tech park for 2021 - 2025 with visions towards 2030 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Science and Technology |
V |
Tasks in cultural and social development, social progress and equality |
120 |
National Assembly’s Resolution on poverty reduction by 2030 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs |
121 |
National target program for sustainable social security and poverty reduction for 2021 – 2025 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs |
122 |
Prime Minister’s Decision on poor district criteria and criteria for disadvantaged coastal and island communes for 2021 – 2025 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs |
123 |
Scheme connecting vocational training institutions with enterprises providing Vietnamese guest worker service for workforce training and preparation |
2021 |
Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs |
124 |
Scheme for bringing Vietnamese technical workers and trained workers to work in high-income foreign markets |
2021 |
Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs |
125 |
Scheme for digital transformation and online teaching in vocational education |
December |
Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs |
126 |
Scheme for pilot provision of college education to lower secondary school graduates |
December |
Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs |
127 |
Scheme for pilot improvement of worker’s skills to meet requirements of the fourth industrial revolution |
December |
Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs |
128 |
Strategy for vocational education development, planning for vocational education institution network and autonomy of vocational education institutions |
2021 |
Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs |
129 |
Prime Minister’s Decision approving scheme for COVID-19 vaccine research |
June |
Ministry of Health |
130 |
Prime Minister’s Decision approving national nutrition strategy for 2021 - 2030 with visions towards 2040 |
December |
Ministry of Health |
131 |
Prime Minister’s Decision on some benefits for grassroots health officials and preventive medicine officials |
September |
Ministry of Health |
132 |
Scheme for training of healthcare workforce in disadvantaged areas for 2021 – 2030 |
First quarter |
Ministry of Health |
133 |
Scheme for development of educational quality assurance and accreditation systems for higher education and pedagogical college education for 2021 – 2030 |
November |
Ministry of Education and Training |
134 |
Scheme for enhancement of information technology application and digital transformation in education and training for 2021 - 2025 with orientations towards 2030 |
July |
Ministry of Education and Training |
135 |
Scheme for improvement of teaching of ethnic minority languages in general education program |
December |
Ministry of Education and Training |
136 |
Scheme for learning society development for 2021 – 2030 |
Second quarter |
Ministry of Education and Training |
137 |
Report on further implementation of the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 174/QD-TTg dated 09/02/2017 approving scheme for refresher training for officials involved in religious work for 2017 – 2020 |
March |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
138 |
Vietnamese youth development strategy for 2021 – 2030 |
March |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
139 |
Report on preliminary results of 3 years of implementation of Law on Religion and Folk Belief and the Government’s Decree No. 162/2017/ND-CP dated 30/12/2017 on guidelines for implementation of the Law on Religion and Folk Belief and propositions |
August |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
140 |
Prime Minister’s Decision approving list of communes in zone III, zone II and zone I in ethnic minority areas and mountainous areas for 2021 – 2025 |
March |
Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs |
141 |
Prime Minister’s Decision approving strategy for ethnic minority affairs for 2021 – 2030 |
December |
Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs |
142 |
Prime Minister’s Decision promulgating rules, criteria and rates of distribution of public investment capital from central government budget for national target program for socio - economic development in ethnic minority areas and mountainous areas for 2021 – 2030 |
June |
Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs |
143 |
Prime Minister’s Decision approving national target program for socio - economic development in ethnic minority areas and mountainous areas for 2021 – 2030 |
June |
Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs |
144 |
Prime Minister’s Decision approving list of ethnic groups facing many difficulties or special difficulties for 2021 – 2025 |
June |
Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs |
VI |
Efficiently and sustainably manage, extract and use natural resources, protect the environment, proactively and effectively respond to climate change, prevent and mitigate natural disasters |
145 |
National green growth strategy for 2021 – 2030 |
June |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
146 |
Scheme for pilot forest leasing for herb planting and development |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
147 |
Scheme for improvement of capacity for protected area management by 2025 with visions to 2030 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
148 |
Scheme for establishment of marine protected areas and marine ecosystem restoration by 2025 to ensure that marine and coastal protected areas account for 3% of area of Vietnam’s territorial waters |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
149 |
Program for distribution of population in disaster-prone areas and extremely disadvantaged areas, along borders, on islands and in reserve forests and migrants for 2021 - 2025 with orientations towards 2030 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
150 |
Scheme for water security and safety of dams and reservoirs for 2021 - 2030 with visions to 2045 |
Second quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
151 |
National strategy for rural environment hygiene and water supply by 2030 with visions to 2045 |
Second quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
152 |
General program for national disaster prevention |
Second quarter |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
153 |
National natural disaster prevention plan for 2021 – 2025 |
2021 |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
154 |
National action plan for conservation and sustainable use of wetlands in Vietnam for 2021 – 2030 |
May |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment |
155 |
National biodiversity strategy for 2021 - 2030 with visions to 2040 |
October |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment |
156 |
Scheme for cataloguing, monitoring, reporting and establishment of biodiversity database for 2021 - 2030 with visions to 2040 |
October |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment |
157 |
Strategy for sustainable extraction and use of natural resources and protection of sea and island environments by 2030 with visions towards 2045 |
November |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment |
158 |
Scheme for Vietnam’s proactive participation in negotiation and formulation of a global agreement to prevent marine plastic litter |
June |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment |
159 |
Decision amending the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 44/2014/QD-TTg dated 15/8/2014 on detailed regulations on natural disaster risk levels |
March |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment |
160 |
Decision amending the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 03/2020/QD-TTg dated 13/01/2020 on natural disaster forecast, warning and transmission |
March |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment |
161 |
Scheme for complete cataloguing of national water resources by 2025 |
October |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment |
162 |
Scheme for investigation, assessment and mapping at 1:100.000 scale of water resources in Vietnam's territory |
November |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment |
163 |
Prime Minister’s Decision promulgating system for supervision and assessment of climate change response |
October |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment |
164 |
Prime Minister’s Decision approving scheme for development of Vietnam’s carbon market |
November |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment |
165 |
Prime Minister’s Decision approving program for assistance for Vietnam’s nationally determined contribution (NDC) |
December |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment |
Tasks in apparatus organization, administrative reform, anti-corruption, thrift practice, wastefulness combat and settlement of complaints and denunciations |
166 |
Prime Minister’s Decision approving list of online public services whose integration and availability on the national public service portal are prioritized |
March |
Office of the Government |
167 |
Decision amending the Prime Minister's Decisions on components, duties and powers of council for cooperation in legal education |
May |
Ministry of Justice |
168 |
Decision promulgating the Government’s general program for thrift practice and wastefulness combat for 2021 - 2025 |
September |
Ministry of Finance |
169 |
Decree superseding the Government’s Decree No. 50/2016/ND-CP dated 01/6/2016 on administrative penalties for violations against regulations on planning and investment |
September |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
170 |
Decree amending the Government’s Decree No. 43/2011/ND-CP on provision of online information and public services on websites or web portals of state agencies |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
171 |
Decree amending the Government’s Decree No. 64/2007/ND-CP dated 10/4/2007 on information technology application in state agencies' operations |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
172 |
National data strategy for 2021 - 2025 with orientations towards 2030 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
173 |
Final report on implementation of the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 2218/QD-TTg dated 10/12/2015 on the Government’s plan to adopt the Politburo’s Resolution No. 39-NQ/TW dated 17/4/2015 on downsizing and restructuring of officials and public employees |
2021 |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
174 |
General program for administrative reform |
2021 |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
175 |
Decree superseding the Government’s Decree No. 90/2012/ND-CP dated 05/11/2012 on home affairs inspection |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
176 |
Scheme for local training of commune-level officials in connection with further employment of young intellectuals for sustainable development in border areas |
November |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
177 |
Scheme for home affairs databases |
November |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
178 |
Scheme for phase II of national archive insurance (2021 - 2030) |
October |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
179 |
Scheme for publication of national archive documents for socio - economic development and sovereignty protection |
November |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
180 |
Scheme for strengthening of record and archive authorities to meet requirements of unified management of electronically archived documents of state agencies |
May |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
181 |
Prime Minister’s Decision promulgating scheme for national database for control of property and income of office holders |
September |
Government Inspectorate |
182 |
Government’s Resolution on national anti-corruption strategy by 2030 |
December |
Government Inspectorate |
Tasks in preservation of national defense and security and international integration |
183 |
National program for prevention of crime, drugs and human trafficking for 2021 – 2025 |
2021 |
Ministry of Public Security |
184 |
National cyber safety and security strategy for 2021 - 2025 with visions to 2030 |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Public Security |
185 |
Scheme for development of Vietnam’s cyber safety and security industry |
Fourth quarter |
Ministry of Public Security |
IX |
Communications activities to strengthen trust and achieve social consensus |
186 |
Scheme for special legal education for persons with disabilities |
September |
Ministry of Justice |
187 |
Scheme for dissemination of important policies in draft legislative documents to achieve social consensus |
December |
Ministry of Justice |
188 |
Gender equality awareness program by 2030 |
September |
Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs |
1 As percentage of total contract packages under shopping method and competitive bidding eligible for online bidding.
2 As percentage of total value of contract packages under shopping method and competitive bidding eligible for online bidding.
This translation is made by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT and
for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT
and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed